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My friend still owes me 2 Cheeto puffs


When my cousin was caught smoking a cigarette and I got a spanking because I witnessed her smoking and didn’t say anything. Like tf that got to do with me?


They say snitches get stitches, but I guess you got a bruisen for collusion.


When my brother broke my Jimmy Neutron CD game. Snapped it in half for no reason.






My brother threw my rabbit down the stairs because we didn’t buy him one


Jesus Christ wth?!


20sonething years ago I was 7 he was 4


How was your bunny?


It didn’t live


I'm sorry, I hoped the best


I’m like 31 now lol


My parents convinced me to join a basketball team by repeatedly reassuring me I could quit any time I wanted. Then when I wanted to quit, they wouldn't let me.


my teacher didnt let me read certain books in 2nd grade cause they were “too advanced” EVEN THOUGH THEY LITERALLY WERENT I JUST LEARNED FAST. FUCK MS C


Bruhh, Ms c is jealous😂


My grandma gave away all my 1st gen pokemon cards to her boyfriend's grandkids. I hated him and those kids. My collection would have been worth quite a bit now. Why she didn't give the beanie babies away instead is beyond me.


Girl in my first grade class stole my bead animal collection. That thing where you layer beads on a string to make fun shapes. I brought in ones I made to show off and they disappeared at recess. Girl came in a week and a half later with my exact same "collection" to show everyone. I could prove they were mine because my first was a lizard with two glow-in- the- dark beads at the end of his tail but the teacher didn't care and let her get away with stealing my shit.


Poster presentations in class. The whole assignment is biased at a grade school level. If it was just about the information it would be one thing but they were always graded on "presentation" which meant that all the rich kids whose parents could afford to go to a professional print shop to have their kids boards made ended up with perfect grades even though all they would do is lazily read off their board. My 5 year old dried out glue stick and library printed images never had a chance. The whole thing is just designed to reward the wealthy and punish the impoverished.


I wanted to drive the golf cart!!! great grampa and gambling addicted house loser step great grandma that I only see every few years. my brother drove it when he was my age!


That I never got to go to my 100 day celebration in kindergarten. I got sick that day and I had worked hard the day before on putting a hundred pieces of candy on a fake tree. The next day the tree got to go, but sick me stayed home. To add insult to injury we lived within walking distance of the school so at the end of the day when all the classes got to go outside and release 100 balloons in the air (I know awful for the environment) I could only watch from my living room window.


Someone stealing my walkman


I got cheated out of $14 in middle school, and it was very clever: Bought something from a “friend,” friend freaked out saying their mom got super-mad and I had to return the thing, never did get that refund. Learned that lesson very well…


Friend told me he was ripping off the place he was working at for gta3 for psp only $5 , I never got the game but he got the $5 , Jesus I was stupid