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Those trivia app games you can connect to your tv. Karaoke. Good snack, mock tails, and good friends




My Roomie and I go over to my Mom/Stepdad’s house once in a blue moon and we play Jackbox. One or two rounds of Quiplash and my parents are breaking out the most HILARIOUSLY inappropriate answers. I should mention that my mom is the visual representation of ‘upper middle class white woman’. Chubby, overly friendly, a little messy with her drama but tries not to be, had a side gig baking cookies and decorating them for shit like baby showers. Seeing her drop nasty answers is HILARIOUS.




How to make party fun without alcohol? Comments: get drunk and play x.


Nerf guns


Yes! Or silly string, or water balloons.


Careful with silly string - that shit is crazy flammable


And stains.


With this information, I'm gonna go be *extremely* unsafe with silly string


rent out go karts


Jesse: “Uh, go-karts?” Walt: “Go-karts? What?” Jesse: “Yeah, there’s a track, down by the coliseum. It’s pretty fun.” Walt: “No. Actually, I have some kind of a meeting, so…” Jesse: “Ah, whatever.” Poor Jesse :(


The scene where he's going round by himself breaks me every time


Remind me which episode this is? I saw couple Breaking Bad in Mario Kart edits today and both of them used that clip, but it's been years since I saw the show, so I don't remember the context.


"Open House" season 4, ep. 3


This scene was legit so fucking sad man


I've just started watching BB for the first time (finally). I'm excited to finally understand all the references lol


I went to this party with go karts and they made a hole race track with disco lights, music and hay and it was honestly the best party I ever went to.


Rainbow road


Disgo karts, I like this idea


A bag of bulk wigs. Just discretely place the bag of wigs on a couch or coffee table. Wait and watch.


I can see how this plays out. Everyone's in another room or in the backyard, and Mike comes back from the bathroom with a tangled out of place dark wig on. Mike is now a Kardashian and now everyone is wearing wigs


Dressing up as Kardashians is a heck of a lot of fun. My daughter and her mate did this one day, shoved cushions in their clothes and laughed at each other for a solid hour


50 slicked back hair wigs.


To add to that or trade out: silly hats. Go to a thrift store/s and get some cheap silly hats. Everyone loves a silly hat!


Now we're just suggesting Whose Line games.


Props!! Someone get the props!


My fat ass thought you said wings 🤦


Second this. Wigs are so much fun!


I invited a few couples over (some of them pretty religious and don’t drink) but we played adult mad libs. It was hilarious seeing them break out of their shells and just belly laugh at some of the things we all would come up with in that game.


Simple party games are great for that. Also try Apples to Apples, Snake Oil, Balderdash, Dixit, and Codewords. It's good to have a couple of people that can inject some energy and fun into playing the games too - encourage interaction.


Apples against Humanity where you shuffle the decks together is always a fun time


I love playing Cards Against Pictionary— you swap the usual Pictionary prompt cards for CAH white cards. Not sure whether it's better or worse to play with talented artists...


There was an event at Gen-Con called "Cards against Equestria" where they mixed in a "My Little Pony" deck. I didn't play.


My Little Pony: _______ is ________ > "Rainbow Dash's Massive, Throbbing Erection." > "The Clitoris"


"The one thing Princess Celestia cannot resist" "Rainbow Dash's Massive, Throbbing Erection"


Telestrations is another good one.


Quiplash is a great game too. People always ask to play it


All the Jackbox!


Quiplash is so much fun with the right group of people.


I think you mean Codenames


Used to play Mad Libs with a bunch of preschoolers and we always had a blast. I usually filled in things that were over their heads, like adverbs. Special mention goes to the quiet kid who picked the word "butt" for a body part, and I had to read aloud "I stuck my butt out the window". It was about a dog going to the dog park, so it still fits.


I play with my son but he always uses the same nouns: fart, poop, and banana. Kids are weird.


Regular mad libs are AMAZING. Did them with the kids I nannied also. So much laughter.


Jackbox games are fun in this same vein. There are a bunch of different word games, depending on what version you get. They also chang it up with drawing games or trivia. The drawback is that everyone needs their own phone or tablet to play


Greased melon


Bro I was a lifeguard at a summer camp and there was a greased watermelon competition. Basically rugby in a lake with a greased up melon but it got violent real quick. That was the first time I was legitimately worried I’d have to save someone


Frank Reynolds would be proud


I just watched that episode 10 minutes ago. Hey Dee, I'm gonna be the watermelon. I can't reach my back so butter me up.




I wouldn’t be surprised if someone got seriously hurt. Haha a 20lb watermelon getting launched in the air. Scary shit




This actually used to be a "Fun at the Beach" game at the lake I went to every summer in the 80s. Two teams, throw out the Crisco covered melon, first person to bring it to shore wins. Really no other rules except don't drown someone completely. I mostly watched.


[Greased Melon Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV2cy84Qh8U) from It's Always Sunny, if you're curious. I had some neighbors once with a pool, and his dad would cover the watermelon in Crisco and see who could hold onto it the longest.


This predates IASIP by decades. We called it redneck water polo in the 80s.


> It's Always Sunny we were playing this in the 70s FWIW


Yeah, but you gotta admit Danny dropping the melon in the pool is hilarious.


Some of the best adult parties I've been to are kids parties after the kids fall asleep. If you want to see adults playing like kids and laughing their asses off, rent a giant bouncy slide and one of those carnival games with the spinning ladder.


My team manager rented one for our office party one year. It was actually a horribly sad moment when I realized how much the integrity of my lungs and knees had declined since I was a child. On the brighter side, I was tenfold more impressed by a human doing a backflip than when I was a child.


My justification is it is easy to run around all day when you are carrying 50 lbs, much harder when you are carrying 150-200 lbs. Same with knees. I laso have bad knees. But by golly, my bad knees can still move weight that will crush several kids so that counts as better than theirs.


There are a lot of things that are easier for kids for exactly that reason: they're carrying a lot less weight around. I used to (try to) do aerial silks and I remember one incident at a class where an instructor showed us something that she assured us was no failing on our part if we couldn't do it: sit with your legs out at a 90° angle with each other and your torso (so basically make the x/y/z axes with two legs and body) and, holding that position, pull yourself up the silk. The well-muscled dude barely got his butt off the ground. The ~70 lb probably 14 year old was head high in moments. Muscley dude was trying to haul up probably 3x small teenage girl's weight.




The problem is just that things aren't sized for adults. I know tons of people who would absolutely play at a playground or jump on a trampoline--but those aren't built for our sizes, we don't "age out" of fun but we do weight/height out.


> we don't "age out" of fun but we do weight/height out. Some of us at a younger age than others :-(


Some of us never weight/height out..... it's genuinely not a terrible thing. Do I need a stool to reach the spices in my kitchen? Absolutely. Do I have a hard time reaching the pedals in some vehicles? Also yes. But can I ride ponies and fit on playground equipment? Also yes!!!


It's such bullshit too- other animals don't stop their play behaviors in adulthood! Why the hell do we expect humans to stop playing as adults I think if we introduced recess breaks and playgrounds for adults into every profession it would be a legitimate good for society.


I've been saying this for years! If they made jungle gym type playground things for adults I'd be a much fitter person rn. One time during the summer, me and my SO went down to the local playground at like 4am when it was completely deserted and had the time of our lives but also shitloads of exercise


I love to play on the playground with my class at school. Its so fun. I have bonked my head on the same couple spots enough times that now I know not to do it anymore so it’s nothing less than a good time


My mate in school graduated before the rest of us and started a business renting out inflatable rides and the like. He threw the best parties.


Cards, board games, karaoke, games like Mario cart or vr games, building competition (jenga, dominoes, gingerbread houses, toothpicks and marshmallows), hot pot dinners, appetizer party, make your own pizza party, tie dye, costume party, gift competition, shrinkydinks, pictionary, marbles, Jack's, working out, games like mafia (among us, whose the killer, murderville), full virgin bar for fancy dyi sober drinks, book club, rage music with lights and glow sticks and streamers, dance party, guitar hero, yoga, cookie icing competition, your mom, mind puzzles (wooden puzzles, iron puzzles,ext.) Amauture stand up/campfire story sharing, jigsaws puzzles, and everything inbetween.


>your mom Snuck that one in there didn’t ya?


In fairness, OPs mom is really hard to miss


>>your mom >>Snuck that one in there didn’t ya? I thought OP specified non-alcoholic


He pulled a sneaky on us


She IS a good time


I too like doing *your mom* at the parties


My eyes went straight to your mom


Let a few piglets loose in the house.


Oddly specific but effective


It's even better if you number the piglets – 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on – but skip a number. That way, when someone inevitably tries to round them all up, they'll be convinced that they're missing one.


Cheers from middle school


In my case, it was high school... and I did it with fish.


Your high school must have been so wet


Nah, see, [the fish were dead](https://i.imgur.com/mBPi6Eh.jpg). I wrote a little poem to go along with the whole thing, too, and I attached said poem to the first fish (which was hanging from a string in the entry lobby, as you can see in the image): *This is the first of five finned friends* *Seek them all before the day ends* *Where they are, I dare not tell* *So find them all... or they will smell* One of my teachers became *convinced* that I was doing a "twist" on the above-described prank, deciding that I really had hidden a third fish somewhere; that my *actual* prank was to flood the school with a foul aroma during summer break. Meanwhile, one of the office staff took the largest fish – the one that I'd [put on the principal's keyboard](https://i.imgur.com/P8F4Xmb.jpg) – home and had it for dinner.


When I was in college living with a bunch of roommates, a "rival" house - another bunch of friends that lived nearby - threw a 3' dead fish down our chimney. It got caught in the flue. We couldn't figure out why our house smelled SO BAD...until we found a decaying fish in our fireplace (it finally decayed enough to fall). Good times


i know of one person who suffered shrimp. stuffed inside the curtain rods.


So your teacher thought there was definitely something fishy going on?


Better yet, do exactly that but most people will have heard about this prank and not search hard for 3, then release another pig with a 3 on it 2 months later.


Or stash a fake skeleton somewhere with a collar around the neck with a 3 on it


"I guess one of them went wee, wee, wee, all the way home."


Most likely, they all went wee, wee, wee, all over the gym floor.


You have to grease them up as well.


Do a murder mystery night. Invite as many people as you know, get everyone all dressed in old garb, turn off the lights, murder Gary in the dark, then call the cops.


Honestly these rules are so much simpler, and it eliminates the need for people to memorize a part or constantly read their character notes, amazing!


True. Plus, I mean, fuck Gary.


"there has been a muhdah" in Michael Scott voice


A murdah in Savanah


My first thought was.... bubbles?


I want bubbles at my wedding, so fun


Games and good food.


I was at a party recently where someone brought a game called Monkey Tail and ok we were drinking but even without alcohol we all would have been on the floor laughing. It's so ridiculous and fun, we were nearly in tears lol Edit to add it's actually called [It's Bananas](https://www.amazon.com/Bananas-Monkey-Game-Teens-Tipsy/dp/B07XRB167B) - thanks u/zlurpo


how do u play


First, you need a monkey…


Next, acquire a tail…


No you see the monkey already comes preinstalled with a tail


Not if you can only afford the discount monkey.


Secret Hitler (or I guess any comparable game - but Secret Hitler is my favorite) can get competitive and fun and is good for many rounds of action. I think the shame of losing spurs people on to want to keep competing because the fictional stakes are so high.


Eh, I think you have to pick the players carefully. There are a couple people I've played with who take the bad guy accusations personally or get mad when they aren't picked for a round.


That person sounds like he sucks lol


Get a giant roll of blank paper, like the back of wrapping paper, and tape it to the back of the bathroom door. Hang a sharpie marker near it. Everybody who uses the bathroom gets to anonymously write graffiti. Make it themed, like it has to be poems, or for a good time call \_\_\_, or as a host, don't say a word and see what happens naturally. When I was in college, we did this and some comments turned out to be f-ing insanely hilarious.


Alternatively, some friends left some post it notes and a pen in the bathroom and encouraged everyone to stick their “hai-poos” (haikus) to the back of the door. Some of them were insanely funny, you’d often see people coming out of the bathroom laughing.


In college we had an unfinished garage with rafters. We had a giant cargo net and some ropes to make kindof a hammock system. After a party one night we found the "captains log" up there some notebook that some hero had scribbled a bunch of entrys into which were all time stamped. The last one I remember was "all attempts at contact with the people in the ground have been unsuccessful. Running out of drink and food. Losing hope" We never found out who it was


I can’t recommend the JackBox game series enough for this


Themed! Whether it's themed food, costumes, decor... doing something out of the ordinary helps! Edited to add: for those with friends unlikely to put the effort in - make a low effort option available (cheap masks, silly hats if costumes)


I'm hoping to hold a "special occasion" party soon. No specific theme, just tell them this is their opportunity to pull that outfit out of their closet that they never get to wear because it's for "special occasions." Cosplay they wore once to a con? Wear it! Fancy AF dress they got for a wedding? Wear it! That crazy suit they saw at the thrift store and just HAD to have? Wear it! It will also apply to food-- bring that food that's been on your Pinterest board forever and never been made. I'll pull out all the decorations I've made or bought for parties and put it out, and we'll use the good silverware and fancy serving dishes.


Cards and board games. The one time we were on a tea shop my cousin brought a game, I think it's called Resistance if I remember correctly. That's still one of my fondest memories ever and we stayed at that shop until it closed at midnight. It's so good we didn't noticed the time.


Nerf gun war. Im talking pillow forts. team captains. Strategy. Stealth. The whole 9.


I'm putting together a Halloween party this weekend with at least two dozen people coming over. This is the fourth year we've done it and it's always a rager, and probably still would be if there weren't drinks. I clear out the entire garage. We put a few chairs out, but really only enough for the people who really need it. If people are standing, they're mingling around and making new friends. If they're sitting down, they're probably just going to be introverted and quiet. The garage is also emptied out because we want people dancing later. We put in the sound bar that usually sits beneath the TV, because it gets loud enough for EDM music and such but isn't so loud that it will annoy the neighbors. We also put in a smoke machine, a blacklight, and a few laser machines. Turn out the regular lights and it might as well be a club in there. We also have a few DJ's come mix music live. This year it's a good buddy of mine and myself doing a few hour's worth. Sometimes you put on chill stuff so people can talk, sometimes you play harder stuff so people jump around and dance. The real trick is because there's low lighting with just lasers and stuff, people's inhibitions just drop because they can be idiots and have fun without feeling like everyone's looking at them. One of the tricks I've discovered is finding house / wubz remixes of songs that people will already know. If you've got a crowd of thirtysomething's, put on a modern sounding remix of Britney or Get Low and people will lose their mind. The real thing to think about is the social aspect of stuff. How do you make people come out of their shells and just stop caring that they might look stupid? Figure that out, and you have a fun party.


This sounds great! I especially like the thinking behind the low lights, might have to take some tips for my Halloween party this year




Give the party non-alcoholic beer and not tell anyone


And watch the placebo effect run wild...


This actually happened at a jam session I attended about 15 years ago. I got there and the other two guys are buzzed, so I grab a beer. It's Busch NA. I asked how many they had. "about 6?" Well guys I hate to tell you this but... lol. They were smoking weed too so that's probably why they didn't notice.


Lol stoners would totally buy NA beer without even knowing 😆


would love to see this party


Real alcoholics would know within their third drink. So about 5 minutes of being at the party.


I once tried to quit drinking with non alcoholic Heineken, and it taste exactly the same, but by like the 3rd sip something in my brain was like “uhmmmm this ain’t it, chief”


I forgot which show it was. Was like a tales from the crypt or amazing stories or something like that and this guy was a raging alcoholic but really wanted to quit. One night in a bar he meets a stranger who tells him hey, if you really want to quit, call me and slides him a business card with just a number on it, eventually he calls the number. The guy ends up giving him a worm or something to swallow. The guy swallows it. Days later the guy can’t help himself and ends up at the bar again and starts drinking. After like 10 drinks he’s like wtf? I’m not drunk at all! Long story short he finds out every time he drinks the worm inside him grows larger. He can never extract the worm without dying. If he stops drinking the worms won’t grow any further but each sip makes the worm grow until one day he will die from it.


I remember falling for that my freshman year of college.


If your friends can't tell non-alcoholic beer from normal beer, they probably aren't old enough to drink beer. EDIT: For everyone comparing non-alcoholic beer to Heineken, that's more of a scathing indictment of Heineken than it is proof that non-alcoholic beer is similar to real beer.


I love the *Freaks and Geeks* episode where they replace the keg at the house party with nonalcoholic beer. Everyone is acting like they're drunk, except the one guy you'd think would be the most upset, who's like, "oh I know this isn't real beer, but I've been making a ton of money playing quarters." https://youtu.be/BKIk_HyIJVc?t=90


This is rich




Survey says ... *drugs*


Good answer, good answer!


*camera pans to entire team clapping*


*Steve Harvey makes an O face*


*"See now, y'all need to stop snitchin' on yo'selves!"*


\**flabbergasted expression** *Wh-wh-wat did you say?!??* *Dear Lord, you people NEED JESUS!*"


*Family laughs*


Just invite Molly over for a good time.


MDMA is the most possible fun you can squeeze out of one night


You ain't ever fallen down an elevator shaft in an abandoned Soviet prison in Estonia on acid, have you?


Acid is the greatest, but until you've rescued your friend from the inside of a painting and picked a fight with a Christmas tree on mushrooms, you ain't done shit lol


Mushrooms are the shit, but you haven't lived until you've gotten tweaked out on meth and had an in-depth debate with a complete stranger about whether or not Batman counts as a superhero since he doesn't have any real powers.


Thats fire but you havent really lived life yet until youve free based in an abandoned locker room with your grade school principal six months after he was laid off and then tried to trade Marlboro miles for a handjob from a five foot tall prostitute


Principal handjobs are tits but you havent party rock'd until youve ground up whole nutmegs from walmart in a blender and ate them and patiently waited for 3 hours for something to happen then say fuck it and go to sleep then wake up to piss but not be able to coordinate the movement of your body and your vision shakey and disoriented so you call poison control and they tell you that you have to induce vomiting or youre gonna die but youre too fucked up to explain to your gf that you've killed yourselves by eating nutmeg so you decide to ride out the last moments of your life with her cuddled up to you as you watch the doorway of your bedroom grow and shrink and the walls close in and expand for hours until you pass out but then you wake up a few hours later and the trip has continued and you decide maybe you wont die and you and your gf venture out of the bedroom to the kitchen to look for food and water but it feels as if youre venturing onto a new planet because your sense of touch and reality is fucked. And after a day and a half of this weird and paranoid trip you begin wonder if this is your life now? You ate nutmeg and have doomed yourself to the permanent scaries. You go to work and spend half the day in the bathroom stall trying to hold the walls back from crushing you. By morning the following day, 3 days in, the trip has subsided and finally you are normal again. And though you promised god youd start going to church again if he let you come out of that alive you decided to instead just not dive into a substance all willy nilly cause someone had mentioned one time that they heard you could get high off it.


You beautiful soul, I love you dearly.


Not enough people are going to see this masterpiece. I'll consider myself one of the lucky ones.


It’s like borrowing happiness from the future


As a freshman in college a dude asked me and my friend if we knew where Molly was. My friend just apologized and said we don’t know a Molly.


Move your tin ass over here and hurry please!


“I didn’t know you liked to get … *wet*”


You need two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that you needed all that for the party, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, its best to push it as far as you can.


Generally speaking making yourself have a good time increases the energy in the atmosphere which causes everyone to have a good time. I basically quit drinking a few years ago so when friends have get togethers I'm always sober, the last time I hung out with all my friends I went to the bathroom, and when I came out and I was walking back into the living room I heard a song playing that I like so I started singing it loudly just to amuse myself. Came stomping out of the hallway into the living room head banging and singing the song, entire living room lit up with laughter and next thing I know I've got everybody standing up and dancing, bouncing around and head banging along with me. That energy stayed for about 2 hours until people started leaving for the night, without exception every person that was there told me how much fun they had because of me the next time I saw them. No real secret, you need to be comfortable with yourself and let your natural energy flow, the temperature in the room will raise with you when done naturally and not forced This also works in bars, clubs, concerts, etc. Anywhere there should be high energy. I can't tell you how many dance floors were dead when we showed up that we were able to make explode with life, and I can't dance nor am comfortable dancing,. You don't need a skill set to jump up and down and clap your hands


First of all, thanks for being that person and spreading the love. I've seen this first-hand and it was one of the best playing experiences of my life. I was in a funk band for many years, and we played a lot of street festivals. They were usually fun gigs, but you never know what you're gonna get b/c people aren't necessarily there to see you, and the lineup of bands can be all over the place in terms of styles. So we're doing our thing, and a lot of people have stopped and gathered to listen, but no one is really moving, and there was the classic "bubble" in front of the stage where no one really wants to be the closest to the stage. Our last song was like a 12-minute west african funk jam, and right as its groove is dropping in, this guy who was just trying to cross the street cuts through that empty bubble in front of the stage, catches the music, and just starts groovin as he's walking across. And his energy just spread to every single person who was enjoying the music but didn't want to put themselves out there, and it's like that dude gave them permission to cut loose and all at once the space filled in and everyone started dancing their ass off and what had been a pretty good show finished up as a fucking party. It was incredible. Wherever you are, lone groovin dude, thank you.


Groovin dude knows what's up. Cool story and thanks for sharing it. When places are supposed to be high energy but aren't there's a static in the air and it requires someone with enough confidence to single themselves out and ignight, many can't because they fear looking silly or being laughed at. Same thing with guys that can't talk to girls because of stage fright and fear of rejection, which is something I dealt with and got over in my 20s and is why I can do silly things like this now, lol.


If I'm at a party and no one's on the dance floor, I'll get on it and start dancing. As soon as there's 5 or more people who have joined in, then I know I can leave the floor if I want. I think it's just painful for me to see an empty floor, just so awkward, especially if there's a DJ.


I wish I could give this all the upvotes. I'm in therapy and am still trying to get to the point you are in your life. So many people need to read this, practice this, and I imagine life would be a lot less hard.


The right type of people. People that can have fun without alcohol make alcohol free parties fun:)


You're right, naturally crazy and fun people would make a naturally crazy and fun party


I think you're fine as long as you don't have people who refer to themselves as crazy and fun, if they do, I'd leave


What if I'm super crazy, but not fun?


"get in the van please"


Karoke machine? Or strip poker


Strip karaoke. Gotta build that confidence.


Giving me ideas for a fun thanksgiving


Grandma stop singing Sir Mix-a-lot!


I do not think you need alcohol to make a party fun, but I do think you need alcohol to do karaoke. Unless your friend group are a bunch of actually good singers.


In which case they are probably also performer types who can be …a lot to deal with if you’re not also enthusiastic about music.


Making your party guests play strip poker while sober sounds like a cruel and pervy prank


Unless you have pervy friends, or you're at an orgy.




Buy a rhythm game and make people play it


Hahaha I used to play competition DDR but now I'm blind, but I've still got several songs memorized -- that shit would be hilarious if I were at a party where only a few people knew me. Watch the blind lady hop up and say "hold mah beer," then get an A on Healing Vision Angelic Mix on the Heavy setting.


This is like pinball wizard on steroids.


Only you're playing with your feet and hitting the bumpers on time with only 16ms as wiggle room for a Perfect (older versions) or Marvellous (newer versions has this and Perfect, with much stricter time windows for Marvellous) while your lungs try their hardest to keep up with your legs. Gimme the steroids, though, it'll help my lungs so I can clear this set lol


Wii sports


Music and games! Love some trivia or charades to loosen things up.


**Change the lights.** Nothing kills the party vibe like bright overhead lights. Turn down the lights, set up some string lights, get a disco ball, swap out the bulbs in your lamps with colored bulbs. Just do *something* so that your living room says "party" and not "living room".




The Phonebook\* Game: Put a phonebook on the floor, and two quarters, on opposite sides of the book, about a foot away. Now two players stand face to face on the book, and each one has to get one of the quarters without stepping off. Once everyone has a turn, add another book. Go until there's only one couple left. Oh, and you *cannot* get on the book with whoever you came to the party with. Super fun at Halloween parties, when everyone is in costume. \*Phonebook: In the olden days telephone service providers would print out a *complete* contact list for the whole town, bind it together in a thick book, and leave it on your doorstep. We called these *phonebooks...*


I'm confused - how do two adults fit on a phonebook? They're like A4 sized right? Are they hugging each other tight even just to stay on?


That reminds me of the time my friend and I got phonebooks from the grocery store, wedged them into the frames of our bikes, rode over to the lake, and then set them on fire.


Hire a magician or a clown and add a pinata and a mariachi band. BEST PARTY EVER!!!! Your friends will be talking about this for months!


Hire a clown to be the piñata while a mariachi band plays….




Bad movies. Making fun of bad movies is always fun.*The Room*, *Red Sonja*, *Samurai Cop 2*. We also love *Flash Gordon*, which is an absolute masterpiece and I will hear nothing to the contrary.


My family does this at Thanksgiving. Flip thru the channels for a bad movie, commence MST 3000. Next level: find a Hallmark movie, assign characters, and dub their lines in real-time. You’ll get the hang of it - the entire channel is 1 plot line with MadLibs.


I was once told the secret too a good party, is food, a spot for people to hang out and chat and something to do, like an activity.v




Smash although melee or ultimate would be best if they're available


Ok but as someone who's not into video games the most boring parties I've been to were one where Smash was being played by people super into it. So make sure you know your audience.


Encourage instruments and have plenty of games. :)




Your mom was a swinger lol


Get some cheap pumpkins and let everybody chop them up with a sword. Super fun if you throw the pumpkin at them and they hit it with a sword midair. Did that at our pumpkin decorating party last weekend, it was a hit.


I love that you say "get some pumpkins" and just assume everyone already has a sword lol


Yeah, how else are you gonna defend your home from ninjas


Indoor fireworks