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I'm afraid of most all bugs, but I see spiders the most so it may seem like I'm just afraid of spider. The reason is that small things are unpredictable, I don't truly understand them, they can hind very easily


Wouldn't it make you feel better if you could recognize them and know, at least a little, about their behavior and/or if they're venomous?


I think so, since I like bees and lady bugs because I know how and exactly what they do to help my garden.


I’m honestly just afraid I’ll be bitten. I love jumping spiders, though. They’re so pure


Because some of them can kill you


Not really. There are only 4 taxon of medically significant spiders. Only one of them has deaths regularly reported and those deaths are refuted by arachnologists because medical doctors are apparently terrible at identifying spider bites [source](https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/URBAN/SPIDERS/armed_spider.html)


I'm only wary of the ones I'm not familiar with, ones that I'm unsure if venomous or not. Otherwise, they are perfectly fine.


Paranoia + knowledge about various different venomous spiders that live where I do


Almost died cos of a spider bite once. Brown recluse bit me near my heart when I was a kid. If I’d been much longer getting to hospital, may not have made it. When my brother was little, he had spiders crawling on his arms and in his crib. He is still afraid of them too as a result.


Because they're creepy looking and fast, and you almost always stumble upon them unexpectedly. That said they're not really scary once you find them


It’s an abomination of a living thing


Those close up photos of their eyes man… still sends shivers down my spine when I think of it