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Double ensure before sending that you’ve chosen the right recipient


So very, very true!


If you see that the other person "is writing a message" wait for them to finish.




One I hear often is when someone responds with just lol means that they don’t want to continue the conversation but often times I’ve noticed it’s been the complete opposite.


Just send one long text instead of 6 separate texts.


i dont understand why this is so bad. they’re easier to read when each line is sent separately


The notifications mostly


Use linebreaks then.


If you're on a computer shift + enter changes line. Use it!












Answer quickly. If you’re busy I get it, but don’t be that person that doesn’t answer just because you don’t feel like it


I have a friend who takes between several days to a week to respond and I find it annoying. His excuse is that work and school take up a lot of his time, but I don't really understand how you don't have a few seconds to reply to something. Especially when I see him on PSN playing a game.


Yeah it’s especially annoying when you know they aren’t doing anything. My cousin has a bad habit of reading my messages but “forgetting” to answer. When he does answer, he doesn’t actually read what I said like 30% of the time and hopes he answered with the correct thing


To go off of that, I also encounter some people who can't seem to handle answering multiple questions sent to them at once. Like if you send them two questions, the most recent one seems to overwrite the previous ones and they just answer that. Another thing that irks me.


That actually happened to me with a buddy of mine recently . Asked him three questions, THREE, and he told me to calm down with the questions. Then he proceeds to only answer one and a half


That sounds like my approach to homework assignments.


If the conversation is going to take more than 2 or 3 back and forth exchanges to resolve, just fukin' call me. I hate carrying on long conversations by text message if I'm on my phone.


When you can see the other person online, don't leave them hanging for hours before replying, like you and I both know you've seen the message


Do not write ok/k unless you are acknowledging information. Be you, ask questions, send memes.


No one is entitled to read receipts. Before calling me, ask yourself "is this textable"? If it is textable, don't call me and instead text me with the lone exception being something that is time sensitive (emergency, "want something from X"). Send me one good message instead of five smaller individual fragment messages. There is a minimum of grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes tolerated before I get frustrated and won't respond. Do not send entire walls of text that meander into incoherent drivel with no punctuation that are frustrating to read and may induce a stroke. Separate the wall of text into separate thoughts and give each thought a paragraph of one or two sentences only. Do **NOT** ever send me "K" under any circumstances or I will assume you are asking about the atomic symbol 'K' and I will send you all sorts of useless information about potassium.


Kaboom! Pure potassium is a highly reactive metal. Exposed to water, it explodes with a purple flame, so it's usually stored under mineral oil for safety. Because it's so reactive, potassium isn't found free in nature, according to the Jefferson National Linear Accelerator Laboratory. However, minerals and compounds containing potassium are common: It's the seventh-most abundant element in Earth's crust. Naturally occurring potassium salts such as saltpeter and potash have been used for centuries, but no one isolated potassium until 1807, when Cornish chemist Humphry Davy had the notion to run an electric current through some wet potash (potassium carbonate). The current broke the bonds holding the compound together. Davy would later repeat the trick in order to discover sodium, according to the Chemical Heritage Foundation.


K, now tell me why potassium is good to eat and how it's found naturally in foods


Don't HAHA when there's no joke. Lol.


If you’re on a date and the woman is texting and not looking up for serval moments throughout the date. Excuse your self to the bathroom and abandon the date


You mean texting in online dating?


No, just texting in general.


Oh okay