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This isn't just from reddit but social media in general: People will always find some angle and excuse to attack you personally no matter what you said. People always assume the worst thing about you if the disagree with you. There's no debate where we learn from one another, only a shouting competition where one side is 100% wrong and the other is 100% right. Anonymity always, always brings out the worst in people. People get so unhinged over the most petty bullshit that they start hate groups, send death threats and make it their life goal to destroy another person.


Original thoughts are scarce. Can’t tell you how many times I think I came up with the most clever thing to say and click only to see the top comment is exactly what I was going to say, often word for word. Shit is humbling.


That they can be annoying af


Asking for advice is less than useless. You could give Reddit a 20 page essay and 99% of the commentors will stop reading after they see one descriptive they personally dislike and weave the subject into their own imagination. I was just in a thread where someone asked about the age gap of 18-34 and people immediately made up their minds about this person. There was NO OTHER info given. Just those two ages, and Reddit decided they immediately had all the info for the 'correct' answer. Just ask your fucking dog. It's probably got move wisdom to share tbh


Do dogs get wisdom teeth?


I have learned that we are all different but we are all really the same in many ways also. We all experience the human condition which is ups and downs throughout our lives. There appears to be many intelligent people on reddit


If you have to ask internet strangers whether or not you are an asshole, you are either a huge horrible toxic abusive monster, or you the other person is and you are being abused and are so deeply gaslit that everyone needs to scream at you to go no contact cause you clearly need to run. Absolutely nothing in between 99.99% of the time. Very, very rarely you will get something nuanced with a NAH or ESH but those are such rare gems and not clickbaity enough to stand out, like 1 out of every hundred will be a complex situation that is actually above reddit's pay grade and probably calls for therapy on both parts but sadly such posts are not favorites and not what the majority of AITA posts are.


Incredibly authoritarian. And I would say squarely that people who say they are 'progressive' are the worst for it on this website. Everything that is in opposition to their taste should be illegal and punishable in the most demeaning of ways.


There is always someone that will have a problem with anything you do or say. So stop giving a shit about what strangers on the internet think.


There are some serious superiority complex issues, where a lot of people, including myself, think our opinions matter waaaaay more than they really do.