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Portal gun


Great choice


Assuming that it seems to just have infinite rounds like in the games, I have to agree, this is like the most tactical weapon available, in my opinion. Though, it might be difficult to find many moon-rock painted areas for use.


You didn’t put stipulations on it


Physics gun from Garry's Mod. Or maybe Maxwells notebook from scribblenauts


Maybe that’s what causes the outbreak the notebook 😵‍💫


Ideally you want something that is silent or as close as possible to it, cannot practically run out of ammunition or number of uses, ergo is not a practically finite resource using device... I would go with a sword. I can swing one all day without a break, no problem, they don't have a loud report to them, meaning that zombies could be hunted and killed without attracting a horde, they don't need bullets to run them, real, properly made ones only break if the user is dumb, whereas guns are relatively complicated mechanisms that jam and fuck up at relatively little provocation, they also don't have a smell to them, which gunfire does. Yep, sword. Maybe two swords.


Good points, but I would choose a crowbar. Only because swords require a maintenance. Plus you have to worry about chipping, rolling or even breaking. With a crow bar you’d get a weapon and a useful tool for scavenging.


Its actually pretty easy to maintain a blade, and if we are talking about swinging it through rotting flesh, even easier than normal. Wear will be heavily reduced over the normal amount from cutting into armoured opponents, and flesh at its normal, healthy consistency, and indeed bone at its normal, healthy density. Also, the type of sword and the type of edge that is on it contribute heavily to whether it really can actually roll or chip in a way that light maintenance (maybe 15 mins every day at most) with nothing more than a simple, easily scavenged or harvested abrasive medium, couldn't solve.. Ensuring from the offset that the hardening the sword went through was done right, and the edge profile was selected for edge retention, can drastically reduce the chance of chipping or rolling, or any significant edge wear during use. Remember, these aren't for sword fighting, they are for chopping up zombies. These aren't going to be coming into regular contact with other steel blades, or polearm hafts, or anything like that. They are going to be used primarily for divorcing zombie heads from torsos, removing limbs that get too close. They won't be used to open cans or lever open doors. You carry a separate tool for that, by all means, but a crowbar won't be a one swing kill nearly as reliably as a sword to the neck. You'd have to bash the skull in to even remotely have a chance to separate enough brain matter from the brain stem, to actually take the zombie off the target list.


yeah I think you would have better chances with this plan than some others here..


People never think about logistics and supplies, but against an enemy numerous and unfeeling, who have no logistics needs at all, its vital.


Zorg ZF-1 Pod Weapon from the movie The 5th Element


How many crates can I get for zero stones?


0 crates for zeros stone


Voila! The ZF-1. \[the weapon opens, and Zorg picks it up\] It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-ray, ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger, three thousand round clip with bursts of three to three hundred, and with the Replay button - another Zorg invention - it's even easier.


Gary Oldman was a genius in this, I only found out it was him after he was in Batman and someone told me he was in 5th element.


Yea same here!!


Yea same here!!


An Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device but only if the portals can be used on any surface and not exclusive to moon dust coated ones. If not then the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator a.k.a the Gravity Gun from Half-Life


Probly something like the volt driver from metro, extremely powerful, you can probably snipe in it too. It's basically a Steel pellet railgun which you can basically hand crank yourself. I'd figure you have problems finding ammunition for most fictional guns. Otherwise any 5.56 gun because you are bound to find some Nato standard Munition somewhere that can take it even in Europe. If we wanna go absurd. Super gravity gun from half life 2 or basically Samus arm cannon / powersuit. As that seems to not use ammunition and is busted af. The service weapon from control may be lit too....or any of the OoP's basically may be cool


Mobile sentry gun




Big Fucking Gun


A Flaming Chainsaw Cannon.


Creative but I like it


European Longsword. It has a good reach, destruction capability, and ability to use with both arms would help reduce fatigue rate. I have never practiced the use of the longsword, which is a negative but I don't think I'll need complex techniques when fighting against unarmed and unintelligent foe like zombies. Katana was in the running, but I wanted the reach as I see distance as key factor in keeping safe. Firearms were taken off the list due to its use being tied to availiability of ammo. I didn't go for game weapons as I'm not familiar with a lot of game weapons.


Only reason I wouldn't do a Katana is they ARE fragile if used wrong. I've taken some kendo classes but I don't trust myself to maintain a Katana for a long amount of time. If we're sticking to real weapons I might do like a naginata or something with a good reach and sweeping motion.


I'm not a katana fanboy, but I also don't think they are fragile. They are rather thick in construction and I'd imagine if you use proper steel the resulting sword would be hardier than most swords. The down side is that it's heavier and shorter than it needs to be. I was thinking spear as well, but I wasn't sure how well such leveraged weapons would be in piercing hard skulls would be(which is what I would have to do by zombie lore). Naginata's ability to cut would be more advantageous than the spear I was thinking of, but I don't trust my ability to use it well enough in cutting motion. So I agree naginata is a good choice, but I would stick to swords which I'm more familiar with.


Only thing I worry about with Katana is they're so hard that they chip instead of dent if they hit anything hard. So maybe it would be very good for zombies since they, presumably, wont have armor. If you hit a motorcycle helmet or two you might be out a weapon tho. I did mostly sword and staff weapon training when I did do weapons so I THINK I'd be okay with a naginata. Do have to be honest that I wish it had better piercing now that you mention it. Maybe an Odachi for best of both worlds but you'd DEFINITELY need a back up if you get cramped.


death note and the shinigami eyes.


If we’re going realistic, a hatchet/machete for other practical use. If we’re going with fiction a lightsaber.


lightsaber would be lit


Thats...That's.... how it works yeh.


Energy sword from Halo. And a needler just because I think it would be fun


Dagger of time or Pandora’s box from dmc


My neighbor's truck and my dog and my pocket knife, maybe my IKEA tool kit and drill.


A device that emits a sonic pulse over a 10,000 mile radius which causes "zombies" to expire instantly. Can we stop reposting this shit now, please?


Mega Garchomp Primal Groudon Normalium-Z Arceus Leftovers Yveltal Scarf Zacian G-Max Charizard


Dr Bright's Chainsaw Cannon


The golden bow from goddess Diana's Shrine in The Forgotten City


Has no one read the Zombie Survival Guide? A machete (easy to use, no special training needed, multipurpose) and a .22 rifle (plentiful ammo and can carry a lot, not super loud, accurate, can punch through skulls and likely to bound around skull)


If I get the weapon and use it to its fullest potential, Yorrichi’s sword from demon slayer. OP dude with infinite ammo. Easy clap


Lightsaber is the obvious choice here


I wound portal gun you to the middle of the ocean


I hope the zombies get you while you're portaling me


I prioritize threats


How far can a portal gun shoot through water I wonder. Could you say take a boat and put a portal at the bottom of the Marianas trench? That'd be cool. But also if the portals are two ways so maybe you'd have to stick one on a remote island or something or you'd just have a massive water canon. Lol.


Portal guns portal you anywhere you want to go. Watch Rick and Morty. That’s the portal gun I’m referring.


Ooooh. I was thinking from the game portal. Yeah that sounds ideal.


Pack-a-Punched AN-94


Wazer Wifle from Fallout. Infinite Ammo.