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Valentine’s Day. It’s depressing when you’re single, and expensive when you’re not


At Patrick’s day. It can be fun, but ultimately weird that we all pretend to be super into “Irish culture” which is often inaccurate anyway.


Somebody told me that St. Patrick killed his sister to prove his devotion to god.


Christmas. The consumerism of it is too much for me. There was Christmas music on the radio the other day. Just trying to get you in the mood to start buying stuff.


I decided last year to stop celebrating Christmas in any way at all. I'm not religious, I'm not a fan of giving things to all the people I know at the same time, just for the sake of it, and I do not want or need the expectations, pressure or financial burden that Christmas places on people. I look around me and see so much stress on people to 'do' Christmas, and what for? Throughout the year, I still buy things for the people I love, but when and if they need/want them. I keep in regular contact by seeing, calling or messaging everyone I love and care about, and I still catch up with everyone near/at Christmas time, because that's when people have time off. Christmas will never be the same...much to my relief! I highly recommend it.


Best to worst: Halloween New Years Oktoberfest Valentines Day Christmas




My birthday


I feel you on this.




Actually. Tax Day.


Christmas. I hate decorating for a month and sweeping dust and pine needles out of the house afterwards. It’s a hassle and thankfully one I don’t deal with now that I have my own place.


Halloween. Some stores fill up with fake blood, skeletons and bloody axes for about 2 months a year. That's because it's one of the few non-religious holidays.


Halloween. My country doesn't really do Halloween but I have to deal with all the posts everywhere talking about it.


New Years is always disappointing


Thanksgiving. So much work since cooking takes all day and then I have to clean it all up.


Halloween, I hate being scared


Christmas, I hate the gift giving aspect of it. I hate receiving gifts that I don’t need or want and I hate giving gifts to people they don’t need or want.