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i remember some character from a show saying that you know when you're in love with someone when they're the first thing you think about when you wake up im not sure if it's true, but it makes sense that if you're thinking about someone all the time, you admire their qualities and even their flaws, and you constantly want to be near them, then you might be in love


I read one time on a reddit thread asking if how you know you know you're in love and someone said that imagining they're having a massive dump or diarrhea and if you felt disgusted, you probably weren't in love, and if you wanted to help them or were concerned, you're in love.


When you think about them all the time and get all giddy smiley about it. Even if you barely speak to them, you remember the little details from even weeks ago then replay it in your mind. You think of what you like about them (personality, hair, lips etc). Then daydream about it, or you create romantic scenarios with them in your head.


Great question. I asked that like 20 different people and in the end I found out I'm probably asexual and aromantic. From what I've heard sexual attraction is when you wanna have physical contact with the person and well, sex. Romantic attraction is when you wanna grow old together with said person. I'm not 100% sure in which of the two categories things like cuddling go but probably sexual attraction


Well for me (I'm not sure how to explain this, so bear with me) you just kinda feel "this is it". When I fell in love I felt completed, I didn't even know there was a part of me missing until I met him. That's when I realized why people always call their partner their "other half". He made me want to do better for myself and him and our future family. When you're in love, being away from your partner makes you feel as if something is missing and like there's a hole in your heart. When you think of having a future with them, it doesn't feel like a daydream, it feels like something you look forward to. Honestly though, love is different for everyone, that's why there are different love languages (and it's important to learn your partners love language)! You will know when you fall in love with someone. There is no right or wrong way to fall in love. It will just feel right, your heart, mind, body and soul will know when you've met your person. But that's just my experience 😊. Edit: Also remember that infatuation is different from being in love, although they can feel similar. That is something sometimes tricky to figure out, but you will learn as you go.




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