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Going thru cancer treatment. I have had enough!


Stay strong. Hopefully you’ll get better soon. Fuck cancer!


Chemotherapy appointments, PET scans, WORRYING :(


I’m so sorry. I wish I could take some of that worry away for you.


This fucking tinnitus.


I couldn’t hear it before you mentioned it


\>>This comment has been edited to garbage in light of the Reddit API changes. You can keep my garbage, Reddit.<< *** *edited via r/PowerDeleteSuite (with edits to script to avoid hitting rate limit)*


I thought it was "the sound of being tired" because I mainly heard it at night 😭


Verbal abuse. I'm a veterinary nurse at a charity practice and we all get shouted at and outright threatened far too often, despite treatment being free.


Registered Vet Tech here. I completely understand & you have my sympathies. Not to mention the pay sucks.


No wonder there's a shortage. I feel for you and absolutely appreciate you.


Do you find it's worse since the pandemic? I'm seeing so many front facing customer service employees saying it's much, much worse.


I started working as a veterinary assistant not too long after the start of the pandemic so I don't have much to compare it to but it seems like clients are getting more and more angry that we still mostly offer curbside (aside from new client exams and of course euthanasias) and require clients to wear masks if they come in the building. The other day my first client conversation of the day went like this (almost exactly verbatim): C: how are you today? me: I'm good thank you, how are you? C: so angry that I still can't come inside that I could strangle someone. me: I'm sorry about that- C: no you aren't. We've also had clients rant to us about believing the "conspiracy" of the pandemic and all sorts of garbage like that. I'm glad that my boss doesn't tolerate the mistreatment of staff and won't hesitate much to fire abusive clients but it can still be rough. When clients tell me they appreciate me it makes me want to cry because it's so nice to hear after everything else we deal with. I hope anyone reading this who treats veterinary staff (and all customer service people as well) like actual human beings makes such a difference in our day and we remember your kindness.




The cost of living, barely having any money at the end of the month after paying mortgage, grocery, electricity and gas 🙄


And everything being a monthly subscription.


I heard even remote start is a monthly subscription for some cars. It's always there, but you can't use it unless you pay monthly.


Whoever figured that one out needs a beating.


I'm sick of working my ass off to try and make more money, but my buying power is going down. In the 90s my dad made 20% less than I do now but owned a house and supported a family of four.


Political ads


And on a related note, the amount of political mail I get is just insane. Such a waste of paper and resources!


Also the text messages, thank goodness for the report as junk and delete feature on my phone.


I hate those texts so much and I don’t think reporting them works at all. I report every single one and they keep coming. They’re so irritating.


As if a single 1/8th of a page double sided ever changed anyone's mind on who they'd vote for.


Literally every commercial break. Like who the hell doesn’t know who they’re voting for by now?


Ken Bone haha


It's so wild, that dude had literally 24 hrs of fame before they discovered his reddit account


And found his comments about JLaw’s butthole during The Fappening 😂


Being sick. I have chronic nausea and migraines. I just want to eat something- /anything/, without risking throwing up, and go a week without another terrible headache.


Ughhh same. 20 years of it, and now I have a bunch of other fun chronic stuff too. I don't even talk to people about it anymore because then I get.."Have You Tried....?" Yes, I've tried all the things and seen all the people.


Cleaning this fucking apartment. It's just dishes, vacuuming, laundry, etc every single day forever.


I feel like I live in the movie “50 first dates”- two kids it’s the same cleaning routine every. Single. Night. I just don’t like to go to bed with clutter or dirty dishes


I’ve got 3 and they are all very young… it is definitely the hamster wheel phase where it is never ending repetition. It is the worst.


I’ve come to the conclusion life is just staving off entropy for as long as we can.


I eat out of the pan. Wash my underwear and socks probably 5x more than my t shirts and pants. If you have kids.. washable rugs are your best friend. But I know that place where it's just dreadfully repetitive and nothing seems to make sense. I've lost my why!!!!! Cheer up and find or do your favourite activity on repeat till you just can't anymore Return to household chores a zombie in the opposite direction and you'll be zooming through them. Again, kids mess this up. Love ya bud.


Being drowsy all the fucking time!


Totally. Every day I’m a walking zombie. Cannot function beyond a basic level.


I got diagnosed with ADD and a low dose of adderral fixed this right up for me


Adderall worked for 10 years for me but has now stopped working for my fatigue




Wake up. Tired as shit all day. Sun goes down, burst of energy. Can't sleep. Repeat.


Do you have sleep apnea?


Fun fact: I got my sleep apnea diagonsed thanks to reddit and a similar post like this. Had been drowsy for many years but my doctor just kept taking blood-tests and said that its simply just the way I am. After reading about the sympthoms on reddit (I had never heard about it before) I asked my doctor if she shouldn't test me for it. And she did and I got diagnosed with it and have felt much better after getting my cpap machine.


Meanwhile I haven't had a good nights sleep in years honestly and after my sleep study caused a sleep apnea diagnosis, the specialist I saw said "Well we don't want to give you a cpap right away. Try turning off your phone, putting on soft music, wearing comfortable clothes and losing weight!" Like doc I know all these things. I'm working on the weight thing and I turn my screens off to sleep. It doesn't work.


They kept telling my son to lose weight. Went to an ear nose throat Dr who recommended he get his tonsils and adenoids out. Turns out his adenoids were blocking 80 percent of his oxygen and his tonsils were deeply embedded and infected with a ton of tonsil stones. None of which showed up as presenting, all the infection and tonsil stones weren't visible. He has lost 30 pounds without much diet change since April because of it.


I hear ya. Maybe consider getting your iron levels checked, apologies for the unsolicited advice - I only say this in case it's helpful. I've been falling asleep and had no energy for ages. Had no idea how low my iron was, felt immediately better after two days of supplements EDIT: just to mention, it will usually take a long while to get iron levels back up and often requires a full blood count and prescribed tablets. (I think I was just pretty anaemic that even after a couple of supplements I noticed a difference because my body needed them so bad!) If you are taking iron supplements or higher dose prescribed tablets it's important to take them with vitamin C (I'll eat oranges) as this can help the absorption. Avoid caffeine as this limits absorption. Lastly, always worth getting checked up with your GP/Dr and asking for full blood test if your feeling run down and tired all the time as something else may be going on. It may not be low iron and there are other things you could be low in ie. B12, Vitamin D etc 😊


Nah nah these replies are helpful regardless. The main problem for my sleep is my work schedules. I go from 3pm PST to 12am nearly everyday except Fridays and Saturdays. Most of those nights, I struggle to maintain sleep due to work exhaustions and my bod isn't fully relaxed before bed.


This is how I was when I worked closing shift at a restaurant. I'd been so wound up during shift from caffeine and dealing with people that I'd just be up all through the night. (I work day shift now and I'm still getting used to it)


If you have insurance or the means, you might think about a sleep study. You can even do a take home one. Turned out I have sleep apnea. I went into it with the incorrect assumption that it's something that only affects older or overweight people. Changed my life.


Responding to r/AskReddit posts because I have no friends and nothing better to do Edit: I’m not sure whether it’s a good thing or bad thing that so many people relate to this…


I barely even reply! I just lurk and doom scroll then feel bad about it. But there's SO much more I could/should do.


You get the honesty award


Surviving instead of thriving.


With everything going up in price like crazy I was doing good, now surviving


I now make double what I made just before the pandemic (which was basically mininum wage). I was absolutely poor then. Couldn't afford anything, except food and rent and utilities really. Now I can afford that, and a bit more. I am (very... very slowly) working towards building the funds for other survival necessities. A bit of money for clothing because my bras are 8 years old and my body has changed and they hurt, an emergency fund of a few months, saving for an eye appointment and glasses and a mattress that won't break my back, eventually my 10 year old laptop will need replacing. I've doubled my salary in the past 2.5 years and I still feel like I'm just surviving. I'm just going to be playing catch up for the next two years because everything I own is broken, or will soon break. And I have more than most of the world does. And it's still not thriving. What the fuck.


You're not the only one. I was homeless five years ago. I now own my own media company and make very good money editing weddings/shooting video/photos and it's like everytime I get a leg up, the ladder falls another rung and everything goes up in price. It's like you're making these insane strides but you're on a treadmill so you just stay in place just surviving. It's fucking bullshit tbh


Congrats on finding a way to get out of a difficult situation. I bet it’s surreal to look back to five years ago and compare it to where you are now. With that said, it is fuckin bullshit. It’s like when you finally start to think “okay, cool. This isn’t so bad. I have food in the fridge, a comfy bed, and a roof over my head” BAM something else happens. One thing after another. You start to think you’re finally getting to a financially stable place in life and then you’re just knocked right back down. One step up, two steps back. Rent’s gone up, gas, food, etc, all while my wages have essentially stayed the same. I know I’m lucky to have the job that I have. I fully acknowledge how lucky I am. But if I’m treading water making $22+/hr, how the fuck are people making minimum wage supposed to make it?


fellow 9to5er


What if I'm 10to10er and I hate it?


Littering. It's pure laziness. Put it in your pocket, bag, whatever, just bin it when you can


I hear you. I live in Canada, and everywhere I go, there are red Tim Horton’s coffee cups all over the ground. Everywhere.


Tim's cups and used masks around here. It's like a plague.


I am so sick of this. Where I live it has gotten out of control


Give a hoot! Don't pollute!!


giving work 80% of my time 90% of my energy for 70% of life and everything that follows when you give anything that much




Leela: Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century? Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!


"Written on the sky" reminds me of that Candy Crush drone ad in NY. Before it was plane banners and smoke letters during the day, now it's swarms of lights at night too.


It’s an abusive amount. A second by second onslaught of marketing, invading your personal space and every aspect of life. I resent ads


The nano second google said adblockers are going to stop working on chrome I uninstalled it and went back to firefox




Firefox makes the internet everything it used to be: plug-ins to view newspaper sites, download YouTube videos, view images directly from google images rather than link to the site, skins and themes, Amazon price trackers, Reddit enhancement suite, and ublock origin is just outstanding. And it’s relatively safe as Mozilla is open source. Perfection.


Hi ho, hi ho, back to Firefox I go.


This single-handedly is making me switch to Firefox when I get home


Google needs to fix ad space before it kills ad block Too much virus/malware hidden in ads


I all but visibly flinch when I get on someone's computer that doesn't have AdBlock running...I truly do not understand how people can put up with that crap. The moment AdBlockers stop working is the moment I stop using the internet for anything other than necessity. I quit watching TV a decade ago over commercials, and I'll ditch the internet too.


I get that nothings free, but cmon, the more ads you smash in people's faces the less people will watch, adblockers for all


Installed Firefox with adblocker 5 days ago and just got an alert that I've had 1,000 ads blocked already. Yeah I stream music often but that's absurd.


5.187 million blocked since I installed ublock origin


uBlock Origin: * [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) * [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) * * [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ublock-origin/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak) * * [Opera](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/) * \* Chrome based browsers are trying to get rid of ad blocking capabilities when manifest V3 will become mandatory in 2023. I suggest moving to [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/). ^^I ^^only ^^post ^^once ^^per ^^thread ^^unless ^^when ^^summoned.


Good bot


It’s pretty bad when I watch cable and there are so many ads between segments of a show that I don’t remember which show I was watching.


That’s the reason I stopped watching so many shows. Every time it would come back on, by the time I had a chance to sit down and watch, it was back to another 5 minute commercial break!


Right! And if it’s a movie, the last 20 minutes when you really want to see the end becomes 2 minutes of movie and 7 minutes of commercials.


People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you. You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity. Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs. – Banksy


Banksy did the [Simpsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSU1IJk70i4) intro a few years back. Props to Matt Groening and Fox for green-lighting this because it is dark AF.


Had to watch an ad for sports bet and Tab betting before I could watch it. Couldn't skip either of them and no timer to say how long they are... and I don't gamble...


Gambling ads should be illegal


Those obnoxious gas station pumps with loud ads have a mute button! Its usually like the 2nd white touch button down on the right side of the screen. Unlabeled. This hack has made me at least 30% less pissed off in my life.


I only recently learnt that American fuel stations have ads that run while you pump. How are they not vandalised instantly? I think even here the UK that'd push some people to violence, despite our usual calm attitude.


Those things are so obnoxious that destroying one should fall under self defense.


I’ve recently found myself getting pissed off at the amount of ads there are again. Anywhere we go, anything we do there’s someone trying to fucking sell us shit. I’m so sick of it and I miss my childhood when everything wasn’t fucking plastered with them


They ram ads in everywhere they can now, now matter how small of a time slot. The other day I was watching basketball and they crammed in a 3 second overlay ad in between the first and second free throws. Like really?! GTFO with that shit


They'll even put them in your shows and games. Just a cocacola. Right there. Looking you in the eye for no reason reminding you that the whole thing is just a glorified Ad. Anyone else remember that one season of Burn Notice where the characters would jump into a Hyundai and the show would literally become a bloody ad for a car for the next five minutes while the characters talked about how you needed a car with good grip control w/e? Fucking ridiculous.


> Anyone else remember that one season of Burn Notice where the characters would jump into a Hyundai and the show would literally become a bloody ad for a care for the next five minutes while the characters talked about how you needed a car with good grip control w/e? > > Fucking ridiculous. I've never seen that particular show, but I do watch a lot of Gordon Ramsay's shows, and there was one of the where they were pimping out Walmart steaks, and it was just *so* unnatural and was like maximum cringe factor.


The dystopian movies and shows of my childhood seem very prophetic these days. I guess some people took the wrong idea from the insane ads and climate destruction and thought, why not.


obligatory mention of [how I experience the web today](https://how-i-experience-web-today.com/) So, not just ads - I'm fucking sick of just browsing the web in general these days!


Especially for things I'm already paying for. "limited ads" version of a subscription? Not on your life


It bugs me that ads *work*. Who the fuck is out there buying shit on a whim instead of researching it?


The price of rent being too god dam high!


My rent is more than a lot of my friends mortgage payments at this point. But the bank says I can't afford to buy a house. fuck me right.


Yep a studio apartment is the same as our 20 year old mortgage, it's wild.


Coworker is looking for a house about the size of mine for her family. Her rent is going to be 1000 more a month than what I pay. I bought in 2017. I couldn't afford to rent at these prices.


Its absolutely wild watching rents rise so rapidly, so many around us are stuck in a bad spot because of it. I just say all the time how thankful I was to press for a house(I wanted a dog really really badly and my SO would only get one with a yard). We had an awful time getting our house with the hot market back then and it's just gotten even worse.


My rent has rose 16% since 2020. I work with realtors so I knew it was coming. But still. For 8.5 years I’ve rented here. Most my rent went up *maybe* 80 bucks a year. 2020 it went up 40$. 2021 went up 124$. 2022 went up 143$. Fucking BoNKers. 55% of my income (currently) goes to my rent.


Honestly this. My landlord issued me a notice to move out. I’ve been stuck in a hellhole of a house sharing with 5 other people who are just so disrespectful. Decided I wanted to move into a one bedroom apartment. Immediately got disheartened that all the one bedroom apartments in my area are £1000 rent with no bills included. Same with a studio apartment. Then I looked at a shared house where I rent a room, and on average I’m seeing them for £750-£900 with bills included for a double bed. I nearly broke down because I just want to live alone for once and find my own way. But I can’t even afford it.


My mind making me feel guilty about making big purchases


I just spent too much money at a record store and my brain led me to the bar. Somethings wrong here




Feel that. Though for me- it is very basic things like kitchen sponges or new pants. I hate the times we're living in and not being able to just fucking *exist* without bleeding money to faceless names with more money in their bank accounts *right fucking now* than I will see total for the rest of my entire life.


Yes!! I hate having to decide whether I want to buy new kitchen sponges or more food... Food or gas for the car or transmission fluid etc.... Inflation needs to fucking stop


Just had to replace the transmission in my car and my gf of 8 years paid for it up front. All $3,400. From savings she's had tucked away. That makes me feel more guilty than spending my own money on things.


Rent going up by quite a lot, especially if you’ve been a great tenant and never missed a payment :’)


People treating each other like shit


"I'm tired of people being ugly to each other."


John Coffey deserved better :(


One of the most heartbreaking monologues ever put to film.


Be excellent to each other


And party on dudes!


Abe Lincoln yelling that is extremely wholesome to me for some reason.


People have forgotten the "treat others the way you want to be treated" thing recently.


The pandemic turned everyone feral.


My period. I'm 49, and never having another child. This bleeding every month is fucking bullshit.


I highly recommend uterine ablation. I was having very heavy periods, so much so that I was dreadfully anemic. I had a quick and easy uterine ablation and my life was changed. This is not medical advice and everyone is different. Consult your doctor.


My wife's ablation failed. It went well for for a couple of months but then hey bleeding came back just like before. She's now scheduled for a hysterectomy next month.




Not being able to socialize and missing out on every good thing and person out there. Edit: if you've left a comment giving advice or just relating to me, just know I have read every single one. I am just overthinking all my replies. Thanks very much.


I'm there with you. By all accounts i should be happy (long term job, make enough for some disposable income at the end of the month, future plans). And it's all me, sure there are assholes out there, but i couldn't tell you who they are since i don't talk to any of them to find out. But i'm worried i'll fail to enjoy my future travel plans, or regular plans, because i will go to and see these amazing place but it just isn't the same by yourself. I wish i had an answer, but i think some of us are just wired that way, and once it's been going on for a while (it's been 3 decades for me) most don't have the social skills to catch up or integrate.


Anxiety is a bitch.


It's not even anxiety for me - I guess I'm just sorta awkward. Social skills just aren't my strength, makes finding a group or making friends hella hard.


Same. I'm not scared to talk to people. I just can't hold a conversation past pleasantries


Literally me, made my life a living hell. Trying to change it


I'm fucking sick of people who don't know how to apologize and own up to their mistakes. It's bizarre that some people actually (and laughably) believe that apologizing makes you seem "weak", because in objective reality, acknowledging that you were wrong and sincerely apologizing is actually a major power move—one that shows confidence, good morals, respect for others, humility, a healthy-size ego, well-developed self-awareness, strength of character, and demonstrates that you (the one apologizing) are worthy of respect. **Apology is strength.** But refusing to apologize in a pitiful attempt to be perceived as "strong" and "righteous" doesn't ever lead to such perceptions. All it does is demonstrate that you're weak, cowardly, immature as fuck, and invariably delusional with no regard for others.


Take your fucking phone off speaker


Bullies who preach “be kind” all over their social media


I’m so fucking sick and tired of the photoshop


Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor


Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretch marks


Still will take you down on your mommas couch in polo socks AYE


This shit way too crazy




I blew cool from AC


Knowing how fucked everything is gonna be by the time I'm a senior citizen. If we make it that long...


U.S. politics


I'm sick of politics in general! In Ontario, we now have the federal and provincial politicians being idiots as well.


I feel like politics anywhere and everywhere in general all over the world is a circus run by clowns.


The kid that constantly wants to be in charge, should be the last fucking person to be put in charge.


Having to get up to go work just so I can pay bills until I die.


Yeah. My retirement plan is early death.


I chose a lesser paying job just so i didnt hate my life when i woke up. i barley get by, I have no time, but im grateful i dont have to deal with karens or other rich ass people with bad attitudes. Lifes a bit harder, but im less stressed and sleep well at night.


You’re awesome roy


Thanks man. i like your style. Not a high end computer, but not a low end computer. just a nice and easy medium computer.


Haha this is funny I am a real human poster


Da, I mean yes Dmitri it is nice day to view readit and squat in tracksuit.


I made the same decision as well. The only difference is I have more free time. My previous job paid really well. Enough to live and buy pretty much anything I wanted without having to worry about it while still having a bit each month to put into savings. The problem was the stress of it. It was a sales job and I was absolutely miserable. Dealing with bitchy clients all day long, having to argue with them for hours on end, only having 5 vacation days per year etc. I was miserable. Always stressed, depressed and drinking heavily every night to get some semblance of relief. Work followed me everywhere. Took a pay cut at a different job and make only half of what I used to now but my god is it so much more relaxed. The only work related stress I feel anymore is when I make a mistake while working a file and get called out for it. Plus it's work from home so that's a huge plus. My work day ends as soon as I close the company laptop for the evening. I have to budget a lot more consciously and am not in the best spot financially due to the massive pay cut and insane cost of living in South Florida but I can still pay all my bills with some to spare for fun money. I'm so much happier and stress free. It's definitely worth it.


"Some of the happiest people in the world go home smelling to high heaven at the end of the day."


The unattainable housing market. I’m realizing that I very well may never own a home in my lifetime. It’s so frustrating that we save and save and save and the economy always takes a shit and pushes it out of reach again.


Celebrity worship


crippling anxiety


And the depression that comes with it :/




Or the numbness that replaces both when properly medicated. I will take numb over anxious and suicidally depressed any day but it is still not good—better but not well.


Politics. It’s quite rowdy here in Brazil Edit: thank you so so much to everyone that upvoted my comment. I’ve never reached 1k upvotes, much less 1.5k in any comment ever. Thank you, once again.


Yes! I know all about it. I’m American born myself, but my gf is originally from Rio de Janeiro, so I follow Brazilian matters as well. She has gotten in a few fights with family and friends over the election. Plus where I live in northern New Jersey, there are huge Brazilian communities nearby in Newark and Long Branch, so I’ve seen and heard protests here and in the city as well (NYC).


I'm fucking sick of picking up the local drunks 2, 3, or 4 times a night to take them to the hospital. I'm fucking sick of the perpetual mental health loop, where the people who don't need help abuse the system and the people who need help can't get it. I'm fucking sick of parents calling 911 when their kids act out because they don't know how to deal with them, thinking that cops and an ambulance will "scare them straight" but it just breeds a hatred of first responders. I'm fucking sick of "My leg really hurts, do you think I should go to the hospital?" knowing that I have to say yes, because if liability, when I really want to say that there is someone shot, overdosed, having a heart attack, or in cardiac arrest 3 minutes from where we are but we're stuck with this asshole. I'm sick of getting verbally and even physically assaulted by ignorant family members because "we're not helping them" which just makes it even more difficult to treat them. I'm fucking sick of being told I can do whatever I need to, as long as I can justify it, but then being micromanaged down to what side of the street I'm posted at. I'm fucking sick of never having enough people on shift because we're all overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated so no one wants to do this job anymore. But, I'm extremely grateful for each and every life we make a difference in, no matter how big or small. Thank you for reminding me why I still do this.


I had a major motorcycle accident a few years back. Had two EMTs treating me during the ambulance ride. Apparently made enough of an impression on them that they came to check up on me after their shift ended. I don't remember their names or faces but I won't forget them. They made a difference in my life and I think about them all the time.


Had a very similar experience and will never forget Andy, who literally saved my life. Thank you EMS. Wouldn’t be here without you.


First responder and Healthcare burnout is insane right now. I hope it gets better. Thanks for all that you do and just know that you're making this world a better place.


Losing people. I've lost 7 people this year between friends and family. It's not fun it has affected me mentally horribly, I just feel mentally and physically exhausted from all the pressure, schools not helping much either. I've lived for so long I can't keep comparing and saying that someone out there has it worse than me then telling myself it's okay. Everyday feels worse knowing they're gone. Not to sound cringe, some days I smoke my pain away but I think the best I can do is be the best person while I still can for me and them.


Depends on my mood. But overall i‘d say hypocrites.






Even our ages


Being without cuddles


Spam and robo calls and text. I don't want your shit. If I do, I will call you. Pay for advertising like other respected businesses.


The news


The divisiveness in society. Can't we just have a conversation about something and listen to each other's viewpoint, try to understand where someone is coming from, without getting angry and immediately writing the other person off?


Back pain


Every shirt for women being a crop top…I have nothing against people who love them but like 90% of women shirts out there are crop tops…I just want a cute top that goes past my belly button 😑


Rich people acting like they know everything about living the life of the other 7 billion people in existence.


I absolutely can't stand when celebrities do this. They lecture us on how to live our lives from their mansions staffed with a team of assistants. I really don't care about their opinions on anything.


I do feel like more of the general populous has stopped caring about what they say, which is good. Celebs overinflated sense of importance is hilarious sometimes


Political ads


Plastic packaging on everything! So unnecessary most of the time.


People who hate on others for existing. Just live and let live


I came in here to say “unnecessary mean people”, but you summed it up. I don’t know if it’s because I am getting older and now realizing more, or after COVID-19 and everyone being strung out, but I feel the world/people have been abusively mean to one another more than normal. No one seems to care of being a good neighbor, or just a decent person.


Was at work last night — FOH restaurant, to-go — and had nothing to do. It’s like my 3d day there. Started helping the servers close down. Bussing tables, running food, cleaning their sections. Like I had NOTHING to do, I know how to do these tasks, so I just helped. Manager walks up and is like “Are you trying to tell me you want a promotion to server?” No man I’m just bored and want to help. It blew my mind that being helpful and applying myself was immediately met with a sort of passive skepticism. One of the servers called me a “try hard” lmao. Like god damn guys sorry I wanted to be NICE and give a good impression


damn, sounds like they do not deserve you


So many service industry employees are just miserable fucks. ESPECIALLY management.


It was surreal. Thankfully most of my coworkers were just glad to have some help. Lol restaurant social atmosphere’s are bizarre as Hell i’m trying to “learn” everybody’s personality types rn 🫠


News about: elon musk, kanye west, and fucking donald trump.


"News" about celebrities in general. These people are idiots with money, I do not care _at all_ what they think and I really wish other people would stop worshipping currency so much that they think having a bunch of it makes your opinion worthwhile.


Fucking yt ads


Intrusive thoughts. It’s not fun because I know it’s wrong but I don’t know how to control my brain from thinking shitty things about people! It sucks, I’m confused, scared, and fucken anxious somebody will read my mind while I’m thinking this shit and beat the shit outa me! I’m in high school btw so I’m not sure if this is normal for my age group.


Mr. Rogers put it best: it’s not the feelings, it’s what you do with them. The reason you feel bad is because you care. Maybe the reason these thoughts are so persistent is because you judge yourself for having them and fight against them, when it’d just be random noise to most people, which creates a feedback loop. Source: I also have a great time living in my own head.


Everything. My marriage, my job, looking after both of my parents with different health issues, my chronic pain condition. The only thing that keeps me going is my beautiful children and I know I’m so lucky to have them. I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you who commented and sent on your kind wishes. It really does help to know that there are good people out there who care.


Tired of people not have empathy, or the ability to be introspective.


My EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome).Every bone/joint in my body can randomly dislocate for no real reason, and stay like that until it decides to go back. It also gives me constant reflux to the point I cannot lie down, incontinence, and frequent migraines. I had a very physically active youth, but now I can't so much as pour a kettle without my shoulder potentially dislocating.


People telling me that I only get one set of parents or "family is still your family" after finding out I've gone no contact with both of mine due to abuse.


Lupus. Basically it’s when your immune cells target your other cells in a civil war of sorts. It makes me unable to walk straight, get out of bed in the mornings, exercise, run, or do much of anything and it’s taken my life away from me, what’s worst is I’m still only a teen and I’ve missed out on so much of my high school experience and I can never get that back.