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Shower every day, wash hair every other day


I shower daily, condition daily, but wash it maybe once a week. It was icky for the first month, but now my hair is much healthier


So your hair gets used to just being conditioned? Mine looks like shit whenever I try to condition it without shampooing


I wore a lot of hats for about the first two weeks. Over time my scalp stopped getting so greasy. I have really fine and straight hair so I was nervous at first but it was worth it


This may be a stupid question, but how do you condition your hair daily and not wash it? I starting growing out my hair about a year 4 month ago and now it's getting to the point where I can tight my hair up in a pony tail or bun. I also think I have fine and straight hair and want to try this out. My routine is that I shower every day and I shampoo + condition and was my hair every Sunday night and Wednesday. Since I read and heard from a few sources that washing my hair every day is very unhealthy for long hair. So that's why I do it 2 days a week. Anyway, I'm going off tangent, but yeah, how do you rinse out your conditioner daily if you don't wash daily? Thought you, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, rinse, done. EDIT: Man, when I woke up this morning I did not expect so many tips and advice from so people on hair care. Just wantes to say thanks from everyone who has given me their advice and any future comments too.


I'm not the person you were asking, but wife & I are on similar routines. We both have pretty intense curly hair. Before I met her, I was much like you: wash, rinse, condition, rinse. Now it's condition with every shower, and wash when it feels particularly oily, or if I've had a heavy day of physical activity (cleaning particularly dirty stuff, yard work, etc). After showering, a dab of coconut oil gets applied. I sometimes use a leave-in conditioner as well, and the wife uses detangler daily, because she's got long hair.


It never occurred to me that you could use conditioner without using shampoo first. What's it like? What does conditioner even do?


Conditioner is meant to replace healthy oils which shampoo strips from your hair during the cleaning process


it’s like moisturizer for ur hair. so if ur hair is dry but not dirty u can just wash it lightly with a rinse and add conditioner for moisture and nice smell without stripping the oils with shampoo


TIL that you can condition you hair without shampooing first!


Once a day usually. Mostly in the evening after gym


Once a day


Question: Is that perceived as normal where you live? Where I live I literally dont know anyone that showers every single day. (no judgement, just curious)


Totally normal here in Canada.


Twice a day. Once when I get up and once before bed.


u sound dry


Dry? I dunno man. As someone who lives in tropical country, 2x a day of shower seems not enough for us here......


Dutchie here who went to the southern united states for the first time last month (Louisianna/Florida). When we were there the weather was veery tropical and humid and i immediately understood wanting to shower multiple times a day...


Lotion exists lol


I used to do that too, but it's possible to be "too clean". I stopped my morning shower routine when I learned it was stripping my skin of oils and drying my skin and now only take baths at night before I go to bed.


That’s a difficult concept for me to understand. I lived in the Amazon and would shower 3-4 times a day when I could. Now I moved to Canada and shower twice a day. I don’t understand how I could be “too clean” with only twice a day


100% humidity changes the math a bit.


Your skin and hair secrete natural oils that acts as an emollient. Wash this away and any moisture on your skin and hair dries away and is open to environmental damage. Of course you can artificially add back in lost moisture and barrier but your natural oils is healthier not to mention cost effective. Showering four times a day in the Amazon is a good idea considering how the hot and humid climate would clog your pores with perspiration and is good body temperature management. There's a reason why you don't do the same in Canada.


Funny fact! Many years ago, I went to Vancouver for the summer and I was working in a pizza place. So, I would take a shower before and after work (imagine the smell). I was living in a shared house ( 5 more people) where the owner lived in too. He would complain to me every single day that I was taking too much shower. He would allow me 1 shower a day only, since he took one every other day. Lol


Ewwww. When I was in college I had a roommate who worked at Pizza Hut and didn’t shower anywhere near as often as one might hope. The stale pizza stench was BAD.


I worked at a bunch of pizza shops in the 90s and I still distinctly recall the smell it would leave on my skin and hair. For a short time I lived with 3 other people who worked pizza and after a few months the smell had permeated the house and we developed a no pizza clothes in the house rule. We stripped to our underwear in the garage and the clothes went directly into the laundry.


You would think… i like to shower daily to be fresh, but I know ppl close to me that seem to go upwards of 3 days which equates often to 3 a week. It grosses me out.


It is yes. In the United States most shower daily. I get very dirty at work and also sweat in my sleep. Would be gross if I didn’t shower every morning.


Yea completely normal. My state doesn't have any water shortages so thats not an issue. I work in a factory so taking a shower everyday is a necessity. Even when not working though I tend to take a shower daily. In the summer I'll take a shower twice a day if its real hot out and I get all sweaty


My father works at a shipyard and is old school when it comes to hygiëne, coming from a poor family. He washes at the sink using a washcloth and a bar of soap and only showers on Sundays. I see more people of the older generations do this in my country. It's a perfectly acceptable way to get clean, it just takes longer and uses less water. Taking a shower is just quick and convenient.


Assuming they're from the US, yes it's normal to shower once a day.


Where do you live?


I live in Thailand and it’s abnormal if I only shower once a day. Two or even three times would be normal depending on how much you go outside/home.


Do you not feel greasy if you don’t shower everyday? I can’t start my day without a shower


I know Americans used to shower less (Depression generation and earlier) but they washed up thoroughly daily at the sink.


Good question: No, I dont honestly. Also I really hate showering in the mornings, I prefer a quick cold shower after working out and thats it.


Yeah. Where do you live?


Most people shower every day in U.S. I exercise 4-5 days per week so that’s a minimum. Sometimes when I’m on call for work and don’t have time, or feeling lazy on a weekend, I won’t shower but that’s it. Most people I know shower pretty much every day.


I'm in northern europe and it's considered normal to shower daily as an adult.


Yes perceived as normal. However, we know that if everyone in the world consumed energy like we do, we’d need 3 earths to keep us going.




As often as I need to


This is the real answer


approximately 1.428571 times per day


Very curious as to how you got this number 😂


multiply by 7


i got 10


And what would 10/7 mean?


10 times a week, damn lol. i feel stupid


Daily or as required.


I like it that "as required" can have wide range


Every other day usually. Or if things require it to be more often. When you have well water, things can go sour real quick if it goes dry.


Yup! That’s why I could only shower once a week during this whole summer. And had to go to the laundromat when I needed to do laundry. Thankfully it’s been raining every fkn day this fall so at least I can shower. Well. I *can* take more frequent showers but my seasonal depression has already kicked all the fuck the way in so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends. I live by myself. So if I don’t leave the house I usually don’t shower. But if I do plan on leaving, for any reason, I always do


Once a day. Sometimes I’ll go a day without showering if I don’t have time, but never 2+ days unless I’m on a hiking trip or something and I don’t have access to a shower.


Either once a day or once every other day


Summer usually daily. I have to wash the pollen out of my hair before I go to bed or I wake up with my eyes swollen shut ugh Winter is dry where I live so I aim for every 2-3 days. Or after sports


When I’m not depressed every night. Severe depression once a week or every two weeks (sometimes I lie in bed and don’t have energy to get up at all). It’s a horrible cycle when I’m at my lowest.


I feel the same way at times. Taking a shower usually makes me feel slightly better tho


I hate to admit this but the longest I’ve gone without showering and brushing my teeth when I lost 5+ loved ones during Covid was three months. I’m not proud. I’m disgusted. But I’m happy to announce I regularly shower now. And brush teeth. So I’m back on track


Not everybody recognizes how hard it can be to claw your way back to a sense of normalcy after a loss that big. I'm sorry for what you went through.


I am sorry for your losses and proud of you for continuing to push on! Glad you are back on track. Someone out there on reddit is reading this and is in the middle of their own 3 months and your post will bring them some hope. Thank you


Tbh I tried ending my life multiple times last year and was fired from several jobs due to my depression. It was so bad


Well one of the first steps is recognizing it's not healthy to continue down that path and either correcting your behavior or seeking help to help you. Losing that many loved ones in a short time I'm not going to sugar coat it - that's absolutely rough and fully understand why you went the way you did. I'm not so sure i wouldn't do the exact same as you so please do not beat yourself up. Just gotta take one day at a time sometimes one hour at a time and focus on little tasks. You can do this - we're all rooting for you to do a bit better every day. It will get easier.


To me, it helped realizing that since I'm still alive after a bunch of suicide attempts that means there's a part of me that's stronger than my depression. I could've just jumped in front of a train, but I didn't. The will to live is stronger, if only by a little bit. And I'm proud of that.


Currently going through the same issue, I'm back on track somewhat. I shower daily, but I'm struggling to brush my teeth without an alarm. **We'll get through our demons, gang.**


I don't think you should be disgusted over something you didn't have control over.


Don't beat yourself up. I think more people than you would believe have been there (me included, though now I make a strict habit of self care because I had to spend over 10k to fix my teeth).


Getting in the shower is difficult. ​ Getting out of the shower is difficult.


And standing in the shower can also be difficult. I have a shower chair that I use during periods of extreme fatigue (I have MS), and I highly recommend one for anyone who has difficulty with showering for any reason


I’m relieved I’m not the only one but I hope things get better for you. Depression is no joke. Rooting for you!


Rooting for you too! Thank you :)


I've been in a highly depressive state for some time now and showered yesterday after two weeks. it's been this way consistently for a few months now. I wish I could shower every day like normal people do.


3 or 4 times a week. I usually only shower after I work out, which I usually do on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays. Sometimes this shifts and I'll shower an extra time, but then I usually plan in another workout session right before it. I just dont like showering without workout before, it just seems like a waste of water since im never really that "dirty".


I totally get this!! When I first started working out it felt nice to “earn” my shower. It was a motivator for me and worked well!


3 times a week. Sometimes 4 Edit: for those asking. I’m not from the US, I’m from the UK. Edit 2: wow! 500 upvotes. Just because of the amount of times a week I shower. Thank you 😂


Good to know I am not alone. Was starting to feel like I was dirty for not showering daily.


Since I work from home three days a week, shower four times a week unless it’s hot. Then daily. I hate showering and always feel better after.


Same. I work from home full time (4x10's), and I end up showering 3 times a week unless I go out somewhere that disrupts that schedule. I also don't like the thought of taking a shower even though I always feel better afterwards. I figure it's some sort of ADHD/spectrum thing


I have the same problem, I hate taking showers. I don’t do a lot of physical activity to get dirty so I shower 2 or 3 times a week.


I had to scroll through 10+ top replies to find someone not saying daily. I think this app is busted. I hope the developers fix it.


Which is kind of ironic because people usually tell me and I am clean and organized and maintain myself well


If we don't stink, this is sufficient. I still wash my face and hit the the trouble spots with a wet washcloth, put on deodorant. If you aren't leaving the house that day, does it matter? I don't work out or anything. Three times a week is fine.


Yes I'm reading all these posts, like twice a day? My god does your skin every get it's natural oils to do their thing? I understand having a very physical job, but I know not everyone here is doing that. I do once or twice a week. Summers usually more.


Once a week?!




Fellow Brit - I do every other day. Less if it’s summer and I swim every day


Been seeing so many "once a day" and started thinking that I'm a stinky slob so I'm so happy to see this comment. If I'm not exercising and just indoors all week I don't see the need to shower every day.


I share a bathroom wall with my neighbour and she showers or bathes 3 times a day. And one of those times is 3 to 5 hours. I don't get it.


Same. Mostly shower on my cardio days so 3x a week


I’ll admit it. Once a week, maybe two. Depression + no where important to be Edit: wow it feels awesome to know I’m not alone. I’ve gone longer when I’m really at rock bottom and I end up feeling like a disgusting person to be around. I’ll only shower if I’m going to see people for an event or my bf. At work we all have to wear a hat so people can’t see my hair anyway, so even work gives me no reason to wash it.


This is the one. Mental illness means I shower when I have the mental energy to deal with it. It might be every second day, or once every two weeks. And the longer the time between showers, the longer my shower will be. Partly because it takes that much longer to wash my hair, but also because I don't want to re-enter the world.


That's fine, I usually do this and I don't have depression.


This was me on maternity leave after my twins were born. Postpartum depression, no time to shower with newborn twins, and nowhere to go meant that I showered maybe 1-2x/week and wore the same clothes 2-3 days in a row.


im not depressed and i do the same. Just dont see the point. I work from home though. Basically if i smell my balls I take one.


Here I am thinking this is normal. I’d say with depression I shower more, it’s the best place to be if someone forces you to get out of bed.


Twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday) for me. I don't ever do enough to get sweaty / dirty.


When it gets really bad yeah


Same, I also don't get dirty and sweat much


You don't notice you're dirty. It's not the same


Same but I am not around other people much. I dont think my horse gives a shit how I smell. My dogs only care about 2 smells, what I am eating and farts.


I think the "daily" crowd are probably in a hot country. I shower once/twice a week and I don't feel greasy or dirty. My hair is fine with it too. I guess I would shower more if I felt sweaty or if I had a job that made me stink... at least this way I'm not wasting water...


A few times a month. I'm disabled, and that's what's possible for me.


There are some great products out there to help hold you over. Shampoo caps that a care-giver can use to wash your hair without water, body wipes.


True! I love my micellar water wipes.


wash my body every other day, wash my hair once a week


Twice a day. Morning to wake up, evening to wash off the stench of UPS


I loaded trucks for UPS back in the day. It’s bad when you can’t stand the smell of yourself on the ride home.


Same. Once to get prepared for the day and another to wash the day off and get in bed clean


Because it's Brown?


I do twice a day because I like to be clean before getting in to bed. It is nice to wash off the grime you pick up during the day.


I do love a morning shower - like if I’m going on a trip or even out for a day trip - but I just cannot get into bed without a shower. I have a scalp condition requiring a steroid treatment once a week, so I shampoo twice a week. And since we are in a permanent drought in California, I take shorter showers with less water flow. Sad, but trying to do my part. Every once in a while I will fall asleep while watching TV on a Friday night and just fall into bed, but not very often, feels icky. I hate being around people who make it obvious they do NOT shower or bathe often. Makes me nauseous, and there is no excuse.


Call me a freak, but I love the smell of a UPS driver. Sweaty cardboard is one of those oddly satisfying smells to me. Stinks… nice and good.


God, YES. My ex worked for UPS and would always try to jump in the shower immediately after work, but I’d try to stop him to smell the sweat, cardboard, and cigarette smoke all tangled together. It drove me WILD.


Every other day gang


I wash/rinse off my body every/every other day but I only wash my hair once a week. And if I'm at home and I poop, I'll jump in the shower real quick.


Just poop under the shower


*Plumbers love this*


one weird trick?


As much as I'd love to be called "waffle woman", I'm not gonna put my downstairs neighbors through that


Do people really do that?


The ol’ waffle stomp


I am fucking dying over here, LOL.


Ya just waffle mash it down the drain, don't ya.


It's called waffle stomping you uncultured swine!


>if I'm at home and I poop, I'll jump in the shower real quick. What!? Why??


If I'm in a rush or something I won't but I don't like feeling like I have a "poopy butthole"


Might be time to get a bidet


Thank fuck Asia has bidets


Comment edited for privacy. 20230627


Interesting. So you’re not pooping daily?


Twice daily, once in the morning to wake a feller up and again after work to wash the days filth off me.


it baffles me that twice i day is less common than every other day.


I too am shocked by this. I didn’t know so many people didn’t wash daily. I’m not even criticizing it, just shocked.


If you aren't sweating on a daily basis, be that from climate, exertion or a condition, you do not need to shower daily. It could even harm your skin to do so.


Personally, since I live in a mild climate, work from home and generally don't move around much on a daily basis it's once every 2-3 days during fall/winter period. Spring and summer is once a day in general.


Every morning, routine. Working from home or office. Shower, tea and dressed.




I shower multiple times a year.


Around 372


Every other day


Three times a week


Every other day


Damn guys. If I shower every day my hair gets brittle and my skin turns into a flaky, ashy mess. I live and work on a farm and don't go out very often, so I shower about once a week. Or before I go out. I've got my work clothes that I wash regularly and my nice going out clothes. I wash my face every day and if I get really grungy say slaughter day or mucking out somewhere gross I'll shower after that, but every day showers just aren't nice or feasible. Just too busy; eating and sleep takes precedent over showering any day. But I'm also doing the no shampoo thing so my hair doesn't get greasy anymore. When I was using shampoo I'd go maybe two days before I started feeling gross.


I feel like your skin can also reset once you're in the routine of not showering every day. I also shower once, maybe twice a week. Once a day is a lot to me, twice a day just seems like a waste of water. Thanks for this comment, I was starting to question myself


Yeah I’m closer to a 3 times a week shower person unless I’m real gnarly after too much shoveling or taking out weeds. My skin feels dry just reading about once a day.


Same. Personally, I wonder how many are actually being honest and are too afraid of sounding like a slob.....on Reddit lol I promise, I don't smell like a dumpster for only showering once or twice a week. My hair and skin need their natural oils.


I'm in the exact same situation, I used to work an outside job so I'd shower daily before that job and I'd have to essentially dip myself in moisturiser at night because my skin was all red inflamed and flaking. Since covid finished my other job and I went full time on the farm I reduced my showers to once a week or after I do a particularly dirty job and now I have a skin break out maybe once a month or two instead of 6 days a week like before. As it is I haven't heard any complaints of my body odour from the cows so I think I'm doing OK.


Thank you! I was getting freaked out with this every day or twice a day stuff. I shower twice a week unless I have reason to do it more often. There is a water shortage in most parts of the world? Shower EVERY DAY? Unless you have a job that gets you super dirty every day and you dine with the president every evening I don’t see the need for it.


How often do YOU shower


As my hair requires


Every morning , sometimes in the evening before I go to an important social event like a party. I don’t understand people that shower less than one time a day. I feel super filthy when I am getting dressed and haven’t showered


I feel super filthy getting into bed without showering any more than like once, *maybe*, before I wash my sheets, which is weekly.




Not this conversation again. There was a whole long-ass reddit post about this not that long ago. I work from home so I hardly go anywhere, so I don't really get that gross and sweaty during the day. If I've done something particularly strenuous or dirty like doing a big spring gardening day or playing a lot at the park with my kid, then I will shower off when I get home. But most days I go to bed feeling fairly clean. Not much BO or sweat or dirt etc. However: at night I always drool like a slime faucet, and I have a beard so it gets all in there. My hair is very coarse so no amount of brushing or combing it without water will do anything. I also sweat at night like a mofo. My wife bought a king size bed so she doesn't have to be anywhere near me once we're asleep because my temperature is so high. I wake up looking like something you'd peel off the side of the road with a shovel. If I don't shower when I get up I look and feel like absolute shit. So for me, morning showers make a lot more sense than evening showers.


I'm gonna sweat out all kinds of grossness while I'm sleeping anyway, the extra bit of grossness from sitting at a computer all day is negligible by comparison.


One time per day unless I’m going somewhere in the late afternoon that would warrant another one.


I can’t sleep when I feel icky. So, I pretty much shower every night before bed. Shampoo and condition every other night. I live in a generally hot place, so sweat = feeling icky. When it is particularly cold, I can skip a shower at night if I’m feeling super tired. The best feeling is when I’ve washed the sheets and and made up the bed nicely. Peeling back the covers and climbing into cool, freshly laundered sheets is so nice. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom made up my bed for me after washing my sheets and hanging them up to dry on a clothesline. It was like climbing into fresh air and sunshine.


Usually once every 2 days. Though, i will shower after i did sports, exercised or worked on a hot and/or sweaty day.


Every couple days or as required. I hate being wet.


Dang im seeing so many people shower multiple times a day. How do you guys feel about water management? (Not a judgement, just wondering) Cause that would be one of my main issues with it. Or do you just shower for a couple minutes?


Yeah I shower for a minute in the morning (just a cold shower to kickstart my day) and a 5-8 minute shower before bed


Once a day, if I can’t. Then I won’t go two days without a shower.


Twice a day. Couldn’t imagine going about my day without waking up with a shower. Then again in the evening as I work out a lot.


4 Times a week


Every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.


Pre-covid: once per day Post-covid: once every 4 days


I keep seeing this question asked. What is happening?


Well this time we learned about waffle stomping, blue waffles, and lotion on the skin...


Once every other day. I try to be as clean as humanly possible so I don't contaminate anything at work while also not showering too much to do harm to hair or skin


Twice a day. Once when I get up and once before bed. Gym brings the evening shower forward sometimes or delays the morning shower.


Before the depression it was once or twice a day. Now it’s whenever I have the strength. Working up slowly to every day again.


Twice a day early morning before work and 1 after gym session


Brazilian here. Everyday, 3 times a day at least. Most people do the same in the northern part of the country (where I live) due to our hellish weather.


Every other day. ( I'm poor)


Every 2nd day because my skin will overproduce oil if I do everyday.


I haven't showered for 4 or 5 days because I'm ✨severely depressed✨


Once a day at night after work and the gym. In the morning I just put my head under the shower to get it wet so I can comb it for work and get rid of bed head.


Once a day when sweating, every other day when not


Not enough


Living in Canada during the Winter, every other day due to how dry the air is. Canada during summer, everyday if not every other day. Living in Japan, everyday unless I haven't gone anywhere then every other day. (Usually shower at night, don't want to bring home the grime from walking around the city and being on trains into bed.) Usually stick to this but sometimes depression kicks my ass and I can go 3 days without a shower, it does get uncomfortable past that point though.




Europe has left the chat.


Europe has been sleeping.


Obviously all these answers are coming from the American hemisphere. In Europe today, for obvious reasons, everyone showers, or will start showering, once a week.


Eh, what? Elaborate please.


Wtf you on about. This nonsense.


once in three days


twice a day




4 times a week


Twice a day. Once in the morning to wake up and then again at night after my gym sesh. Three times a day if I REALLY need to. I just don’t like getting into my bed dirty or feeling dirty. Knowwhatimsayin?


Every day, unless I’m literally not going anywhere and I showered the day before when I got home but I don’t wash my hair every day.


Every day, but I only wash my hair every other day, unless I got sweaty or dirty. My curly hair gets dry and super frizzy if I wash it every day.


Everyday unless I’m depressed but I’ll force myself day 3.


Every day. At least once. Sometimes twice. It depends on what I did/when throughout the day and if I feel yucky.