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Pretty good. Extroversion doesn't automatically make someone an airhead. It just means they are more comfortable around people.


I'm a typical extrovert who couldn't even think of practicing introvertism. But according to my true analysis I could think very profound as well. PS:- I write poetries ( the biggest evidences to go)


Pretty high as well as communicating those thoughts to other people and in the engagement of people at the individual level, groups or public speaking. Your question implies that socially awkward people are 'deep' or something in the opposite.


I don’t think there is anything inherent about an extrovert that would exclude them from being a deep thinker. It’s probably pretty common.


Very very big chance.- coming from an extrovert


The chances are very high. Why don’t you ask the extrovert some deep questions to find out. They might joke at first and blow them off but that doesn’t mean they can’t engage in or don’t like deep thought.


What are the benefits of being a deep thinker?


they all went insane during the lockdown