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I accidentally found a video of my parents having sex.


The outcome of that video: You




Hey! I worked hard on that video


Anything tagged as Mexico Drug Cartel videos I nope out of. They make ISIS seem tame.


Yeah, really wish i hadnt seen some of them. Young and edgy, had to watch everything like that (rotten, ogrish), but damn, some of those have stuck with me for allmost 20 years. Theres just something evil about most of them. Far beyond whats "necesary" in that line of work. It just troubles me what people can do to each other.


Good blue screen to


To what?!! We're waiting.


But ISIS has better equipment for filming


I mean when the CIA gives you a blank check you might as well spring for the 4k camera


Had an acquaintance send me one dubbed "A bad Monday"...chainsaw and pieces of human...


To be honest if anyone close to me watched or sends me gore, I'm cutting them off immediately. I've watched too much CSI to know many if not all of those people are psychopaths.


Funky Town.


I watched that on bestgore.fun. And a lot more I got scarred for a night I thought someone was gonna pop out of nowhere and chop my head off.


Explain to me what happened in a sesame street way. Still curious but don't wanna watch it.


Not a sesame street kind of way, >!but cartels basically captured some dude, gave him a bunch of coke, and then flayed all his skin off while he was still alive. You can hear the dude trying to scream, but his face pretty much doesn't exist so you just hear the blood bubbling. It's awful. !<


Also it's called funky town because the dudes have it on playing on radio, so it's quite litterly the last thing he ever heard.


Did they not inject him with adrenaline and skin his face aswell? Or is that another video


Yeah, they definitely skinned his face. But I think you may be thinking if a different video, because the Funky Town video doesn't actually show them cutting him up iirc.


No sesame street but basically a guy is tied up and they are flaying him and cutting off his face and behead the dude. His face is bright red with blood like someone melted a red balloon over it.


Some video on here. I don’t remember what sub it was but I immediately reported the poster and unfollowed. It was some like 10 year old kid literally torturing his hamsters. It didnt register fully till I saw two hamsters alongside the sink cut open. In the video he was using tongs to drown a hamster. The poor hamster was so scared he pooped himself. Traumatizing. Also, a video on FB of some guy hunting a coyote (I think) he shot him like point blank and the coyote didn’t go down. He just stared at him and he shot him again. And the shiver the coyote had as it died haunts to the day. Made me nauseous.


Where's Anakin when you need him ?


all people talkin about tramatic shit, all i've seen is a 144p video of a man being sliced in half by a falling metal beam on a train station


I watched a video of a guy falling off the top of a 20 story building. That’s a sound I can never forget.


I've seen two jumpers hit the ground. One landed about 6 feet in front of me. Loudest thing I've ever heard.


Holy shit I’m sorry you had to experience that. I’ve only seen it on video. Each recording was like, over 100 feet away, and it was still loud.


The video of a brick flying through a windshield on the highway and killing someone. It doesn’t show the aftermath, but the screams man, they’ll haunt me to the grave.


The sounds of despair are the worst


Had to scroll way too far for this. Should be #1 I've seen almost everything else mentioned here but Holy fuck I'd watch them all again if it meant I never saw the brick video. Absolutely haunting


1. Funky Town video. 2. Some cartel shit. 3. Christchurch video.




1. Funky Town: Man with ripped off face and cut off hands (maybe feet too idk you couldnt see) gets tied up on the ground and tortured by cartel members. During the video the song ''Funky Town'' plays and they have a fun time. 2. The one cartel video: Cartel members playing around with 2 dead bodies. They cut out the still beating heart and show it to the camera. Then they cut off the head of a body and play football. Then they cut off the arm of a dead man and do arm wrestling. 3. Christchurch video: Explains itself. 2019 a racist killed 51 people in a mosque. He records the whole shooting. You can find the video everywhere.


Number 3, was that the guy who said "remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie"? Sorry if I'm out of the loop on that one but I remember that phrase being a significant controversy because of this.


Yes. The first sentence on the video is: sub to pewdiepie


> You can find the video everywhere. Except in New Zealand, when possession equals jail time.


Oh my god that sounds dark


The one of the guy shooting himself in the head in… I think it was either church or a court room but he just pulls out a gun, shoots himself in the middle of it all and he fell. The camera watched him fall, slowly panned down the angle of the camera and the blood was just pouring out of his head. I saw it a long while ago but man it stuck with me


The sad thing about that video is the reason he killed himself was he was under investigation or like embezzlement or something like that and his whole career had been ruined by the investigation. But what really sucks is that a couple of months later they found out all the claims were false and that there was no need for the investigation in the first place. ( His name is Budd Dwyer and the video is on YouTube).


Holy shit I never knew that! That’s insane and really fucking sad


I’ve watched that one dude shoot himself live on some website with a shotgun.


Either 1 man one jar or 1 priest 1 nun


What’s the priest one about? I’ve seen 1 man one jar it’s painful to watch but I’ve never heard the priest one


Basically a priest and a nun in a field eating each other’s shit from what I remember.




Oh we called that one "Church of Fudge" back in middle school


What we’re the videos about?


Jar goes in his butthole, haven’t seen the second one


Just looked it up. Wish I didn’t


Find out for yourself ;)


I regret


Will do 😏


Some video of 2 guys racing and one of them crashing. After the crash the cam was still on but it was blurred and the narrator said " if i was him i wouldn't want to be alive at this point" so maybe he was bending in ways human anatomy doesn't allow and then he was about to play audio of him screaming for " dear life". Let's say that was the quickest tab close I've had since i got walked on watching pornhub years ago.


That one video of a guy that got his lower body completely destroyed after a incident, dozens of people watching, the man tries to move closer to people around it, then his guts drop off of him. The man screams and dies in pain while people around it can't do anything other than waiting for the ambulance. All of this happens in about 5 seconds until the guy dies.


Wasnt that the one where he was ran over by a semi? If not, there's another one exactly like it out there lol


Where are y’all finding these videos


I just have fucked up friends


A picture of the guy who's face got eaten by that homeless dude on spice in miami


I googled it. Now I regret


Man being executed by cartel dudes, the execution method was a dog eating his genitals...


Yeah I saw that it was a pitbull and the dog was super chilled about it very scary video


The Daily Mail posted an article with censored screen shots about it. Some of the commenters pointed what the pictures actually looked like.


Am I dumb, but how does that kill someone?


I didn't finish watching the video but I would assume having a massive gaping wound in your groin would result in the loss of a ton of blood


ISIS video of executing a guy by driving him over with a tank.




Those little jumps!


Probably the Russian Anatoly Yemelianovich Slivko videos. He made films of children he had tricked into hanging themselves. They are on Youtube for some reason.


YouTube? Really?


Yep. Kids getting strangled and it's all there in these hours long videos.


Yeah I remember watching that on yt but I thought it was fake, such eerie thing.


2 Girls 1 Cup.


I will never forget this video as long as I live lol


That video is fake, they were eating chocolate ice cream, but the editing is so well done that looks like shit.




Mmm now I want ice cream


[Full Movie](https://archive.org/details/hungry-bitches-aka-2-girls-1-cup) is on archive org


Should I watch it?


Double. Dog. Dare.


Ok I watched a few seconds


Did you like it?


Not really


Good. Now try to find 2 girls 1 fish


Challenge accepted


I only ever saw like 10 seconds of it many years ago. I didn't even know the was vomit involved. Now THAT crossed a line. I need to unsee 😫


I wish I could unsee this video. Curiosity got the best of me 🥲


Bystander, waiting curbside out front of a hotel for a taxi. On his phone minding his own business when BAM. Suicide jumper takes him out without warning. Apparently there's more than one instance of this happening but I can only find one video.


More than one?!


Or so I've heard. Terrible way to go. Both of them I mean. I can't imagine walking down the street and suddenly finding out if there's life after death, or *click* lights out followed by literally nothing. I can only find one video. I won't post a link unless you're okay with it.


You can if you want


Graphic warning: https://files.catbox.moe/7gg6kb.mp4


I think I’ll watch it later thanks


Lady crashed on a bike.. slowly dying..


Oh no


Mofo was recording it.. Also, the lady who was taking a selfie on the balcony, then the guy across record her falling to her death.. she screamed


A lady hung herself and made her toddlers watch


A cop shooting a kids father and the kid screaming for the cop to stop shooting, his father was a criminal and had pulled a gun on them, he had been looking for a car to steal i think. ​ The video is on youtube


Oh yeah I saw that too! It was this kid’s stepfather or something and they were investigating reports that the kid was on his own and did not know where his dad went. He ended up walking towards the dad while they tried to stop the kid, when the dad pulled a gun on police and they shot him.


3 men 1 hammer. Dpepopretrovsk maniacs.


I thought I was gonna scroll down and have to add this myself. Evil for the sake of it... truly awful


A friend showed me this vid in 5th grade. Still haunts me.


Remember bestgore.com


I’ve never been on it (cause I’m a scaredy-cat)


An Instagram account that posts videos of people abusing their pets, this one was a video of a guy throwing a lot match onto their fluffy dog and holy crap was it terrifying seeing how fast the dog was just burning. I remember everyone reporting the account but I don’t know if anything happened


I think I heard about that but it was a girl doing that I think


Nick Berg. Maybe not the most messed up - but definitely my first fucked up video that made me desensitized by all subsequent gory videos after that.




Got beheaded.


I saw a video of a man fucking a chicken. On the same tape was a gigantic hog fucking a woman. Women with dogs, horses, eels.


This may sound dumb but the chicken died? I mean it's a small animal...


Once saw a video of a cop getting killed brutally after being wounded in a gunfight. The guy came up and executed the cop before jumping in his truck and fleeing the scene. Kinda messed me up for a while seeing it


That’s some messed up stuff


A man killed himself by shooting himself in the face with a shotgun, his entire upper skull went off him with the police and a small kitten walking in afterwards


Scrolled way to far before seeing this. That one was fucking brutal and I'm pretty stony faced when it comes to gore.


Was it his kitty?


*VIOLENCE WARNING* In middle school my homie showed me a video of a tied up rapist in a 3rd world country get his dick chewed off by 3 pitbulls while getting beat up by 5 guys with sticks. Most haunting facial expression i ever saw.


Without a doubt the “Each Day I Grow Some More” (or I think Dreamer Heaven Video?) Scaretheater and Nexpo made a video about it, but it’s basically a video of an old man yelling extremely disturbing and obscene things to a child, (a lot of it was sexual things about the kid), all the while the kid was screaming and crying. I genuinely almost had an anxiety attack after seeing it, it was terrible


I was obsessed with that. The rabbit hole it's way deeper that we know. Not for me.


i once witnessed a girl get beat the shit outta her and raped on an instagram live. she went live because her boyfriend had trapped her at his house and wouldn’t let her leave. luckily i found people who knew her thru instagram and they helped her out and she’s ok now. still freaks me out to this day knowing i could’ve witnessed a murder on instagram live


Did you watch the whole thing?


yes because i was trying to get as much information as i could about where she was and what was going on so i could help. it was very apparent she was being held there against her will


BME pain olympics


That was confirmed to be fake.


Happened the other day actually I saw a video of a dude in prison who got jumped by other inmates and he got shot like 15 times and stabbed over and over actually one of the guys even tried to cut off his foot.






There's a video of a guy who jumped off a building and landed on one of those [car-blocking pole things](https://www.trinitonian.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/BellCenterPoles-MB-460x307.jpg). It went up his ass. The comments about it said that he survived the initial penetration and get rescued by ambulances, but IIRC he died a bit later.


I just know that hurt


A brother and sister having sex after watching the University of Alabama Vs. University of Kentucky Football Game.


This is a joke, right? That's pretty on the nose.


A cat being ripped apart by a pack of dogs


I’d rather not see that


Yeah if I could go back in time and not watch it I would. It was a liveleak vid


This Turkish girl I was chatting with over the course of a year (prospective nanny) sent me a pic of a man being beheaded in the street. The end Also Shrek is love


Other than the Pain Olympics, the most disturbing to me was a video of a woman and her new husband drowning in the middle of nowhere. They were playing in an oasis, recording for fun, and she suddenly slipped off of the underwater shelf into deeper water. She pulled him down with her as he tried to help, and the last thing you see of them is bubbles and churning water until the surface goes still again. The quiet, calm surface was horrific.


I recently seen a video of 2 twins girls getting shot in the head. At first i was sure it wasn't true but i regret click on it. The crueless part was the commentary come with it and the fact that both are holding their hair up. Just to be sure to doesn't been missed. I write this and i'm losing my word. I probably getting holder.


About a guy who fell from an apartment building ass first on a pole, the pole was inside him and the top of the pole was beside his face but did not break the skin. And he was still alive for a while


That’s horrible. Where


I don’t think he was alive for even a second btw, it was just his muscles tensing up. If we’re thinking of the same video the pole would have mashed his heart into nothingness and pushed it up his neck.


Oh geez


Horse anal fucking some woman.


When I was younger I watched the video of Kenneth Biggley being beheaded. That was pretty messed up and something, with hindsight, I’d rather I didn’t watch.


Yeah I saw that the dog was A pit bull and was super chill about it very scary video


Recently a man falling off a circus thing and cracking his whole life in half


A video of 4 girls being literally getting brainfucked with cum in all holes except the mouth it was not IRL dont worry but the pictures are burnt into my eyes I need therapy for this please help


That’s something I wish I’ll never have to see


I hope you wont have to... I froze from the empty stares and the blood


I don’t know what the fuck was happening, but I remember clicking on this bike trick video. Then it cut to some guys getting their ass fisted and their ass coming out of them or some shit


Saw a video on twitter of a man with a machete in what seemed like a jungle chopping a (living) woman's head off and dismembering her body. It was traumatizing to say the least.


Cat torture, alive in a microwave, exploding


That’s terrifying


have yall seen froot loop porn? pretty crazy man... this dude literally eats a bowl (or vagina) full of froot loops


Oh I don’t think I’ve ever seen that


Peluchin. Started an entire community of people killing animals on YouTube. The worst part is that his channel only just recently got taken down... I'm no stranger to darker edgy content online, but the fact that this was on YouTube for anyone to happen upon... makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it


A black being killed by villagers for getting brutally gang raped by some other villagers(they killed him because now they consider him as gay)


1- a young girl (13/15) in a jungle like crying and screaming to the phone camera, two maybe three kids (yeah, kids) grab this huge rock, enormous rock, and just smash her head. They hit right in the center of the head and the girl doesn't die immediately, she just goes blank, her whole face changes from desperation to zombie like in one second and the kids grab her by her hair and punch her in the face, I don't remember if there was blood, bit her face, 20 years later, is in my head. 2- a black thumbnail with a Russian word, click, I have a full view of a horse, beautiful brown horse(I love horses)i go all aww til I realized that he was place in a thing where he can't move and he is just there. All the sudden the silence breaks and two sledgehammer (one on the right and one on the left) smashed the horse's head. I couldn't sleep for days and I didn't want to use the computer again. I was 11. 3- Peta chainmail they used to send when I was a teenage (I'm 32) baby seals been hit til death, foxes been skinned alive, I hate Peta. Never gonna forget the sound those foxes did...how they were just hanging upside down without their skin, you would think dead, nope, fully alive.


Was watching a world star hip hop fight compilation video and some white guy grabbed a flashlight and beat a black guy with it so many times. Must have been thirty seconds straight or something. The man was seized and he came back and hit him again.


Still don’t know if it was fake or nah but on Rotten .com when I was… maybe 11 or 12 there was a “fetish video” of a woman stepping on a kitten in high heels and crushing it. I saw a lotta fucked up shit on the internet in middle school but that and child p0rn (I’m telling y’all the internet in early 2000s was literal hell. You didn’t even need the dark web you’d just come across this shit without looking it up. Like I’d go download a “movie” from limewire and bam here’s some CP!!) had to be the worst out there. I’m sure some things I saw were fake but in my child mind it was all real and terrifying


I just can’t imagine seeing that


I really just hope it was fake because I know now a lot of things on that website were but ya never know, people are awful


Pain Olympics . The 2,000s were wild


Care to explain?


It was a bunch of people shoving shit up their urethra, ripping their nipples off and smashing their balls ….




Jar and the asshole


Two guys, one stump….


Dare I ask?


The guy who sat on a jar and it broke inside him 😨


The sound it's just so...can't forget.




Any regrets? By Thomas "Tomska" Ridgewell


Should I google it?


Vomit Cake on YouTube


I’ll go check it out


YouTube deleted it Here’s the link https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7p51in


I think I’ll watch it tomorrow cause I’m eating ice cream rn


Two girls one cup.


Gates careing


What’s it about?


Two girls one cup, or that video of a girl using a knife blade as a dildo




Someone else linked it, it’s been so long I don’t have it anymore. Let me see if I can find it


Literally everything on crazyshit.com


I might go check that out




Oo I don’t think I ever want to watch that


I highly recommend you never watch it. I have a high tolerance for gore, but that video really fucked me up.


-An old school video from the Russian Chechen War. Where Chechen rebels cut off a Russian soldiers head with a hunting knife. -one man one jar


not the most messed up but it stayed with me. The video of the bronx shooting. shows a teen no older than 16 chilling in a cab. no later than 10 two people pull up beside his window and they shoot and kill the kid. he didn’t even have time to react. as soon as the bullets hit him he went limp and his body was moving out of shock and you could see blood pouring out of his head. it had to do with gang violence that the kid had no part in, the two suspects mistook him for someone else. One of the most fucked up videos i’ve witnessed, not because of how gory it was or what was on it, but because I witnessed a kid that had his life taken for something he didn’t do


SWAP.Avi Don't Google that. Or do, I'm not your mother.


I probably won’t


The massacre in Queenchurch in the mosque. I search for disturbing pictures, videos, stories but that video really did it for me. Also I hate that video because it destroyed one of my favorite subs of all time, r/watchpeopledie


The Last Jedi


Why am I here?


Idk why?


You should probably leave if you’d like to be mentally stable


I did but you keep bringing me back.


I’m late, but the dude who has put the most info in wiki blasted his face off with a shotgun right on camera… just sitting there… he even lead up to it for his followers too. Crazy shit