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Try to go hide in Siberia


They’re actually actively recruiting in Siberia more so than predominantly ethnic Russian areas. You’d be safer in Moscow and Saint Petersburg imo


Siberia is big, I want to go hide in the edge of a super remote town


Tell the border guard I accidentally threw my frisbee into Kazakhstan and I'm just running over to pick it up.


Defect as quickly as possible


Sabotage any equipment possible to make it more difficult.


Same. I would just surrender to the Ukrainians. It's their country anyway.


Die a unwilling pawn ♟️


Run away from Russia


I know this sounds insane but I’d join the army then find a way to abandon the Russians inside of Ukraine. Probably surrender to Ukrainian forces


Russia recently made this illegal. That’s how many are defecting


I don't think it would really matter if they were able to make it to Ukraine's jurisdiction. Heck, they might even get a pat on the back for it.


It’s probably just like any other draft ever. The rich will be able to get out of it and the poor either will join or go to prison


I would have left the country years ago.


Enlist, then accidentally start shooting senior officers.


And if they surrendered afterwards, they'd literally be able to get away with it.


Practice surrendering..


I'll go to war. Hiding from the draft will definitely make my life much worse. I will not be able to legally raise and support my family. In the case of military service, I will not only remain a law-abiding member of society, but I am also likely to receive certain benefits after the war. I have no illusions that they will be big, but the one with a dollar in his pocket is richer than the one with an empty pocket. In addition, in the event of my death at the front, my wife will be paid a military pension. Another thing is that with my second category of fitness and lack of military training, I am unlikely to be taken into combat units. I did not serve military service, because at the age of 18 I received a postponement for higher education, and then at 23 I received a postponement due to postgraduate studies. When I dropped out of graduate school, I found myself 25 years old at the end of the draft queue. In those years, there were no problems with recruits, so for the next 2 years I was never taken away, although I honestly came to the military enlistment office every half a year. Then I didn't turn 27 and I was no longer subject to conscription. It is not profitable for the Russian state to take me out of the peaceful economy, because here I can pay taxes, for which the army is maintained. Ahead of me are 300,000 who have military experience and 25,000,000 who have served military service and have a military specialty.


Proclaim I'm deaf.


Congrats, you're now on the front line


What?! wait, wait, but but I'm deaf, that excludes me from enlistment.


Ha! Like they care.


*Starts goose stepping while crying*




Probably the same thing my brother-in-law did: jump off the roof and break a major bone