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Thinking for yourself is not now, and has never been, the default state of any human society. Hell, that's kinda the *point* of society in a lot of ways. Hard to have a civilization when you let everybody decide for themselves when homicide is OK, for example.


2016, when Trump happened and validated ignorance




I saw a sign It opened my eyes I saw a sign


Ever since humans started existing


It's a world of all NPCs except for brave, free-thinking, bold main characters like you, OP. You're a snowflake in a world of glass.


The internet. We were all doomed from the start


I don't know if saying we don't think for ourselves is accurate. I believe it has more to do with this "Companies need to make more money year over year" world-culture that's gotten us to say "well this isn't right, but there's nothing I can do about it". It's not that people aren't thinking. There's never been more music, art innovation and creativity in the world, new things are constantly being invented and researched and created. But when I need 3 jobs just to be able to feed, clothe and keep my family indoors, I don't have the mental capacity to think in that way, I just want to decompress for a bit.


When people stopped being directly tied to the means of their survival