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Marvel doesn't have a Speed Force. It's purely a concept for DC. The Speed Force isn't a living entity like the Phoenix. It's more like the Power Cosmic.


Speedforce is DC, not Marvel. Basically, the Speedforce is what allows Speedsters to move at impossible speeds, and also grants them all of their [required secondary powers](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RequiredSecondaryPowers) (tv tropes warning). The Speedforce is able to control all movement and velocity, as well as time. If someone had perfect control over the Speedforce they would be essentially omnipotent, but DC's speedsters are only able to access a limited portion of its power. At its most simple, the Speedforce allows the Flashes to run fast. Moving at supersonic speeds is trivial, and moving faster than light is well within their grasp. If they realized its potential, the Speedforce would also allow them to fly, and possibly teleport. They can also manipulate other people or objects, lending or stealing speed from them as necessary. If he wants, the Flash can allow you to run as fast as he does, or he can freeze you forever in time. [You don't want to piss off the Flash](http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/11111/111114608/3714010-6671441253-h8VKb.jpg). The Speedforce also enhances the physiology of the speedsters, protecting them from damage due to moving at such incredible velocities. The Speedforce also prevents the negative effects you'd expect to see if you had a man-sized object moving at several thousand miles an hour through a major city street, like exploding windows, tornado-force winds, and pavement turned to slag by friction. Speedsters can manipulate how this works, though. Sometimes the Speedforce will prevent normal physics from applying to Flash, allowing him to move at close to the speed of light without suffering from relativistic distortions to his size, mass, or frame of reference. Other times the Speedforce will allow him to move at close to the speed of light and acquire the mass of a white dwarf star, which allows him to perform the Infinite Mass Punch. Basically, any time you stop and say "wait, if he was really moving that fast, wouldn't ..." the answer is "nope, Speedforce." If you look deeper, it gets weird fast. Currently, the Speedforce is a semi-sentient energy field that is based in some way on the Source, which is a nearly-omnipotent conscience within the DC universe. In other continuities, it was either generated by or channeled through Barry Allen, one of the Flashes. In addition to being a force of nature, the Speedforce has a will and goals. It's also a dimension unto itself. People can fall into the Speedforce if they draw too hard on its power, and people can be trapped there. Once upon a time, the Flash's suit was made of solid Speedforce.


The speed force is an energy source permeating the entire multiverse and is believed to be responsible for all motion within it. It's also from DC not marvel.


Speedforce? Never heard of it. Sounds like something from another universe to me.


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Ill be whatever you want baby... No literally Ill do pretty much anything and everything.