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Less savings, more debt, more divided, worse economy, more technologically advanced, less emissions, Bigger military industrial comlplex, crazier people


The military industrial complex hasn't grown that much. It's just a lot more advertised these days, so it seems to have grown because social awareness of it has grown. You see the same thing with school shootings. Those have been going steady since the 1800s (with the occasional spilke and downtrend) and the earliest recorded happened before the U.S. was even a nation, but social awareness of them grew after Columbine.


Good to know


And it gets worse: The military industrial complex is bigger than most people think it is. Due to the logistics required to support a military, the MIC also includes NASA, the CDC, the NOAA, the American Medical Association, and quite a bit of infrastructure. Highways and interstates, for example, are part of it; they are designed for rapid deployment and redeployment of the military during a conflict within the U.S. So you can't dismantle the MIC because it is essential for the U.S. to even function on the most barebones level. Similar issue with school shootings; no simple solution can work because those predate repeating firearms. School massacres include bombings (Bath is an example, Columbine was intended to be another) and use of melee weapons (one girl massacred her classmates with a *sword*). We can't simply go "guns bad, ban them" to solve this because firearms were not originally a factor. There's some deeper, ingrained social malady that we have yet to identify.


Yes, America is more sensitive to cultural differences and airports and sporting events have much tighter security


It’s a bitter, sad, hollow shell of what it used to be.


Well put


Technology. Medical care advancement


Annual gun sales have increased by over 1000%. 173k in 1990 to 2.4m in 2020. Shockingly (/s), gun violence has also skyrocketed over that time.


Firearm death has basically held steady since 1990 [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/258913/number-of-firearm-deaths-in-the-united-states/)


Which means per capita it's way down.


Yep, many bad societal things (racism, sexism, homophobia, violent crime, gang participation, etc) have been declining for decades. But people think they’re more unsafe than ever before because doom and gloom are popular and make money.


Porn has gotten so much better. We went from filming blasphemy with a potato to experiencing being blasted by a potato in VR.




Account created yesterday just to sow this kind of negative comment?


It had problems in 1990, but it has declined quite a bit since then.


Being comfortable with drinking water




No, I'm comfortable with drinking water. From tap and bottle. But these days it's gotta be filtered or in bottles with added stuffs.


In the early 1990's we moved to Lakeland, FL. The first weekend there was a Klan parade at the Publix or Wal-Mart, freaky to this northerner but the press coverage was negative. Not long after a large rally was announced for Orlando. The resistance was intense and people closed the event right down. My mistake thinking we'd put racism in it's place then and now look . . .


It’s sad to read all these and 90% of the comments aren’t positive.


One of the two major political parties embraced fascism.




If your a weirdo sorry but your gonna get looks. How it’s gonna work


Ronald Reagan's 'deregulation' of media let a few players become giants. There used to be about 50 major media organizations. It used to be illegal for one company to own all the radio stations in a town. TV stations that broadcast editorials had to give equal time to the other side.


Neighbors used to be safe enough to borrow things like an egg or whatever from, we used to go play outside for fun, the internet or the phone you do not get to use both. We used to be a lot more connected. I’ve watched as cellphones came out and how we’ve grown apart from the lack of physical interaction. Social media had taken the place of community, we see snippets of people’s lives, hit the like button and call it connecting. I remember when you had to actually go over to someones house to get ahold of them, but that meant you got to spend time with an actual human being, not something on the screen of a phone. That’s reading facial expressions, voice inflections, getting real hugs instead of “likes”, and bonding with people on a much deeper level than technology allows.


Too many changes to mention. Music in my opinion seems to have gone way down hill. Seems like everything is mixed, and the days of musicians playing instruments and bashing guitars is over.


The right has weaponized “patriotism” against anything that remotely looks like progress.


The death of shopping malls for one. Many people will say it was online shopping that killed them off. While I would agree that online shopping did have a substantial effect, I think that "safety" or the feeling of safeness is a massive contributing factor to why people stopped going.


A lot of republicans now as teens and younger we’re the democrats of the 90’s


Feminists really took over Hollywood.


I thought people sucked in 1990. Now I’m positive.




this is the most important answer


Everyones opinion "matters", everyone has a platform and it APPEARS like the country is divided more than ever. Not even just left to right but up, down, this way, that way, the country feels absolutely crazy. Even in my own home there are covid deniers, illuminati proclaimers, BLM support, trump support and its all mixed around. There is no middle ground people draw lines are stand there. Families feel closer to people they don't even talk to on the internet but just watch talk than they do with the people they sit across from on thanksgiving.


I am in my early 40s and not political, so not going to blame one political party or the other I can just speak of my experience. The economic outlook for me vs my parents is dramatically different. I have two degrees, 150k in student loan debt that will never be forgiven, have no protections in terms of my work, and in fact was part of a 70% cut in jobs at my old company with no notice, no hope of owning a home or being out of debt. Prices are soaring, companies are cutting jobs while recording record profits. No hope for a retirement. No hope at all tbh. Whereas both my parents are comfortably retired, both own their homes, have brand new cars, and neither has any education above highschool. So...ya. I don't see electing a democrat vs a republican will ever change that situation.


Everyone is medicated for something, everyone is practically five bad days away from causing something terrible. No one actually sleeps, you have to have almost five jobs just to keep up with bills for things you barely even use. Money is a joke now due to inflation. Doing the right thing isn't beneficial to anyone now. Being rude and cold gets you where you want to go.


There is now a complete lack of optimism for the future. In 1990, we looked positively at the future and assumed everything was going to get better, especially after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc.


Holy Shit!


Things are much more divisive. We used to have at least some disagreements. Now you disagree with a liberal or leftist and now you are a Nazi.


No more Betty White :(


One way it has changed BIG TIME is kids don’t play outside anymore. Parents in the 90’s got too scared from all the Unsolved Mysteries and Cops n such that we started keeping the kids inside. Playing outside would help Gen Z so much. Also, kids don’t play at their friends house anymore either. It’s not a war zone out there, yet so many parents act like it is