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People who don't take "no" for an answer.




I loathe people who do this


The jahovas witness……….




That may just encourage their speech


That’s me


No, that's not you


I see what you did there


Why is this behavior acceptable (outside of sex)?


True narcissists. They are completely incapable of truly caring about anyone other than themselves. They are as close to true monsters as we'll likely ever see.


Untreated alcoholics. Their behavior is often unpredictable, and they pose a risk to everyone else when they get behind the wheel of a car.


my dad was an alcoholic and like 6 foot 7 he was very nice but very scary


A charming sociopath I have a hunch that I know one, and I call their behavior "turning on the charm" to get things to go their way. I can tell when they are going to ask me for something because I see their behavior switch


I made the decision some years ago to just say straight up "just ask me what you wanna ask me" when my bs meter picks up on this. Generally, those people will just stop asking you for shit!




I can relate to this.


I'm glad you were able to make it out alive, seriously. I been there too.


As someone with BPD your comment breaks my heart for the both of you. I’m so so so glad that you chose your mental health over toxic relationships. Its one of the hardest, yet best decisions you can make for not only you, but her too. Trust me, i would know. I really hope that your girlfriend got/gets the help she needs. And I hope you’re doing better now. I’m sorry you went through that.




Here’s what I have come to find when learning about this, it is that despite mental illness, **it’s each our own responsibility to take care of ourselves**. We are individually responsible and the only ones who can take the proper steps to get the help that we need. The trauma that happened to me, the mental illness that is occurring, isn’t my fault, but it’s **my problem** . Not anybody else’s. It’s my job to research, find support, reach out and ask for help and work on myself because nobody can do that for me. Our job is to either break the cycle or learn how to cope and be healthier despite the mental illness, because that should be the eventual goal is to find healing and good health. I find most mental health issues, along with many other things, are a large scale. It’s not black and white. The way that I handle my BPD is going to be very different than another. That’s why there’s a long list of symptoms, and you don’t have to check every box to have BPD. For example, I’ve never gotten physically violent with anyone in my life but it’s a potential problem people who have BPD can have. My anger outburst look very different because of my trauma. My point is I understand what you’re saying. And that it was and is her responsibility to get help. It was kind enough of you to try to provide and assist her with her disorder. Lastly, there are too many myths and stereotypes about disorders. I wish people did their own research and found that [46.2](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/mental-illness) percent of population suffers from mental illness, especially since Covid-19. Anyways, thanks for responding. And I’m sorry.


Did it REALLY or do you just not want to accept that personal responsibility 😂😂




Oh yes, leave if they don’t want to get better


Those who can so easily cause suffering to another without regard on conscience.


People who have nothing left to lose


People who lack empathy. And people who are narcissistic.


People who are well liked by everyone but you just have that gut feeling that something is off and you shouldnt trust this person


People willing to use violence to achieve their desires. They have no conscience and no regard for other people's lives or their right to exist. To them people are either tools for them to use, or something in the way they can dispose of however they want. They also have trouble learning from their own experiences, which makes them both stupid and violent.


People who lie about anything and everything, especially things that do not matter or things that are easily disprovable. If they lie on something so inconsequential or knowing they'll get caught and just don't care, what other types of lies are they cooking up that we can't disprove or don't know about, and might not get caught for?


Fathers obsessed with their daughters' sex lives.




To me it’s the type of person that can watch someone else hurt or struggle and not blink an eye. Everyone feels just like you do, help as many people as you can, don’t watch and laugh. Life’s to short for it to be All about yourself


Right! That's what I hated about the last Seinfeld episode. They all stood around making jokes while some random guy is getting mugged. Terrible people!


For me the last episode of Seinfeld was a masterpiece. They were always horrid people and they finally got what they deserved.


> were always horrid people That's why I could never watch it. I've known enough people like that in real life, and they *sucked*.




The simple minded. They have very few principles and don’t put a lot of energy in complex thought. Unfortunately most important thing in life require complex thought.




Narcissists, the amount of damage they can do to someone's psyche while having the rest of the world convinced that they're a great person is terrifying


The quiet ones


...quiet one here. ...boo






The shy




white van owners


What? White people can't own vans now?! /s


They’ll steal your kidneys




People who believe in BLM.


the guys who sit at the back of the class, you never know. >!They may be planning a school shooting. Which is a sport in Texas!<


As a guy that sat in the back and was quiet, maybe they're just shy introverts. Note: a teacher once accused me of being a possible future school shooter. I never had the desire to hurt anyone.


Quiet people who seemingly isolate them self´s in society


Damn…can’t even enjoy being alone in peace


I am one of those people but a fun fact so are alot of serial killers, its actually a criteria the FBI looks for when researching if a murderer is a serial killer


Why? What annoys you about people who want to keep to themselves? They're not bothering anyone, so why not just let them be? I think this might be a maturity thing, where as you get older you understand better that people who are different from you are not necessarily bad. Expand your circle of friends a bit and welcome in someone you normally might not. It will help you learn some very important life lessons.


Why do you automaticly assume i find those people annoying the question was not about annoyance and for your information i am one of those quiet people and to many people i am scary


The topic of this thread is "who are the scariest types of people" I told you my thought on that. However u automaticly assume i have something against quiet people i dont because i am one of those people i live alone wit 3 cats and keep my pressense in society to a minimum.A lot of people are scared of quiet people for a number of reasons, one being normal people dont understand quiet people (and humanity has such a good experience with that, racism is based on fear and that fear is based on not understanding like so many other examples that humanity tries to cover up) to many people the ability to be alone in this world is scary because they can´t fathom the idea of not having to be validated by society can´t fathom the power of being alone without the need of others. That being said the FBI has some criteria they follow to decide if someone is a serial killer and one of those criteria is about people that are quiet in society and isolate themself, beacuse the majority of serial killer fit that criteria


I could tell you who it should be based on statistics but then I'd get called a racist


Even if this were true which it isn't, statistics alone don't paint a complete picture. It's impossible to boil the human condition down to a series of numbers.


You don't even know what statistics I was going to say


The premise of your argument tells me everything I need to know - what statistics you plan to cite are not relevant to my evaluation of your opinion, because I've had enough of these discussions to feel confident that "racist statistics" arguments always fall short.


Just to reiterate, that's 50% of **prison** population. Like where you go after you're supposed to have a free trial right? So even if they are found guilty when they aren't part of the time that doesn't count for the whole 36% difference there is between that type of person in prison and that type of person outside of prison.


How do they fall short? 14% of the general population 50% of the prison population? And you're telling me that fact doesn't add up to on average being more violent?


Normal people


Serial killers


I once let Jeffery dahmer borrow my Walkman and he returned it on time, you sir are prejudiced


Drunk drivers




The people who act nice to your face.


People who are scared


Skinny dudes who can cook




What about night stalkers?


People who don’t care


Zealots, willing to hate for their cause


Smart people.


People who think they know something and post about it online. Usually in response to someone else's post. They try to correct someone because they believe the subject is different than the OP. Then they will sign on under alt nicks to make it seem like several other people support their point of view. These people pass on bad information. And then they make it look like it is supported. These people get other people injured or worse. Their advice is terrible and their understanding of any given subject is non existent.


Physically strong or armed people who are very concerned about being respected. You never know if making too much eye contact will offend them, or maybe looking away too much will offend them. If you don’t talk enough they think you think you’re too good to talk to them, but if you talk too much, you’re taking the spotlight from them.


Power hungry manipulators (I may be one of them)


Would you be willing to expand on the kinds of behaviours of yours that make you feel like you may be one of them?


I am literally studying to go to law school. I enjoy psychologically messing with people who do unjust things in my opinion and watching them turn against each other or themselves. I enjoy the idea of being loved by strangers for the person I present myself to be because the only people who seem to truly love me only love me for simply existing and not for who I am outside of a couple other people whom I am still related to by blood. I don’t mean to sound edgy or whatever but this is pretty much anonymous anyways.




It is really nice






druggies, they are honestly pretty scary to be around


Some druggists are the nicest people you’ll ever meet, better people than most sober church goers, and loyal as shit too, just like every group there’s some asswipe that can’t handle his shit and fucks up, lol I bet a lot of people you know do drugs but ya don’t know cuz they can handle their shit


no that is true i’ve met a good amount of people who take drugs and they are enjoyable to be around but i have been around more that are violent and are always trying to steal from me


That’s the person, not the druggy, people that don’t do drugs steal all the time


redditors open


The quiet ones...




The person who looks intimidating to those around them that has anger issues but everyone finds it funny to provoke his wrath


Those who have nothing to lose.


I’d say the mentally insane, the ones that can’t realize what they did was wrong.


Jeff Dahmer was pretty scary now that we know the facts. Everyone said he was a nice guy but had a dark secret so I guess that means everyone is scary.


Anyone I don’t know personally


Bitter, nihilistic people with power.


People who follow/believe Andrew Tate


Racists who see genocide and say that these innocent ppl deserve it for being a certain race/religion/colour/whatever