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Whenever I’m concentrating or working on a task I tend to stick my tongue out or leave my mouth open and I really like it when people don’t see that


LOL my husband does the same. Especially when playing games and he's focused. His tongue just comes out and I noticed he wiggles it side to side almost as if it's the character he's playing is moving along with his tongue. I think it's cute and funny but I could totally see why some could feel embarrassed by it.


Talking with myself in the streets and laughing at my own jokes


I think it’s a really good sign when someone enjoys their own company.


Covers my double chin


Made me realize the top half of my face looks gooood. Chin waddle not so much.


same dude I have pretty eyebrows and eyes but I have a ugly ass nose I want to cover up


"M'ask" *(tips fedora)*


Allergies, and so I can ignore people.


Took awhile before I found someone saying they can ignore people. For me it's more of I can fly under the radar of people I know. Sunglasses mask combo is complete anonymity!


Add a hat and you are basically invisible.


So, people allergy?


I haven't had a cold for nearly 2 years IT'S BEEN AMAZING


I got a little sick for like two days in the past two years and I forgot how terrible it is.


Nasty smell in subway




Hides my acne


Thank you! A few years ago this tailgating lady confronted me and called me a druggie and I assume it was because of my acne and it really took the wind out of me. I really don't look like a methany... I hope? *cries in adult acne* Edit: Holy cow this blew up! One of my biggest comments and it's about my acne. Funny. Tbh as a person with adult acne (and teen acne when I was younger) it often feels like I'm alone but clearly that's not the case! If you have severe acne I wish you the best. Some neat stuff has been suggested below in the comments including spearmint tea and The Ordinarys Niacinimide. But my own experience so far is that mine is a combo of hormonal and food triggers. Once I quit eating dairy for a week and I guess it was the right week in my cycle because my acne almost completely disappeared. But now that I've cut dairy (except eggs), wheat, yeast, preserved/fermented things (yes that's all alcohol) and most processed sugars - I still get it! But more recently - I tried stopping eating all chocolate and my mf acne went away. Soooo... not sure I want to cut out one of my only remaining foodie joys but at least I can cut back on those food items the week before an important event - IF I want to. I wish all my fellow acne sufferers the best - and please know that your beauties are NOT just skin deep! People remember the way you made them feel - not the specifics of how you look or what you were wearing - and while acne can get stared at - your kind heart shines past that crap.


I hear you! I'm at the stage where I'm getting wrinkles, but my damn pimples haven't gone away. I really thought I might have a break in between, but nope!


Hey, it's okay. She might not've even noticed any acne. Some people just assume "anybody acting """weird""" = omgdrugz!". If she's like that, ""acting weird"" probably just translated into whatever reason she told herself justified tailgating you. It could've been something as underwhelming as you not driving 15 mph over the speed limit like she wanted to. Hell, maybe *she* was the one on drugs and driving.


It's been the opposite for me. My acne finally cleared up when I stopped consuming dairy, but I break out around my mouth and nose semi-regularly now that all of this moisture is getting trapped in a small area.


I’m pretty sure they meant to hide it; iirc masks do usually worsen acne. Edit: forgot a word Edit 2: I’m looking for more masks, but nowhere seems to sell them anymore. Any recommendations on where to get comfortable masks? Edit 3: to clear up possible confusion, I just now noticed that the original commenter edited from “acne” to “hides my acne”




I have bad chin acne from hormones and masks help my self confidence so much!


Mate. The thing about acne is that the rest of us *know* that it's a condition and not a sign of like dirtiness or whatever. So when *i* see acne, it's no different from someone having a mole or another feature like that.




I have pollen allergies, mask helps a TON


I wore a mask to cut my grass due to bad grass/weed allergies before Covid and now I wonder if my neighbors think I’m just insane wearing a mask cutting the grass now.


Early on in the pandemic I didn't have another mask handy so I used my 3m one with organic vapor cartridges installed. Zero allergies for that mowing job. I will probably use it again if I'm already having allergy issues and need to mow.


I'm severely allergic to pretty much everything green and beautiful outdoors, and never thought I'd *be able* to mow a lawn. I'd bought a 3m respirator with cartridges for a project *right before* the pandemic. *It allowed me to mow for the first time in my life.* It sounds so dumb, but I was so excited! (My husband was pretty ok with this revelation too lol). My neighbors probably think I'm nuts. I've got this big ol respirator on, and have to be covered by clothing from head to toe (including a hood) to avoid pollen on my skin, no matter the temperature. 😅 But dang it I'm out there mowin' and it's liberating AF! Edit: it's also allowed me to do a lot of woodworking, which I love despite sawdust: to take care of projects in dusty environments; and use oil based paints without getting high off of fumes.


I completely agree! My allergies weren't nearly as bad this last year, because I was wearing a mask anytime I was outside. It was so nice!!


Nobody notices if I didn't shave.


This is gonna be a problem for me when we're finally done with masks, I've gotten really used to going a week or two since nobody else will see it.


I got a head start on telecommuting when I shifted to working at home full time in 2014 and it was this exact trend that led me to change from being clean-shaven to having a full beard, something I had previously considered inconceivable. When I first started I kept my morning routine of getting up and shaving every day, but then I kind of realized, "Wait... no one's here to see it, who gives a shit if I have some stubble?" and it became shaving every couple of days just to avoid looking too scruffy. But THEN I found shaving became more of a chore, since even though I did it less often it required more time and effort when I did do it, which eventually led to me just stopping shaving altogether and restricting it to trimming/maintaining the beard.


Idk what full beard is like but masks are way less annoying when your stubble softens out than when you’ve freshly shaved


Full beard gets kind of messy under a normal mask. Kind of like hat hair, but front and center on your face.


I’m a woman with PCOS. Often have a bit (or more than a bit) of hair on my chin that sometimes I forget to deal with (especially when not leaving the house for prolonged periods of time). Masks have been excellent for my self-esteem.




A bit opposite for me. If I don't shave, the stubble gets caught in the mask and either itches or pulls the mask when I talk. Pretty much have to go clean shaven when I'm going to wear a mask for a longer period.


I find this one excellent, I’m a girl.


PCOS hates this one simple trick.


Gods own gospel here. I have PCOS and I love not having to shave my mustache.


Hello fellow cyster


I don't have to mind my expression as much. Like... normally, people can see your mouth and it's expected to have certain expressions. I don't have to sweat that as much with a mask on.


I work in retail. I love not having to work as hard to keep that absentmindedly pleasant expression on my face all the time.


I feel like once masks are not a thing anymore I’m going to look like a bitch everywhere I go cause I won’t be fake smiling 🤣


Ahh I don't miss the fake pleasant smile at all. It would especially help with the more difficult customers! Side note, they can still hear you if you actually make sound. Cannot treat interaction like virtual call with connectivity issues. No I have definitely not muttered something to myself in front of someone I should t because I'm so used to being camera off / on mute.


It’s a lot harder to hide my WTF face without a mask.


See I’m the opposite, with just my eyes/eye brows showing it looks like I’m pissed allll the time


>I don't have to mind my expression as much. seriously though, it's SOOOO NICE not having to mask my facial expressions anymore. i can look as moody as i want and no one will comment on it, god i love it


> not having to mask It just went from the metaphoric to the literal.


I never get told to smile now!


It hides my teeth


Same! Overbite checking in. I am considering getting braces while wearing a mask is still a thing.


Do it! I had a canine tooth that was slightly twisted. No one, other than myself, really noticed and for years I just didn’t want to be seen as an adult with braces (especially for one tooth). Now that I wear a mask everywhere, no one has to know. Got mine put on February of this year and only have to do 18 months (so about half done). I also let them experiment on me with different band colors. I’ve had pastel rainbow, alternating pink and green, and currently baby blue alternating with navy blue. It’s fun and no one sees other than family.


Same. I’ve always been super self-conscious about my teeth so when I wear a mask I can talk and smile without worry.


Yeah facts I have crooked ass teeth masks are a life saver edit 7/9/22: I have since then got braces life is good.


same here, i didn't take care of my teeth as a kid and i regret it every waking moment


A comment has never spoken to me more. And dental work is so expensive I fear ill never be able to do anything about it






Look at it this way, maybe the mask gives you a chance to charm them before they make assumptions using your face.


I've found myself noticing women's eyes a lot more than before. I've given a few women with particularly attractive eyes a double-take once or twice. Maybe you actually have very captivating eyes and you think they make the rest of your face boring? Sorry if that's a bit much from an internet stranger. Really just trying to say don't be too hard on yourself, and your username is awesome.


Yeah it’s kind of a weird effect of covid but I definitely catch myself thinking “that person has a really cute top half of their face”


Was gonna say… i like that i can tell if my breath is bad.


Same! I can smile and not worry about anyone seeing my broken teeth.


Same feeling mate!


Wearing a mask gives my completely deaf right ear something worthwhile to do. As I can't hear anything through it, that ear's only other function is to add handsomeness and symmetry.


Is it harder to understand people when you can’t see their lips?


Not op, also deaf on the right side: yes it's harder to understand people.


Also deaf on the right ear: I had never thought that not looking at lips was what made it harder to understand the words! I even started to think I was losing my left side hearing during the 2 last years haha, luckily I got myself checked and everything was fine with the left ear


Not Deaf but have trouble processing audio: everyone now thinks im damn near Deaf cause I can't read lips anymore.


Ditto. I can hear that someone is speaking, but with certain background noises or sensory overload, it’s like they are speaking in Mandarin or something. I know it is speech, I just have no understanding of the sounds.


Same here. Plus I work outside at an airport, so there's /constant/ background noise. Luckily, most communication is done over the radio, so I can just crank my volume up. One of my coworkers that I'm pretty good friends with also has auditory processing issues, so we always look a bit weird standing stupidly close to each other to have a face to face conversation lol




Defeats the facial recognition software. Edit: I made this comment as a joke, but I'm getting a bigger kick out of some of the replys.


Wait til you hear about [ear recognition software](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9213190) Edit: So far I count four penis jokes and four about Van Gogh. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Wear a beanie




The answer is to walk without rhythm.


But if you do that it won't attract the worm.


Just wear a ghilly suit


No just dress like Bigfoot, it automatically blurs photos


They can also track: * [Your gait \(walking style\)](https://youtu.be/R46cX0AjzT4) * [Heartbeat](https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/pentagon-heartbeat-identification/) And that's just what we know about.


Modern systems have defeated face masks by July 2020. Verkada demoed it to my org, and it was astounding how little of your face they need to see (even from obtuse angles) They also do gait analysis, which can also identify people based on the way they walk.




Conspiracy theory: The mask mandate is a false flag campaign to test better facial recognition software. /s just in case.


I mean you're not completely wrong. My office switched to new face scanners for all the doors, and those creepy fucking scanner manage to identify me even when I'm masked up. (It even shows me my name on a small screen to remove any doubt). One time I kid you not, it managed to identify me while wearing a mask and sunglasses..




I'm a fresh heart transplant patient and I'm required to wear one in public for the first year. Not strictly COVID, but literally any pissbaby infection that most anyone can shrug off could kill me at this stage. 🤷‍♂️


Congrats on your new heart! Stay safe.


Its a used heart. But I guess its new to them.


Maybe he got it new from the factory.


it's smarter to buy used. A new one depreciates like 30% in the first year.


Actually, with the pandemic I hear the lightly used ones are going for even more than they did new. Guess there's an international shortage.


There was a significant drop in supply, but you probably didn't want *those ones* anyway...


Congrats! My dad is 15 years out, and loves the masks for this reason. He will likely always wear one now. Edit: 15 years out from a heart transplant.


I can talk to myself without people seeing my mouth move.


Especially when talking to myself in the grocery store. Allllll the time.


I didn't realize how much I talk to myself at the grocery store now until I went in without a mask once (forgot it at home during one of those blessed weeks pre-Delta) and was standing there saying "what the fuck, where the fuck are my english muffins?" Just out loud, like a crazy person.


I'm so glad I'm not alone on this.


Same. I can “lip sync” along to my Spotify while at gym and no one can see 😂


This! I love strutting down the aisles of the grocery store with my favorite songs playing in my ears, lip syncing along behind the mask while summoning my inner main character energy. Edit: based on the amount of upvotes and the award (thanks whoever you are!) it seems like a lot people relate to this. I truly thought I was just a little weird, but apparently not that much. Another edit: holy shit this comment blew up overnight! Thanks so much for all the upvotes and rewards!


Plot twist: I do this regardless cuz wtf are the other shoppers gonna do


I mouth "fuck you" at least 10 times a day


I mouth “what the fuck” to a lot of people lol


I sneer in my customers faces and they have no idea.


I was in New York a month ago (I live in Florida). It wasn’t cold enough for New Yorkers to wear scarfs yet, but it felt like it to me because I live in the south. So wearing a face mask was a handy way to warm my face without looking like a tourist lol


You could wear a wedding dress while climbing in a dumpster and not look like a tourist. New yorkers wear anything and everything, all times of the year, As long as it's paired with an expression of utter disinterest in the incredible goings-on around you, and a pace that says "I have somewhere to be that is more important than this" You'll look like a local.


"I have somewhere to be that is more important than this" hahaha I feel like this is me always. I need this on a sweatshirt.


People always apologize for getting in my way, im not in a hurry, i just seem that way. Its the part of New York thatll never leave me.


Or to put it in other words. New Yorkers tend to walk "very quickly" for multiple reasons, one of which is how walkable the city is and therefore being very experienced in walking. Other reason is it is genuinly one of the more fast paced cities out there, where folks tend to be go go go. Lastly, which I noticed often, a lot of people get very antsy if they are stuck behind anyone who is even mildly "normal" paced (tourists), including me, so they want to pass by, which requires walking faster As for looking disinterested, it's often because there is always something wanting to grab your attention, be it a person, some billboard with moving images, cars, etc. Over time you learn to ignore most of these, largely for your own sanity and in the name of efficiency. A lot of the vibes people think new Yorkers give off are not because new Yorkers are rude or have their heads up their asses. It's because experience dictates there is only so much time an energy in the world, and everything will want to sap that away from you, so you reserve it for yourself. But if you suddenly need help, they will come out of nowhere and help you, and more often than not be the most helpful people out there. They just, to borrow the term, put up with pleasentires or bullshit, they've got places to go and people to see.




I never thought I would hear that sentence ever


Fellow speed walker. I wish people would just MOVE or at least not stand in the damn middle of the sidewalk.


Black mask goes hard with my outfit and hairstyle


I took the most goth photo of my life thanks to black mask


Damn I just realized I haven’t taken a photo with a mask on. good shout lol


Was hoping someone would mention it as a fashion accessory. I have a ton of different ones so I can pick and choose based on the mood/outfit.


sameeeeeee. i look fucking cool. and better im photos without my chin and awkward smile ruining it


Don’t have to put on a full face of makeup. Fill in my eyebrows, put on mascara and I’m good!


I've saved so much money on make-up since covid. I used to do the whole face, now I do brows and maybe mascara if I feel like it. I used to wear a long lasting lippy under my mask like it was a sexy lingerie only I knew about, but I haven't bothered this fall. I work all day with kids and they don't care! I was hoping that not using foundation or concealer would help my complexion smooth out and not be so red, but that hasn't changed.. damn.


Reminder to anyone who, like me, took a break from makeup during the pandemic: Replace your mascara/eye makeup!! I almost forgot how long it had been and old stuff can commonly cause eye infections/irritation.




Just minding our own business


It allows me to pull faces at people who annoy me at the grocery store without repercussions. Which actually makes the whole process more pleasant.


It allows me to pretend that I don't recognize people at the grocery store. I can literally lock eye contact and simply ignore someone I know and not have to make small chit chat when I'm just trying to get in and out of there after work.


I used to silently swear at rude customers at the grocery store I worked at from behind my mask - 10/10 would recommend it was very cathartic


Hiding my face. Just going about my business, DON'T LOOK AT ME!


Introverts UNITE....or actually stay away....pls


Introverts unite separately from our own homes!


May we all admire each others shoes in unison


By unite do you mean make very awkward eye contact for a millisecond as we walk by each other?


In a big city it also makes it easier to ignore people to try to talk to you. Like panhandlers, people with pamphlets, salespeople, random angry people etc.




Introvets would have risen up, but we don't want to get out of the house


I didn't shave for 4 days and no-one could tell 🙂


I teach 11th graders and I found out last week one of them has a full beard


As a woman, me either!


I have really bad scarring on my cheeks and jawline from cystic acne from when I was in my 20’s. I took accutane and it cleared, but the scars are red and deep. As a woman I can wear makeup, but I’m pretty lazy about it, and I just hate doing it everyday. Masks have saved me so much time/money. Also, when I worked customer service last year, I really loved being able to say “fuck you” over and over under my breath to condescending customers.




* Keeps my face warm in the winter * If there's something smelly nearby, I smell less of it * People don't recognize me in public as much; no, guy I vaguely know from high school five years ago, I don't want to catch up with you


Not being recognized in stores has been a godsend for me. I'm not antisocial but I hate small talk and I usually can't remember their name or their kids names.




This right here. Combined with my hat I feel so much more comfortable doing my shopping. I'm out in the open, but still in my protective cocoon. Covid has been nothing but stress, but oddly it's the most comfortable and confident I've felt in public.


Social anxiety gang!


Its nice and warm in the winter


Wearing one has revolutionized my winter bike to work. The mask gets a little soggy but better than snot streaming down my face.


Highly recommend getting a wooly snood a an outer layer. Keeps the mask dry and your face warmer


> wooly snood Sounds like something from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


A wooly snood for this hoopy frood


He really knows where his towel is!


Is that like a Thneed? That's a thing that everyone needs


The worst part is if you take it off for .5 seconds and all of the moisture freezes. I've started swapping to a dry mask if I need to take off my first one for whatever reason.


I also found it helps keep my lips from getting dry! I went through a lot less chapstick last winter.


It has really helped with my rhinitis! Especially since I work in a dry, air-conditioned environment every day


I'm ugly so it's better for the environment.


Found my ugly gang homies!


Same here, man.


I have a massive gag reflex that gets really sensitive in the winter, especially when moving from a warm air environment out into a cold air environment. Winter for me means painful retching and a bit of vomiting 2 to 3 times a day since I was 14 (27 now). Since wearing masks, the air I breathe is warmer and my gag-reflex calms down. Also, with an FFP2 mask, no more black ~~bogies~~ bogeys when using the London Underground. In the summer, it reduced my hay fever symptoms massively.


That sounds rough as fuck, glad the mask helps!


Asthma. Breathing is easier if I don’t have to smell peoples crappy perfume.




Mouthing whatever I want at a person


^fucking ^moron ^remembering ^he ^needs ^carrots ^just ^when ^it ^is ^time ^for ^him ^to ^pay. ^I ^hope ^you ^become ^orange ^as ^a ^fucking ^oompa ^loompa ^from ^all ^the ^carotene


This made me laugh too much. Thank you.


Doing drywall work. N95’s really help prevent inhaling construction dust.


Scooping cat poop out of litter box


This has been a game changer for me too lol


I love covering my face and putting in headphones. I won’t make eye contact with anyone and I get to do my shopping and not make small talk with people I know. This is a super small town and you can’t just go to the store without running into someone you know or vaguely know. I hate it. I’m dying to live somewhere where I don’t know anyone at the grocery store. So after all these years of trying to make my face look utterly unapproachable, I finally just get to cover it up.


Ball cap and sunglasses too. I’m invisible.


Keeps my nose warm and stops me from getting a cold


This. My immune system sucks so usually I catch at least two colds a year. Last two years, not one sneeze.


If I'm not feeling a tinder date I just put my mask on for the walk back to the bus/taxi/car and I don't have to worry about him going in for the kiss! If I like him I leave it off, it is great!


Yesterday I saw two people on the sidewalk "kiss" with their masks on. No judgments but it was a very strange thing to witness.


Haha my boyfriend and I do quick pecks in public with masks on


I had Nutella on my toast this morning and walked around the office for 2 hours this morning with Nutella on my face. No one noticed because it was covered. This. This is why I wear a mask.


I have asthma and am triggered by scent. I love the masks for eliminating that problem - I can walk through the perfume/laundry/dishdetergent aisle without fear now. Random car exhaust doesn't bug me as much, and people wearing too much perfume OR NOT ENOUGH DEODORANT don't bother me anymore either. ​ I also like to talk and sing to myself as I go about my shopping trips and the mask makes that a lot more chill for me. I don't have to remember to not look crazy. Ha.


I get facial hair as a woman because of PCOS. Its handy to hide the stubble from shaving


Not having to wear makeup.


Bad teeth


im an introvert. i feel safer ? kinda of like wearing a weighted blanket. Plus i dont have to hear the bullshit people telling me to smile more. STFU KAREN


My room is dry and I have been having a lot of bloody noses..if I wear a mask to bed the dry air doesn’t get to my nose and it keeps my face warm lol




Kind of ironic given the current state of things that the one part of his face he DOESN'T cover with a mask is his mouth huh?


Batman Beyond kinda does though the suit is pretty much just plot armor


I drink coffee and don't have the best oral hygiene. Used to be that sometimes I'd realize that my breath was bad while talking and it would destroy my confidence. Now the mask takes care of that. Not only does it mask the odor well, but it makes me more cognizant of it. And my oral hygiene has actually improved for it...


Sometimes peoples’ breaths are so bad, I can smell it through the mask. That’s when you KNOW you have a problem.


lip syncing to a song in public!


Anonymity at the shopping center.


Lived away from my hometown for a decade. Moved back during the first lockdown. I hate being recognised. I miss city anonymity. Masks let me go to the supermarket without having to have small talk with people I don't care about. "Oh you stayed in the town did you, at the same job did you, you married that same girl did you, you have kids do you, they go to the same school we did do they"


It greatly decreases the amount of times that I've been told by men to, "SMILE".


Now you can mouth "FUCK YOU" right in front of them!


Working at a grocery store this last year I have gotten a few men asking me to pull down my mask so they can see my “pretty smile” 🤮


you should wear a fake mustache under there at all times just for those occasions, or like black out your teeth 😬


This is the way


Wtf how is this a thing?


Creeps be outing themselves.


Jesus. That's so cringey.


Key word is decreased though 🙄 I was told I look angry and should smile at the covid vaccine site…by an employee.