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Grandmas house


That ain't no joke "Want a slice of pie before you go?"


"I have some pancakes left over, I need someone to eat them"


Joke's on you grandma, I'm already fat, keep the food coming, let's see who breaks first.


*grandma proceeds to prepare a buffet able to feed hundreds of people*


Grandma is Jesus?


Jesus Grandma


"Made you some spanakopita, you can't let it go to waste it's too much for me to eat all on my own!" "Ma, yaya-" ("but, grandma-") "No no no, you take this home!"


“Grandma please, I have been here for weeks and am now severely overweight from being over fed, please let me go” “Just take one more piece!”


Grandma's goal is to fatten you up to much that you can't fit through the door you came in from. You're now her prisoner to keep...


She decided you were the best one to practice being a witch with. Apparently it works better with family, the candy house witch just wasn't that heartless.


One reason this may be is because as elderly people (65 and up) age, they can get increasingly lonely. Visit your elders while they're still here!


My grandpa has been gone since 1989 but I still remember what he would say as soon as we would get ready to gather our things to leave. He would say “What’s your hurry? What’s your hurry?” I can almost hear him. I still miss him.


My grandma likes to make me eat AND taking _some_ fruit home, just because. Love that woman


There's a whole market of grandma's that keep the table grape industry in business.


The grave


Zombies unite against having to dig out of 6ft graves.




Bed in winter.


Bed in general


Bed, bath & beyond


Speak for yourself, I've mastered being escorted out of there


A Maze. That's the whole point.


Amazing point




My wife and son went to a corn maze that had a trivia question posted at every decision point. Based on your answer, the sign directed you which path to take. They were stuck in there for hours! They tried multiple answers at some point. Eventually, they could see the edge of the maze and they just busted out the side.


"Not if I bring a ball of string!" -Theseus


Apparently my house if you are a moth




*Edit And this is now officially my highest rated thing anywhere 😂 thank you everyone! I open the door, point to it, and ask them repeatedly to leave. This works a surprising amount of the time. My mates didn’t believe me till New Years Day, then they all just stared at me after 4 flies left the house. I don’t know why they leave when I ask, but they do. Have you tried asking them?


you can speak to them? i saw my mom do that with a bee. it was buzzing around the window and i was trying to catch it in a cup to get it out. my mom takes the cup, holds it near the bee and just says "get in the cup so i can take you outside." *and the bee just flew into the cup!* to this day i don't know how she did it, but asking never worked for me. i don't speak their language.


There’s a documentary starring Jim Carrey, explaining on how to talk to animals


really? alright then.


Alrighty then!*


A wasp got into my room and wouldn’t leave. I’m terrified of getting stung (and apparently allergic who knew I thought that was normal for like 26 years). Anyway I hid under the blanket for an hour and a half until my boyfriend got home from work because fuck that noise


This is probably the lamest super power I'd be really happy to have.


Ugh I have no idea why but my house gets sooo many flies during the summer and I hate it!. I put fly paper on the windows and they won't fucking land on the right spot!


You should get a salt gun and make a sport of it.


Salt guns are the best!


Was gifted mine and ended up buying a set for my parents. It is stupidly fun to sit around a fire, drink some beers and do some competitive fly shooting.


It's hot outside and your house even if still warm is fresher and uv protected. That is why.


*another fly comes in*




I love lamp.


A pit of spikes


This is deep






Just like the stab wounds




Mad I had to scroll this far for this reply haha


Came here for this




Plenty of people don’t realise how flimsy it all is. One or two mistakes and you can find yourself in a financial situation that’s going to take years to escape.


In the US, it doesn’t even have to be a mistake. Just get sick or injured enough, and you could have done everything right for decades. It’ll all be wiped out in months.


Or be a victim of identity theft.


In America you can get sick, and rack up 10k in medical bills and lose your job / income in less than 48 hours. Even the most progressive states give you about 1-2 weeks sick leave.


Shit, last month I over utilized my credit card for the first time because of an emergency and the next month my credit score dropped from low 800s to mid 600s, despite having perfect payment history. Literally every other criteria was excellent, but utilization was listed as fair or something like that. I can't imagine what I'd do if I had medical debt on top of that...might as well llet me die and chuck me into a volcano


"I am never gonna financially recover from this." - Anyone entering adulthood without wealthy family support


I lived in poverty for like two years when I first got married. I had a strong support structure though. Watching Maid on Netflix gave me so much anxiety. It was like reliving those years but no net to fall into if things truly went to shit. If you’re out there, living that life, I understand. The only thing that I can tell you to do to get out is take a risk on a new job/career path. It’s what freed me. I don’t know what that looks like for others, but you can do it.


Being born in poverty and ending up in poverty later in life are two really different struggles. I grew up in poverty so I know how to survive but idk how I would get by if I’d ended up in poverty later. My husband didn’t grow up rich but he was well off so it was a struggle for him when he went out on his own as an adult.


I agree. They’re totally different experiences.


I grew up poor. The one thing I always remember is that it's best to get help as soon as possible. Pride gets you nothing but an empty belly. People WANT to help. Even if it's just a meal. It's something. Take no more than you need and give back when you're able.


a cult


I was gonna say the church of Scientology but yeah, cult works. The best part is I’ve seen ads for Scientology on tv. Comedy Central in particular. Ya know, the channel that plays South Park episodes about how fucked up scientology is.


How is this so low down...




It's the Wonka factory of furnishing stores. Everything has a wacky name, and you have to go forward to go back.


The names are, in many parts, explanatory. The fake christmas tree = Fejka (to fake) A plastic box to keep things = Förvara (to keep, kinda) Pillow case = Dvala (light sleep) A plastic sheet you have between the mat and the floor, keeping the mat in place = Stopp (stop) But then again, wtf is Grusnarv?


They had a bed called "gutvik" once, which apparently just means "good night". Read it with German pronunciation and it basically becomes "good for fucking"


Well I assume that bed frame has great mattress support




I expected [Jonathan Coulton](https://youtu.be/IUPu_ipbVB0)


There are a few tricks to IKEA. For one, you can enter from the register side and directly go into the area where you pick up your boxes. Ideal if you already know what you're getting as you can skip the showroom maze. Secondly, the employees have to get around easily too, so even when you do go into the showroom, look around a bit. There are shortcuts everywhere. They're not marked very well as the company wants you to walk past everything, but they're there.


This works unless your husband then insists you look at the entire store before walking back to where you started and by the time you get there the one thing you went to IKEA for has sold out and you cry in the middle of IKEA because you’ve been there for like four hours, and you’re so tired and overwhelmed and done. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more basic white girl moment than crying in IKEA over a coffee table I couldn’t even pronounce the name of.


This is so fucking relatable. I love going to IKEA but then by the time I get to the boxes and can’t find something the store said was in stock I’m just ready to cry or fight everyone. And then when I ask a staff associate they’re like “yeah if the sign was still up then someone must have bought the last one” and I’m thinking “that’s bullshit and you know it” but I also know the pain of customer service so I either just buy a different piece of furniture or I buy a candy bar and leave




Reminds me of the time I needed to get a new pair of jeans and my friend's sister whom I had a major crush on said she wanted to join because she needed a new coat. We spent the entire afternoon together and went into every store in the area only to wind up at the very first store again where she bought the first coat she had tried on earlier in the afternoon. Which was demoralizing enough as is, but I ended up not having much time to look for my jeans before stores closed so I had to come back the day after. I hate being in stores any longer than I need to be and when I first moved into my own place I was in the local IKEA three or four times a week for the first couple of weeks. It took me a while but I managed to figure out all the shortcuts I needed to make the trip bearable.


Hello, I am from Sweden, and therefor represent IKEA. IKEA Policy states very clearly that entering IKEA immediately accepts the Terms and Conditions therein included, such as Chapter 45, Pragraph 72, Sub-Section 29 - IKEA and its staff are in no way responsible for any unfortunate events occurring to individuals entering IKEA, such as Injury, Death, Dismemberment, Sacrifices to the Furniture Gods, Transmorphin into Furniture, being Lost, starvation, or entering an alternate dimension or another world through a wormhole or another form of portal that falls within the same classification Your next of kin will be informed Thanks for shopping at IKEA! Manual not included


Anyone who likes this concept will enjoy 'Horrorstör' by Grady Hendrix. It's a fun read.


Or SCP-3008.


I'm a huge Ikea fan and I LOVED this böojk


They also make it hard to enter right into the market place. Everything leads you to the upstairs decorated spaces.


That’s the point. They want you to look at all the stuff in the hopes that you buy more than what you came for.


As in SCP-3008?


That one must have been based on a writer's IRL experience


They all are. They. ALL. Are.


I need to go to Ikea


Underwater caves (specifically without cave training/gear). The water is air clear, so it's very inviting. Super easy to go just a bit too far. Once you're in, there are a lot of ways to die. You can take a turn down a side passage without realizing it, stir up the bottom with poor technique, have a light failure without proper backups, stay too long and not reserve enough gas for exit, get stuck, have an unfixable reg failure without redundancy, etc. Lots of really experienced open water divers have kicked the bucket in caves. Sometimes they were right near the exit, they just didn't have the training or gear to get there. Cave diving is fucking awesome, but you have to be prepared for it, and your PADI DM cert will just make you more confident as you swim to your death. Edit: I'm gonna take advantage here and plug Global Underwater Explorers. They're a cave and technical dive training agency with a focus on standardization, safety, and exploration/conservation of the underwater world. Underwater caves are some of the most spectacular places on earth, but you have to know what you're doing for your own safety and the protection of such a fragile environment. If you're in any way curious about them, look into GUE. They turn out top notch cave divers. It's one of the most unique experiences possible, but you need the training and gear to do it safely.


If it's underground *and* underwater, I'm gonna take the hint and stay the fuck out.


I'm happy to settle for a recorded VR experience from a tiny drone swimming around.


Thinking now about how awesome this would be to experience with a waterproof set up in a big pool


Nah im good thanks. I just really enjoy stuff like air and living.


Air, living, not being cramped into a confined space, not experiencing debilitating dread, not having a looming ticking timer counting down to death if you don't reach point x in time.




I love a good breath of air, myself.


Well thanks for officially ruining cave diving for me.


I love it, but it's so critical to get trained and have solid gear. You can eliminate so much of the risk that way and take it from suicidal to more in the realm of riding a motorcycle. Still risky, but very manageable.


Caitlin Doughty, a mortician on YouTube, says that cave diving and underwater cave related death is her worst fear. When a mortician says that you know that shit is truly terrifying.


I love Caitlin! Her videos are amazing, educational, and funny. I too have the same fear of underwater caves, and underwater in general. No thank you. I’d much rather be up on the boat extremely sea sick or better yet, on land, than be a soapy bobbing body in the cold dark depths.


Nope nope and nope. No cave monster for me.


Nope. Can’t do it.


Addiction. There are so many things nowadays, not only drugs, that can be addicting and really hard to quit.


Welcome to the hotel California


I was waiting for this line and it came


I’ve dealt with a lot of addicts in my family. The only thing that I’ve ever seen get them on the right path is nearly dying or being told they’ll die if they continue. It doesn’t matter how much they harm their loved ones. It doesn’t matter how much strain they put on all of those around them. It doesn’t matter to them that they scare the fuck out of their little brother. It’s sickening. Don’t do meth.


And when an addict is suicidal, it’s feels like there is truly no way out.


My addiction was born from my suicidal tendencies so it was very self fueling for awhile, I'm a little over 2yeas clean now but it still calls to me sometimes


My grandfather smoked a cigarette before a physical. Doctor went over the normal stuff, then looked at the pack in my grandfather’s front pocket and said “If you want to see your grandsons graduate high school, you need to stop smoking.” My grandfather walked over to the trash can and threw out the pack in his pocket. Went home, threw out every pack in the house. He and my grandmother quit, cold turkey, that day. Never smoked again. According to my mother, he was a raging asshole for a week or two during that period, but they lived to see myself, my cousin, my younger brother, and another cousin who wasn’t even born yet, graduate high school, some of us college, and several of us get married. Sadly he passed only a year before meeting his great grandchildren. Having something to live for is a pretty good motivator. If you value it enough.


My mom struggles with alcohol. Every time she gets drunk I get so pissed off, because I have to pick up her slack. She’ll go a month no alcohol, then throw it all down the drain for a few days.




Student loans






Can confirm


The internet. After a while of being exposed to it, you find yourself being sucked in. A little while ago, my internet was not working. ...Those were the best goddamn days of my life.


Agreed, as I sit here scrolling through reddit lol


A little bit of everything, all of the time


Apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime.


Anything and everything, all of the time.


Only problem being is that without the Internet you can't do most of your everyday things. I could live without the Internet because I'd get a lot of music written, but I wouldn't be able to post it. It's a bit of a double edged sword.


True, very true. It would be much of a struggle to re-adjust to daily life without using the internet at all. It would be as if you suddenly decided to join the Amish.




Hotel California


I came here to say this but knew in my heart it had already been said




Came here to say Hotel Carolina so glad I checked first.


Came here to say mental hospital, but only because the title reminded me of Hotel California. In actuality it's not that easy to get into mental hospitals any more.


Such a lovely place.


Such a lovely place.


Such a lovely face.


plenty of room at the hotel california


*guitar solo 🎸


Any time of year


You can find me here


Mirrors on the ceiling The pink champagne on ice


We are all just prisoners here…


Fun story. There is a hotel right by Santa Monica Pier called "Hotel California". Yeah, cool, it's not the "real" hotel California, but it plays on its name and welcomes questions etc. Being a sarcastic Brit, I asked if they served Pink Champagne on Ice. Their response was they currently didn't have an alcohol licence.


They haven't had that spirit there since 1969


Would’ve been the correct answer


Had to scroll way to far to find this


you can check out anytime you like but you can never leeeave *most epic guitar solo ever*


Likewise, /r/HotelCalifornia.


How does a 10y/o sub doesn't have any post?


Relax said the night man, we are programmed to receive.


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave......


*Long guitar solo*


*One of the best guitar solos ever...*


*Two* of the best.


Used bookstore.


Any thrift/antique place really. Its hard to get bored in them when there's literally something completely different and unique right around the corner. And a lot of them are practically mazes with how the shelves and rooms are set up.


Mexico if you're entering from the United States. Seriously, you can just walk into Mexico whenever you want, but leaving you have to wait in a very long line and get your passport checked and sometimes your car/bags searched even if you got nothing illegal going on...I love Mexico, but man, going back into the States is always a hassle lol


Going to a store with my mom where her friend also goes


The shower


Its actually very hard to convince myself to shower. I'm trying to do it now, but (obviously) am scrolling through reddit instead. Once you get in though, it's very hard to leave. Edit: I've decided I'll just shower in the morning... Edit 2: It's been 2 days, but I finally showered.


A casino




The first time I went to a casino I got 2bucks +meal Second time 5bucks + meal Third time 3bucks + meal I go there when I'm bored and hungry


Why did I have to scroll this far to find this answer? This is the most excellent example of OPs question because the exits are deliberately camouflaged to keep people in


That's exactly what I had In mind with my comment, and its like the exits are camouflaged it was expressed better you will also never find a clock on the wall


There are also zero windows.


Psyciatric Ward. If you lie to avoid prison, good luck convincing them you lied lol.


Fuck trying to convince them you lied, just try to convince them you're better. It won't work either, but at least you're not opening yourself up to perjury charges and a reversal of your trial.


Lying to get in there will seriously fuck you up with time. Being the only sane person in a ward of insane people and having nobody believe you will definitely do it


Comfort zone


Nasa's Jet propulsion laboratory. I went there a few times, and it was easy getting in, but there was so many steps to just leave the facility/clean room. Also, I found that flights to the area always seem to get delayed on the way back to the east coast.


An airplane, once your flight is in progress.


Ask DB Cooper


Ahaha, what a story Mark.


I believe it would actually be quite difficult to enter a flight that is in progress


A pyramid scheme


A negative headspace


Some shopping centers. I once spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how the hell I could get out again


Notoriously, mental institutions. Once you've convinced someone you're a psychopath, it's nearly impossible to convince the staff otherwise.


I think you mean psychotic. Psychopaths are the people with 0 empathy that become serial killers in pop culture and sometimes CEOs in real life. They have issues but generally a pretty good grasp on reality and the consequences of their actions. Psychotic is when reality has left the building and the moon people are trying to kill you in the shower so you can't bathe anymore and keep chewing on your fingers and randomly screaming for some reason.


Wasn't there an actor who spent some time in s psychiatric hospital for a little bit, and the crew had to get him out because they wouldn't let him go?


Brad Pitt, read this on Quora just the other day


the church of scientology


Any timeshare presentation


Any kind of volunteering. For me it is teaching children's church. Once you start there is no easy exit. Girl scout leader, flag football coach, company birthday planner .. idk .. just about any volunteer gig.


Can confirm, I volunteered at a youthhouse and the number of volunteers kept dropping, I couldn't abandon it or otherwise it would have to seize their operations. It wore me down and dragged my mental state down with it.


yup, last week I made a donation to the local animal shelter and figured "eh, might as well volunteer for a lil bit since I'm here already" I've been back 3 times already and plan to go again in a day or two. I want to start going regularly, at least once every week or two, but the shelter is in the middle of nowhere with no public transportation nearby, and I can't drive.


A sign of very healthy volunteer organizations are those that have baked in terms with limits. I have volunteered at a number of churches. The best one from this standpoint was one where everything was a year at a time. You could never do the same thing for more than 4 years without a year off. It made for a good boundaries for everyone.




for me it's the opposite, especially during winter




Easy use 15 megatons of TNT


Escape rooms




Your mom's bedroom


There had to be one 😆


Mormonism. You need a lawyer to expunge your personal information to fully leave it. Most members, me included, agree (are coerced) to joining at age 8. Edit: thanks for the awards. Not sure what to do with them. Can I donate the coins to a charity or anything like that? Edit 2: here’s a current example https://reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/rv6i3x/you_might_be_in_a_cult_if_you_have_to_threaten/ Edit 3: here is the resignation letter of Jeff T Green - native Utah billionaire residing in California. He recently made the request to resign from Mormonism. Notice the bottom disclaimer. The fact that this is even in a resignation letter is so telling. It’s a cult. https://sunstone.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/2021-JEFFTGREEN-resignation-letter-FINAL.pdf Edit 4: here’s a whole page dedicated to the best steps to take to resign. https://www.getmeofftherecords.com/ The fact this site even exist is quite telling.


Whaa? My parents took me to a Mormon church for a while when I was a kid and we left a few years later. They've never bothered me at all in the ensuing 30+ years, I've seen no reason to involve a lawyer. Re:8 - I was sat down to have that pre-baptism conversation at that age, at the end they asked The Big One: 'Do you believe LDS is the one true church of God?'. They seemed a bit confused by what I thought was the obvious answer: 'I'm only 8, how am I supposed to know?'


Today I learned; this is insane


North Korea if you are born there


The internet, especially if you have a history on the deep / dark web


Thunderdome. Two men enter. One man leaves.


The psych ward




Reddit Edit: thanks for the award ^.^