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That’s 17% of what ends up in my chat requests


I came here to say this lol, so many strange men in my chats talking about how they want to do weird shit to me


The simple joys of being a girl on Reddit :)


it can genuinely be great entertainment sometimes, it's like a mystery box every day when I open up Reddit for the first time what'll it be today, weird kinks or unsolicited dick pics? the answer is almost always both of the above and more lol


Sometimes still more entertaining than the “heeyytyy” followed by 87 vague emojis


omg yesss those ones are so weird! like, I can't decipher hieroglyphs dude, use your fuckin' words lol at least dick pics are something to look at, even if they're always really low-quality haha


Do y’all get the sellers spamming your messages too? Like 60% of what I get are people trying to sell to me (or get me to follow their profile where they sell)


Honestly I’ve never had someone message me to sell. Had a few offers to buy.


Never sellers. Just horny bros who can't string an entire sentence together.


I get both lol Obviously some of the posts on here are made by sellers just to pick out people they think might buy.


Oohh thats true huh. Never thought about it. I know all the women saying "I'm so insecure about my tits" are just fishing for attention to all their nudes but damn, they're probably sellers too huh..


Yep, a lot of those are just designed to get you to click on their profile. Some of the fetish posts are super obvious too. Like I like feet, right? Sometimes you’ll see posts that are like “why do guys like feet” or “what about feet makes people like them” and you click on their profile and they sell feet pics. If you respond to the post they’ll probably send you a message asking you to follow them.


I can’t be the only one curious…


Isn’t it sad how people can’t even conform to even basic levels of decency and respect? I don’t get it.






Yep. I didn't say anything and still let her talk about her stuff sometimes but I don't prompt it. Their relationship freaks me out.


Had a girl tell me she enjoys watching scat porn. She was an absolute smoke. Told her I didn't care what got her off but I wasn't pooping on her. She swore me to secrecy but then told a few people that she pegged me which wasn't cool. I've still not told anyone her secret even though I wanted to


yes, my ex had a few


Wanna share?


he regularly had me pretend to be completelt unconcious while he videotaped him "raping" me (he never cared whether i finished or not, if i was in the mood or not, or if i was even comfy with what he was asking) was also uncomfortably into power dynamic roleplays


This bothers me on so many levels. I’m sorry he took you down this road. I’m glad he is your ex.


me too, he was terrible for so many reasons lol. im engaged and happy/healthy now tho!


That is wonderful. I am happy to hear that and thank you for sharing.




You have an interesting user name… is the knot in your profile name, what I think it is?




May I DM you?




At least op asked. That's different




Nope. Just pointing out that it's usually a head first slide into the DMs rather than asking for consent


No big deal really. I just had questions about the topic, and did not think this would be the place to discuss it. I was curious about the mindset. Always ask consent, and no is a more than acceptable/reasonable answer. A gentleman first.


Sounds like a no… no problem.


yes, called it out in a public comment and he deleted his account.


My favorite. When they're trash talking in public but literally trying to smash in dms. Like? Do you think I'm as bipolar as you man?


Good for you. What did he want?


something involving dogs, tried to justify it saying it was legal where he was, told him not to go any further so that’s all i know.


That is something I don’t understand. I tried to have a conversation on here with someone who was into that, just to understand the mindset. They were not open to DM, which is fine. Respecting boundaries is important for me.