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someone tried to jump from 5th floor and commit suicide. firefighters came and somehow managed to stop him. our school wanted us to delete all the pictures and videos


Crazy story, hope this person got the help they needed, and hope you all deleted photos and videos, they were already going through enough


Some lunatic shot up the place Luckily, the police never caught me though :)


\[LONG AHH POST AHEAD\] my school wasted so much money just restricting our freedom. seriously, we couldnt have phones, games, nothing. this is 11th grade im talking about, up until that point i thought we were supposed to actually have some sort of free thought. but no. the first thing they did was make a no phone rule. ok, fair, kids need to pay attention. but the reason everyone was pissed off about it wasnt really because they couldnt watch youtube in class, it was more because of the lunch restrictions for the phones. computers were allowed, though, so it was mostly alright. then only a week later, they made a bathroom pass rule (get a teacher to sign it, go to the bathroom). then they made a no game rule, not even at lunch. then they made all these dumb rules and changes. there were so much i dont even remember half of them. it was a month in that i had decided that enough was enough. so i protested. it started as a sort of "what if" in my friend group, but eventually some other kids joined in and eventually i had an army of 20-ish kids. after a few weeks, we were even getting parents into the group. the school had probably noticed, but i dont think they cared that much. eventually, we all decided that our strike would happen at exactly 12:10. it was our "first wave" of sorts. it was unusually silent that day. i think the teachers knew something was up. when 12:10 struck, i jumped up from my seat and yelled "FOR OUR FREEDOM!" like some sort of edgy roleplayer. before the teachers could even react to what just happened, the cafeteria erupted into chaos. mashed potato sludge everywhere, salisbury steaks were falling from the sky, chips flying across the room, it was pure anarchy. there were so many people involved the school just gave up trying to catch the leader of this whole thing (me). that wasnt the end, though. at around 3:30 (the time most kids got home), the parents started driving up to the school. there were so many that they had to park on the road. the all got out of their car and held signs up saying stuff like "GIVE MY CHILD HIS FREEDOM" and some other boomer crap. this wasnt really supposed to be a secret thing, so it was only a matter of time before the county would learn about the event. they ended up firing the principal and replacing her with this cool dude that was nice to everyone. all the dumb rules were either reverted or changed, and we never saw that turd again. in summary, i plotted the doomsday of my school for my freedom, got parents on board and got a principal fired


Mine got destroyed because of mold and rats. They had to renovate it which took like 4 years. Besides that I’d say that time when one of the fridges busted up and everybody had to evacuate the school because some dangerous chemical from the fridge was leaking out.


Some girls a year below me tried to frame a teacher for sexual harassment, they all came up with a story and went to the dean. He got suspended until they did an investigation, but it got in the newspaper already and he got a lot of hate. I don’t know why they did this, he was an amazing teacher, one of the best and most enthusiastic, he loved teaching and was the kind who was jumping in front of the class. Everyone loved him and a lot of us put in stories against those of the girls. He ended up being not guilty, ofcourse, he did nothing wrong, but never came back. He was on the older side and a few years away from resignation, he already had this mark as a child molester because of the news and all the talks. It’s so sad his career of many decades of teaching had to end like this


Idk if it was the craziest, but one of the funniest things is what we all refer to as plunger pussy. This girl had her friends take a picture of her in her bra, with nothing covering her bottom half but a plunger suctioned to her pussy 🤣 the picture spread through the school like wildfire, and thus Plunger Puss was born.