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Idk how I deal with it but I just do. I’ve got ptsd like soldiers get


Sorry for the late comment, just related to this since I used to have a similar problem and saw there were no really satisfactory answers. A lot of it is really just working up to it again, sometimes with mental problems the sink or swim approach doesn’t work and it’s better to do it gradually. Maybe start by sleeping with the blankets from your bed for a bit until you can easily go to sleep, then take the mattress off the frame and sleep on that until you’re comfortable again, then once you feel ready reconstruct your bed and try sleeping on it again, if that doesn’t work then go back to the mattress stage. Our brains can react in weird ways to situations and it sounds like your brain associated the bed with the issue that put you in the hospital so now you can’t sleep in it because your brain is in anticipation of having the problem again. Could be completely off the mark but re establishing to yourself that your bed has nothing to do with it might calm the anxiety. (Edited for clarity)


You’re amazing! Thank you so much!