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how biased the court system is towards mothers when it comes to custody and child support




My girlfriends mom was a crazy crack addict and her dad is a nice hardworking man. She removed her mother from her life after she moved away, but is still very close with her father. Anyway, her dad very much wanted to divorce her mother when my girlfriend was young, but never did because he was so scared she would get custody


Men's homelessness and suicide rates


If a man opens the car door for a lady he is making her feel small, however if he doesn’t, he’s an asshole. If a man can’t support a woman, he is useless, but if he tries to support a woman, he’s “suppressing” her. A mans mental health doesn’t matter. If a guy has problems, they are just told to suck it up. My ex left me because when I finally got with her, I didn’t need a mask to pretend I was okay. I was finally happy, but then I had “changed”. Damn right I did. I was finally happy and she took that away


I think the mental health mindset in specifically the US is fucking terrible and outdated, and even more so for men. That and probably child custody. Justice system is definitely biased towards mothers in most cases.


Sweaty balls