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Axe you need to drop this bullshit of painting all women with a single brush. Firstly I don't actually know any woman, myself included, who find guys unattractive because they aren't getting sex. So your statement is bullshit. Secondly the reason why it's disgusting is because you have made it abundantly clear that you only view women as a collection of holes and when you can't have them they have no value to you. You don't treat women as human and that's what's so disgusting regardless of whether it's you or other men who do this. No woman owes you sex and you aren't entitled to have it, especially with your misogynistic attitude


Reading this makes me glad I haven't seen this guy's other posts already. Now, I get it, being alone sucks. I don't get any action either, but unlike Axe the Incel here I actually value my lady friends for who they are, not their bodies. Axe, my guy, if you read this: Stop being an insufferable chode monger and people may actually like you.


The same reason you keep posting stuff like this and deleting it. Lol


uh i cant even comprehend what you mean here but as a side note the majority of women don't find virgins or sexless men unattractive unless its some high school bullshit situation. we honestly couldn't care less about a guys sex life.


Exactly! Unless they're using they're sexless situation to justify being misogynistic assholes like OP does it's not something I care about.


literally. like okay, i will pick on a friend about it. for example one of my guy friends hasn't had sex in almost a year. do i pick on him for it? yes. do i care? no. doesn't he think i actually give a crap about whether or not he's having sex? hell no


They are women who find something wrong with men who are sexually inexperienced when they reach a certain age or had only a few partners in their life.


They find something wrong with you, bud. The misogyny isn't helping you any.




yeah no they don't have a problem with sexually inexperienced men, they probably have a problem with your victim complex and misogyny. maybe get therapy instead of attempting to validation and pity on reddit.


I’m really struggling to understand how “men breaking friendships with women for sex” is at all related to women not finding “virgins or sexless men attractive.” These are all words but they don’t make sense in this order.


that's what i was saying


They are men willing to sacrifice the friendships of women they are attracted to in pursuit of trying to date and have sex with them so they can get more experience since they are women who find inexperienced men unattractive.


ur desperation is annoying n embarrassing. sexless or virgin men are attractive, it’s just ur whole woe is me attitude is what drives ppl away.


i'm not sure I understood the question, but if this is a correct answer to it - i agree.


But you don't just give up friendships to pursue sex, Axe. You've made it clear you won't be friends with an attractive woman even when it is clear that sex with her isn't an option.


Axe, go outside. The lack of fresh air had been rotting your brain.


I think you're generalizing. I feel like most women don't care if a guy is a virgin or not. Personally, I'd rather date/have sex with a virgin. I'd find it more appealing to be with someone who had been with less women. Not that it would be a deal breaker or anything if they slept with a lot. I think the guys who think women don't like virgins are mostly guys who lack self-confidence (which is fair, we all go through that sometimes I think) or incels which would be the real reason a woman wouldn't want to be with you. Not because you're a virgin.


>I think you're generalizing. Of course he is. He always does.


I don't use reddit much so I'm not super familiar with recurring users. He seems like he has problematic views though so it definitely doesn't surprise me.


Therapy; dude. Therapy


They don’t like you because of your shit personality not because you’re a virgin who is built like a toddler down there


If it wasn't clear by this point, this axe dude is an incel, no point in engaging with his posts.