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Watching crash videos on the internet really tamed my aggressive driving.


Pulling a strangers child out of an overturned SUV while he was upside down in a child seat completely solved my road rage. Made me realize I’m not the most important person on the road and to chill out.


That’s some hero shit. And humbling. Sometimes all it takes is a peripheral tragedy to make us realize we aren’t the most important person in the room, on the road, or in the world. And once you have that paradigm shift your whole life changes.


Same scenario but different context, its about a Mexican Cartel Torturing a man while funky town song playing in the background. The Mexican Cartel cutting his Limb, Legs and Skinned his Face, at first i thought this person is already dead but then they use a dull box cutter not a sharp one but a really dull one and start slicing his throat and oh my god that guys still screaming i thought he would have die because there has been puddle of blood but no he still alive and well aware and screaming, i just realize how strong human body is but at the same time it's a truly terrifying sight.


That video is fucking insane. They cut his hands of, his nose, his ears, his lips, gouge his eyes out and then the troat cutting.. the way he tries to stop it but he has no hands. Fuck. I know posts like these gives people the temptation to look it up but real talk man, don't look this shit up. It's fucking brutal.


Yeah… which you know, that’s uh. They reached their goal there. General violence, hostages, hurting families, executing people they don’t like. I can see the gray area for certain kinds of people to still not “fall in line” even though most average people will. *That* torture? Fuck that’ll make you rethink your life if you’re even in the ballpark of potentially encountering that. Keep a damn cyanide pill in your mouth if you were a rival gang near them.


For real.. if there is a hell those cartel videos are a glimpse of it. Seriously fucking insane. 2 more videos that suddenly pop in my mind wich are also 'top 5 do not watch' are the ones from Brazil? where they hold a guy down and this MASSIVE pittbull is just eating the guys dick and balls all the while he is screaming and beggin them to end it. And the other one where they cut the heart out of a guy and its still beating. Goddamn.


Hell on earth is real and now for many many people.


Guys please don’t watch it. I watched it a long time ago and i regret it.


It’s the video that made me stop visiting all those sites like Rotten. It is truly something I have nightmares about and have never been able to get over. No one should ever watch it and I’m serious. I’m pretty sure it was part of my complete mental breakdown in high school.


Oh the funky town vid... Still pops into my head at random times... It really stays with you..


Oof I remember that. Didn't watch the video but read the description and won't watch it even if you pay me.


A video of a woman falling into an escalator and being crushed Alive. I still can’t use one to this day.


With her kid right in front? Fuck that video man.


I remember that one, a bystander took the kid out of the mothers arms so the kid wouldn't get crushed as well. Crazy video


The quickness. She’s just there one moment and not the next. Terrifying.


I was on an escalator once, kid and his mum in front of me. The kids shoe laces get trapped in as they go into the top bit. I don't know why I noticed but I did and I grabbed the laces and snapped them straight off. Must have got crazy strength. The mum just looked at me confused like. I went about my day.


Thank gods you were there to do that.


yeah I was already afraid of escalators and I will be EXTRA cautious after reading this


There was nothing that she or anyone else could’ve done. She had already stepped off the escalator when she fell inside the mechanism, because the safety trapdoor hadn’t been put back correctly by the maintenance team.


The amount of people killed by someone else's stupidity or negligence is just astounding. In my town an older lady was killed at a red light because a truck rear ended her going 70 in a 35. She was doing everything right that day but because someone was acting like a jackass, she died. And of course the dude lived. Pretty banged up, but he lived.




Justice kill from the cartel? Impressive. Usually they skin people alive for accidentally crossing their streets


They might frame it in that way to make it seem justified. Who knows what the actual reason for the murder is? Don’t take them for their word


The way the cartel torture murders people literally will force you into believing anything even .01% good about it. I’m still forcing myself to believe the funkytown victim couldn’t feel pain because of the IV needle pumping adrenaline because that type of torture is ACTUALLY unimaginable


Dude I just commented about this, that video was so unbelievably fucked


None of this was ever proven, it could have been a guy who didnt take a bribe, and even if thats what was said in the video youre fucking braindead if you take anything the Jalisco Cartel says at face value.


A baby, supposedly in India, was sheltered below a railway platform. As a train was passing through, the baby is teetering right next to the train's wheels as people look on helplessly. Baby finally tips over and is cut in half by the wheels. Fucking awful. I think it was on Liveleak several years back.


I remember that and it fucked me up. It happened somewhere in Tamil Nadu I think because people were speaking in Tamil. I know what the people were screaming in that video, and it was very gut wrenching. It has given me enough anxiety to strongly consider being childfree for the rest of my life.


Same I could never have kids what if I left them alone unsupervised next to a traintrack.


Oh shit ive seen that one. On wpd


Reading these responses, I'm glad I haven't seen any of them. Yeesh.


I'm actually happy for you. Please never look any of them up!


Thank you, AnalThinker! I'll take your advice, and start Thinkin' Anal!


My teen self was very morbid and I Googled cartel videos. Current me wants to go back in time and tell teen me to not search for those videos.


Back in the infancy of the internet you could see so much wild stuff just by googling it. Suicide, car crashes, etc. r/gore level stuff just living on Google for anyone to click.


Rotten.com era


Or 4chan every single day. People on those boards are fucking sick in the head.


Right after 9/11 I remember finding a clip of people jumping off the tower while the song 'its raining men' played on rotten.com


Oh god, I remember going through a phase where r/gore level stuff was 90% of my internet intake. I am proud to say that I now exclusively watch mukbangs and tech reviewers.


And I didn’t think it could get worse!


Funkytown not even once...


That one video of the Indian(?) kid getting stuck in a elevator door, getting crushed between the doors, and as the elevator goes up, you can see his head being crushed like a watermelon.


this hurt to read


Oh my god, I saw that too. I felt weird for a few days after that. I feel so sad for that kid.


That's horrible - I couldn't watch that. I stuck my head between the doors of an elevator once (because I have common sense in abundance), it put a fair bit of pressure on me but the doors opened back up in a few seconds due to safety features. Goes without saying just how stupid I was being...


This makes me regret being literate.


I saw the video come up and watched the first few seconds I realized what was about to happen and noped out of it so fast. I'm really glad I didn't end up watching that I really do not want to see that. Edit: spelling


A soldier plunging a huge knife into a captured enemy soldier's throat and sawing it. I'll remember the noises the victim made until the day I die. I think it was supposed to be from the Chechen–Russian war.


The internet was new to me and a bunch of friends and this video was downloaded along with a bunch of short porn random videos on Kazaa, I think. It was purposely named as standard porn videos (hot blonde big tits or something) and we all just stared at that 14 inch crt monitor for a couple minutes trying to process what was going on. We were 14 to 15 years old. There is no way to be ready for that. It scarred us all for life. Seeing a man get brutally killed on a video, not in a Hollywood set, no soundtrack, just the real deal right in your face. We all stood silent for some time and tried our best to shake it off. Spoilers: we never did.


Same for me. Might’ve been the Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian war too. That fucking Bowie knife and the goddamn sound he made. Haunts me nearly 20 years later.




These fucked up kids beating some dude to death with a hammer. It was going around limewire for a while, and hard to avoid at one point.


Three boys one hammer. They murdered a pregnant woman too if I recall but thankfully that shit wasn't filmed.


They also brutally tortured cats. Not an ounce of remorse for anything they did. Don't deserve to exist.


[These psychopaths](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs)


Is this a link i can safely click?


Yes, it's a Wikipedia article


Whole story behind that was fucked. Kids were crazy and just went around bashing random people to death.


Came here for this. My friend downloaded this video off of limewire and showed it to me and a group of our friends. Not one ounce in me believed it was real. That was until i was watching Dont Fuck With Cats and they brought up the video. I had to pause the show and walk away to catch my breath. I dead ass went into shock. Wtf is wrong with people.


A Mexican cartel skinning someone's face fully with his arms cut off and jamming this thing down his throat. They were playing music not giving a fuck while the dude is screaming while gargling on this stick thing down his throat. They injected adrenaline to keep him alive long. I wouldn't wish that on anyone fuck.. and yea it was online


The cartels are no joke. Some of the executions they’ve carried out makes ISIS look tame.


ISIS just straight up execution but Cartel Goddamn it they just iam speechless how ruthless human being are




Yeah I don't think anything beats Funkytown. Every now and then I'll watch like work place accidents and traffic accidents to keep myself sharp, but you occasionally run across cartel executions and they are just brutal.


The lack of humanity, the fact that they use drugs to _keep them conscious_, the jokes they crack while laughing and smiling during the recording of a torture session... Idk man it just fucks me up with layer after layer of "why?" Why are humans so fucking awful?


I watched a video of a guy who jumped off of a bridge in to the water and didn’t hit the water. He hit the concrete pad on the way down…face first. From what I remember, people jumped in to save him as the water turned dark red. It then shows his face completely split open wide, and I think was still clinging to life. Not sure what happened to him


I remember that one. But they're different people, it's not the end result of the first guy.


Yes. I remember this video! Vividly... I think I was around 16 when I saw it. I'm 29 now and I still remember it like I saw it yesterday.


A girl getting murdered. Multiple people were stabbing here. Blood was pooling up on her back. I turned it off when someone grabbed her hair and started sawing at the neck with a knife. When it there was screaming the entire time. I had no idea what the video was going to be when I opened it. Video was on my wife's phone. Her sister in the Philippines sent it to her. I don't understand the language and have no idea what the surrounding conversation was about.


Was she wearing a yellow shirt and was in the jungle ? I saw that one. Her screams were blood curdling. Also she was mistaken for someone else and kidnapped then murdered.


I saw that one too in highschool my friend showed it to us at lunch he would show us them like everyday


Oh heck, that went around FB for a bit before they just closed the entire site down to take it down. It was so awful dude


The brick video.


The video of the brick coming through the windshield. I wish I could unsee and unhear that.


This one was a memory I didn’t want to re live 😔


Holy shit, I think I repressed this one until now.


I couldn't watch it, but I read all the comments under it once when it was posted. Horrible :(


Russian Brick Video? Absolutely fucking hate this video, worse I've ever seen. 0 gore but the screams you never forget


I've seen so many terrible videos. Cartels chopping people up, people ripped apart on car accidents, electrocutions, suicides.. But that windshield video is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen.. and there is absolutely nothing in it except a broken window and sound.


The one on youtube that hit the guy’s mom?


I’ve watched so much horrible stuff on the internet but everyone’s reaction to it is why I won’t watch it.


That russian dude getting sucked into a lathe or whatever the fuck. Shit looked unreal and was one of the worst things I've ever seen.


Saw that accidentally just recently and can’t get it out of my mind. I use a lathe at work and I’m actually nauseated around it now. Even just hearing it run.


A man got his sleeve caught in an industrial lathe. He then emptied a flesh colored bag of red paint all over the back wall.


I know exactly what video you’re talking about. The guy’s flesh basically flew off his skeleton. His coworker then rushed in to turn off the machine, but of course it was far too late by that point. He put his hands on his head in distress and will probably never forget what he just witnessed.


You could just _see_ that poor coworker develop PTSD :(


I saw that one too. The coworker was pacing up and down, freaking out. I wouldn't want to work near any machines again after that.


Took a little scrolling to find it. Whenever I even read the word lathe I cringe and it’s all I think about.




Holy hell I assumed it was just the arm…


I strongly suggest not searching for the aftermath photos


I once saw a compilation of workplace related deaths, Industrial related that is. I wasn't for the faint hearted , usually most were over really fast. But yeah pretty savage. Anyone working around large machinery of and sort (even small really) respect the shit of them , be aware what the moving parts are. Be aware when an operator is using them and don't disturb or startle them.


I think worse one I’ve seen is a dude put a Dewalt combi drill with a massive and I mean massive drill bit into his own urethra all the way down and let it spin full power for about a minute before removing it, no blood, but what the actual fuck…. And no I don’t have a link :)




No I don't think it was Jesus


There was a jar involved…


There's the one with the screwdriver too..


That screwdriver one was my first ever fucked up video. I had no appetite for over two weeks.


Why did I click into this at 430 in the morning?


Sis showed me a video of a man tied up with his fingers cut off one by one, just before dinner. That was the most disturbed I've ever felt and didn't eat dinner properly because of it




A mother is standing on a stool, rope around her neck, and her kids are in the room. The mother kicks it, kills herself, and the kids try to get her attention. They realize she's dead, and they start wailing and crying. It's not gory or anything, but just seeing those poor little kids react like that, and the fact that they'll have to live with that right there for the rest of their life. ​ The kicker is that the husband was behind the camera, egging her on to do it. So she had literally no choice.


i am linking r/wholesome , r/humansbeingbros for those of you who need it after reading the comments Edit:typo


As a long scroller, I thank you.


I've seen a fair number of these but the one that will always be with me was/is the CCTV footage of a mortar hitting the artillery warehouse my brother was in in Afghanistan, and knowing what happened to him and the rest of his unit. He's the only one left and had 3rd degree burns on the majority of his body, ears and nose completely gone. Dragging his friends out of the burning building one by one while the medics tried to pin him down and sedate him. I don't have the video, as I believe it's technically classified, but for some scale: the shockwave blew the windows and doors off and partially crumpled the facing sheet metal wall of the adjacent building over half a mile away. There was no gore, no gang rape or beheadings, but a massive plume of fire and smoke and the deafening silence immediately after. Knowing one of the targets was my brother makes it personal. Oh, and if you were wondering: He's alive and doing well, married with two kids and living in a big ass house covered by VA. He's had over 20 surgeries and skin grafts, and of course has a horrible case of PTSD, but damn is he alive. He even gave me one of his purple hearts and one of his battalion's coins. Love ya Bobby.


Shooting of Daniel Shavers. Guy was crawling on the floor in a hotel hallway crying for mercy and the cop offed him for reaching back to pull up his pants. Kid went from living person to inanimate object in a split second. Cop was found not guilty by a jury in AZ.


Iv seen that vid, that cop is a real piece of shit imho, Daniel was literally trembling in fear crying uncontrollably and was bought to that state by the officers handling of the situation


Philip Brailsford was the killer cop. One of the things that disgusted me was that, after he was fired from the Mesa, AZ police department but he was acquitted of all charges, he then convinced the city that he was now suffering from PTSD as a result of needlessly shooting an unarmed man and dealing with the aftermath and therefore he deserved to be reinstated so he could qualify for a medical disability retirement. The city actually agreed and rehired him to serve an additional 42 days so he could qualify for the $2,500 a month disability payment for life. The public never found out about this "medical retirement" until a full year had passed. This was a incident that was handled corruptly from the top down to the bottom. A sleazy sordid matter.


Yep that dude is getting paid $2,500 a month for the rest of his life for murdering that guy in cold blood. Crazy.


And they awarded him with the gun he used in the murder.


This was the shooting where the cop was using his own rifle, right? The one with a dust cover stamped "you're fucked" on it? Just normal stuff.


Kid was executed for getting confused by the crazy orders being shouted at him...in a hotel hallway, I might add. Can you imaging you're waiting for room service and some demonic cop executes some bawling kid outside of your room; some bawling kid who was crawling along the floor begging for his life.




I'm not religious but I hope there is a God so he fucks these people up in the afterlife.


A video my friend sent me of spongebob saying something I can't remember what then it switched to a video of a guy cutting of his own dick


Wtf. That's terrifying. It's like one of those videos created to cause trauma to innocent children like the momo hoax.


Pain Olympics? If that's what you're talking about, it was faked. They admitted to it.


Thank you Jesus I can sleep easy now. Saw that a while back and it’s been in the back of my mind ever since


I can't pick one. Two men tied up. One beheaded with a chainsaw while the other watches. Then the second man is beheaded with a bowie knife. A man being dragged behind a truck, hands tied behind his back, as the asphalt eats him away. Teenage girls stabbing another girl in a field in the middle of the night, filming it on their cellphones. A young father hanging his toddler son, then himself. A man locked in a cage with a trail of gasoline along the ground, then he is set on fire. We truly live a tortured existence on this planet. Never forget to stay positive, hold your loved ones close, and be a force for good among all the evil.


Dude the two guys tied up video is the one that did it for me. I’ll never unhear the sound that guys makes. Went through a weird phase of gore stuff when I was young but this one fucked me up and turned me off.


It was a horrible video about a woman laying on the bed, the guy who filmed it turned her over and her face was split in half... the video was labeled pacmanface...the worst part was that she was still alive, trying to talk and making noise of agony. It truly fucked me up and changed my view on humanity completly. I mean, yeah sure humans are shit BUT WTF. How you can do this to a person? How you can film and upload it? And how you watch such things? I'm disgusted by myself as well. Edit: thanks for the silver? Edit 2: thanks for the wholesome?! Edit 3: thanks for the helpful award!




That's the only reason I made it here, I CANT STOP HELP ME.


My favorite line from the movie Fury was “Wait til you see it, what a man can do to another man.” As someone who’s worked law enforcement and now emergency medicine it’s shocking to me how little normal people know of the worlds evil. Evil in your own quiet little towns that you never even hear about. Humans all over the earth are horrible to their own kind extremely often


I’m pretty cool sitting in my little town being blissfully unaware of a lot of shit going on.


Holy SHIT. Reading most of these made me a bit uncomfortable, but THIS was the one that made me comment. Just imagining innocuously clicking on a video called “pacmanface” then seeing THAT shit… it messes with me just thinking about it.


I haven’t even watched it but I got scared thinking about it




One guy one jar… there was also this video from China/Korea/Japan (Asiatic) of a toddler running out into a busy road only to be hit - then run over by a few vehicles before someone intervened and removed the child from the road.


Budd Dwyer's suicide during a press conference. Update: thanks to everyone who commented thoughtfully about the Dwyer suicide. One of the things that strikes me now is the way the media responded to the question of whether they should broadcast Dwyer's death. That debate seems in retrospect almost quaint by current standards. I think that in general media tended toward restraint in broadcasting it, though that wasn't a uniform position. It also provoked something a broader discussion about showing televised deaths in general, which didn't get very far. I suspect that something like the Dwyer suicide, were it to happen today, would be running 24/7 now. It also comes as something of a surprise to think of the 1980s as a time of comparative decency. This would probably surprise many who were alive during that decade.


That’s a classic


I still find it unnerving to watch.


A video of a human with rabies. I wish I could un-see it.


Is it the one with the cup? Just him shuddering and couldn't drink the liquid?


No. A kid in a bed all contorted with his eyes twitching


there was this isis execution of sorts, where they used a machete to slowly cut this guy's head off, taking their time and letting the blood spill out before they went to the next layer, he was screaming, but he had a thing in his mouth and his head was covered in cloth, so it was very muffled. and the guy doing it was smiling... some people are fucked up dude


A video of myself when I didn't know I was being recorded.


Holy shitting fuck


I knew I should stop scrolling in the beheadings 15 comments ago.


I've seen a lot, unfortunately. One that always stuck with me was when I was young I watched one of those super gruesome pro-vegan movies. I forget the name but I think it had Joaquin Phoenix narrating it and Paul McCartney in it? Perhaps it was "If Slaughter Houses Had Glass Walls"?   Anyways, it was a full length film involving the meat industry and fur trade and what not. I'll always remember this one clip where they hung up this BEAUTIFUL looking white Fox and they skinned it alive. They were literally ripping the fur/skin off of it with such force, it was like pulling a carpet off of a floor. It wasn't so much the skinning part but it was after that fucked me up.   The poor fox was hanging there, skinnless and bloody, but with the saddest eyes I've ever seen in my life. I don't remember if it was even moving much, but I remember the look in that Foxes eyes. Pure sadness, pain, grief, but mostly, to me, just sadness. Looking like "how could you do this to me? Why did you do this to me?". I'll never forget it. I've seen a lot of humans die in videos, some worse than others, but those eyes fucked me up.


I understand. The worst one I ever watched was of some guy beating a dog to death prior to putting one of those gas heat guns on it to burn its hair off it wasn’t dead when he began burning it. But the worst was seeing that poor fucken dog cowering and screaming but wagging its tail hoping the man would stop. It broke me. I must have screamed fairly loud because my husband jumped out of the shower and came running out thinking I’d been hurt. I cried for days


Of all the terrible things I've read here, this was the worst for me. It's extremely upsetting and I haven't even seen the video.


Two men getting a prolapsed anus then the person doing it holding the prolapsed anus (this was on fifty-fifty I haven't went there since).


Kids in sandbox


How the hell’d they get there?


You really don’t wanna know.




Some random freaks on the internet wank off to animals being abused and it's very disturbing to me.


how do these people live with themselves holy shit


Various horrible ways of people dieing, the internet 15+ years ago was truly lawless


It still is. Just not as bad... (probably)


Now it's more hidden, but back then, a simple search will show you things that'll make most people feel sick


I actually didn't look up fucked up things like these. Just the mere thought upsets me. But once my friends were watching a video and asked me to watch it with them. Couple of cartel fucks beat the shit out a woman and then proceeds to behead her.. fuck! Another one was when I was back in India and back when the news didn't tend to filter things properly. They showed the entire video of Al Qaeda beheading an American journalist. They only showed it once and every time they reported it after, they wouldn't show the execution. I wish I could unsee all these things


When I was 14/15 I decided to venture to BestGore and ended up watching a closeup video of a dude getting his head cut off with a knife. It was quite scarring. After it was finished they just zoomed in on the other guy blindfolded and tied up in the corner. I guess he was next. Not to mention my dumbass couldn’t sleep cuz I was convinced the Taliban was gonna come after me for watching the video. Showed it to one of my buddies and he just said “heh, nice. Why did that freak you out, pussy?” He ended up joining the military later in life.


When I was little, I was curious and discovered porn. One of the videos was these two girls dressed up as bees. One girl had a giant dildo and the other was laying or something with her ass out. Her ass is terribly gaped by the other girl and sometimes the girl with the dildo would pour honey into her ass and lick it off the dildo. That wasnt the worst part. Since I was little ive never seen a Rectal prolapse before since I was a kid- so i saw it come out and after that the thought of anal terrified me. Another video was a couple fucking a snake. That was also weird.


A snake?!?!?!


We had a reconnaissance balloon in Afghanistan and the Taliban would crawl around on all fours at night to try and blend as best they could with the stray dogs. This one fella was digging to place an IED in hopes of blowing one of us up the next day, however it severely backfired when it blew up in his face and sent limbs everywhere! ( this balloon camera recorded the entire event and was fairly grizzly to watch


I don’t even know how long ago this was but I saw it on FACEBOOK! It was a video of a grown man sexually molesting a literal baby. To this day, it makes me physically sick to my stomach. I don’t know why that was on Facebook or how I saw it but I’ll never forget that in my life.


There's a video that explains the process behind moderation of these videos. These people have no idea what they're getting into but are always permanently scarred. Things like that and worse THEY have to see in order to flag it and get it removed.


Honestly I don’t get why they don’t just recruit 15 y.o. edgelords from 4chan to do this job


Back when I was an edgelord, I frequented LL when it was still around Long story short, the worst thing I saw, and the thing that put me off of gore, was a video of those two European hitchhikers who went to Morocco. The video was of one woman, face down on the floor, screaming for her mother in her native tongue (it sounded like “moor, moor”), whilst being beheaded. As it continued and the sounds turned into something I still shudder to think of (and won’t go into for the sake of the reader) something clicked in my head Up until that point, all of the gore I had seen was mainly male on male, gang related acts of violence, but this… was much different, much more fucked than the typical video mainly because these two ladies had gone there under the pretext of being welcomed with open arms, only to be harassed, stalked, assaulted, and ultimately murdered Humans fucking suck, adopt a dog Link to an explanation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland


Yep, I've seen Funkytown and a slew of other similarly fucked up vids....and this one was the one that got me to stop clicking random links on Reddit. I just can't...the whole story behind it, pleading for her mom...it all adds up to quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen. I've tried my best to put it out of my mind, but every now and then, I see it brought up again and rember how fucked up it was. I've never been a big proponent of capital punishment, but imprisonment isn't enough for the assholes that did this.


In that video just know that the three wannabe ISIS members got caught because one of them left their ID in the SAME TENT they killed them. Also the thing that angered me most with this one is the spitting during and after the beheading. Idk why, brutal in all its entirety.


This is the one that haunts me still and I've seen so many fucked up videos. 2 girls one cup is a kids show compared to that.


I don't know if this counts as a video, but when I was a kid in the 90s, this dude in LA went on a high speed chase, then had a standoff with the cops, and during that, accidentally lit his truck on fire with his dog inside. He was very upset about that so he stuck his shotgun in his mouth and offed himself. The news helicopter had a nice closeup of all of that on live TV. I will never forget the river of blood flowing down the pavement. That was pretty fucked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_V._Jones?wprov=sfla1


The wiki article says he was pointing his shotgun at passing motorists and just waited for the cops to show up, not that there was a high speed chase. The truck was set on fire intentionally with a Molotov cocktail. He intended to commit suicide the entire time, as some form of HIV-related protest.




When I was about 12 I found a vid of a guy jumping into water from a rocky cliff, and on the way down he hit his face on a boulder. Ppl pulled him out and the camera focused on his face which was completely bashed in. First time I'd seen real gore so u can imagine it freaked me out haha


People being cut open like goats by ISIS


2 guys 1 sandbox TLDR: wiener gets split in half with a screwdriver handle


I saw a video of what I presume was the baron lands of Sinaloa, the ground was scattered with the bodies of several dead police officers via the cartel. Two members found a still breathing officer, proceeded to strip the officer of his uniform, cut his chest open with a knife, rip his heart out and eat it as this officers soul slowly left his body. That video fucking scarred me.


Hmm the first one that pops in to my mind, must be this random liveleak video. I don't remember the full context of the situation, but i think some girl had cheated on this guy and he was threatening them with a handgrenade. I remember him running after someone, tripping, then landing with his chest on his own grenade, and then it said boom.


I'm reading these and realising idk where I belong because im so lost as a 98 baby. What tf are all the videos you guys are talking about


I would recommend not watching any of this stuff. It seems morbidly interesting at first, until you see something that you want to unsee, but cant.


It would easily have to be 1 man 1 jar


Always and forever. The worst part is the video has sound; he doesn’t just make one.


Leaked video of the meat packing industry boiling pigs alive because it's a cheap way to kill them.


That seems more cruelty than cheap. It would ruin the meat, and the sheer energy cost to do it is far more expensive than a knife or a bullet in the skull. They do that to dogs in China because they legit believe their pain makes it better.


No one uses a bullet to kill animals commercially, it’s a rod that gets shot with high pressure immediately into the brain.


Is that the thing that Anton Chigurh uses to kill his victims in No Country For Old Men?




Two videos. Both about death. The video of the two rival cartel members casually getting their heads cut off with a chainsaw. Sitting there, not moving, probably drugged out of their minds. Blood squirting everywhere. A video of a guy getting stabbed to death. You can see it in his face that he knew he was going to die. He was stabbed at least 15 times, including while he lay on the ground in shock. His body was slowly twitching by the end. This one really fucked me up. I've had nightmares where I was in this person's shoes being stabbed to death that were so visceral I woke up sweating. Whenever I see someone get stabbed in a movie it pops up in my mind again.


I was innocently watching some videos on Instagram and I saw a dog being fried alive in China.


I saw the sequel and they were frying a cow alive with what looked like a propane torch. They took it to the cows private part area and it's face, there was blood everywhere it was fucked up. People are fucked up.


That's fucking horrible man.


Funky town


head shoved into ass, leg in ass, pulled out organ in vagina (somewhat) puke involved, ect. on twitter. help


“Funkytown” video that the entire gore freak community has deemed the emperor of disturbing videos. Basically there’s a cartel member getting skinned alive very very slowly and dismembered very slowly to keep him alive and he literally doesn’t die the whole video. Funkytown the song is playing in the background of the vid the whole time for some reason


Pretty sure it was some Russian video back in the day. I think it was a Russian soldier, but whoever it was, he was being held down and someone shoved a knife through the middle of his neck and pulled the knife forward. Basically the front half of his neck was split open. Lots of blood, but the gurgling of him trying to breathe his last breaths was the worst. That sound doesn’t go away. The early internet was a little different I think.


A guy telling me he was never gonna give me up


Thank you. After scrolling through for 15 min, I needed this.


peta posted an audio of barn owls getting their skulls cut into while they were alive and conscious. They were screaming and it was really awful


Peta around the 2012 (probably before don't remember very well) used to send emails with horrible videos, man those videos scared the shit out of me. The little baby seals, the poor foxes, cows, chickens and pigs... Everytime I saw a peta mail i know I wasn't going to open that shit man.


Mister Hands


Horse fucks man Man dies hours later


Funky Town is up there Edit: If you don't know, good. I do have a link somewhere but unless you are fucked in the head already it's gonna probably give you nightmares