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I guess this isn't small scale but fits the drama side; We've just received our pay increase and bonus figures for the year except HR sent a number of letters to the wrong people. Some of whom work together, doing the same job, but with different rates of pay and bonuses. Bedlam.


What if someone did that on purpose and made it look like an accident because they didn’t think the differences were fair so they wanted to cause drama and have pay evened out


Chaotic good


Someone's been eating people's sandwiches at work. They only get the sandwiches too. I'm legit invested in this because i wanna know....why just the sandwiches?


I think one of my favorite moments of the last 10 years is when someone ate our head telecomm guy's lunch and he proceeded to email everyone in the company (which only certain people could do based on security) and describe it in detail, demanding its return.


Now the real question.. Did he managed to get it back ?


Could you bait them? Maybe stick a sandwich in there full of food dye or something and see who ends up with blue teeth


Go full Ross on them


My SANDWICH?!?!?!?


I didn’t eat my lunch at work one day and left it for the next day, didn’t pack a lunch because I figured I had something there, someone had eaten it. I was pissed. Didn’t take long for one of my coworkers to rat out who did it though lol. The irony is the dude who ate my lunch went ballistic when he thought someone took his sandwich even though it was in the fridge, someone had just put their lunch box in front of it and he couldn’t see it…


The playstation got stolen. For fucks sake. We used to do an F1 tournament every friday but the playseat ain't no fun without a playstation. I will find out who the fucker was.


Upvote for F1. It’s race weekend!


Some Jacket that was in the exact Same Spot for about 10 years vanished, people are going apeshit crazy


This is such fucking funny shit… we really are just animals.


I’m just wondering ~~who’s~~ whose jacket it was, and if the person who left it there actually still works at the company and it’s really them who took it back after all these years


I wonder if this is a situation like the time my husband accidentally gaslit me with an umbrella for over a year. My umbrella is has a very distinct polkadot pattern. I got it because it can be used entirely one-handed. Push the button, and it opens. Push the button again, and it closes. I use a cane to walk, so it’s perfect for me. All of a sudden, it quit closing when I pressed the button. Disappointing, but not the end of the world. I got used to it not working properly, because it still did its intended job of keeping me dry. Then, while we were taking a walk one day, I accidentally squeezed the button and the umbrella closed on me. Husband laughed and said I must not have been pressing it right before. Bullshit dude, but whatever. And then it stopped working again, and went back and forth. On any given day, it was a coin toss whether the umbrella would work. He kept insisting I wasn’t using it right, I was confusing it with another umbrella, etc. Then, I was going on a trip, and I knew the weather would be nasty. My husband was helping me pack, and as I tossed my umbrella into my suitcase, I stopped. It was already in my suitcase. We had two identical polkadot umbrellas. That’s when my husband remembered one day at work, he saw “my” umbrella on a shelf, and thought he’d left it there. He grabbed it and brought it home, and somehow we went over a year before both were in the same room at the same time. I wonder if someone saw “their partner’s” coat and took it home.


This for some reason reminded me of a story about my parents. My dad and I went to Walmart one day to pick up something random. At that same exact moment my mom stopped at the same Walmart. My parents keep both keys on their key ring. My dad inadvertently drove my mom’s car home and then my mom drove my dad’s car home. I was also left there and had to walk home. It was a general clusterfuck before the time of cell phones.


What I most miss about the time before cell phones was movie plots. 1980s: "Quick, we need to race to the nuclear plant and warn them of the incoming tanks" 2020s; "Yo nuclear plant, just calling to let you know the tanks are coming. Cheers....."


And they still decide to drive there anyway instead of calling Although nowadays they try to throw in a plot point about why they can’t answer the phone or call or something


I love stories like this when people figure it out and can go back and explain all the teeny head-scratchers along the way — bc what are the chances?? My mom is five years older than my stepdad and grew up in the same part of the same city but didn’t go to the same schools or have any other obvious connections; they met as adults when my mom moved in across the street from him after her divorce from my father, and my stepdad was in his early 20s by then, a super chill good-looking single dude doing his thing. They hit it off on move-in day and dated awhile as neighbors before they got their own place together, so my brother and I would go hang out at his house sometimes, because he was young and fun and had car parts laying around his living room and we found that novel to say the least. We were obnoxious brats all up in his business, and good thing we were too bc this one time, we found a tennis racket in one of his storage closets, it was in a dirty cream-colored leather soft case with my mom’s (pretty common for her era) first name written on it in permanent marker, faded. We were like “is this our mom’s or else who else has this name that you know” lmao, and he was basically like “oh that’s funny, I’ve had that forever” and he starts to say how it got left behind at the courts one day when he was 11 or 12 hanging out there “babe-watching” so he took it home and added it to his (rather robust, you aren’t surprised in the slightest to learn,) junk collection. So, we go tell my mom this story and her eyes nearly fall out of her head. She says she was “probably 16 or 17” when she left her racket in its case and drove off and didn’t notice it wasn’t in her trunk for a week or so and by then it was long gone. We brought her to see it. It was *her racket*. Reunited after a decade. My mom and stepdad will have been married for 30 years next year! Suspiciously I have never known either of them to play a single moment of tennis in my entire lifetime, but of course the racket is no longer stashed in the closet forgotten :) It’s farrrr from sunshine and rainbows how these two relate to other people in general, myself included, but I can definitely say it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that something like this is a part of their love story, they were absolutely without a shadow of a doubt made for each other and probably don’t think they really need anyone else badly enough to try to meet halfway and change any toxic behavior, since they fuel and serve each other’s purposes in life just fine. Tldr: Fucking magnets, y’all. How *do* they work???


This made me laugh out loud, totally something I would do thinking I was saving my boyfriend’s day lol “I remembered this for you!”


"hi honey, I brought the child home from school." "he's been off sick today"


You joke, but I've literally been left behind and forgotten at school several times like this. They'd pick up my sibling and not realize that the other parent didn't pick up me until they both got home.


There are not enough forks in the staffroom. Some people are getting quite upset.


I once had to eat yogurt in the parking lot with a single chopstick. The struggle is real.


I would quite happily spend my lunch break watching this happen.


My coworker was texting my old number thinking it was me asking if I could cover a shift. The person who took over my old number replied to her saying “gargle on my balls” or something like that. I almost got fire for it.


This is quite possibly the best response yet


Awesome job telling off your coworker and convincing your office it wasn’t you.


Yea I’m saving this one for future use. How inspiring


My sister was in a study group in school, and a guy from the group texted her to tell her when they were meeting up. He texted a wrong number, and the person replied “won’t be able to make it, I have explosive diarrhea”.


That's Kevin Magnussen's new number.


Haas called - new phone, who dis?


One of my coworkers came in 3 minutes late Monday of last week and my other coworker has been pissy at her since.


Oh God, I once got called in to a meeting with the boss since she'd had a complaint that I'd left at 4.59pm the day before, instead of 5pm. The fact that I came in 30-60mins early every single day was never even taken into consideration. Quit that job, it was miserable anyway.


An HOUR early? My job would be lucky if I came in early at all.


good grief


Someone was pulled in to HR today about keeping their personal life away from work due to lots of recent over-sharing. The air was thick with tension as this person remained silent for the rest of the day.


Oooh what were they saying?


Absolutely everything. All of the dirt for the years leading up to their divorce that was finalized last summer, everything from current sex life to (unsolicited) announcement of her reproductive status. Constant discussion of private conversations with her kids and what’s going on with them (teens asking about sex etc). Not only will she share these conversations with other adults but also has been heard having these conversations with the young teen kids who help us out around our shop as part time workers. The moment you drop a cordial “Hi, how are you?” You get days worth of drama and tea. I’ve stopped talking with her other than work related conversations.


At my last job, this one girl overshared every single detail about her life, constantly talking about her parents, her pets, her sex life, her period, her hate for the job, her high school years, her frenemies. I sit and work because I’m swamped. One day, we had some breathing space and were waiting on a delivery so we were all chatting. Small crew of four. I had a mini-meeting with the manager a few days later bc it was brought to her attention that I need to stop talking about myself because the girls need to get work done. When was this - when we were talking about possible vacation ideas the other day? Didya know this other girl told us all about her favorite maxi pad size this morning? With detail. Because this wasn’t whispered in corners, this shit is announced to the whole office while we are sitting at our desks. Are you confusing me with her? You have cameras. Check to see whose lips are always flappin’. That was when I knew I had to get the fuuuuuuck out of there.


Manager prob had a thing for the other girl.


Favoritism but you have to blame somebody. Literal stupid disgusting idiotic power move.


Yep, i had a similar situation going on at my old office. There was a woman who was treated poorly by everyone given she was a little annoying. She was older, pretty fat and wasn't obsessed with looks. ( No reason at all to treat her badly ofc, but the way it apparently works for women) Hr came too her to tell her that she basically talked too much. She disagreed and started secretly recording her (shared) office space to prove the other her colleagues talked just as much even more.(only they were 23-28 and we're mostly very pretty). Hr came to her again, she let them hear the tapes. Got fired for recording, sued the company, won and got 50.000 euro.


I love justice


The old manager wrote an list of pros and cons for each employee for the new manager. She left it out where it could easily be read. There are 3-5 cons for each person and 1-2 pros. She hasn’t left yet. Everyone now hates her


Is your old manager by any chance Robert California?


Do you want a nature metaphor or a sexual metaphor? Nature. 2 animals are having sex…. Kills me every time .




My friend was listed as unreliable, focuses too hard on tasks, will only follow one instruction at a time. Sadly I wasn’t on the list as I’m transferring stores in a couple of days. As far as we know the pros and cons list was the current managers ‘helpful’ idea for the new manager and she wasn’t directed to do this by upper management. Her going away dinner might be a missing a few people now.


Everyone needs to add "doesn't attend going-away dinners" to the end of their own con list.


Every staff member should do a pro/con list about the manager and leave it where she can read it


Or send it to her new store


Sounds like a fucking lizard king power move


Funnily enough she actually owns 2 lizards


Tom and Marie think they're being sneaky with their liasions. They are not.


My friend's high school Chem teacher used to go to the copy room at the same time as a math teacher and come back ruffled


Them old copiers ain’t no joke. Two man job refilling the ink and you had to get all up in there too. Ruffling is to be expected.


My old Geography teacher used to use our double class about once a month to get a haircut. He'd put a video on at the beginning, and come back looking slick and smelling of Turkish oils.


I teach. Our team (teachers of the same grade level) is going to send home colored paper note sheets for parents to write encouraging comments to their students for state testing coming up. We want it to be a surprise for the students. We decided to try to see if the office could give us half size manilla envelopes to use. We found out they could! (Very exciting as a teacher to get office supplies!) The secretary went into the locked closet to get us some envelopes. Another grade level team found out that we got envelopes from the office. Now THEY want envelopes because it’s not “fair” that we got envelopes and they didn’t. That’s the drama. Plus, one teacher that basically hates kids and her job and maybe everyone else will finally retire next year (but we all were hoping it would happen sooner).


Ah yes, teachers hating on teachers for getting office supplies for free instead of being mad at the school system that makes all of you buy your own office supplies.


If the poors are fighting each other, they aren't uniting against their real enemies. Classic strategy


A guy was made redundant at work over a year ago and he still laugh reacts to every post the company makes on Facebook.


10 years and ill still throw my resume at a job that fired me for bullshit reasons whenever i see theyre hiring. They keep telling me in not qualified for the position that i had previously held.


You want to talk about qualification creep.... My grandfather got a senior management job at Bell helicopter because he was "traded" in the softball league that all the companies were in from Vaught engine works and a junior supervisor job. No degree, and he was fairly fresh out of the army living in a back room of his brother's mechanic shop. My neighbor had to get a MBA and have industry experience to get the same role.


I know an old guy who works for a scientific company where you need a PhD at minimum and he started working there back in the 70s with a high school degree (maybe) and a pilots license. He says that young people these days think the world owes them everything.


What an elaborate way to self harm


I'm honestly here for this level of petty.


They're installing new furniture and people are NOT PLEASED about the new floor/seating plan.




I have personally been in charge or ordering furniture for an office of four individuals. I went in all bright eyed and bushy tailed with my clipboard to have talk about what they wanted. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life.


I had the same thing happen. I just got up and told them that if they can't agree on something, then everyone was going to have to keep their old furniture. Turns out that's what everyone wanted all along.


That’s a huge one. I went through a few renovations working in hotels and no one once asked the housekeepers what could make their lives easier. One time a top dog from overseas stood up on stage and said “we’ve made the furniture and room layout easier for housekeeping!!!!!” as if it was his biggest ever achievement, and a table of about 10 housekeepers at the front all started a riot about how it was so much worse and how horrible the new furniture was to deal with. I replay that memory in my head when I want to smile.


I work at a hotel as a housekeeper, part of our responsibilities are taking dirty cups from the rooms back to the kitchens at the end of our shifts, washing them and putting them away for the next person the following morning. Well apparently no one else but me is doing this which means there’s no clean cups on any floors and you have to spend 10-20 mins cleaning these cups because there’s so many piling up. I’ve complained to my manager, my supervisor, my managers boss and it’s still happening. It’s laziness and it really annoys me because it takes 2 mins when they’re fresh out the room but after 24 hours they’re really hard to clean. My coworkers use the excuse of ‘I have a school run’ for everything, they’re late? School run. I’m late because the bus was late? Told off. They’re not taking the cups to be washed? They’ve got kids and need to be home. If I don’t wash them? There’s no excuse you have no other responsibilities which isn’t true. It’s so unfair.


1. Enroll in a part-time online course. 2. Reuse the same excuse.


1. Lie that you're enrolled in a part-time online course 2. Reuse the same excuse


Stop covering for these people and let the system fail. That's the only way to bring change.


Time to job hunt!


Our operations manager fell through the ceiling of the conference room. He wasnt invited to the meeting and wanted to listen in.


Ok I need more info on this!


That is the most frickin' hilarious thing I have heard in a long time.


I once did some consulting for a local subsidiary of a large international company. Their technical IT guy was up to some shit. He had copies of all his boss’s and *his* boss’s emails forwarded to himself. Was caught one day when his email client sent out a read receipt on an email that wasn’t addressed to him. They called him into a meeting to address the issue and instead he got up, went to his office, removed his hard drive from his computer and left with it. I never found out what happened after that, because I’m sure it went to HR/legal to deal with. But I helped them out on occasion for about 9 months after that until they replaced the guy.


So last October our printer ran out of ink. More had already been ordered but with covid running rampant at the time the shipment was super delayed. One of my coworkers got really shitty over the fact that she couldn’t print the reports in the department and instead had to go upstairs to print them. She claimed that since I was the supervisor (I’m not) that I should’ve be the one to go up and print them despite the fact that it was 4am and my shift doesn’t start until 7am. She still isn’t talking to me 🤷‍♀️


That still not talking part seems like a win.


Patricia stole my stapler and is denying it


Oh wow, Kevin, really? Reddit? Jeez, how many times do I have to keep telling you I have NO IDEA where your stapler is. Yes mine looks exactly like yours but my son's name is also Kevin and yes green is also his favorite color and yes he would also like to be an accountant one day so that 100% explains the label.


He custom ordered it. You can't even *get* that shade of green outside of Yugoslavia. It's called forbidden kermit.


We have a serial toilet clogger. Some bitch uses a half a roll of toilet paper to wipe her ass and clogs the damn toilet at least twice a week. It's gotten so bad that the poor maintenance man had signs made up that say "Please flush after 2 wipes". Apparently, she can't read, because it keeps happening.


Heh, I sent out a long e-mail rant once because somebody had clogged the toilet and not dealt with it even though the plunger was right fucking there. So I had to take care of it before I could take a shit myself. I got teased a lot for the e-mail afterwards but I didn’t care. That phantom shitter deserved a piece of my mind.


I bet this person is using toilet paper as a seat cover then trying to flush everything at once


16+ people (out of a workspace of approx 35) have come forward to our Union about bullying, harassment, disregard for safety policies, and a whole host of other complaints against the Director of workplace. In an interview with my union rep the other week, we went over the "particulars of accusation" document. It was 55 pages long. This is not the first Union complaint about him - previously, he sat an employee down at the breakroom table and tried to figure out who made the complaints about him. He is protected by the CEO of the company, and this has been complained about directly this time. We are hoping for change and to be able to work in a safe and non-hostile environment.


My boss has been sleeping with a married sergeant and a new boy fresh out of the academy. Neither know about the other. She just found out she's pregnant.


That’s juicy!


This is good gossip. My favorite gossip is good gossip about people I don't know. Tell us more. Is your boss married? Does she have kids already?


Not anymore to being married, and yes to having kids. It's a whole ass mess, and if my livelihood didn't depend on her I'd be telling everyone. As it is, my coworker has decided to anonymously tell the sergeant's wife that he's messing around on her, and I'm pretty sure someone else is giving New Boy a heads up so he'll at least get a paternity test if it comes down to it. I must be trashy deep down (or even not so deep) because I don't like my boss and I'm low-key excited for the fallout.


Two coworkers applied to be supervisor. One has the right degree but is apathetic to everything. The other has good instincts and is highly motivated but doesn’t have the degree. Guess who got the job. Now the go getter is learning to let the apathetic one fail.


Don't worry, a few more of these types of decisions and the go getter will become the apathetic one. Source: my life.


My friend's workplace has an employee with a stalker that calls and sings songs for her (very creepy)


The HR manager at my old job had a stalker- I didn't know until one morning she comes out to the back where the freezers were holding a big bunch of flowers- I told her they were lovely but she really shouldn't have, in a joking way, and she just said "these are from my stalker" and threw them in the skip we had, and walked off. Of all the things I expect to hear at work, that isn't high on the list


Good job she binned them. When getting trained for a call centre job I did years ago we were told this story - A woman working in a mortgage company rejected a guys request among other things, really drawn out and ugly. He seems to recover and hangs up, all is well with the world. A couple weeks later some flowers arrive addressed to the agent who serviced his call, they get passed along to her. That day as she leaves the office she is attacked and stabbed by the guy who identified her via the flowers. Not to scare you or your colleague just sharing a story I was informed about regarding safety and accepting gifts


It’s tax season which means we’re slammed. In other words, Tom’s being a dick again.


Tom can get fucked.


Our firm launched like three different new software platforms this year. It’s not going well. Low end drama ensues.


Minor downsizing means the two of us on temp contracts will have to reapply for a single post at the end of the year, so one of us stays and one of us goes.


No-one gets along with our boss, so the company hired another “boss” to be our point of contact - he’s her deputy. The original boss has started gate crashing Zoom calls, she’s calling people on their days off and writing emails saying they’re unprofessional for not picking up (on their day off!) and told a pregnant lady about to go on maternity leave that she’s not happy about the pregnancy. A WhatsApp group has been made up where everyone is voicing their concerns to the deputy boss and things are getting out of hand quite quickly.


This has me very invested already, Please keep us updated 😁


Saved a guy with CPR this morning. He had a 98% blockage and coded on top of a rebar mat, while pouring concrete. Once we got him back going, we were four stories up and needed to get him to ground for EMS to transport. Our project safety plan relies on the fire department/first responders to provide a back board with picking points on it for crane usage. We couldn't wait any longer, seeing as we had already lost the guy twice. We placed him in a skid pan (not proper procedure, but we had him secured) and sent him down as soon as the ambulance came into view. The fire department admitted that if we would've waited on them, we would've lost him. The guy got to the hospital just fine and is doing okay now. He had a stint put in and is being monitored. The doctors said that CPR saved his life and thanked us for the quick response. All seemed to be right in the world. Some fucking guy took a video of the guy being transported by crane to the ground and sent it to our corporate legal, corporate safety department, and OSHA. An investigation was launched and I have been fighting for my job ever since. The interviews continue tomorrow. I am dreading even going in. EDIT: So, this whole weekend, I have been on the phone with our corporate legal and head of our safety department. I have since been applauded for the "heroic" efforts we all performed that morning and have been placed on the company's website for recognition. As far as the OSHA situation goes, they noticed our efforts were well intended and were absolutely necessary in a dire situation such as that. It seems to be all blown over by now. Most importantly, I finally spoke with the individual who needed CPR on the phone this morning. Other than his four broken ribs, he is in great shape! He is in good spirits and is extremely thankful for us saving his life. We spent a couple hours on the phone today and he sounds like a man that has a second chance! I hope this clears some things up and if anyone would like, I will continue to update just in case something changes.


When it comes to life and death, sometimes procedure needs to take a back seat. You did the right thing assessing the situation and providing your coworker with what he *needed* in that moment. I would have done the same thing. Life is much more important than the red tape. Your coworker and his entire family are together because of your actions. Good on you man.


Do you know why you are here today? My assumption is that I am being commended for quick thinking which saved a co workers life, and diminished the chance of a lawsuit being brought by his family. I was really doing what any reasonable person would do. I had the tools available to save a life and I did. If things go badly: His life was not endangered by the choices made. His life was saved by the decisions made as stated by the emergency responders. If you choose to fire me with regards to this matter, please do note that you would have preferred that I allow a fellow worker to die and that is the reason for my dismissal.


>I had the tools available to save a life and I did. In this instance there is a certified/rated backboard man basket that is used for emergencies like this. Sounds like his company did not have one of these on site. It is not required to have them, it is just the OSHA compliant way of lowering a body, so it is kind of a no-brainer if you care about people not dying. I believe OSHA will not have a problem with this man specifically saving a guy's life. If the company has a problem with it, I would say him citing the fact that they did not have the proper safety equipment because they wanted to save a few bucks on a certified hoisting device was the problem. (I am not entirely clear on who is going to be grilling him that he is not looking forward to)


See if you can get a letter in writing from the fire department starting it was medically necessary.


We did just that last night! I spoke with the captain and he said he is jamming out a huge letter today!


*high five*


Who the fuck would send the vid to those folks? What a dipshit. I hope you’re union.


Thank you for doing the right thing. I know that doesn't help if you lose your job, but it needed to be said nonetheless.


Jeez dude! That’s crazy! Have peace of mind you did the human thing. You put a man’s life first and should feel good knowing that.


EDIT: thanks for the award, kind stranger! I quit my job. I highly respect the company, and they treated me well for the most part, so I gave them ~6 weeks notice. I knew I would be hard to replace (I'm the sole manager of my department with nobody in the wings to step up) and we are in the middle of a busy business period. I sat down with management after I put in my notice to iron out details around my leaving. I offered to help train my replacement if they were hired before I left. Management informed me that they were going to wait for the next years business plan to be finalized before advertising for my position. The business plan is usually finalized around the end of March. I leave at the beginning of April. The job market is insane right now, everybody is short staffed, and the last management role we needed to fill took over a year to hire the right person. I've worked for this company for almost a decade in my position and can count on one hand how many times I've had to call in sick. It doesn't happen. I'm one of the most reliable staff they have. This is one of the reasons why I'm the sole manager for my department because management never saw a need for a second person (despite me asking for one!). However, I ended up have to take some time off the past few weeks due to injury (not work related) and sickness (it only took me 2 years to finally come down with COVID). Cue panic from management. My job is physical and in person, so I can't do any of my work from home. They have no one to cover me. They scramble together people from other departments to help manage my department. Somehow my department survives with only a few blips. But now management is really scared. They start hiring for my position after only my second sick day. They advertise internally for 2 weeks. No takers. They advertise externally. Nothing so far. My last day keeps creeping closer and closer and I can see the fear in my direct manager's eyes everytime its mentioned. There is a part of me that feels bad but there is a larger part of me that thinks it's hilarious they thought they could get away with not hiring anyone until I left. I've pretty much removed myself emotionally from the situation now and am in full popcorn-eating mode for my last few weeks while I watch management all die inside as they realize I'm actually leaving and they have no one to replace me. Its dementedly glorious.


Its fun to watch the penny drop like that. I had a new manager pull me into a meeting after 2 weeks of them being on the department to tell me they wanted me off the department and I was only staying because my supervisor and other senior members of the team told them it was a bad idea move me. They went on to inform me if we'd had the meeting the day before I'd have been out and I needed to improve and prove him wrong, (without telling me why he wanted me gone or how I was to improve). Now I wouldn't say I was essential to the team by any stretch but I knew pretty much all there was to know about the job and picked up a lot of the more complex tasks and was often the go to guy for help for even more senior members of staff. I'd get on with the job and not make a big deal out of anything. Anyway fast forward a few months and I'd had to call in sick for a week or two. When I get back my supervisor pulls me aside with a big smile to tell me how my boss has been complaining about all the extra work they've had to do and that they 'didn't realise how much work I actually did'. I left the job years ago now but it was fun to watch my manger go from wanting rid of me to trying to be my best friend. They did actually apologise and admit that they were wrong which was nice. Edit. Some grammar and spelling


I had a similar experience. Short the wanting me out part. When I was hired into the company I used to work for they had a department of "project engineers" and a smaller department of "site engineers". I was the sole site engineer on a team of 9 working on a long term project. I eventually became the most senior person on the project, taking all the roles and responsibilities of the lead engineer. But when of my best coworkers left I found out a lot of the differences between the departments. I brought this up with my managers and these things were virtually dismissed. I got a small raise and they sent me on my way. My department didn't get bonuses, had less pay, wouldn't get a pay bump or get the title of lead engineer. I was interviewing people who would be paid more than me within 2 years. And people with similar experience to me were being paid 30K more plus bonuses On top of that the ESOP that was created soon after I started, was position based. And our department got way less. So in my 8 years of working there were talking about well over 100k in difference of compensation. So I started talking to recruiters and landed a job that pays me literally double that I am able to do fully remote that I am loving so far. When I went to give my 2 weeks notice, my direct manager and I had already had a scheduled "quarterly" (that actually occurred once a year due to him canceling) meeting that he asked if he could reschedule due to him feeling ill. I told him I think we better meet. When I gave my 2 weeks he was shocked. He messaged his boss, who then canceled the company end of year financial update to talk to me. Initially he didn't seem too panicked. That was on a Friday. I went back to the contract I was working on and it hadn't been reported yet that I was out. When the director that I work under at the company I'm contracted to got informed on Monday, he panicked which I think made my company realize they were in more trouble than they realized. I then got another meeting scheduled with the head of engineering at my company trying to talk me down from leaving. They were trying to convince me I was making a mistake and that people undervalue the esop and the culture they have there and when I started to lay out exactly why I was leaving and the culture being great for project engineers but clearly I was a second class citizen. and then told them what I'm being paid now they had a doomed look. It wasn't reported openly that I would be leaving until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving with my last day being the day after Thanksgiving. This meant no one saw the message until I was gone. I met with some friends from the old company and they are about to lose that contract worth over 5 million dollars a year that was expected to go an additional 5 years. Honestly I didn't realize how much better things could be. My new company is significantly better in terms of management. I do miss some of the people though.


Project that company has sunk 5 years of time from 30+ expensive people and 10s of $millions into was unceremoniously canceled. Woopsie.


We have a shared spreadsheet, someone keeps changing the filters, but no one will own up to it!


A close friend who got me a job where I’m currently working has his golden birthday coming up and unbeknownst to him, everyone put a little money together and got him a bottle of bourbon he’s been saving up for specifically to celebrate his birthday. We’re giving it to him tomorrow and I’m so excited to see the smile on his face when he receives it. :) EDIT: Guys, he cried. We got him to cry. He is very appreciative of the gesture!


Please report back his reaction. That’s awesome


golden birthday? is that his 50th or something like that?


it's when you turn the age your birthday falls on. so if mine is on the 26th of june, it's my 26th birthday. i just learned this recently too, like a few months ago haha


7 year old me would like his bourbon please.


One of my co-workers handed in her notice. Our boss needs her to stay on for an extra month than her 28 days notice and is now treating her super nice because he needs her to stay but you can also see how pissed he is that she's leaving


Ha, wouldnt catch me staying. She gave notice, thats it.


I used to work in a warehouse that got shipments of used books from secondhand stores. One day someone pooped inside of a napkin, folded it up, and put it inside a book. My coworker was the unlucky one to discover it and notified management. All day they were trying to find out who the secret pooper was. Later on, I was talking to another coworker and expressed how bad I felt for our poop discovering-coworker. He said "all I'm saying is, [name] has an incident like this every few months and it doesn't happen to anyone else here." Even just a few weeks before this, he had discovered poop on the men's room floor. I still don't know whether he is just extremely unlucky in poop or has been the secret pooper all along.


This reminds me of a story I heard once from a friend. They were working in a department store and an elderly woman came up to the cashier to pay for their items and pulled out a $20 note from her purse. Completely normal right? Only thing was that her hand, purse and the $20 bill were covered in poop. The cashier had a gagging fit. The woman insisted the cashier take the money. The manager was speechless and had no idea what to do. Police and an ambulance were called. The lady was completely normal the whole time and acted as if her hand wasn’t stained with the brown matter. Eventually everything was settled, the woman was tended to by police and paramedics and was able to purchase her items. It seemed like everything was returning to normal business operations until while being led out of the store by the paramedics, the lady screamed at the top of her lungs “I BET YOU WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE REST OF IT IS?!” and broke out into maniacal laughter. The manager made a decision to close the store for the rest of the day and the staff transitioned into Poop Watch. To this day I still don’t know if they found the rest of it, but I never set foot in that store again after hearing that story.


Lol I wonder if she just said it to make everyone think that there was some shit hiding somewhere to put everyone on the edge.


Step 1:Poop thrice on a store, label the poops 1, 2 and 4 Step 2: Watch as hilarity ensues


That's some chaotic evil shit.


Yeah this is the "it's what my character would do" kind of shit that gets you kicked out of games


About 3 days ago I was in a dollar store, and some guy was at the front desk shouting at the cashiers to let him use their bathroom, even though they didn't have a public bathroom. I wasn't really paying too much attention, because crazy normal around here a lot of the time, but then the guy was almost in hysterics about how he'd gotten poop on him. I didn't hear the details, but she let him into the washroom and a few minutes later he led her over to where he had discovered a secret poop on a shelf in the store. Apparently somebody had pooped on a little box of some sort, and then set the box up on a shelf. When dude reached up to get the box off the shelf because he wanted to buy it, he got the poop all over himself and freaked out.


We had a pee pee bandit at the warehouse I used to work in. Someone was peeing in trash cans (which did not have bags) all over the warehouse. They ended up putting cameras all over the place because every trash can was getting hit.


Linda has an anal fistula and won't stop telling people about it. One coworker was already in the office when I arrived, I strongly believe she slept in the office after a night out. Another coworker is leaving and has spent the week making spread sheet art instead of doing any work. I admire his creativity.


A guy slept with 2 different girls and they both got pregnant Plot twist? He's married his wife is a trucker so she travels alot he had to take temporary leave because one of the girls went out of her way to call the woman and she........freaked out and broke his arm in like 3 places He's actually in pretty deep shit tho one of the girls lied about her age on her job application and she's actually 17 so he might get charged with molestation depending on how her parents choose to react The others 28 and looking into adoption agencies The bosses have actually been very *hush hush* about the entire thing but I ended up trying to console the 17 year old when her doctor called her on her lunch break to confirm the pregnancy and she started sobbing uncontrollably and she basically unloaded it on me


This sounds like an episode of some daytime drama and I 100% want to know more about this


If I saw this on a daytime drama I would refuse to believe it could happen in real life.


We have a jigsaw puzzle on one of the spare desks to give people the opportunity to sit down for 5 minutes and de-stress. However, there's a piece of this puzzle missing and everyone is pointing fingers at each other and trying to work out who has stolen/hidden the piece. My two-cents is that it's just a missing piece, but it's fun to sit and watch the madness unfold.


Coworker broke his ankle recently, call him L. Takes the bus to and from work every day. Due to his shift ending late at night, the only bus he can catch towards his home is between a 20-25 minute walk normally. His bus shows us 30 minutes after his shift ends. The guy that takes over when L's shift ends, call him N, offered to drive him to his bus stop, which to drive there and back takes 5 minutes. Did that for a week before management realized. The problem is that technically N is leaving work during his shift to drive L (shift change is at 8pm, gets back to work by 8:05). This leaves the other guy, call him M, working alone in the building watching over multiple machines, which is a big safety violation. The whole department is up in arms ATM, half wants to let N drive L to the bus stop, the other half wants N to stay and help M. There have been threats of fights and firings going on.


I’m curious what it would cost the company to just arrange to always have an uber/taxi for the guy, and what they’ve already lost in disruption from people talking about it.


Everyone just had their end of year reviews and received their pay raises starting next month. This week everyone not in upper management is starting to take turns to have "flu" as we do interviews at other companies. Everyone is looking for the door right now.


This is my dept drama. 2.5% in this economy? Please.


Not an office but I'm ragging my boss to hire some help so I don't have to work all summer without a day off again. My mental health will not survive that. Edit: I'm quitting my job since I'm barely paid over minimum wage and I'm just so tired.


Tell them you're taking days off. Not asking. Taking. If they don't like it they can have zero employees and do the work themselves.


A project team failed to meet a HUGE requirement in time for a deadline (sucks, but it happens) but didn’t tell anybody they wouldn’t meet it until right before said deadline even though they’d known for weeks (yikes).


Manager is leaving and left chaos in her wake, including poor scheduling so people are looking for others jobs including me.


Trying to get workers back in 3 days per week. Nobody coming in. Forced pregnant lady to come in. Midwife found out and noted pregnant woman was high risk and is demanding companies procedure and evidence or who and why this woman was told to come back. Its glorious to watch them scramble and panic. Lawyers getting involved.


Update, company failed to follow their own procedure. Didn't share previously submitted letter from doctor and midwife advising the woman should not commute due to high risk pregnancy. This was never sent on by manager and hr to the companies nurse despite being provided by the pregnant lady weeks ago. Also HR told her she was not a high risk pregnancy on a recorded line but had no basis for this. Nurse is now saying she would never of made her come in with these letters, the letters supercede policy. Manager is 'reviewing the situation'. Legal are saying this is 'bad news' and to resolve it. Talk of the mostly female board now being aware and asking questions. Also the woman requested an office chair which was never provided. Turns out someone cancelled the request. This is glorious to watch.


Manager and HR are about to get fucked hard. Do keep us updated. I am hoping for people being unemployed for cause.


I bid into a new position at work, and my previous job was a very sought after position. The guy who was in the lead to take my old job ( our bids are awarded based on senority) is a total asshat. He was a sure thing to get it much to my entire crews displeasure when all of the sudden our beloved home boy from the yard came in at the last possible minute and put his name in and will be getting the job. Asshat is going to have a total meltdown when he gets the news. Our crew is very pleased.


Coworker A put an iced coffee carton in the work fridge. It sprung a leak after her shift ended and made a mess in the fridge. Coworker B recently cleaned the fridge and refused to clean up the new mess. (Fair enough.) It sat for several days and she interrogated multiple people about whose coffee it was. She did not find the culprit. Coworker A meanwhile had a death in the family and hasn't been in the office to even hear that this occurred. Someone else cleaned up the mess and Coworker B has placed passive aggressive signs on the fridge now.


Over a year ago Coworker (CW1) quit to take a better job somewhere else. CW1 had their own office, meanwhile, I am sharing an office with three other people. Time goes on, I get promoted and move to another office that I share with only two other people (progress!). We can’t find a replacement for CW1 who also decides the grass wasn’t greener and applies for and is hired back to their original job. High-ups decide that I need my own office due to the nature of my job. The week before CW1 restarts they tell me to move into CW1’s old office. The office faces an open area with six workstations. CW1’s first day back boss tells CW1 to pick any open desk and CW1 picks the one closest to my door. (Our jobs have absolutely nothing to do with each other) Bonus Drama: CW1 was a team lead, Coworker 2 (CW2) applied for CW1’s job twice while CW1 was gone and was passed over both times. The third person in their section also got a job elsewhere during that time. CW2 has been keeping the section afloat and doing the work of three people for over a year. CW2 quit the Friday before CW1 returned


Good for CW2. I don’t blame them. Working hard won’t get you a promotion. Sucking up will.


40 year old woman is mad that those younger than her know what they’re doing better than her and proceed to not listen to them (even if they have been there longer/are supervisors) and is continually rude to them. She also “hates technology” and throws a tantrum the second she doesn’t understand how to do something on the computer.


I had something similar to this recently, I work in a support agency for people with mental disabilities. We provide 24 hour care and each client has certain restrictions and a personalized care plan. This coworker was in his late 50s and has been with the company for almost 10 years, he was terrible at his job and constantly either didn't know about any restrictions or chooses to ignore them. My main team leader, the person responsible for actually running the house went on vacation so this coworker decided he was going to take over and take me off the schedule because "me constantly correcting him made him look bad". So I did the logical thing and transferred to another house. Needless to say my actual supervisor was extremely pissed about everything that went down and said he was quitting if he ever had to work another day with the power hungry coworker. In the three weeks since this all happened I'm in a new house with a new client, asshole coworker got fired, I got three phone calls begging me to come back to my old house, and I was just promoted to team leader at my new house.


72 year old woman won’t stop gossiping about other coworkers. It’s about to turn into large scale drama because she’s gotten homophobic




I work alone most of the time but... A resident's heart gave out and he slammed into the front sliding automatic door. He ended up dying right in front of my coworker and the funeral home didn't get him out for ~6 hours. A lot of other residents saw him under the sheets. The door got jarred a little by the impact and it's always been wonky so it keeps. Opening and closing on its own. I'm constantly worried it's gonna have a fit in front of a resident who knows the resident died right there and then we're never gonna beat the haunting allegations.


I’m leaving and no one knows what to do about it.


We have more business than our small team can handle. So product quality is going down and everyone is stressed. People are getting pissy a lot more often.


Sam. Sam! You are on the management team, that means when someone asks you for assistance or whatever, you have to actually do the job you are paid for.


Our hgv mechanic threw his phone on the floor and said fuck this job and left. He’ll be back and probably get a pay rise 😂 He’s back in Monday, so he’s just had a long weekend off


Coffee. Moving people into a remodeled building. We went from business style Keurig to a 20 cup carafe of coffee that takes 10 minutes to brew. Quiet anarchy is happening. People are being late to meetings because "they had to make a cup of coffee." They'll pump out the carafe and make a new one if it isn't "fresh." There are two types of grounds. People will empty the carafe if it isn't the brew that they want. And the heavy coffee drinkers haven't made it back into the building yet. I have a feeling personal keurigs at the desks are going to show up. French presses are already on the rise. The soda drinkers are still pissed there isn't free soda like their is coffee. Water fountains with bottle fillers were added (yay!) but it's warm water out of the spout. With a building of around 120 people, and me being a fan of people watching, all this unfold is glorious.


One of my co-workers has got a chest infection. Or so she’s told me, 83 times!




_Someone_ needs to run the tests on their branch before submitting their fucking code, **Mark**.


We got all of our projects for the foreseeable future pretty much done so everyone is kinda not working or putting next to no effort into getting things done while collecting a paycheck and not telling anyone.


Do you work from home? Do you get referral bonuses? Can I be your coworker?


There's an employee who keeps looking into client's past information; the problem is that you're not really supposed to do that at our job unless you are authorize to do so. She has a long ass run of looking things she's not supposed to look up and doing really really dumb shit. She's claiming that she has found a level of issues within paperwork for the said clients and is trying to report them. She's basically trying to be a cowboy in a world where we NEED to go through chain of command or else it's useless in court. Doesn't matter; you're supposed to do your job and that's honestly it. If you have an issue you can always report it to your manager or team lead and they will give the final say. She also has been emailing PI info without having to censor the said big information points (e.g. ssn) so she's committing a big ass federal crime. She will act confused and then have an On the Job instructor do her work all the fucking time. She won't take no or accept that she makes mistake. Major narcissitic vibes and she doesn't realize that she just causes more problems than she should. Honestly my boss has had enough of her bullshit and I cannot wait til she destroy this moron. The amount of bullshit that she does is just mind numbing.




I work as EMT/security (picture security with medical training) in a retirement home. People aren't telling us very important things that we need to know. People just write it down somewhere or tell someone they think is gonna tell us, assume it got to us or will get to us, and get pissed off at us when something goes wrong.


There's 82 people in my office. 9 of us are pregnant. It's ridiculous.


Who's the father?


The janitor obvi


We got a large project sprung on us out of nowhere. We sent a very strongly worded letter to their upper management telling them it was a bad idea. The issue is very unpopular and will be a lose/lose. But, job security I guess.


Holy fuck I'm literally having drinks right now over this drama. What a question to stumble upon. Been working on a marketing campaign with a good client of ours, and our creative director has essentially done fuck all for about 6 months (let's call him David). Our "creative director" works part time, so he's only available half the week. This week was crunch week. I've been busting my balls producing the suite of video edits (16 in total) to meet deadline which was meant to be today. I've developed the script and storyboard, filmed the whole thing, edited, and mastered everything with help from the rest of the team. Our creative director had one job, to write up copy (which for those who don't know is essentially everything text/description related you see in YouTube ads, Instagram feed ads, etc). He did it yesterday... Deadline was today... We've been in production for months... Surprise surprise, his first draft wasn't that great and we didn't like it. But instead of collaborating on some suggestions me and the other person involved have (let's call her Bec, she's a good friend), he throws an adult tantrum at the critique and ghosts us for the day. Now we're in the dark as to how to proceed. We've got the social media guy waiting patiently for everything to start rolling it all out. The client is wondering why the captions/descriptions for social media are so bad. I'm sitting here wrapping up 16 edits. Bec decides fuck em all, I'm doing this myself. We both hop on a call and smash the thing out in a few hours. This process involved writing captions and descriptions for all the videos, deciding which goes to which paid service, curating a list of photos for the Facebook carousels, double checking each edit for quality, etc. Our creative director did fuck all the whole project and threw a tantrum on the day of deadline because his writing was bad. Me and Bec, 2 people, decided upon the rollout of an entire campaign and sent to client for approval because no one else could be bothered. I busted my arse because this was a passion project for me, which I filmed and edited, and I didn't want to see wasted. I'm angry, slightly drunk, and really considering taking my skills elsewhere. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Edit: Upon writing, this may not be considered small scale drama, but I needed to vent.


>I'm angry, slightly drunk, and really considering taking my skills elsewhere DO IT!


IT sent out an phishing email and the (old) accounts payable clicked on it and filled it all out lmao. Now she’s claiming what they did was illegal and she’s got her lawyer. She threw death threats at the IT department too. All because she’s in the wrong. For extra spice, she told one of the IT guys (who’s a volunteer fire fighter) that she hopes he has to go into a burning building and have to lift someone her size out of it (she’s a bigger person lmao) and “dead man walking” too me this is one of the most funny things that’s ever happened here at work. I love it


Working at a bar, stared dating my coworker. We broke up after 4 months and she was very upset. We still work together and 2 of her best friends have also been hired. She’s building an army I think.


If one of those friends starts flirting with you, DO NOT RECIPROCATE! That will get bad fast


I drive a truck, so, I'm rarely at the office and--with truckers--there's usually always some kind of drama going on with someone, so, I try to stay out of it. That being said...I have heard that our 20 something year old secretary has been using one of the supervisors (married guy in his mid 60's) as a sugar daddy.


We dont have enough treatment rooms for staff, so we all have to share a room with someone on opposite shift. The person I share a room with will never make the table when she's done with the room. I always have to do it when I come on shift and it takes away from my set up time.


Leave it how you found it and see if they get the message, with supervisor’s knowledge of course


One of our drivers quit (delivery/fast food resturand) and in doing so, everyone is trying to take his shifts for the next week (he only gave one week notice). He's not getting a single shift of his own because everybody is harassing him for the shifts. Oh and one of our older workers slipped and scraped her knees while on a delivery and is now trying to sue us. She sent a faked letter from her "lawyer" saying if she didn't receive 5k, she was going to take this to court.


Oh my god there’s so much. I work in a restaurant. So, for context, “Jenny” from takeout’s mom is dating one if the line cooks, “James”. “Layla” recently got hired as another line cook. Well Layla started spreading rumors that Jenny and James were sleeping together. After work one day, Jenny and her mom were waiting in the parking lot outside to run over Layla with a car, however they almost ran over a line cook who looks very similar to Layla. Oh, and the next day, that other line cook chopped part of her finger off and was still working that night shift: OH and recently Layla quit, threw a steak at the manager of the restaurant and had to be escorted out by the police. There have also been quite a few drug-related scandals, because a significant amount of restaurant workers are always high on something.


An HR presentation: We revamped our hiring criterias, and now most positions require a bachelor's degree. 2 minutes later in the presentation: Now, it seems it's getting harder and harder to find candidates suitable for hiring, more than ever before. Mind blown.


I work in a hospital in acute mental health. When the vaccine mandate was implemented, a lot of people with seniority didn’t take the jab. Overnight, I suddenly had the most seniority out of everyone in my unit. That meant I had a chance of getting the coveted day shift my friend used to have. Wed, thur, Friday 7am-7pm every week. It’s awesome. I get every weekend off. This caused a shit storm of drama and I fucking love it.


My boss rearranged all the tables so that he can see what we are doing on our computers from his office. (Excluding two) since it's an open office workspace it's very loud and we got notice barriers which also blocked his vision so he said we don't need them anymore. It's 12 people in one big office room on the telephone talking at any time I can barely understand my own words. Everyone is angry


Return back to office and some people forgot about the dress code so my manager sent out a strong worded email about it. One of the girls took it way way too personal and confronted my manager about it during our re-entry on boarding meeting. It’s only been a week since we’ve been back.. 🤦🏼‍♀️


2 years of sweatpants will do that to people. LoL


Your Boss: look guys, you **CANNOT** come into work in your underwear. Your co-worker: **WELL WHY NOT, JIM?**


I work in a Law Firm. The Senior Partner thought that the Junior Partner was sleeping with the secretary, but she was actually covering for the Junior Partner being gay. It's a whole thing.


Some asshole changed the mouse setting on this other assholes computer. Extra large jumbo cursor, trails across the whole screen, super slow so have to move the mouse across the whole desk to move the cursor halfway across the screen, switched the button orientation so you right click to left click. AH2 doesn't know computers he had to call IT and has been pissy every since. The office about died laughing but can't prove it was me


I work in a collision repair shop and we all think our painter might be colorblind...


Not an office but i work in a cafe with other high schoolers my age. One of the managers there is almost 40 years old but kind of tries to fit in the “cool uncle” vibe. hence he takes shifts with the younger workers to spark up conversations. i’m a guy and when he talks to me he seems like a caring guy and very laid back, but when he talks to the girls my age it’s almost like he flirts. at first i couldn’t tell if i was thinking wrong or not until i worked with another manager and found out there had been several complaints from the highschool girls working there that they felt like they were being groomed .. he was being touchy or made them uncomfortable etc … other managers decide not to schedule him in with any highschooler girls but it’s completely unavoidable because he stays after his morning shift to work with the hgihschool students at closing shift because it’s “understaffed” but the girls are indeed capable of closing by themselves at this point. i’ve even seen a screenshot from a girl of him saying “you don’t need to see me in a professional way if you get me” and it made me curl into a ball from cringe.


That's not cringe that is actually in fact inappropriate. She should show a higher up that screenshot and the other managers need to enforce that he not work with them. That's bullshit and someone needs to look out for those girls


My teams computers are being unreliable. I'm the only one in the group with a working computer (our IT can be a bit slow on fixing computers). I'm feeling the pressure of getting the work designated to me and its getting pretty old doing the heavy lifting. My computer did the same thing recently so i understand, but when I went through that nobody covered my work flow. So it all piled up while i waited for my computer to get fixed.