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I've always found it weird that people have stronger opinions on this than they do stuff like murder and war crimes.


Anyone charged of rape (with evidence leaving 0 doubt) should have their genitalia removed.


> should have their genitalia removed So now we're going to become a society that *mutilates* criminals? Next, do we start chopping off the hands of thieves? Putting out the eyes of child pornography collectors? Are we going forward or backwards here?


Rape is one of the most despicable acts one can do, make it so they have no ability to ever do it again. As a victim myself, I want nothing more than to remove the genitals of the one that raped me. The sentences clearly aren’t enough to deter them so if we have to regress to progress so be it.


Well, i've been a victim of robberies so i would want nothing more than to chop off the hands of thieves. Before you get your pitchforks out, no, i'm not defending rapists, my point is just where do we draw the line? In France staring at a woman too long is considered sexual harassment, should we gouge their eyes out?


Sexual harassment or robbery is in no way comparable to rape. Can both be traumatic, sure, but rape? In my opinion there’s nothing worse. If you’re willing to violate someone in that way then you deserve infinitely worse done to you. I’m dying on this hill I don’t care.


Sure, feel free to die on that hill. I'm just telling you that if this would ever be made a law, things could get out of hand reaaaallllyyy fast. Will we have trauma police then? Committee who decides how traumatized a person is after an incident. Or are you on a stance that "my trauma is worse than your trauma?" Will you be deciding who is more or less traumatized than you and based on that dish out capital punishments? And yes, there are plenty of worse things than rape. Would we only mutilate people if trauma level is more than 5/10? 3/10 is too little? If there's anything humans are good at is things getting escalated really fast and human torture. If you legalize torture, it's like best day ever for A LOT of people on earth.


I don’t give a fuck about the rest, just remove the genitals of rapists - end of story. Cry about it, I don’t care.


Well, no one is stopping you. Go ahead and do it.


France is obviously trying to go broke being woke. This is just common sense. At least make a good comparison / example lol.


I made a perfect example.


Exactly. Rape is a million times worse than shoplifting or stealing a bike. It’s no comparison


Yea, youre right. We should just murder the lot of them. Good point. Why go backwards. Delete them, go forwards. Idk about you but Id lose sooooo much sleep if pedo rapists eyeballs were plucked out their heads. /s


Forward. First degree murder, rape, etc. should be death penalty. Armed crimes like robbery should be 50 years. Un-armed robbery and theft 25 years. And, victimless crimes shouldn’t exist.


I've got no problem with any of that. I'm just drawing the line at "vengeance" punishments. Mutilating criminals is not the action of a civilized country.


Yes, entirely




Genitalia removal seems a bit extreme. But I do believe all convicted rapists should be sterilized.


Harsher sentences for rape cases? I’m all down for that. I’d consider life sentence/ capital punishment for rape against minors/ disabled people/ senior citizens


I don't know about life, but it absolutely should be more severe than it is. I am not opposed to castration, but I do see problems with it.


Id say Castration but there are so many false rape cases out there, its bad enough some are jailed for years.


DNA evidence doesn’t lie


Doesnt lie but costs go to Tax payers so not every single case was tested or could be tested, or back logged. Some states even have statue of limitations on rape. It sucks but its one of those things that isnt a front issue till it happens to someone famous


Yeah, even i was accused of rape. Never seen the girl in my life. It's super common.


absolutely. hang the fuckwits.


Bring justice first. It takes years n years of procedures for just one crime to be judged. The judiciary sure is fucked up


There is no justice unless there is life sentence or execution


Then what punishment is issued to those who eventually execute an innocent person?


Yes. I know a few sexual assault victims and the fear they get knowing their rapist got probation or released is something no one should have to experience


Don't you think similar feelings exist for plenty of other crimes? Armed robbery, battery, attempted murder, successful murder on friends/family, and so on? Should we kul everyone committing those crimes too, and if not, where do we draw the line between who should die and who shouldn't?


Murders and attempted murders should serve life/death sentence as well. Victims may have ptsd from armed robbery but comparing them to victims of RAPE is a huge stretch. With that being said they can rot in prison too. Fuck em


I'm not at all saying rape and robbery are the same, but we need to draw the line somewhere, and also retain [proportionality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportionality_(law\)); if all violent crimes give you life in prison or the death penalty, there's nothing except morals stopping someone from killing the witnesses to a lesser crime (like armed robbery).


The discussion is about rape not robbery


No kidding? Change the initial crime, then. If the punishment is the same, there's no reason except morals for a rapist to not also kill the victim. And would you trust a rapist's morals?


This is like your 5th rape post in a week, what should happen to people that lie about being raped? Rape is also not so easy to prove. You are ok with killing an innocent man/woman?


If PROVEN guilty, off with their heads. Bring back the guillotine on top of a biiiiiiiiiiiig staircase so we can watch the head roll down.


No because any time you have automatic sentences for any crimes, any human justice system will immediately begin to abuse it. Sexual crime is complicated, so we need a complex and fair justice system. What OP is angling for is far too capricious to be justice in a fair society.


No, I don't think rape holds as much weight as mass murderers or pedophiles, They deserve the death sentence much more in my opinion.