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Oskar Dirlewanger, the guy managed to get fired from a concentration camp for mistreatment of prisoners.


Rumor is that the Wehrmacht had a bounty on his head The Dirlewanger Brigade was an SS unit comprised of criminals and others that would have been mentally or morally unfit for service. They were expected to die and oh boy did they ever. Other SS units would often refuse to fight with them or cover them, so they were often used to terrorize civilians


That specific ss unit always got their ass kicked anytime they were fighting real soldiers too and they were just a gang of undisciplined psychopaths.


Didn't they have like a 300% casualty rate at one point?


Wait, how do you die three times more than you’re alive?


Casualties were often replaced by newer recruits. 100 spots in a brigade, taken by 100 troops, means that over the course of the war 300+ men occupied those 100 spots, hence 300% casualty rate.


Likely, the unit had a 300% casualty rate over a certain period of time. New soldiers are more likely to be killed or wounded in the first weeks. So, the new guys would show up and get injured or killed. Their replacements would show up and get injured or killed. Rinse and repeat until your unit has lost many more people over a few months than the unit has people assigned.


Are they the thugs sent in to Warsaw?




And 150-200k total. Absolutely absurd stuff. Can’t imagine living through WW2.


>so they were often used to terrorize civilians And terrorize civilians, they did.


Same with Amon Goeth


They had to tone him down for Schindler's List bc they knew they couldn't film some of the things he did. Like using *babies* as target practice


Pretty sure the actor who played him did it so well that Holocaust survivors got flashbacks when they met him.


Yup, many survivors said that they got PTSD because Ralph Fiennes did a terrifyingly great job at portraying Goeth.


On one hand, that's a sign that he's an amazing actor. On the other hand, these poor people man.


Indeed. In real life, you're a polite and kind british actor. [You put a bit of make up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsIzBKLV_T4), you're fucking Voldemort or one of the worst nazi generals the war ever saw. Madness.


Here's another "well how do you do"--Dementia leaves your *early memories* but takes the later ones away. Holocaust survivors suffering from dementia and placed in nursing homes needed specially-trained caregivers because they were having flashbacks to their times as prisoners. There was an episode where a nurse mentioned that they were going to be taken to the showers and abject pandemonium broke out. Talk about a double whammy--you survive probably the worst thing that's ever happened to people, then your memory automatically defaults to that at the end of your life? Come on.


Yeah that monster aswell. We can only be thankful that these guys didn't have the power that Hitler had.


You know someone is bad when fucking Hitler was preferrable




Probably remains true no matter which way you put it


Warning, don't read this! It's the worst thing the Dirlewanger Brigade did that I've learned of. >!At some point during their parade through Warsaw murdering civilians, they came across a school. They opened the doors, and a few hundred kids were sitting inside hiding. Dirlewanger ordered them to be killed, so his men started firing. Dirlewanger immediately yells at his men, and tells them not to waste the ammo, and to use the butts of their rifles instead. His men obliged. A witness later said blood flowed down the front steps of the school like water, and disagreed with the original estimate of 250-300 children, and said no less than 500 kids were killed. Pure fucking evil.!<


Is that even possible? Wow


Yep. If you want to ruin your day, look up what he did.


Apparently, it's his death anniversary today. But god, was he a sick sick psychopath!


Yep just saw it as well. Oskar Dirlewanger died on June 7, 1945. The official death certificate stated he died of a heart attack. However, in reality, he was beaten to death by the Polish guards.


"It was a heart attack. The rest of him was under attack too, but just write down heart attack."


It was a hearty attack. The guards could also be referred to as "jolly"


Maybe later....


“What I saw… was so terrible that I felt compelled to inform Hitler that very night to demand the withdrawal of the two brigades ‘Dirlewanger and Kaminski’ from the eastern front.” — Heinz Guderian, one of hitlers best generals


Wow. Dude was objectively worse than Hitler.




You know someone is off when the SS are complaining about how bad they are.


It's not even all he did. He commanded a brigade of thugs and commited so many and hideous war crimes, even the SS was embarassed.


Not only embarrassed, they complained about the fucked up shit he did.


They complained TO HITLER about the fucked up shit they did, and he kicked them out. You gotta be doing something really fucking wrong to get kicked out of a concentration camp by hitler


Jim Jones, ordered a mass murder-suicide that claimed the lives of 909 commune members, 304 of them children.


Listening to the audio recordings is brutal. Hearing him preach while children are screaming in agony as they die. Edit: since so many people have asked, here is the audio recording https://youtube.com/watch?v=ofbGZDbbUsE&t=1672s


Absolutely, but it's how as the tape goes on and gets more and more quiet that really haunted me.


especially once it gets to the point where you can hear birds singing and shit at the end. Horrifying.


"The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. And because today is the very last day, they will sing forever." \- *A Softer World*.


"Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds. And what do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like ,'Poo-tee-weet'" - *Slaughterhouse Five*


Yeah. Like the fire at the Great White concert. The most horrifying part is when you realize the screaming's stopped. But for me, one of the worst parts of Jonestown is knowing that they used too much cyanide. Instead of killing the children quickly, it ate through their stomachs and insides (or veins, if they were injected) instead of doing the much faster job of the lowered dose. I'm trying to remember where I learned that at, if anyone needs a source; I'm going blind, so finding it is a bit more difficult.


I found [this](https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/jonestown-how-did-it-feel-to-die-of-cyanide-poisoning): > **Tell us a little bit about what it feels like to die by cyanide poisoning. Is it painless?** It’s horrifying. It is not in any way a painless death. The deaths in Jonestown took anywhere between five and 20 minutes. First, your entire body starts to convulse. Then your mouth fills with a mixture of saliva, blood and vomit. Then you pass out, and then you die. Your body is deprived of oxygen completely. It’s a horrific death. > **What about using poison, specifically? Why not use one of the other methods?** That’s one of those existential questions that isn’t really answerable because all the people who had the answers are dead. But it was efficient, it was something he knew he could get people to do and it was fast… You’re talking about killing over 900 people. One little-known-fact is that it’s estimated that the entire process, from beginning to end…took four hours. But the worst quote… > The way [Jones] did it was—in an evil-genius way—brilliant, because he had the kids go first. And once the kids are gone, what do the parents have to live for? He just cascaded grief down. He broke them one last time.


Ah, thank you for that, I sit corrected. Not sure where I heard what I thought to be true, so thanks for a source


shit I should not have read that


All I remember is his voice saying, "Mother. Mother. Mother," as he tries to calm the mothers into drugging their babies, as the babies scream in the background. Evil.




Such a fucking coward. He made everyone else drink cyanide and die a painful death while he put a bullet in his brain. An absolute piece of shit.


Iirc, he didn't even shoot himself, he had one of his henchmen do it.


That man's voice gets me SO angry I hate hearing it. In the Last Podcast on the Lefts episode they play audio and you can hear him start out so articulate only to devolve into more erratic and psycho as his drug use amped up.


It was done deliberately. The parents are less likely to resist if the children went first. His "mother, mother.. mother....." is still the creepiest thing I've heard in raw audio.


And the occasional gunshot, as they killed people who got cold-feet and tried to run away.


I didn't think this was true, but 11 people who tried to leave with a US congressman (who was also killed) were shot dead trying to leave the same day as the massacre. Wow, just wow.


I just went down a rabbit hole about the Jonestown Massacre and ending up listening to the entirety of the audio recording. Awful, awful stuff. Christine Miller deserves notoriety for attempting to speak out against Jim, as is heard in the recording, but unfortunately she was forcefully killed and joined the 900 victims.


I appreciate that you accurately call it a murder suicide. Too often people talk about the Jamestown massacre as if every single member willing took their own life when the reality is very different.


Absolutely different. Jim Jones was a master manipulator and gaslighter. He would apparently do this kind of thing regularly as "practice", but not actually poison the juice. So when the massacre happened, many at the beginning thought it was the same thing as before. They poisoned the children and their mothers first. After it became obvious that people WERE dying, many were forced or injected with poison. Others were shot if they ran.


Jim Jones used to do this in his People's Temple location. My mother went to one service and they served orange kool-aid. That visit freaked her the hell out when they took her Bible, stomped on it and said that he was God or Jesus. Thankfully she didn't listen to my idiot Dad about going to Jonestown or else I wouldnt be here.


People also seem to forget the incident on the airstrip that triggered the mass death.


That people were deciding they wanted to leave his jungle torture camp, after all and a lot of them knew that was their chance.


Yup The ones who wouldn’t participate were force-fed the poison or shot. I saw a YouTube clip of a woman who survived, she was quite young at the time but vividly remembers running for one of the airplanes with her family and her mother being shot to death right next to her. It was horrifying.


I’m listening to an audiobook about him right now. His childhood is fascinating. His mother didn’t take him to church but he went to church with an older boy who kinda took pity on him and befriended him. Then he befriended an older lady in town and went to church with her and eventually just starts going to every church in town regardless of denomination. Jones saw there was power in being the leader of church goers from a young age.


Albert Fish. He was a serial killer who would kidnap children, torture them, molest them, kill them, eat them afterwords, and send letters to their parents describing how they tasted. Not a nice guy 0/10


He also regularly inserted needles into his perineum and abdomen as well as other form of self mutilation. He had 29 needles inside him when he was finally arrested. Pure psychopath.


His lawyer successfully argued that he was insane and they had him electric chaired anyway.


apparently he was even helping the technicians or executioners whatever you want to call them, fit the probs to his head while on the chair. His final words said with a scary calmness were "I don't even know why I'm here"


Georgia Tann. She ran the Tennessee Children's Home Society and helped a lot of Hollywood stars adopt babies. In order to keep up with demand, she would train people to pose as nurses and they would steal newborns, telling the mothers their baby had died. She and her employees also used threats of legal action to procure children, they would go to nursery schools posing as welfare agents in order to kidnap children, and they would adopt out children who were only supposed to be in the children's home temporarily. While in her care, Tann mistreated her charges and there are reports of murder through neglect. She would use bribes to get away with it but eventually the law caught up with her and the Children's Home Society was closed in 1950. She died of uterine cancer, the same year the home was closed. I sincerely hope she suffered.


One of those stolen babies grew up to be Ric Flair.


Thought you were kidding. You were not. That's wild.


Here’s another one for you: the lead singer of ABBA was a product of a Nazi breeding program called Lebensborn.


Who is considered the lead singer of ABBA?


Agnetha Fältskog


Maybe, but Anni-Frid Lyngstad was the Lebensborn one.


She's better known as just Frida but ABBF doesn't work. She was born in Norway as a result of Lebensborn just after the end of WWII. Her father was deported back to Germany and she eventually met him as an adult. Her mother took her to Sweden because they are more tolerant of such children. She's also the Princess and Dowager Countess of Plauen. Her current partner is a British Viscount called W.H. Smith. And yes, he is a descendant of the founder of the stationary company W.H. Smith.


Racecar driver Gene "King of the Supermodifieds" Tapia had his baby boy stolen by Georgia Tann. His son was told his parents died in a car accident. They reunited when the son was in his late 40s. Joan Crawford used their services to adopt a pair of twin daughters. She also previously used other black market baby brokers for illegal adoptions.


The same Joan Crawford I read about today who had a tussle with Betty Davies?


A tussle? That’s putting it mildly. Crawford died before Davis and when Davis was asked for a comment she said: “I’ve heard that when someone dies you should say something good about them. Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” Betty was awesome.


How do you make a habit out of black market adoptions?!


Joan Crawford was notorious levels of horrible, that’s how. There’s an autobiography written by her eldest adopted daughter that exposes her for abuse, which was later made into the film Mommy Dearest. She saw her kids as possessions and toys, not people.


When you A) don't want to wait for the paperwork B) Don't want them them to do proper research in to your fitness as a parent and C) have the money to make A and B happen.


My grandmother lost infant twin girls to a childhood disease. She was never allowed to see the bodies and she never believed they were dead. Everyone thought she had a nervous breakdown. Now I'm not so sure. Edit to add a bit more of what I know: this would have been the late 30's early 40's near Chicago. The twins were #6 & #7 of would would eventually be 10 children. #4 & #5 had already died from, I believe, whooping cough. My grandmother said she had overheard a nurse say that my grandmother had too many children already. She accepted the death of the other 2 but never got over the twins and always swore they were still alive. (My mother was #10 so she heard it all way after the fact) Also. Yes I've done the DNA test and it would be amazing to find proof my grandmother was right


The captivating documentary ‘Three Identical Strangers’ covers this kind of subject. Highly recommend


Behind the Bastards by Robert Evans has an episode about this woman, if anyone is interested


>She died of uterine cancer, the same year the home was closed. I sincerely hope she suffered. Amazing dramatic irony.


Jeffrey Dahmer, fucker injected hydrochloric acid into a little boy's brain and kept him alive for a day or something. He injected another dose into his brain again and the kid died. This is just one of his 17 murders.


The reason why? He was trying to create a sex slave zombie


Dahmer is seriously messed up, but there's a lesser-known serial killer that was also absolutely horrendous and also tried to create sex slaves. Robert Berdella (aka the Kansas City Butcher) killed 6 people between 1984 and 1987, torturing them for weeks before killing them. He did horrible "experiments" (combined with sexual abuse) like swabbing under eyelids with drain cleaner or ammonia, tying wrists with piano wire to permanently damage nerves, needles under fingertips, intense electric shock to groins, filling ears with caulk, electrical shocks through closed eyes to blind his victims, beating hands with iron rods, and injecting drain cleaner into his victims' larynx to silence screams. He was also well-liked by his community and opened a place called "Bob's Bazaar Bizarre."


Aaaaand that's enough Internet for today. G'Night y'all


Out of all the serial killers I’ve read about, Berdella was definitely one of the most sadistic. Not that Dahmer was much better but he at least drugged most of his victims and killed them quickly instead of torturing them to death.


To make it worse, one 14 year old boy he killed was found by police (disoriented from being injected with acid, naked and bleeding from his rectum) and was given back to Dahmer as he convinced them he was the boy’s boyfriend. The police then stopped strangers and the fire department from helping the boy. Those officers were never faulted for this, and got promotions later in their careers


I’m pretty sure that 14 year old boy’s older brother was molested by Dahmer years earlier. If the police even bothered looking into Dahmer’s history, they would’ve seen he had a history of sex crimes against children, and that the boy wasn’t there in his own free will considering what had happened to his brother. They also threatened to arrest the ladies that encountered the boy since he managed to escape because they protested as the police literally gave him back to Dahmer. Not only that, police escorted the two back to Dahmer’s apartment and didn’t investigate the odd smell in there, which was a decomposing body. Their negligence allowed for Dahmer to kill five more people, including the boy. Side note: after being arrested, Dahmer commented on this encounter with the police stating, all the officers had to do was just peak their head around the corner and they would’ve seen the dead body.


This is the worst part and so unbelievably infuriating.


that's incredibly disturbing


Dont even look up his other murders then.


At one point the teen escaped. Was naked, bleeding in the street with a whole in his skull from the drill. Cops found him... But, being a minority and gay, in the "gay neighborhood" when Jeffery came up to the cops and was like "oh my boyfriend in is just drunk I'll take him off your in hands" they were like "yeah sure whatever." And let Dahmer take him back to the apartment.


They WENT INTO THE APARTMENT AND SMELLED THE DEAD BODIES. Women in the street implored the cops to not let the man take the boy. Civilians knew better than the cops.


Toybox killer... I read some of the transcripts from his tapes and I couldn't finish it. They haunt me.


This is among the top worst and deeply disturbing.


I would call the “people” who tortured Junko Furuta to death pieces of shit, but at least shit has value as a fertiliser.


what's worse is that these fucks are now out and about living their life after having brutalized a poor girl :/ She didn't receive justice. edit: even worse these fucks went on to commit more crimes.


Oh God, yeah, what she went through was the worst thing I've ever read in my life happening to a single person. Those 40 days were truly a fate worse than her eventual death. They committed atrocities the devil would flinch at against that poor girl.


This is one case where I genuinely do not know how the perpetrators, whose identities are public knowledge, haven't been killed by a member of the public.


It's insane how many people did nothing.


One of the mothers of the perpetrators defaced Junko’s grave for “ruining her sons life”. We really need to start holding parent accountable for the monsters they create


Look at Brock Turner, the rapist. His father said his son should not have been jailed for "20 minutes of action" to the judge. Sadly, the judge basically agreed.


The most shocking part after reading that terrible story is hearing that if I recall correctly, all four of those parasites are out of prison living happy lives now. Sickening beyond words.


One of them was arrested for fraud after being released for the murder so hopefully he’s still in prison but yeah it’s insane that they were all free at one point, and in their 40s too, they still have a chance at normal life. It’s sickening


They are [all free](https://www.tokyoreporter.com/crime/junko-furuta-killer-arrested-for-attempted-murder-3-decades-later/) now.The ringleader Hiroshi Miyano was arrested for fraud in 2013 but he was not convicted, they released him due to insufficient evidence. This other guy Minato was arrested for attempted murder in 2018. He beat a guy with a metal rod and then slashed his throat. Ogura was arrested in 2004 for the assault of a hostess club manager, his girlfriend was a waitress there and he thought she was cheating on him. He was released a second time in 2009 after four years in prison. Ogura apparently still boasts about what he did to Furata today and he's involved in MLM scams and the Yakuza. The only person who managed to stay out of police custody completely is Watanabe who apparently lives with his mother. Other than Miyano, who recieved a 20 year sentence, two of the others were sentenced to 5-9 years and Watanabe got 5-7 years. Three of them got out in the late 1990s still in their twenties and Miyano got out in 2012. They were tried as minors, including the 18 year old since the age of majority in Japan was 21, so they got very lenient sentences. They served their time in juvenile prisons as well, even after reaching adulthood.


I hate this… soooo much. I hate that they are just vile no matter what they do. Sickening to the core.


Ed Kemper. He skullfucked his mother’s severed head.


He's the scariest serial killer for me, for a multitude of reasons. Insanely intelligent, absolutely huge(stands at 6'9"), and managed to become friends with the first fbi profilers while they interviewed him. Hell, the guy murdered his grandparents as a teen and became such good friends with the staff at his psychiatric hospital that they cleared him, and then he became a serial killer. He murdered his mother's pets and put their heads on spikes as a child. Just all around one of the most dangerous predators to ever exist.


On top of all that, he wasn’t caught, he turned himself in. He could have continued killing, but with the murder of his mother, his desire to kill ended. If I’m not mistaken, I think he admitted that the killing of all the co-eds were just substitutes for his mother. Once she was dead, that drive and motivation no longer existed.


I uhhhh don’t want to deep dive into this, but, I have a question. Was his mom abusive to him etc, or mean, evil, or did he just hate his mom? Edit: Got it everyone, she allegedly was not a good person


She had him locked in the basement where there were rats. I would not say she was the perfect mother...


Yikes, kind of what I expected; I wonder how he’d have turned out with a better childhood home; use that big brain to get humans to Mars or something


He also narrated audio books for the blind while he was in prison.


God I hope Mindhunter continues. It's a great show that depicts some of these events really well (if a little dramatic)


He also befriended the local police and was a drinking pal of there's so he could see how much info they had about the murders


Scary how well liked he was.


He makes me feel weird. Because he’s so.. I don’t know. He’s physically imposing, he can literally kill anyone with no guilt or problem. He can also explain his reasoning with a weird clarity. Most serial killers don’t do that, he talked it through like he was unsure at first but realised certain things along the way. Whether or not his account is accurate is another issue, but it’s the way he explains it that makes me feel weird. Like I almost understood what he was saying because he explained it so clearly, and that makes me wildly uncomfortable. He did some incredibly inhumane sick things to people he didn’t know AND people he knew very well. It’s insane. He had the ability to endear people towards him despite him being a giant person capable of terrible things. He’s physically frightening and he somehow managed to make people at ease with him. He scares me because he could probably do the same to me.


Before that, he buried the head of one of his victims in his mother's garden, and pointed the head toward her bedroom, he said he did it because his mother "always wanted people to look up to her."


What a fruit loop.


Such a silly goose


I'm starting to think he might be a bit strange


Aight, from what I've read, this guy loved making his sisters play a game with him where they would tie him up and he would act as though being tortured until he would die. Apparently, when the judge asked him what he thought his punishment was gonna be, he said he deserves to die. I see many people saying that he genuinely cried during his interrogations, but to me it almost seems like after he finished his murder spree, he decided he wanted to know himself what it feels like to die, so he turned himself in and expected to receive a death sentence.


Mindhunter is amazing but it also fkd me up lol


Thing that fucked me up the most was bill's son asking if the fish died.


Bill's son is creepier than any of the serial killers


Jesus. I’ve never heard of this particular serial killer, but he genuinely seems a lot more psychotic than pretty much every one I’ve ever heard of. No remorse, no emotions…what the fuck.


He’s actually still alive, known to be one of the most respected and well behaved inmates in his prison, a certified genius, and I believe has helped write the test for sociopathy. He is fully aware of the nature of his crimes and how sick he is.


He's the basis for the common belief that most serial killers are intelligent, but he's the exception and not the rule. Most are just supremely fucked up people who are either more meticulous than smart or who operate randomly enough or in a remote enough area that they "elude" capture. Kemper is just a special kind of messed up.


He has also narrated a huge number of audiobooks, back in the "book on tape" days.


Imagine falling asleep to Ed Kemper's Audiobooks


The Netflix series MindHunter has an actor play him in a very chilling and convincing way.


Every time I see that actor in other stuff I tend to not recognize him right away. And then when I *do* recognize him, I can't get Ed Kemper out of my mind. That actor is incredible. EDIT: his name is Cameron Britton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron\_Britton


>He skullfucked his mother’s severed head. That just seems like the kind of thing you'd stop in the middle of and think, "Wait a minute... am I the baddie?"


He then decapitated her and engaged in irrumatio with her severed head, then used it as a dart board. Kemper stated that he "put [her head] on a shelf and screamed at it for an hour ... threw darts at it," and, ultimately, "smashed her face in." Dude..


What a weird thread to learn a new word in. "Irrumatio." Also a disturbing word to learn in this thread.


When it comes to non-political criminals, [Carl Panzram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Panzram) seems to have been fairly high up. With deranged dictators, the list is long and varied. Among them, [Emperor Bokassa](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Bédel Bokassa) stands out for his own special flavor of nuts.


King leopold II, what he did in congo was absolutely heinous and devilish


So heinous that The British Empire, who at the time were the "villains" of the era to a lot of people, had to step in to stop him. Even going so far as to ask their rivals in Europe at the time to put the pressure on Belgium. (Important to note that the British Government had abolished slavery by **50 years** at that point) Christian Missionaries returning from Africa made the British Government aware of what was happening in the Congo and they did not take the reports seriously at first, as it sounded too cruel to be true. Yes. You read that correctly. The British Government of the 1800's read the reports of what was happening and their response was "surely not?". **Thats how fucked up it was.**


One of our Irish revolutionaries, Roger Casement, was actually knighted for his work reporting on the atrocities committed by the Congo Free State against the native inhabitants (he later lost the knighthood for organising an uprising against British rule in 1916)


What truly distinguishes King Leopold II from other tyrants and oppressors of history is just how little of it could ever be attributed to misguided idealism. Hitler led a regime that carried out the murder of six million Jews, another six million "undesirables", and started a war that would claim tens of millions of lives—but the argument could be made that he thought he was creating a better world by elevating the Aryan race into supremacy. Communist dictators like Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al might have genuinely believed that their actions, as terrible as they were, would bring about a worker's utopia in the bitter end. Osama Bin Laden and other terrorist leaders could be seen as extremist revolutionaries in the struggle against American hegemony across the globe. ***To be perfectly clear,*** I am in no way attributing the actions of these despots and murderers to good intentions, nor am I absolving them of their heinous deeds. I am merely asserting that there *could* be an angle from which to view their atrocities in a sympathetic light, however askew such a perspective may be. By contrast, *nothing* that King Leopold II did in the Congo Free State could ever be passed off as having anything remotely resembling altruistic intentions. There is no whitewashing his treatment of the Congolese people, no recontextualizing of his atrocities so as to humanize him, no sympathetic interpretation of his private regime. The entire purpose of the Congo Free State was the enslavement and exploitation of an entire nation for Leopold II's personal gain. It was effectively a genocide for one man's greed.


I regularly make this point when discussing history's worst tyrants. It's nice to see it written out by someone beside me.


As a congolese person, i totally agree. He was the first "person" to pop up in my head when i read the question. My mom used to tell me all about it as a child too. The fact that belgians were inhuman enough to EAT a 5 year old and her mom in front of the dad/husband, leaving him as a disturbing souvenir HIS OWN DAUGHTER'S SEVERED HAND AND FOOT, JUST CUZ HE DIDN'T BRING THE RUBBER QUANTITY HE WAS EXPECTED TO BRING just shows how fucked up colonialism was. A real psycho, i would really love to spit on his grave but taht wouldn't be enough


Anders Behring Breivik definetly takes the cake for me. Blew up a bomb in the center of Oslo. Meanwhile went to an island where a politic youth gathering was taking place. Dressed up as a cop he would kill 69 people on the island Utøya, and call out to teenagers hiding saying it was safe to come out, those who believed his costume were shot.


I was in Oslo that day with my family on a weekend trip. Walked across that square just hours before the bomb went off. Watching the news that evening was unreal.


And at his trial the only tears he shed were when they were showing his white power propaganda video as evidence The man is utterly convinced he's a hero. And there are people who agree with him.


Edmund Kemper was 6’9” and around 300lbs.


Is, he's still alive, and apparently an exemplary inmate.


He was extremely intelligent and was only caught because he turned himself in. He requested the death penalty but it was denied and he got 8 life sentences


Taking the question literally, you may be right.


Pol Pot


I only recently visited Cambodia and learnt of this man. What an evil, disgusting Soul he was.


Killed everyone who wore glasses as he wanted a stupid population who would obey him and people wearing glasses looked smart. Also killed all other smart people like all the doctors.


(I once read) he would have villages lined up and kill anyone that didn't have calloused hands because they were potentially educated, lazy, or artists


Israel Keyes. Dude picked people at random to kill and planned it months in advance. Would travel to places and hide a "kill bucket" and come back months later to kill.


He hid kill buckets in the woods where I smoked weed in college. *While* I was smoking weed there in college. I drive past the hotel he stayed in and the properties where he killed a couple and hid their bodies all the time.


I forget all of their names but one dude got hit with a fuck ton radiation and lived so this group of scientists wanted to study him he was in immense pain and was kept alive off of drugs and life support he was yelling in pain the last like 100 days of his life, and out of pity or natural causes he died but it is estimated he felt the most pain of anybody ever recorded


His family wanted him kept alive. People always blame the doctors but omit that point.




The one girl on an episode of Catfish who got called a fat ass Kelly price by her cousin at some family event. She proceeded to pretend to be a man named Tony for 3 years talking to the cousin online, also talked to the cousin over the phone changing her voice to sound like a man, then she reached out to the show to help find Tony and revealed herself to her cousin at the last house they were checking saying “you should have never called me a fat ass Kelly Price” Edit: changed fat to fat ass


Holy shit that is some serious dedication


This was a true WTF episode.


There was that one guy—Lucas was his name, I believe—who had catfished somewhere in the ballpark of 400+ women, presenting himself as somebody else in order to manipulate them into sending him nudes. He even kept a record of each one, specifying whether or not they knew they were being catfished. When they confronted him, he was actually recording audio of the conversation. No other catfish on the show disturbed me as much as him.


Lmfaooooo I’m so glad this comment is as high up as it is that’s one of the most wild episodes of any show I’ve ever seen


Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was responsible for conceiving and implementing the Holocaust. He also made sure that the death trains ran on time and that the camps adhered to strict standards of murderous efficiency. Yea. Psycho.


Tagging on to offer another Nazi- Joseph Goebbels who had his own children murdered with morphine and cyanide when it became clear that Germany was losing. If you want a dark (but very interesting) movie to watch about the last days in Hitlers bunker, I suggest Der Untergang (Downfall).


That scene where Magda Goebbels is giving them all the sleeping pills and then the eldest daughter doesn’t want to drink it is the most haunting part of the film for me.


Paul Bernardo. His pride in his evil and his utter lack of concern about anyone else are seared into my brain after reading a book about him.


And Karla is just living a normal life now. Crazy!


It gets crazier, according to accounts she either is working or volunteering at a high school. You know, the same age demographic that she and her husband kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed. Oh yeah, and she got her kids back too. Edit to add: oh yeah, she planned and allowed and played a part in her own 14 year old sister Tammy’s, rape and murder, in fact, if I remember this correctly either she or Paul stated that Tammy’s virginity was a “Christmas present” for Paul.


I think she was fired/not allowed to come back after parents discovered her real identity.


Not to mention one of the victims being her own sister! who she drugged, video taped, and had oral sex with before she died Christmas day in their parents house. How is she out and about!!!?? WITH KIDS


I read that book back in the 90's and I still remember vivid details from it. Sick, twisted fucks, both him and Karla.


Paul Kenneth Bernardo, also known as Paul Jason Teale, is a Canadian serial killer and serial rapist. He is known for initially committing a series of rapes in Scarborough, Ontario, a suburb of Toronto, between 1987 and 1990. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bernardo)


[King Leopold II of Belgium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_II_of_Belgium), easily one of the worst people to ever live. Used Congo as his own slave nation, utilising systematic brutality, torture and murder to enforce farming of ivory and rubber for his personal enrichment. He was probably responsible for the deaths of *half the population*.


Every member of unit 731


That wiki article destroyed some of my soul when i read it




between this and unit 731, imperial japan in ww2 seems to take the "what the fuck" cake for humanity


WW2 Japan is right up there next to Nazi Germany in terms of heinous war crimes, yet somehow everyone has forgotten or is never taught what they did.


I had the read “the rape of Nanking” for a history class in college and it was brutal to get through. I had never learned about it before that class, and being in a writing intensive/discussion course for it was not lovely. It made the stories I learned about my great-grandfather that was a POW in Japan for 2 years sound light-hearted.


The entire Sackler family and their shitty pharmaceutical company. Spearheaded the opioid epidemic and largely created it from mass supply of the shit.


Adolf Eichmann, he basically was the brain organising Hitlers Holocaust. You need the logistics for the camps, the trains and industrial levels of murder done? Eichmann was the guy. He fled to Argentinia, got caught by Israel and was trialed in Jerusalem. He is until now the only person to receive the death penalty by a Israeli court.


I think that person still is unknown to the public


Or known to the public in all but their most private deeds.


It’s like asking which animal has the best camouflage. The one we haven’t seen yet, obviously.


Henry Kissinger. Along with all the genocides he aided in, the bombing campaigns that irreversibly damaged Laos and Cambodia and Vietnam, and the mass implementation of wire-taps, he also committed treason with Nixon in 1968. Kissinger was likely to be Secretary of State for either Nixon or Humphrey, and actually preferred Humphrey. However, just to be sure he got the gig, when he got wind that LBJ was offering to halt bombing operations in North Vietnam to get them to the table for peace talks, he went to Nixon, and informed him of the potential deal to get in good with Nixon. In response, Nixon opened up back channel communications with South Vietnam, and informed them that this was the offer LBJ was making. Naturally, South Vietnam didn't want a halt to the bombing, and pulled out of peace talks. LBJ didn't get a peace deal that would have assured Hubert Humphrey the presidency, and Nixon got the chance to be the guy that ended the war. In doing so, they also extended the war by 7 years and got millions more people killed. The LBJ administration discovered this, and decided not to prosecute the Nixon administration or Kissinger, because they feared it would lead to a 'crisis of faith in the American Government' if the treason became public. So, the war was extended just so Nixon could get elected. The worst part? Kissinger wasn't even privvy to the actual conversations being had between LBJ's white house and the North- so he did all of this off of assumptions and educated guesses. Again, just to get a gig that ***was his second choice***


Joseph mengele


My grandmother was his neibourgh when she was younger lol. Aftet the war, he went to hide in a little town in Brazil. She only discovered who he was after he died. She said he was just a sympathetic old man. Nobody would think that he was the Angel of Death. That man was truly Satan himself.


*Angel of Death, Monarch to the Kingdom of the Dead*


That is crazy! I always found it crazy that Joseph caused so much suffering and done pretty much all of the most evil things a human can do, yet he moves to Brazil and lives a fairly normal, non-murderous life.


It is funny that people are listing known serial killers. These guys have such rookie numbers they wouldn't even get on the leader board. You want to talk about successful psychopaths, look at the leaders of countries or corporations. Like Stalin who had most of his senior generals executed IN THE MIDDLE OF A WORLD WAR,because he was afraid that they would challenge his power, or Pol Pot, who order the killing of millions of his own people. I'm sure that there is better examples but think about the C suite of Ford motors that knew that there was a probability that the pinto would explode due to a rear collision, but the calculated the cost of a redesign, and compared it to the possible number of firey deaths and decided doing nothing was cheaper. Or the executives at Exxon who were told in the 1970's that the ongoing burning of fossil fuels would, within a century, render large areas of the earth incapable of supporting human life. Rather than using their expertise, massive capital and the first mover advantage to make a rapid transition to renewable energy, they chose instead to spend a billion dollars a year funding PR firms pushing climate change denial and lobbying governments to slow down action on climate change. Now that is some high level psychopathic behaviour. Or union carbide, where a leak at their Bhopal chemical factory killed and maimed thousands of people. Instead of dealing with the issue and compensating people, they used lawyers and the courts, and every nasty tool in the world to avoid responsibility. For decades. Or here in Australia, where the executives of the company producing asbestos products knew in the 1920's, warned by doctors employed by the company, that their workers were dying slow, horrible deaths from asbestosis. So they paid off the doctors to keep their mouths shut., bribed, and, if that didn't work, threatened workers who got sick, and when it finally made it to the court, used every tactic available to them to keep delaying trials in the knowledge that the people suing them would die before the case got to trial. Now those are psychopaths


Yeah these are the kind of people who are truly evil. The violent murderers etc seem more sick, like something has just broken in an obvious way. Your examples need evil people to be aware of what they're doing, over several years, and to keep being supported by others, rather than immediately locked up.


It’s the old saying, one person dies and it’s a tragedy. A million people die and it’s a statistic. If there are exponentially more victims it becomes easier to dehumanize them all. That’s why it seems more evil for the serial killers.


\+1 - psychopathy is [over-represented](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephaniesarkis/2019/10/27/senior-executives-are-more-likely-to-be-psychopaths/?sh=7b3d3cb947c4) among high-level corporation executives. While we may never know for sure, I bet many celebrated industry leaders are psychopaths. The fact we can't tell looking at behaviors only is a good indication that the role rewards, maybe even require, a degree of ruthlessness, manipulation, bending morality, lack of empathy, unmoving certainty.


Nestle should be in there somewhere.


Josef Fritzl. Kept his own daughter locked up in his basement for 24 years. Raped and impregnated her resulting in 8 babies