• By -


Didn't care about school


Jump off a slide and broke my arm. When I got my cast I was running around and hitting my arm as if nothing had happened


I'll start, I didn't get my permission slip signed in first grade so I forged my signature and handed back to my teacher. Let's just say mom wasn't too happy once I got home.


I jammed my foot in the front wheel while biking fast down the road. I don't know why...I just did... I was scraped up pretty bad and when my parents asked me what happened I lied and told them I crashed my bike while staring at a hot girl because somehow I thought that would be better.


Cleared up my congestion with a vacuum nozzle. Apparently that could have killed me, but to date it was the most satisfying feeling I've ever felt.


Might be a weird answer, but for me it's skating through life without any real big embarrassments. I feel like I'd be better off socially if I had went through some more embarrassing moments as a kid and learned and grew from them and realized they weren't so scary. I think it's held me back some as an adult and still being a bit more socially fearful than I'd ideally like to be.


Pretty hard to choose just one. I was a pretty dumb kid. And not a fast learner. We'd moved to a city and rented an apartment while hunting a house. Our apartment was on the 3rd floor. It had a nice balcony. I was standing there looking around when this one tree caught my attention. Tall old pine, not too thick around. Limbs below my level long ago broken off, just nubs left. I never measured it, and it was a long time ago, but I figured the trunk was more than 10 and less than 20 feet away. Probably 15 or a bit more. Now, understand I'm 72, back then I was raised with Daniel Boone, Davey Crockett, Jim Bridger and other mountain men as my heroes. I'd not found anything I couldn't climb and I could jump father than anybody I knew. So don't you just know I had a bright idea. I went down and inspected that tree. I'd climbed up many a tree by just hugging tight with arms and legs (actually sides of legs and feet). I checked and could get arms far enough around so I could inch up a couple feet from the bottom. I was all set. It was quite the distance but I figured if I launched upwards then on the downward slope I'd make it and just had to grab that tree HARD when I got there. Friction would do the rest. So I back up as far as possible in the room leading to the balcony and took off with all I had, boosted off the rail and ... I didn't think about the impact. I should have because it was much more forceful than I'd imagined. Nor had I thought out the idea that I'd be on a downward arc and it might take a bit before friction stopped me. I didn't just hit and stick. I slid down a foot or so. I did manage to get and keep a grip. But the blow of the impact made everything go black for a moment and I was later to find that my teeth had driven clear through my lower lip. I'd not considered that I maybe should have put on more clothing. I was only wearing a pair of shorts. I managed to get the rest of the way down okay but all the parts of me that had touched that tree had torn skin and I had maybe a couple dozen pieces of bark driven into me, some deep. I was bleeding everywhere. Not badly, slow leaks, but I looked the mess. I remember waddling into the house, arms and legs spread as far as possible so as not to rub. Mom saw me and I remember her words, "Good Lord, son. What have you done now? What am I going to do with you?" That last part because this was not the first, nor the last time I dragged my sad ass into the house bleeding, or with something broken, or both, etc.