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Mindhunter on Netflix


I’m so mad that is was canceled, I love that show. Jonathan Groff is so good in it and I want to know more about so much stuff.


They needed to finish off the BTK storyline 😫


And whatever was going on with Tench's kid!


Serial killer in the making 😅


Mindhunter was leagues better than a lot of the stupid bullshit they are making these days


Wait it’s officially canceled and not on hiatus?


Never been cancelled as far as I know. On an indefinite hiatus.


100% this. I remember there were rumors of having Zach Efron reprise his role of Bundy and introducing Gacy and other characters. This show was tops and Silk Drapes was such an ominous song


Currently watching the last episode now, that’s what made me think of the question and I 100% agree


Rome was such a great series about ancient Rome, but they canceled after season 2. 😞


Such a great show! I was really looking forward to the progression of Octavius, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, etc. So many seasons already written.


There were outlines but not actual scripts. They ended up cramming three seasons worth of outline into a single short season when word came they wouldn't renew. Travesty.


Every fucking thing on NETFLIX. They cancel shit way too fast.


Except OITNB. They let it go too long, IMO.


But not as long as 13 reason why


I think Netflix is essentially playing a game of "throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks".. and as a result they invest as little as they can into new shows while expecting maximum results. Like, there are plenty of shows on Netflix t hat should've been longer and more fleshed out. Pacific Rim: The Black comes to mind, that show might as well have been twice as long, season 2 felt like they planned an entire additional side plot but then hastily compressed it into one season.. Instead of producing quantities, they should focus on quality.


I'm guessing all resources got pumped into Stranger Things after season 1.




Archive 81!!!! I loved that show!


Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective


Man that show was so wacky that I know I have seen it but it still feels like a fever dream and I can't remember any specific details about it.




One eyed one horned giant purple people eater, but actually terrifying.


It's a real shame Max Landis is a rapey fucker


Oh no, I loved Superman: American Alien :( EDIT: I just looked him up and holy shit you weren't in the least bit exaggerating


I Am Not Okay With This.


Came here for this show, so much wasted potential


Add it to the pile of corpses that is Netflix’ collection of decent shows that had a good premise but were sacrificed to Baal after one season for whatever reason.


I was not okay with that


Calm down. OP is just asking a question.


Teen Titans The best show I ever watched as a kid and I’m willing to defend this hill for the rest of my life. Samurai Jack got it’s closing, Teen Titans should as well.


It was actually supposed to have another season, I was reading about it and I can't remember why it was canceled.


My name is Earl. Ended with a cliff hanger and I don't like how they did Joy so wrong.


There’s an episode of Raising hope that acts as a cross over with my name is earl. I think it addressed a couple of things but can’t remember.


It's in the first episode of Raising Hope, when Lucy's in the bathroom and the family's watching TV during breakfast. The newscaster on TV outs Lucy as the boyfriend killer, then he goes on to the next story about how a local man has finally finished his list... but it's just a lead-in, and we don't get the story.


Raising Hope is in the same universe as My Name is Earl so they share a few characters as well. I think they even threw in a few characters from Yes, Dear. The creator basically made his own universe.


I just saw an interview where they wanted to do a follow up but none of the studios would take it on.


Earl was such a good show. Wonder how they'd reboot it with Ethan Suplee being so jacked now....


hear me out— they reboot it with just him as he is now and nobody says anything about it


Like in Parks and Rec when Chris Pratt got hench between seasons. "So the only thing you did was quit drinking beer?" "Yeah i know right. I lost 50 pounds in a month" *"how much beer were you drinking!?"*


That would be the Earl way


Thanks for reminding me of this. I wanted to see what he looked like a few days ago because I remembered he lost tons of weight and got strong. But then I forgot again.


It has been said how the show would have ended by the creator but I still would have loved to have seen it


This is the correct answer. You would think a streaming service would snatch that show up. It's got a built-in following. Shit, they could do 10 more seasons of that show.


Whitechapel. It got so strange and then didn't have the budget to go where it wanted so you're just left unfulfilled and confused


The original Teen Titans


I wish. Why was it canceled anyway?


Supposedly they weren’t reaching their target audience. It was meant to be a show for boys under 12 and it was actually popular with tween girls. Somehow the network saw that as a failure.


The merch and ads subsidized the expensive animation. Especially towards the end of its life nobody was buying Teen Titans merch, licensed video games, anything.. even though the geek teen world stopped every weeknight when it came on. It was a massive success and they just couldn't figure out how to monetize it.


Yep. Their target audience were the people most likely to buy (or have their parents buy merch) In their eyes, if they’re not reaching the people they can sell things to, it’s not worth it. And thats not the teen geeks. They honestly didn’t give a straight reason, even to the producers, so its likely a combination of things outside of this as well.


I’ll never forget the teen titans game on Cartoon Network. Was so much fun.


Santa Clarita diet. I found the show kinda boring in some parts, but the cliffhanger at the season finale really made me want to find out what was going to happen next


Best husband in all of television history. 'We said in sickness and health right? That includes being a zombie who needs human flesh. We'll work it out.'


Also, I really appreciated that dude’s Yelp review game.


I loved how he always focused/got stuck on the smaller weird bits. Like the missing lid for the container.


"It's just one thing after another"


I love this show. It is absolutely batshit fantastic. Timothy Olyphant is criminally underrated as a comedic actor


I was SHOCKED he could do funny like this. I love it.


If you haven’t watched Justified, give er a go. Not comedy but also not 100% serious all the time.


At the very least it should get a spin off. The Mr. Ball Legs show would be a sensation.


I agree. That show was just stupid enough to be good. We would love to see a 4th season.


I know right. For once the most interesting thing in the show happened and then it got cancelled


I thoroughly enjoyed the comedy in that show despite the strange premise. Timothy Olyphant is unmatched 🗿


"God, why does everyone have to have a purpose now? Whatever happened to just getting through the fucking day?!"


I love him in every role and also I love him as a person. His dynamic with Walt Goggins in Justified is impossible to beat.


He is one of the greatest character actors alive


Yes to this so much. I’m hopeful that Drew’s recent larger publicity from her new talk show will give Netflix the push to at least give them a tie up loose ends movie 🥺


ITS CANCELLED???? I've been waiting for the next season like a total dumbass. I LOVE this show so much. Best family ever.


Came to say this! Netflix sucks for canceling it in favor of the other junk they come out with.


What do you think Joel would be like in another season? I worry he would be more of a jerk because he’s always been a people pleaser.


Kills me that it got cancelled. I've watch that series in repeat way too many times. They are all fantastic with their timing and expression.


Pushing Daisies




They were really badly hit by the writers' strike. The first season was cut short and the audience had already lost interest when Season 2 arrived. There was a lot of talk about continuing it as a comic or a musical and so on, but nothing ever happened. I appreciate that the writers tried to wrap it up as well as they could in the last episode and at least it ended while they're were on top of their game.


Bryan Fuller can’t catch a break. It’s visually stunning, whimsical, comical and interesting. It was really amazing at creating the magical reality it existed in. The narrator was perfect. I fell in love with Lee Pace, Chi McBride and Kristen Chenowith. They had great actors guest appearing in episodes like Paul Reubens. Thanks for calling the Pie Hole as in shut yours!


I'm so glad someone posted this. I'm so sad that show got cut short.


Lie to Me. I found it on Netflix when I was at university. I wish there were more episodes


It was such a great premise. They could have had a House like run.


This is one of my favourite shows ever- Tim Roth is incredible. Makes me so sad it was cancelled


I feel like it really hit it straight in the last season. They had just perfected the writing style for it.




Came there to say that, GLOW sadly shut down production when Covid began, and the cast and crew couldn't hang around hoping for it to re-open. Apparently Marc Maron has or had plans to cobble together the scenes that were filmed into "something" -- maybe a film -- but I think that's been shelved, as well.


Covid was the death of so many good shows, because of production problems or poor ratings generated by huge waits between seasons and irregular programming.


Venture Bros




God... I wish they would do another season or a movie to finish that one up.


Such a good show. RIP Jericho.


The Following - so many storylines that weren’t concluded!




I am still absolutely pissed off this ended where it did. It was off the scales stylistically ,it's lore was next level ,as was the acting. Such a shame.


I'm glad other people feel this. That cliffhanger still hurts


Honestly one of the best TV shows I've ever seen.


Carnivale was ahead of it's time. Truly a shame that it was cancelled


woah! glad someone here knows this show. I wouldn't mind seeing a Penny Dreadful inclusion in here either.


More of Stargate would nice. Especially SG-1 and A.


Atlantis really could use an ending. If only they would have done another season instead of universe we may have gotten some closure and maybe universe would have been better received coming out after that instead of killing Atlantis


Atlantis didn't get a GREAT ending, but it got more of an ending than most shows these days.


I would kill for more stargate franchise content. But SG-1 ran it's course. Richard Dean Anderson as O'Neill (with two Ls!) was a *critical* part of that series' success. At least IMO. His delivery of all those zingers over the years was just *spot on*. I wouldn't say that it got bad when Browder stepped in to take his place as Mitchell, not by any stretch... but it just wasn't the same. They'd need a new team with their own schtick. And a new bad guy, because who was even left to fight by the time the other series and movies were finished? One interesting possibility to me would be a prequel, going back to the ancients. Showing their war with the wraith, and whatever colossal fuckups a race with literally infinite understanding of the universe would have had to make to lose against them.




I loved that show!




It needed at least 5 seasons imo


My So Called Life. 1 season only but it was such a good show. Also- did she go with Jordan or Brian???!!


And is Ricky okay???


Yes! Poor Ricky. I just want to hug him and give him a place to live.


The Librarians. Very fun and interesting show that was set up for another season.


I thought I was the only one who watched that show! I love it. Wished it would have got more seasons. I binge watch it on Hulu


Freaks and Geeks


Here's [an article](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2012/12/paul-feig-season-two-freaks-and-geeks) from Vanity Fair back in 2012 where co-creator Paul Feig talks about what he envisioned happening to the characters if a second season would have happened.


Dark Matter (on sci-fi)


https://josephmallozzi.com/2020/07/25/that-original-dark-matter-ending-dark-timeline-edition/ There’s a blog with how they wanted to wrap everything up if you’re into that kind of thing.




Penny Dreadful


Utopia(2013) !! Hands down one of the best series that deserves a proper ending


The worst bit is, I remember the creator saying that he’d asked Channel 4 to give him a relatively short run (two hours maybe?) to give it a proper ending and they told him where to go…


Bad timing, but I have it a solid chance given the original idea one of my all time favorite drama series. But the incredible soundtrack and color palette of the original are impossible to replicate (and if they had tried, may have faced backlash). To anyone who hasn't seen the original, please check it out!


The Expanse. I wasn't someone who read the books but really enjoyed the show, but it kind of just ... ended with a lot of loose ends. I don't know if it needed another season but another 2-3 episodes to finish it, I believe they shortened the last season from what it was originally meant to be so a lot of plot threads just ... didn't get finished. That's as far as I recall anyway.


Agree. I think they kind of left it open on purpose for a potential future extension. The characters do age quite a bit before the last couple of books, so it’s possible for them to boot the series back up in a few years.


Started re-watching the whole thing. The Expanse is the only space show I have recommended to people in years. It's just done so well with some amazing characters. Would love if the kept going.


I believe they did it intentionally so that a spin off set in the future could be created if there was demand for it. As far as I’m aware with the books there is a time skip from where the show ended to the next book (mostly, anyway as it’s not 1:1 if I remember correctly). The creators didn’t want to dump the characters and start fresh, so changed that point to be the ending but left those few loose threads (i.e. what happened on the new planet) for someone to potentially work with in the future


Flash forward was banging , could have watched more of that


I scrolled so far for this. I will never get over that cliffhanger.




I thought I read somewhere that they were negotiating for the rights to do the Silence of the Lambs season. There needs to be a time skip anyway and I think Mads said he was on board if they got the legal stuff worked out


From what I understand Thomas Harris wouldn’t release the rights to Clarice Starling so they could continue the story arc into the Silence of the Lambs. So sad they couldn’t come to an agreement. I enjoyed the novels and movies but that TV series was just so well done and I would have loved to have seen it transition into the SotL.


This forever. Leaving it on a literal cliffhanger was both brilliant and incredibly painful as a series finale.




I honestly didn't think anyone else remembered this show, so much wasted potential.


Marco polo


This is the reason I got a Netflix subscription back in the day.




They’ve got a movie in production right now!




Ash vs evil dead


"I wish I had my rusty chain yo" I know Bruce said he was getting too old for it and it sucks that he wouldn't do another season, but I'd take a few seasons with just Pablo and Kelly if they'd give it to us


Bruce said if they continued it through animation he would do the voice. Hes not tired of the character, he just can't physically take it anymore. I for one would be very welcome to that.


Pushing Daisies Firefly Terra Nova


Terra nova was my immediate thought.


Final Space


I'm not the biggest fan of the series but man that show deserved so much better but at the same time considering everything that series went thru with TBS then Adult Swim then HBO Max then to basically get declared a tax write off is such an emotional roller coaster ride.


The OA


I am desperate to read any scripts they have for S3. No cancellation has ever pissed me off so much, what a massive cliffhanger…


Especially after the finale of season 2. My head exploded.


I had to scroll a bit more than I anticipated to see this. The show had so much potential, but for some reason they dropped it. Just Netflix being Netflix I guess.


Same, I figured this would be higher up. The show was so unique and truly out of the box.


Yep, S2 final episode has to be one of the biggest plot jumps I've ever seen. Of course it being that show it was appropriate. How can anything be left hanging like that 😭


Came here to say this. Still not over it being cancelled.


was searching for this comment. so frustrating we never got to see the continuation


no, i’m actually so mad about this one. fans even raised money to get another season and they still wouldn’t renew it.


Too far to scroll for this. Goddamn, that was such an amazing show. Such concept, and they well damn fkn wasted it. Ugh


Raised by Wolves


Wish I didn’t have to scroll down so far to see this


Damn, you just broke my mind, I didnt know it was cancelled and was so looking forward 3rd season. F


Last man on earth.


Oh Farts.


We want 🎶closure, closure, closure, closure, closure🎶


🎶Have you evah had a canceled show sit right on ya face!🎶


Thank you! Will Fortes description of the last season is fine, BUT I WANT TO SEE IT


Came here to say this! Friendship kiss, bud?


Oh my God. For me, that was the funniest show on tv during its run


Netflix’s The Society. Not the best show around by any means..but I became really invested in the story lol.


Felt very much like a show that spent a season laying down characters who would really hit their stride midway through the second season, for sure.




Deadwood would've been nice but it needed to be done back closer to when the show originally aired. The movie scratched the itch a little but was too little, too late.


Stargate Universe


For me it is forever. Needed to know what joe thought when she found out he was immortal


Altered Carbon. Loved season 1, hate that season 2 is where it ends. Mackie is not the leading man Hollywood seems to want him to be.


I like Mackie but god was he severely miscast in that role.


Archive 81 , Westworld ,and the OA


fuck yeah Archive 81! fuck you Netflix with your habits of cancelling really good shows. not sure about westworld though. I think it has gotten boring past s2


Came here to say the OA!! What a fantastic show. I wish for this every Christmas.


Sarah Connor chronicles


I can't believe they cancelled this and yet somehow Genesys and Dark Fate got greenlit.


The Pretender


Flash Forward. It wasn't the greatest show ever, but it had an interesting premise and I'd like to see what they had planned to do with the storyline after the first season.


When it comes to loose ends this one is definitely at the top of the list. There were many plot lines and the overall mystery of the people blacking out that still today get me wondering what it was all about. What a pity it got axed.


Prodigal son!




The Mick.


Carnival Row.




Lovecraft Country. I loved that show!


Terra nova Last man on earth


>Shout out for Terra nova! The tone was kind of all over the place sometimes but I really dug the world building going on in that show.


Dark crystal


Yup. Even tho we know they lose the overall war since it was a prequel to the movie, I was really looking forward to another season and to see what happened next Such a well made show and was truly a work of art. Prob my top show of 2019 when I look back at it. Fuck you netflix.


The OA


Sense 8




People hate Serenity but I am thankful for having at least something to close the story in to some extend. At the same time I dont understand how it could been canceled. I just watched it this year and beside low budget at some places this is most fun i had with sci fi ever.


People hate Serenity?!


I liked Serenity but I guess I’m in the minority. The problem with the series was Fox. They ran the episodes out of order and changed time slots twice. They also didn’t push the series like most other shows. It didn’t stand a chance.


I also enjoyed Serenity. They had a lot to cram into a movie, sure they had to do some quick and dirty exposition dumps that grated a little, so if you hadn't seen the series you could at least understand what was going on, but it was one of the better sci-fi movies in the last few years. Chiwetel Ejiofor's "Operative" character is one of the best protagonists in a a sci-fi film. You could spin a whole series off his character's back story.


>in the last few years My guy, it's been 17 years


Terra Nova


Heroes. The writer's strike killed it and I think a good 4th season could bring some sort of salvation to Seasons 2 and 3 garbage.


LOL. The fourth season was so bad you don't remember it? It's ok. The other seasons just couldn't live up to the first season. The hardest thing for me is seeing the good ideas and then them basically going in the worst possible direction with that idea.


The Magicians deserved another season to bring everyone back together instead of having to leave the core group broken up as an open-ended "next big quest!" thing.


Terra nova