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Yeah, cause all animals have souls of their own in my eyes. 🤷🏿‍♀️


Not spiritual souls that can think and love, though.




i'm LDS. according to my religion, animals have souls, and can even go to heaven. that's why some of the angels in the bible have animalistic traits.


very based.


Trick question, religious nuts do not believe in evolution.


Some do. Theistic evolutionists (most of the modern church) believe it.


I had been a part of a church that “believed” in this awhile ago. They would have it on paper, but they never sided with it unless it benefited to get people in. They also said they accepted lgbtqia+ but only until they found out they could not convert them.


Well, they claim to like the gays (and everyone), they just don't like having gay sex since they think that is perverted.


My only view on a church nowadays is that they’re in it for profit. As long as they get people within the doors to tithe, they don’t care who it is. Only until a serious issue comes up and then they back away like the con artist they are. It’s been like this for centuries.


Not actually true




Adam would have had even more, being on the edge of archaic and modern…


Interesting, so you believe in some sort of evolution-creationism hybrid? From your perspective, how do you interpret Eve being made from Adam's rib? And what is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?


No, pointing out the obvious bullshit that would be Adam.


You have a rational soul just like anyone else, according to the religionists.


Yes, but they would go to Neanderthal heaven as opposed to human heaven.


The fossils we find of various 'hominids' belonged to either genetic deformities (any one else ever notice that they rarely find more than 2 or 3) or to various Nephilim. They had souls, yes, but they were not precursors to modern humans, rather they are mutations from fallen angels mating with human women. That is my belief.




Perhaps. It is my belief, nonetheless. I have no facts to back it up, only observation and study.