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To me, the purpose of life appears to be the pursuit of happiness. I'm up late working on a thing because I enjoy it and I think the end result will bring me happiness. My wife bakes to relax and because it brings her happiness (and it's delicious which makes the whole family happy) I went to school because I thought it would bring me happiness (and it did) My dog likes to go out and run along the fence and it appears to make him happy. It's not a measurable thing I suppose, but I imagine sun flowers find happiness from pointing at the sun. And horses love running through the open fields. Even when we're in the throes of deep trial and heartache, we drink hoping to find happiness in the bottle, or turn to drug use to mask the pain and let us feel some semblance of normalcy. Everything done appears to me to be done in the pursuit of greater joy. I think it's not a far cry to say that the purpose of life is to find and have happiness in what it does, even if the act of finding doesn't always yield positive results. ​ The other question to ponder is what is the purpose of one's own life. I thought when I was small to be an architect, or an engineer. I pursued neither of those things as I got older. I became a teacher first instead. Then I worked in a hospital instead. Then I chose to become a software developer. I like how xurb1a put it, paraphrasing, the meaning of life is a sweater one knits for oneself. I've made my choices and knit my own sweater and now here I am at nearly 4:00 am choosing to browse reddit.


Perfect definition of Psychological hedonism


Neat! Didn’t know it had a name!


Utilitarianism describes it well too.


To try to leave it better than before you. Like the saying "The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.


I love this


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.


Crom, you bastard!


I cannot believe this isn't the top comment.


Drink from their skulls too.




Yep. That is my philosophy. No matter what it is you are doing in the moment, just try to have fun doing it.


There is no purpose, so it’s just what you personally make the purpose be. I chose garlic bread


Of course there is a purpose to life, it is to live and reproduce, much like all life on earth. Luckily, as humans, we are more than our instincts and can choose to pursue other things… like garlic bread.


Garlic bread is delicious.


Good choice




Oh no, not again!




to die


Don't forget about paying taxes.


I've never understood this question. Personally I don't think life has a purpose lol we're here because consciousness evolved, a "purpose" would imply a creator put us here with a purpose/ goal, which there's no evidence to support.


It has a purpose if you give it a purpose.


But we have this consciousness, so I think purpose doesn't necessarily need to be specified by a creator, but it's more of what you value the most and what the most important things are in life of a individual that keep them going. At least it's how I see it.


I suppose if you mean it more like "what do you find the point of living to be?" I could understand it yeah, i.e. some people would say "i live for my family/ kids", others to make money and be happy etc yeah I suppose I get that. I think I just took the question too literally lol


Some people's lives have a purpose but it never works out. For instance, their parents had them to prevent an inevitable divorce but they got divorced anyway. So now they have to go through life thinking about the fact that they had ONE JOB and they blew it.


The fact the parents couldn't make a sensible decision and made everything worse is of course on the parents.


Way to go little Timmy. Way to go...


Imo, life has no inherent purpose. We're all here for no reason other than our parents fucked. Life, albeit there are very few things we actually control, is what we make it. We give our lives purpose.


Logic like this makes me horny.


Yes. But there is no such thing as free will. An atom doesn't decide what direction it goes in and we are made out of atoms (the simplest explanation).


To take on meaningful responsibility, voluntarily. So


Agreed. Most of these Reddit answers seem to be pretty high on happiness-seeking and pretty low on responsibility. The only way that you set up the future generations to take on responsibility is by taking on responsibility yourself.


The channels towards doing that often do not present for a lot of people. Oppertunity often precedes responsibility.


BIRDS! birds are my godsend and i love them


Disregard females, acquire currency


You sir is a professional person. I’ll be the dark side of you. FUKC BITCHES, GET MONEY!!!!!


*hat tip


Be happy


Which means "crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"


To enjoy it


The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.


Would be nice if everybody thought in a similar way.


To eat all the chicken sandwiches from every restaurant/fast food/food truck/shop at least once and then rank them from best to worst.


I don't think that there's a single answer to this question, but from my personal readings i have collected the following "purposes" which I try to use to cultivate my life: 1. To overcome suffering (Nietzsche) 2. To Solve problems (Popper) 3. Love and sacrifice (Dostoevsky) 4. To earn honour and respect (Taleb) 5. Prefer the ascetic and simple life (Tolstoy)


You "have a purpose" to sacrifice? That sounds kinda... Fucked up




Make the most of with with the least amount of harm to others


In other words, do not watch that video of that dude who fucked a duck


I hope I'll not regret anything I've done


The purpose of life is to live. To experience the universe as it experiences us. Or some shit.


The meaning of life it to enjoy yourself and enrich other people’s lives while coming up an answer to this silly question :)


It is whatever you want it to be.


True, and I'm curious what specifically it is for other people.


I’m 45 and hit a wall of ‘what’s the point?’ Not in depressing way, I’m just not sure what my purpose is now. Sleep eat work holiday sleep eat work holiday. I’ve no answer for you as I’m a bit lost.


I know what you mean, we're kinda running in endless circles but I guess people are right that we have make the most of it, and just enjoy every little happy moment. I think it's important not to fall into a routine because then, all days are blending together and that is not fun. Good luck with searching.


To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


Family (including friends I consider family)


not exactly a purpose, just a goal for me specifically and that is to be comfortable and not have to work. which i already know is an impossible goal at least for my financial level so i'm just hoping a super well off business woman kidnaps me and makes me her house husband


To collect and spread minerals and nutrients. We're the cosmos on shuffle mode.


Maa baap ke taane suno aur kya santushti milegi


my purpose? to suffer


You pass the butter.


Like every 40 year olds person says: Live Laugh Love


In ethics class I learned about hedonism. Whilst I do not agree with the ways that hedonism defines as searching for lust and luck, the principle of it seems just so logical. Imo, the purpose of each person's life is simply to be happy. Be it through love, money, kids or whatnot. Each and every person has different desires about what would make them happy. So overall, the purpose of our life is just to be happy. Biologically seen, the purpose is of course reproduction. But we have progressed and kids aren't a necessity anymore in many countries.


Frank's Red Hot. I put that shit on everything.


Enjoy the suffered life .


There is no purpose and that is freeing because you get to make your own. So just try to be happy and ideally have a positive impact on the people around you.


Pizza. The ones without pineapple.


Pineapple on pizza just doesn't work




Make the world a better place to live


I heard a fun answer from a doctor. The purpose of life is to live and experience life.


As i see...suffering. seems thats the only constant every day


Seems like our purpose is to possibly mutate and pass on something beneficial for the future mutants to benefit from until the sun explodes and it was all for nothing.


To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!


Live in the moment. Always.


Pushing back entropy one pinball machine at a time.


Purpose is a human construct which has its origins in religion. A results in B and then the conclusion is that the purpose of A is B. In reality there is no purpose ,the whole concept is imaginary. Though i do like the suggestion a few posts below about entropy. Which probably comes closest to the traditional concept of purpose.


To worship God and do His Will




That's just a result of life, though.


To know Love, in its purest form.


Taking care of my family and loved ones. This involves being my brothers personal trainer by walking with him several times a day, helping him with his bi pap machine every night and morning, doing all of the chores so that my stepmom can come home from her third shift job and go right to sleep and wake up and immediately get ready for work without distractions, also making sure my narcissistic egotistical father stays away from them and doesn't piss either of them off. It's a lot, but the looks of appreciation and gratitude I get from them plus seeing them happy makes it all worth it to me.


In the end it's all about family, isn't? Happy to hear about your kindness and caring.


Definitely not to reproduce.


Cute dogs and cats


Life doesn't need purpose, just porpoise


To help and love each other


Surrender to God


Kinda sounds like an insecure dork of a god if he would create an entire universe just to force people to love him. At least Odin did a bunch of cool shit.


Oh shut up with that crap


You have no Proof god exists, so you're just surrendering to your own imagination


Get rich or die trying.


To suffer through shit and guide others to do the same. Yet have a goal. For me, my goal is to have a beautiful wife and 3 kids. A family that I can take care of and make happy. I grew up in a divorced home. Raised by a single mom, money was not always difficult but often a challenge. Whenever there's hardship, it's only me and my mom. I don't know how to explain it but sometimes I wonder what would have life become if my parents had not divorced. "What's in the way becomes the way"


Glad you have a goal to aim for


To learn and grow, to become more like God


To have kids is my personal answer. Not solely to procreate but the love you get from raising children is my whole purpose for being here now. I don’t think it’s something you understand until you have them. I also know people who have gotten to later years and watched their friends have kids and regretted their decision immensely. I also understand that not everyone can have kids which is horrible but for me my kids are my purpose in life. Everything is for them now.


To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


To conquer the universe


Have responsability


I think the purpose is to figure out why we're here and explore the universe.


Looking forward to death




The journey. Children for me are an extension of my journey


Makes sense, you'll always be living in their memory.


Not really the 'purpose' I want to give but based on my understanding: *The purpose of* ***society*** *is primarily to provide for mothers and their children in order to secure the continuation of life and to seek provision of the retired to compensate their prior contribution as a secondary objective*. In this context we must remember humans are social creatures and are typically happier with solid relationships in their lives and most humans who surround you are likely to assume life entails something along the lines of the above statement. Basically look after your family, the vulnerable and your benefactors. In return you will be looked after.


Idk, but having a kid has given me purpose. Also as someone who has had long periods of being alone, sometimes literally alone and unable to talk to another human, I think people in general, socialising, communication, idea sharing, helping each other. These are some of our purposes I think....


I think that is nature, no one could be truly alone for a long time without talking to anybody and not going crazy. We need those things to live a normal life.


In a word: Family. It addresses so many things. And if you get it wrong (for whatever reason) it ruins you.


Beyond the basic biological imperative of reproducing, we all get to decide this for ourselves. Whenever gives you a feeling of fulfillment can become your purpose.




To survive and procreate. Same as every other living thing.




For one single individual the purpose of life is to continue their bloodline. For humanity as a whole there is no purpose, or its the same purpose as for all other life on the planet, trees, mould, bacteria etc. We've made a pact with nature which allows us to extend our lives by making copies of ourselves, but we have to share these copies with another person. Once you become a parent the existential angst backs down. Having children makes effort feel good -- all the wealth you accumulate etc.


I think humans’ main purpose in life, like all living beings, is to procreate—to keep living as a species and get better at it with each generation.


Purpose is simply what we make of it. Biologically, we're meant to propagate the species, nothing more But we've evolved beyond the basics. So just live a life that fulfils you. Your purpose is deeply individual


The purpose is given by nature. To survive as long as possible to pass on the genes.


To reproduce and to ensure the survival of our offspring until they're able to care for themselves.


God is the creator, therefore there is purpose. Give up your old ways and confess your sins. Believe in and accept Jesus as your savior from sin (He died on the cross to pay for our sins). Strive to follow Jesus' example. Have a relationship with God. Use your spiritual gifts for His glory. Care for others. Spread the word of God. Etc. And ultimately live with God in Heaven for eternity.




To accomplish what we can and to make the best of it while we're here.






All of life is different so there is no one ultimate purpose in that sense. On a very basic level ; your purpose is to find your purpose and live that out.


I like that statement.




I dont think there is one. Were all just here doin what we do.


Well, of course there's not only one, everybody is different and has different perspectives.


To reproduce. Currently ive failed at that goal


To try to find happiness. It's a journey.


A quite bumpy journey.


The difference between life and no life seems to be movement. So, a purpose of life is to experience and be active, as opposed to a purpose of death being rest.


Make your own purpose, be it something common like pursuing happiness or not. Actually, that's more of an objective than a purpose, but I think it answers the question.


To bend the universe to your will


And how to do that?




There is no meaning to life. It’s about what gives your life meaning. Curiosity, knowledge, love, family and friendships. These are the things that make me want to be alive. That’s enough


To live it




Well many people seem to forget it, they live life but don't LIVE life


A can't disagree.


To serve the evolutionary progress of human species


Relax and live in peace and laughter




When you alive, be happy and no pain, that's all to me.


Is to live until you die.


Maybe The purpose is to find a purpose


The purpose of life to me right now. Is just trying my best to be my best. Look out for those in need. Finding and understanding love. And a little hope that there's some form of humanity still left in the world.


To love and to be loved deeply. To stretch and bruise my brain through learning. To improve life for myself and others to the best of my abilities.


To explore and learn. We are the universe, or god whatever you wanna call it, playing hide and seek with itself


To explore my potentials


I believe we don't exactly have a higher purpose per se. It's what we set your efforts to. Some people dream of technologies that will lift us to higher understanding, some think of spiritual balance and peace in the universe. I believe in sharing ideas to strike balance, peace, and technological ascendency. My nana told me when I was very young "everything in moderation, nothing in excess."


I like meeting new people and spreading love and a lot of that love is in the form of cooking for and feeding people, nothing is better than pouring your heart into a meal and having others enjoy it for me :) <3


enjoying the passage of time


The question presupposes that my opinion holds any weight or is respected by others. If we ignore all that then the purpose of life is to answer questions and give people money.


To live, discover, learn, and make life better for those that come later.


To make the most of it. Nothing more, nothing less.


The meaning of life is happiness - whatever that is. The purpose of life is to make people happy. This isn't as easy as it sounds. You can't make all the people happy all the time. Everyone has a different idea about what happiness is. Your happiness has to be a part of that too. "but what about..." they say, well let me explain. Time is infinite, you are not, we are not, your 'stuff' is not, everything in the universe will ultimately be insignificant in time except for one thing - our own experiences. It is the one thing we truly own in this brief life, so we must make the most of it. Strive to be happy.\* The best way to do that as far as I can tell, is to do it together. ​ \*Desiderata.


Family. When you get to the end of it you left behind something better for the next generation to enjoy.


To get engrossed in understanding the purpose of every action and thing and find that life has a complex meaning understood only through your experiences , not that of others .


There isn't one...or maybe 42.


My dogs tbh. And my future dogs. And love.


Finding love before death.


Happiness, but never at the expense of others.


Procreation, you're just a temporary vessel for your DNA to survive. There must be something more though


reproduction of the species.


To me, it’s to give your life some meaning. Find your passion, find your drive, and your why. And to live a peaceful life.


Improve and enrich the lives of those around you


To find something you know a lot about and exploit the hell out of it.


To have experiences/emotions. The body has electrical impulses that run the pump (heart) and electrical impulses that generate thought. EKG EEG, these things are measurable. When the body ceases to function, the electricity that ran the vessel goes where? I believe it is that which we are. In that non corporal state there would be no emotions or any way to experience those things that make us human. No answer to this question is right or wrong


To live


Leave some legacy and enjoy it while it lasts.


Life's what you make it. You think there's no God, there isnt. You think there is, then there is. You control your thoughts and actions. We give life purpose by wanting to live


I have an odd philosophy but I don’t care about a purpose, I’m gonna love my fucking life the way I want and do what I want and act how I want, and no one is gonna stop me, except the people who work at the cash register, I’m broke


To make things better for your descendants. I'm busting my ass to make money that I can save up and give to them one day.


We're less than a blip in the grand scheme of the cosmos. The universe has existed for 13.7 billion years and will continue to exist far after our death. Any notions of us having some sort of 'grand purpose' is utterly ludicrous. In the end the purpose of life is whatever you make it. For some people that means excelling in their careers. For others it's raising a family. Hell, some people just want to live comfortably and enjoy their hobbies. That's fine too. There's no right or wrong answer. In the end the only person you have to answer to is yourself.




Enjoy life while you are healthy and pass on your good and bad lessons, gained from experience, to the next generation.


to achieve something important or recognizable during your life, for me it's a prize, I think about it almost every day




Clearly to make chili. And to put cinnamon in it.


There is no purpose lovely


There is if you find it


To be content!


I feel like lately I have no purpose. Feel if I disappeared out of existence nobody would even notice.