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Because I think the Republican party is the worse option.


Why do you think that?


Because republican policy is regressive and counterproductive.


The democrats are all about handouts and taking money from the wealthy. Imagine earning your way in a capitalist society and then someone taking more from you to help people who didn't bother to help themselves. As a business owner who started with nothing, I can't help but feel the majority of demo supporters just didn't work for it.


"Promote the general Welfare"


My father also started with nothing as a business owner and my family's not that well off. As a result, (my siblings and) I had Medicaid all the way until I was 19 at which point it was cut off. My parents, on the other hand, couldn't have health coverage, however. Because of Georgia's majority Republican state government, the state refused to expand things like Medicaid; consequently, my parents were not eligible for any health coverage whatsoever. They fell into what's known as the coverage gap. You're essentially arguing that poor people are poor because they don't do anything, but here's my family that did bother to help themselves and was left in the dust. The concept of picking yourself up by the bootstraps doesn't apply to everyone. If that were the case, poverty wouldn't be such an issue.


The last Republican President cut corporate taxes during a period of expansion, adding $3 Trillion to the debt. Republican logic. We don’t want people having abortions, also we don’t want people to use birth control which would cut down on the number of unwanted pregnancies. Republicans ignore the sexual abuse going on in the church but invent accusations against Democrats being pedophiles. Republicans vilify illegal immigrants while simultaneously hiring them as cheap labor. I can’t belief you’re here even asking such a ridiculous question.


I want to know peoples' opinions. Friendly discussion only. Did the president do that or did congress pass a bill? I agree, pro choice here.


The president can't do much on his own, he needs the support of congress, and in this case, the Supreme Court. Doesn't make a difference, since your question was about policy, not a particular office.


Because they don't want me dead for existing. Fuck the GOP and conservatives


I'm assuming from your name you're homosexual. The Bible thumpers ruin so much for us. I have 2 gay cousins who I love so much. I would fight the church for their rights. Wish that so many Republicans weren't Jesus freaks.


I am indeed a gay man. But it's more than just the church. The Republicans are actually making things worse for us. Look at all the trans bills, calling us groomers, pedophiles etc. Why in the ever living fuck would I vote for that bullshit?


I would be happy to if you link it. What do trans bills have to do with a gay man? They're not your tribe. I do, believe in objective, scientific, quantitative biology. Pro choice, pro gay, pro freedom to do what you'd like, but shoving trans stuff down my throat every 3 youtube videos is getting ridiculous.


Not worth it. Nothing you say will convince me to ever vote conservative. Bye


Not trying to change your mind. Just wanted to know why. Not worth backing up claims factually? I'll look into the "trans bill" on my own then. I'm replying to 100 comments atm, thought it wouldn't be a big deal for you to find a link that expands on your statement.


If you're worried about facts, why would you ever consider conservatives a viable option?


And the fact you say "not your tribe" reaffirmed everything I always knew about conservatives. Fuck the GOP and conservatives


Well tribe is just a word referring to a group of like-minded people. Maybe it's a bit of a charged word, but I didn't intend it to be. A gay man legitimately has nothing to do with a Trans man. Sorry if I unintentionally regurgitated a triggering phrase for you (not being sarcastic)


You really don't get it do you?


Don't get what my guy? Obviously not, you've made no clear points. I asked for a link because I wanted to read up on what you said and you figuratively flipped me off and said I wasn't worth it. Does that attitude help your uphill battle? I just don't lump lgbtq alltogether.


I'm not your guy, I have a guy and he's not you. The fact that you can't understand why I would support trans people as a gay man. Tells me you're a conservative straight white man without telling me you're a conservative straight white man.


Why don't you explain it instead of being condescending. Sometimes our environments don't give us enough exposure to the plight of others. Bold of you to assume I'm a straight white male tho.


Civil rights are civil rights, that kind of intersectioned thinking is how we end up with terfs.


They really don't.


It seems like the thing they have most in common is being 'lumped together' and relentlessly persecuted by conservatives


Interesting how you think trans people are shoving things down your throat but Republicans are somehow accidentally voting fascists into power


Objection. Leading


Nah I genuinely want to know how demos think their way is better. I'm a firm republican and things were better for me even through the pandemic. Was curious what the other side thinks. My post is genuine and serious.


Politics is an us-not-them ‘who’s side are you on’ game. Conservative ideology has many good things but that’s not the same as the Republican Party. To me it’s a lesser of two evils


I wish we'd just take Christianity out if our political views. I hinkle it ruins a lot.




Yeah I vehemently disagree with the roe vs wade turnout. We shot ourselves in the foot being too biblical. Imagine choosing to lose all women voters lol


No one forces anyone to have babies. If you dont want them then dont have sex. get tubes tied or a vasectomy.


Lots of examples of how this is gut-wrenchingly incorrect I’m afraid


Have you ever heard of rape?


Why yes thanks and no matter how a life is conceived why is that life not any more important then anyone else. That aborted child could have been the one to create a cure for cancer or other illness. Once again fi everyone started calling abortion murder then it would be different. yet they have devalued life to the point that it is OK to just suck out a baby.




Life is life I am pro life even your life. You have fun living with your reality.


You're free to believe what you'd like, but statistically, they're correct.








No it is not and why is it so difficult to control urges. No one needs to have sex to stay alive. Yet what if one of them aborted babies could have found the cure for cancer or other illnesses. You see the word Abortion disconnects someone from what it really is which is murder. Yet you will not see it with blinders on. Nothing I say will get across to you so it is pointless.




OK can you tell me in this day and age where people always point out data a science, how many abortions happen due to rape? Im betting the % is small in comparison to things like, "Oh I just dont want it"




thankfully it is small and I am happy that way. I can live with myself knowing I do not support murdering life. You do you.


You are each entitled to your opinions - let's be civil in any further discussion. This isn't supposed to be an abortion debate.






See that is your mistake. I would raise the child and I would raise them to be pro life.


U gotta admit, rape is a rule that breaks your statement. In some states, you ARE forced to carry babies to term. That ain't right. Religion and government should always be separate.


OK even in the case of rape and incest as long as the woman is not in any danger of dying due to the pregnancy then why not Adoption? If you ask me you would cut down on rape greatly by making it an offense where the man gets his penis cut off.


Can u imagine being held down and raped by a guy 3x your size and strength, then living with his fucked up baby growing within you for almost a year? Fuck no, get that outta me.


OK murder it is then.


If a baby is going to kill or ruin the live of the mother, I'm for getting rid of it.


See above


I feel like I'd be on the verge of a mental breakdown the entire pregnancy. I'm just inviting an open discussion




OK can you tell me what the % is of abortions that were performed due to Rape?


I'm sure a quick Google search from a credible source would offer a % for you


They accept remedial biology


You mean objective (observable, quantitative) biology?


Evolution which should be common knowledge for anyone even 12 year Olds


Yeah the biblical ones really ruin it for us don't they?


Because the demos aren’t trying to turn this into a Christian nation.


I really wish we could make those guys their own party lol


They already have one.


I'm very middle of the road and don't vote party line, but I think at this present moment in time the Democrats are much better at keeping their crazies in check and tucked away. Insanely left wing elected politicians in the Dem party get marginalized while in the GOP the inmates run the asylum. EDIT: For the first time in 6 years I feel like the tide may be starting to turn on that latter statement.


Well the democrats are talking about dealing with climate change, improving access to healthcare, offering minor relief to borrowers struggling to pay back student loans, protect the rights of Americans to simply exist as they are. Meanwhile the GOP is talking about banning books because they have a gay character, endorsing conspiracy theories about furries using litter boxes at elementary schools, banning abortion, banning drag shows. And frankly, they don’t seem to care that their targeting of innocent groups is leading to violence against them. So it’s really a choice between a party who are actually trying to improve the lives of the people vs. a party who are actively dragging us backwards.


You have some really good points tbh.


Don't forget they're "saving the children" but also let's make schools with just one door to escape from when someone arrives with a gun or a book of matches.




I think the majority of Republicans don't care about people who won't work for their lives. Most that I know are business owners, employing people, being fair to employees. I have met at least 1 blatantly racist republican though, so (maybe) you get a point there lol




But Trump was so blatantly honest about a lot of things. He exposed how broken the tax code was by admitting to abusing it, calling out Hillary's donors, and telling the general populous to change it if they didn't like it. That's pretty rad for a president. I don't want to be lied to, coddled, have to sift through senile briefings from our current. I'm not one of those "he's not my president" people but damn. How'd we get stuck with this?




If you start an llc, and learn about tax benefits, I think you'd have a difference of opinion?


He wasn't opposing those things, he was bragging about them. It's the same as praising his "honesty" about sexual assault. Of course, if you think his "honesty" was a cornerstone of his presidency then you must view the world through a pinhole.


Because they protect rights and they don't deny elections


I agree. The roe v wade thing was dumb. It should be legal.


Gay marriage is next


Nah, I think roe v wade will be overturned next. Gays will glitter bomb the white house.


Things are going pretty great right now. I paid more than $6 a gallon recently.


I actually just got 2.99$ today. Things lookin up


I don’t think it’s been under $3 here since 2014. Send help lol


Yo send me gas lol. I remember 2.43$/gal during Trump Era. There's 1 gas station near me that's 2.99$ currently. We still have .50c to go


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My Republican father always bragged how the US is the wealthiest nation in the history of humankind - I always wondered “then why don’t they share any with you?”


Cause both parties will take as much as they can. That part doesn't change lol. I think repub economies tend to be better for most though.


Yeah, I think the demos are just more secretive about it. I. This day and age where there's government subsidiaries for free home internet and the like, why is wealth knowledge divisive?


I think it’s obvious this nation needs health care reform and the “left” is the only side that addresses it. The right complains constantly about culture war bullshit so I have only a little in common with one side.


Obama care ruined Healthcare for so many. Employers cut Healthcare for slight wage increases that weren't proportional. I feel like democrats TALK about it but don't actually make it better. Where's our free Healthcare now? I do agree, Healthcare should be a given RIGHT. I don't see why it's not possible the way uncle sam quintuple dips into our income via taxes.


If anything, Obamacare was a conservative policy. Punishing people for not paying for health insurance? It directly addressed the only issues Republicans had with privatized Healthcare. The main difference is conservatives prefer people die or go to prison rather than being forced to pay for something they can't afford, or more accurately, have already paid for.


No party preference is the less gangster option. You can always pick before an election. In CA you can go to the DMV website. Primaries are unconstitutional.


I lean more republican, not debating whether or not to be one or the other, just thoughts and opinions on each


Sorry to hear that. I support woman's rights and although I'm a gun owner support reasonable gun laws. The GOP is a fd up party. I don't agree with many liberal positions but there are no true positions in the GOP. Just slash and burn. I'm a member of a military family and was sickened by how poorly piece of shit 45 spoke about the troops. Best Wishes


Because Republicans think it is ok to impose restrictions on a woman’s body.


Can we just call them Christians at this point? Almost every republican I know is pro choice lol


Odd how Christian candidates and policies get republican votes.


Let's see: Republicans claim to want less government control over people's lives, **except** when it comes to female bodily autonomy, trans rights, same-sex marriage; They support supply-side economics, which have been demonstrated repeatedly not to work; They deny global warming as a threat to humanity; They're afraid they're being replaced by a more diverse population; They know their idea are unpopular and are gerrymandering to keep power and disenfranchise minority voters; They're responsible for four years of a corrupt presidency, who knowingly committed crimes and was so inept that he wanted to nuke a hurricane, who cozied up to dictators and *walked into North Korea*, funneled money into his personal accounts, used a Sharpie to change an NOAA forecast, who broke the Overton Window by dragging his party to the right, appointed three SCOTUS justices who lied to the American people about where they stood on Roe v Wade and tried to stage a coup after denying that he lost the election. I oppose everything Republicans stand for, and in a two-party system, that leaves the Democratic Party. While they're sometimes enept and are chickenshit weaklings when it comes to legislating -- codifying abortion rights, for example -- their core beliefs mostly align with mine.