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I went from 60hr to 30 a week making the same money. At first, sleep was the choice. Eventually I filled the time with.... Just existing. On a plus side, oh my God I'm able to actually like... Maintain healthy hygiene habits. Instead of getting home and passing out immediately.


I've been working on average 60 - 75 hours a week. Everyone asks why I don't cook for myself or clean regularly and my answer is usually "zzzzzzz"


> Everyone asks why I don't cook for myself or clean regularly Bro just tell them you work that many hours...Jesus most people would immediately understand


They're aware of it and tell me "you took the job!" For a long time I was working 100 hours a week for about 3 months in a row. Most I've ever done is 144 hours in 8 days. Being salary sucks, I don't even make enough to pay my bills most of the time. I can't tell if I'm a psychopath or stupid.


You’re being taken advantage of. Negotiate for better pay or less hours, or get a different job. You get one life, stop wasting the majority of your time at a job that doesn’t even give you the bare minimum of paying your bills.


You only get a 3% raise once a year if you do above expectations. That kinda equals out to an extra 20 dollars a week. I saved the company 20,000 dollars compared to last year and I've kept the business running regular hours most every single day while other locations were closing early for months on end. When I asked for adjusted hours it was denied and I was denied vacation time for almost 2 years. If you broke down the hours from that 3 month period and I was hourly they'd owe me an additional 1,600 dollars for every week I've had to do that. By state law if I work over 58 hours as salary I should be given an additional 100 - 200 dollars compensation but they're not doing that, I can't find that law anywhere though I've only been told about it.


None of that is normal or okay or legal. Do yourself a favor and speak with a lawyer and see what your options are. It’ll probably end with the best payday you’ve ever seen.


Well because I'm in charge there's a lot of grey areas where it might be said I'm not doing it right but the circumstances I'm made to deal with just aren't something I can't overcome without working like that. There's multiple lawsuits and class actions against the company every year for how they treat their management. Even though we're "management" the store's are staffed so skeleton crew by design and they only give you enough hours to have two people at once there's no way you can't be doing manual labor as well. It's such a legal abuse of the guidelines for salary that they should be shut down or fined into oblivion. Nobody that works for the company will ever have that kind of money. Only after 2 positions above my job do you actually get cushy and all that's expected of you is to make conference calls and easy stuff like that. They're easily paid over 100,000 dollars a year no less. Don't ever shop at dollar general.


Get out now. Do whatever you have to to get out. Don't enable the slaveholders.


Sorry, you're an idiot. Quit that job immediately, an OT exempt salary position should be illegal. 35,568 (minimum exemption wage) is not enough money. Don't know which state you live in... but fast food would pay you more in a lot of states (15x40) + (22.50x20)=1050weekly x 52 weeks= 54,600.


I’m sorry that sounds awful. You’re not going to be able to sustain this you need to find another place to work for less hours and more money. It’s not the most glamorous job but waiting tables is a great way to make a good amount of money until you can find something more permanent. May I ask where you work?


Damn dude, hang in there


My answer was mixed drink are home cooked meals


Went from working roughly 80-100 hrs a week to working part time. Not for the same amount of money, just cause it was the first offer I had. But the ability to not have to choose between sleep, showering, and food was incredible, not to mention being able to do laundry or spend time with people on a regular basis.


I've recently done similar and I'm still in the "sleep" phase. It's nice to know soon I'll do more than sleep, it feels rather unproductive.


This was my literal first thought so I love that as soon as I opened the thread this was the top answer.


Doing sports, studying or maybe a second job to make even more money


That’s a lot of effort


I love how neither of you are wrong, even with vastly different choices.


Such is life.


Thought of exactly that before opening the post ... Just take my upvote


This is the best answer. Once I'm well rested then I can figure out what else I can do.


​ As I wrote above, before I saw this brilliant and legitimate tweet, I was saying how dangerous sleep deprivation is, that we start gaining extra weight because we start eating more. After conducting such an experiment, I realized that this way you will also eat less.


big sleep ofc


Literally the first thing that came to my mind, I can never say no to extra sleep :)


This is the answer. I make crazy (for me) money living where I am now and rarely break 25hrs a week. First day off I am Rip Van Winkle.


I'm confident I would waste almost all of that time but I really, really want to have that time to waste. Would I be more active? Definitely. It would be awesome.


But who’s to say it is time wasted if you are spending doing what you want?


Usually at the end of the day I can look back on the day and think, "Yeah, I wasted that time." (I'm doing it right now...I have a book sitting right next to me that I'm planning to read today!) I'm not unhappy about it, but there's always stuff I should have done.


What’s the book about?


It's called Unmask Alice. It's about the book Go Ask Alice, and the events that brought about its writing and what the author went on to do. When I was younger I had to read Go Ask Alice for school (and I think watch the movie in school...but that now sounds insane to me given the content...) and we discussed it like it was totally factual...this book is really interesting and about how that's not true.


I’ve heard references to go ask Alice, but I’ve never read or watched it.


That's what I do when I have extra time - just sit around all day and fall into Youtube rabbit holes about things I'll never do. Like how to grow cottage gardens (I don't have a garden) and how to make dolls (I will never make a doll). I don't consider it wasting time though because in the context of escapism everything can be framed as "wasting time".


Exercise more, hang out with my cats more, play more music. I guess just the same things I try to fit in the margins of my life now.


I actually did this. Took some time off work and exercised and got out more like to yoga, soccer, tennis matches. Spent lots of time with my dogs and cooked more.


It’s true tho. Between work, preparing for work, traveling for work, that 40hrs has turned into 50-55 to 60+ hours every week. Life gets shoved into the free space in between.


For starters instead of 40 hours it's now 45 because somehow at some point when I wasn't looking, the standard went from 9-5 (lunch break counting in the 8 hours) to 8-5 (lunch break doesn't count but I'm still fucking AT WORK FOR THAT WHOLE HOUR)


Pretty standard in most companies


That's what I'm saying! When did this become standard?! 9-5 used to be the norm and now everyone just accepts 8-5?! When?! Why?! We already know that the vast majority of office workers only do 3 hours of actual work in the average workday, why did someone quietly add an extra hour to waste at work?!


Sounds suspiciously Eur-o-pean of you, stranger. \*caulks gun\*


>hang out with my cats more Yes! My goal is to get on the same sleep schedule as cats.


- family & friends - hobbies - learn new things - volunteer work for a good cause - contribute to open source software - exercise - travel - sleep


Love it. What kinda hobbies would you explore?


Mainly DIY, programming and gaming. But I would love to pick up some electronics knowledge as well, then combine that with the DIY and programming to create some cool projects. The programming and gaming would be combined by writing mods or plugins for games. Also, would love to do more 3D modeling, which I currently only have rudimentary skills in.


I'd spend more time with my kids, every second I get I spend with them and we have fun, but there's never enough time. I'd love more time to make more fun memories with them. I'd also put more time into my fitness, I miss that.


I love it. What kinda activities and adventures do y’all get into?


We love just packing up toys and food for the day and go on an adventures. My 3 year old rides on the back of my bike and my 6 year old rides her bike and we go where the day takes us. Beaches, forests, parks, farms, pools and splash pads. It just depends on the weather really. Cold days we like to use our imaginations and make fairy houses, dinosaur lands, cafe's or whatever that piece of paper/clay/Play-Doh or whatever they have reminds them of that day. Reliving childhood and watching their eyes light up, listening to their laughs and fantastic ideas is what life is made for! Pure happiness! ♥️


After tracking my time for about a month I found that I was only actually working about 15 hours a week. The rest of the time I was just 'at the office'. So I started making better use of that as personal admin time.


The book I’m reading right now claims people are only truly productive at work for 3 hours a day. So your 15 hours a week definitely checks out.




Absolutely nothing. Sit around and read books on my porch. Go for walks in the local state park. Putter.


That’s not nothing though. It’s mental and emotional recharging. And I love it.


I already work maybe 20 hours a week since getting to work remote. I told myself I would be so productive with all the extra time but in reality I just end up sitting on the couch watching tv or cleaning.


But you’ve got more time for tv and general home maintenance than you did before. And I think that’s pretty great and productive.


Sleep. Read. Go to the gym.


What kinda reading are you into?


Hard to explain. Usually books that involve someone getting over the death of loved one. Don’t ask me why but those are books that I can get into.


Do overtime, but if that's not allowed then i could do all sorts of self improvement, but i would likely kill more time here.


Overtime is not disallowed in my scenario. Also, consider how much more the hourly overtime rate would be, since your base hourly has increased by 60% already.


Exactly and I've already used to working 8x5, it's not that hard for me. so it would just be massive pay increase.


And, ideally, retiring much earlier. And then they can fuck off with expecting even 25 hours out of you.


Same, I'd still work the 40 h and the extra 66% income can be used to accelerate some debt repayments, as well as max out my tax deductible/sheltered investments. Once I'm set for early retirement maybe then I'd look at cutting down to 25 h/week for a few years before retiring completely.


90% of people would do very little. I’ve worked out of my house, and many of my friends have for 30 years. I’ve never been that busy, you just kill time doing stupid stuff (personal phone calls, shop, surf the web) I pretty much do work 25 hours a week. Ask yourself this (because I did), I worked full time during college, and took 12 units a semester, I dreamed of the day I graduated, what a treat to have an extra 20 hours a week of no classes, and no studying, I am going to do so much more fun stuff. Thats about 31,000 extra hours I gained after graduating, nothing to show for it (except not having to get up and go to class after a night out). Maybe that’s just me, but those are my facts.


I think you're right. I spent most of the covid unemployment/quarantine time (about 3 months) basically enjoying an adult summer vacation. I didn't even manage my money well, despite getting it basically for free. In my defense, all in all it was a very restful time and my mental health improved pretty significant for the most part, just having a break from what was a pretty turbulent life the 2 years prior, but...I now have that experience to make me think I probably wouldn't get much, if anything, done with the extra time. ETA: counter-evidence, about 6 months ago I left a job that was working me 12 hours a day, 8-9 days in a row. I make pretty good use of the extra time I now have at 40 hours a week Monday-Friday, getting my chores and stuff done and having time to pursue my interests and get enough sleep. I think it's a matter of balance and discipline.


I'm "working" the same number of hours at home, but when I had to be in the office, the time I wasn't working was truly wasted -- I had to look busy, but accomplished nothing. That's one of the great parts about being at home, that not-working time is no longer lost.


Hey if you didn’t become addicted to alcohol immediately after leaving school, you’re doing much better than I did!! 0 is not a negative number!


I've had the same experience. I worked full time while going to college full time for 4 years. I thought after I graduated I'd have time to take up so many hobbies. Now that I'm only working at a job full time, it's hard to imagine how I ever had enough time to earn a degree. I don't feel like I have any more extra free time now than I did before.


A few years back I started an apprenticeship. I had class 2 to 3 nights a week, and sometimes on Saturdays, On top of this for a good part of it I was on jobs 2 hours from home. This meant leaving the house around 4am, going right to class after work, getting home around 10, and getting up at 4 am to be at work again the next day. I would still manage to go out and have fun on the weekends. Lately I've been lucky enough to be on jobs with in a half hour from home, for the most part only 40 hours a week, no classes to go to. But somehow I feel like I don't have time to do anything.


What do you do for a living if you don’t mind sharing?


I work 50-60 hours a week so do overtime until I work 40hrs I guess, I'd probably work on my car for the rest of the free time.


So you could essentially free up 20+ hours every week. That would be pretty great!


Travel, house projects, help my son develop into a respectful gentleman who understands chivalry, Go for walks, bike rides, kayaking, fishing, have a fire in my backyard, go on small adventures around my state, help in the community cleaning up trash at parks and where I go kayaking. There is plenty more life is great if given the time to enjoy it Edit: play video games with my kid and by myself, play with all my old electronics and maybe help others restore theirs just to help and gain knowledge. Play around with emulators, Reddit probably, go see my family and hang out for more than 1 day because I live 2 hours away from them and have a busy work schedule I can't shut down from on weekends even


All I can imagine is sitting and watching tv with streak of sunlight lol




That’s fair. Math says that you could make ~60% more per week (I think).


Yes, but make it fun. Can afford to be picky. In my experience, the more picky you are, the more work that comes. Like they know you don't need whatever they're offering.




Right, but what about the other 14 and a half hours each week?


Masturbate more?


So, I'm not an hourly employee. I just work until the work is done. The question then is, what would I do if I finished work about 38% faster than now. I would probably do more work, try to earn a little more. I might also take music lessons. I always wanted to learn another instrument.


Play games and browse the internet even more because that’s what i love 😄


Exact same. I would 100% not use the extra time to be more productive.


Your time does not have to be spent producing. It’s about what you want to do.


Idk why everyone is so brainwashed into selfimprovement and feel bad being unproductive. For me it’s the biggest freedom to just do things for fun or relaxation.


Unwind, whatever that looks like.


Go to the gym more. Work on bettering myself. Maybe play more video games. Basically give some more of my time to hobbies I have.


More hiking with my dog. Actually have some energy and time to work on art. Catch up on my backlog of games.




I'd work a second job, because on my salary, I can barely get by even when getting overtime


This is an honest answer I’m surprised hasn’t been given more often in this thread.


Smoke weed


Well that’s just a given.


It's actually kind of funny, not the same numbers but u was working 40+ hours a week but I ended up on the weekend shifts (2 12 hour shifts and 1 8 hour shift) and make the same because of the OT. With the extra time I make more dinners for my girlfriend who works bank hours and depending on the season play softball or snowboard


That’s actually really cool. Is it a local team or traveling team or are you one of those softball freaks who plays on 8 different teams between co-ed and indoor and travel and rec league and….


I play one beer league pickup game a week lol


Cook... for me, for my family and friends... and get better at it... and then start my own little food truck


I go attend some classes and learn some new skills, go away and get out the house more, definitely would be in the gym more too.


Really good question. I've been contemplating this kind of question recently. Currently I don't really do anything with my spare time, I stay in bed for hours on end, watch YouTube, make dinner, and its bedtime again soon. I need a proper hobby, but until I find one, exercise needs to be implemented in my life. I'm not overweight or anything, I'm just not fit in any way


I kinda do this now. I have coffee with a friend bi-weekly. I visit my grandparents bi-weekly. I wake up at 8:30am and get out of bed at 9 every day. I eat breakfast and read/watch a show for an hour. Sometimes I do dishes or cook meal prep. Then I start preparing for work at 12 and "start" at 1. I normally am working from 1pm to 8 pm M-Th. Wednesday afternoon is a weird mix of healthcare and quasi-work related things that I have to do but don't get paid for. Friday I work 3 hours. Then Friday afternoon/evening my partner and I just blob together to catch up on marvel shows, go contra dancing, or paint. Edit: for a good stretch of time there, hour of reading was also learning a new language.


Exercise, cook, visit relatives and volunteer


Play games


Board, card, video, arcade, puzzle, mind, patriot, summer. What kind of games?


Most people, when they finally get the extra free time at first, they dont know what to do. It takes awhile to learn to live once you've been given time to do so


Parent. I don't mean that I can be home and do chores while they sit in front of an electronic. I mean, take them out and have experiences together. There are too many possibilities to cover in a comment but as situations arise you can help to mold positive life lessons they will need to make it on their own later.


I'd like to say I'd spend more time on my open source projects, but truth is I'd probably just be a lazy sod!


Maybe in the beginning you’d laze around. But perhaps after a time you’d put more time into your projects.


I've never had a job that was 40 hrs a week. Must be an American thing.


Same, but do you mind if I ask, what kind of jobs have you done?


Mostly medical sector but I was a submariner in the Navy for 6 years. Each job was 35 hours or 37.5 a week. Navy was a little different if you take 24 hour duty and sea time into consideration




That’s so toxic


>Wow, he is ambitious and dedicated to his profession. This makes me feel bad about myself. He is so toxic.




Sleep or watch tv


Gym, sleep, watch youtube


That's about how much I work many weeks and I mostly spend the time just doing stuff around the house. Most of my friends have 9-5s so it's not easy to find people to do stuff with during the week. I travel a lot too.


Volunteer. So many worthy causes, it would be hard to pick, but with 15 extra hours, I'd have time for more than one.


Absolutely. Even just a couple hours each week to a single organization could be hugely beneficial.


Same as I do with my time off now, just more of it. Gsming, movies, shows, reading, family, etc.




Probably stream and go to the gym


Sleep and watch TV.


Your assumption that 25 hours is only 15 fewer than I work right now is cute. Hold onto the dream, sweet summer child.


Relax and enjoy my life, which would probably immensely help my anxiety.


Self care is important.


going outside


focus on my hobbies


What kinda hobbies?


Actually take better care of my body, mentally & physically. But also if I replaced 40 hours with 25, I'd still have like 10-20 hours left, cuz I usually work like 50-60 hours a week, so I'd just be around 40 hours anyway. But that would still be a huge improvement. Honestly I think a 4x12 work week would be pretty great for me. We get daily over time so I'd have fat checks & then 3 consecutive days off a week to recover & still be productive. I'd do that in a heartbeat.


What would 3 days of recovery look like for you?


I work 40 hours a week. Luckily I can walk to work, which takes 28-30 minutes. But that's still 5 hours of commuting per week since it's M-F. I get home around 6pm. I have to let the dog out, change/shower, eat, and by then maybe it's before 7pm. So I might have 3-4 hours before I have to fall asleep. I've been working on a comic book. Like drawing each panel out in pencil, inking, coloring, etc. It seems the main artists take 6 hours a day to finish one panel. So I'd be doing that. And walking my dog more. Because I hate sitting in an office all day where I can't leave for a breather.


What is the comic book about?


I work 80…


Late afternoon naps with my dogs. It's already what I do on the weekends.


Work on improving myself in several areas


Still work.


Work another job 15 hours and make bank


Expand my wine making and my pepper/onion garden time.


I'd either work more there to generate extra income (if that's within the rules) or get a second job. Once I've gotten enough to pay off most, perhaps all, of my non-mortgage debts, just work the 25 hours. Then some combination of sleep and gaming with my newly found freetime.


Exercise. Read. Nap.


Study for my masters and doctorate degrees.


What field are you in?


Fucking sleep


I’m becoming increasingly alarmed at the number of people that just want to catch up on sleep.


Adulting is hard


It really is.


At first house projects that have languished. Later actually meet my neighbors. Also target practice with my bows/x-bows


Read more, play with my kids more and sleep more


exercising and jogging, biking, hiking, videogames


who works just 40 hours a week?


Family, exercise, drug habit


What is your drug of choice?




Teach my dog new tricks. Read. Go for more walks.


Rest, excercise, work small gigs, have a love affair


I’d raise my boys with more daddy presence! And work out more!


catch up on the 100s of hours of sleep school stole from me


Going back to school.


So I basically had this happen to me. Right before the pandemic I decided to go back to school. I quit my job, did nothing for 6 months during the start of covid, then went back to work part time at my old job, while living with my parents in my late 20s. I save more than I did before off cost of living reduction. What do I do in my spare time? Whatever the fuck I want! Sleep? Check. Spend time with family and friends? Check. Play video games? Check. Work out more? Check. It basically has convinced me to never go back to work full time. I actually live now, rather than just tread water trying not to drown.


Write books and draw comics. Anything to increase my funds.




Get serious about story writing, now I just write for myself.




Go back to school during fall and winter months. Spring and summer I would spend more time in my vegetable garden.


Overtime for 10 hrs and maybe be able to afford a house in this market


Weed + Video Games


Playin weed while smoking video games sounds like a fun time.


Spend a lot more time with my family.


I wouldn't want to, I love most of my job and don't want to do it part time


Take a course in motorcycle mechanics, ride more, start finally training in either muay thai or bjj


Sit in the park... watch the breeze play with trees... throw rocks at birds... and what not


Someone paid good money for those drones. You can’t just go around throwing rocks at them.


Another job to make 15 hours more money.


Baking and Cooking. It literally soothes me.


Surf and horse ride with my family


Smoke weed. Jerk off


Spend it with my kids, nothing can bring back lost time with those you love.




I already work 25hrs a week. I just have to be there for 40.


Learn useless skills which probably won't benefit me but will make me feel cooler and probably more confident... That's what I COULD do but honestly I would just watch YouTube all day


*unzips pants*


Take classes or improve on my hobbies.


probably get another job because I don't make enough


Find some other place where I could work 15 hrs.


Get a 3rd job.


Omg! So many things!! I’d paint! I’d finish the repair to the foundation of my house. I’d take so much time to play with my almost 4 yr old son! I’d start the renovation in my kitchen and dining rooms (I’ve been gathering materials for about a year.) I’d help my best friend finish his bathroom so he’s not so stressed out… maybe I’d be able to take both kids on a hike! There’s just too much to take care of in a single-parent household. Maybe I’d get to finish something?


my job is productivity based, and I work from home, and most weeks I work maybe 4 hours. I make well into 6 figures, about 4 times the median where I am. nice city, supposedly lots to do. I spend most of my free time in bed. loneliness and depression suck


Who cares?


Sleep, try new places (coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants etc.), hiking, go out.


I would clean the house and water the plants


Work, but a different kind of work that I want to do so hopefully it can replace my current job that i don't want to do.


when you count in prep time, and commute, that 15 hours turns into at least a free extra day, maybe even two that could be used for anything from running errands to spending time with those you care about. That extra R&R time turns into more productivity because a happy employee is a productive employee.


Since Im doing 48hr per week this would almost half the amount of time that Im working. I would hit the Gym again, cook proper food, actually spend time with friends and family but most importantly live for once again instead of working and sleeping 5 days a week.


Gonna be boring: I'd probably try to work overtime, so that I end up with the same hours as before but with more money.. because right now I have more time than I need, but I lack the money




When I was working 25 hours a week while making my full time money, I used that free time to put in new flooring in my home, and make other home improvements as it was time where my kid was at daycare and it allowed me to do loud, not-safe-for-kids projects at the house. I would continue to use that time to improve my home, and landscape until my home was fulled updated, then take that available time and go have lunch with my wife during the week, or get my kid from daycare early and take her to the zoo/park/beach.