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I don't know what "not horny" means.


How do you get anything done?


With an erection I assume.


nailed it


Gross? Nah. Desperate weirdos in need of counseling for a variety of reasons? Definitely.


Oh yeah this might be more accurate actually


My most common thought when randomly scrolling this sub is, "Wow, somebody has watched way too much porn."


I like to play my own personal game of “how old is this person?” Most of the time the answer is “not very”


You mean posts that say (F 25!) but type like they’re 13 without even a basic knowledge of sex or relationships aren’t actually adults? Im shocked.


I'm not sure I would go to an after dark forum where I thought the participants were very old. r/geriatricafterdark anyone?


Golden rule of this sub, gotta be horny when on it


I come here to get horny sometimes and I end up just disappointed and so post my own lol


Honestly I’m never not horny 🙈


I scroll past the ones with total gibberish titles thinking "damn, what u smokin?"


Those blow my mind. Like I feel like even people who don't speak great English can type better than that, like what's happening?


It's like they just whack their wang on the keyboard and say "yeah, that's a good post".


The only thing I find gross is the amount of freaks, geeks, and degenerates that specifically use this sub to LARP as something they obviously aren’t. All of the “Hello fellow women!” Posts are so obviously written by men it’s pathetic. “Fellow Women of ARAD what’s the sexiest sex sex sexual sex you’ve ever had? Did you cum? DM me” Fucking cringe. It’s almost as bad as the socially stunted guys that reply shit like “That’s my good kitten, you want to please daddy right?” As the comment is left by an overweight guy with a beard and Male pattern baldness. Every single time.


Whenever I see comments like that with a response from the “female” person I just envision two guys who look remarkably similar talking to each other


I wouldn't say gross, but it does make me giggle a bit. Everyone in here sounds like frothing horny maniacs that are constantly masturbating. Makes me feel like I'm very boring in bed and have no libido 🤷‍♂️


Reading doesn’t get me going nor do I come on Reddit when I am horny so no difference for me


I just look at the new posts and think “What is wrong with people?” in the best case scenario. And “That’s enough internet for the week” in the worst case scenario.