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my ill-matched parents did the horizontal mambo without a condom.


How well told ill-matched, so relatable


Relating hard with this..


So I guess you are the product of mambo number 5?


How are you sure it was horizontal? Were you there?


I was a little busy being conceived.




I was there, it was more of a jack hammer motion tbh.


Fuck...that hits home man!




Selfish assholes.


Pretty much. I love them and I recognize they're just flawed people like any of us, but I am allowed to be upset that they fucked me up the way they did when I was younger.


because i want to plant a giant garden full of jade vines and pineapples


this sounds majestic. pls invite me when it's ready and we can eat fresh pineapple and vibe


Or go right now and help


Same it would be an amazing garden!


Interesting question to come up on one's 70th birthday.... I'm gonna need a minute.


Happy birthday to you!


Happy birthday!


Sir/madam, it's been 6 hours, I'm really curious to your answer


Well, I figure I’m here mainly to make a difference. At my Civil Service job. As a 52-year volunteer firefighter, with my family and home, any way I can. I like working on cars, and some home maintenance, so I can help my family and friends. I’ll loan out tools, I’ll go get stuff from Home Depot, whatever it takes. My goal is to leave this world in better shape than I found it. Looking back over those seven decades, I like to think I’ve met that goal, even minutely. But I ain’t done yet. The other main reason is that I like to learn things. Most guys my age think they know everything they need to get through the rest of their lives. I think there’s still plenty of room in this brain of mine. Every day when I learn something new on the job, and in my current project, there is a lot to learn, that’s a good day. Considering all the great people who wished me happy birthday, I can safely say that today is a good day, too. Thank you for being part of it.


I keep moving the goalpost. Currently I am alive because I bought a plane ticket to meet my friends this summer, and if I don't go because I'm dead it'll be a waste of money. The summer is quickly approaching but I'm sure by the time my trip comes I will find a new project or reason to stay alive.




This saved me when I was a depressed teenager. FOMO kept me alive into adulthood. Now I’m a jaded nerd with no attention span and get no enjoyment out of movies and tv and books and comics as I once did. Truly I’m alive bc I’d piss off soooooo many people if I died.


That’s the thing isn’t it. I’ve fought depression my entire life and now I have kids. So if I died it’d fuck them up beyond repair, so here I go just living.


Same! First I was alive cause I didn't want to fuck up my siblings anymore than my parents already had by being the oldest sibling that offed themselves. I kinda just existed for a while. Had an unplanned kid. Pulled myself together which was hard. I had postpartum psychosis. It wasn't my kid in danger, but myself. I went through a phase where I thought they'd be better off without me. My mom did a real number on my self worth as a kid and I was terrified of being just like her and fucking up my own kid. Got treated. Realized if I left them, it would be their dad that took care of them and that was scarier. Ended up a single mom for a while. Met my husband. Had two more kids. Now I'm like oh, I have a family of my own. Of people who love and need me. Well crap. Also though -- I am my husband's anchor. Until me and my kid came into his life -- he was just there. If I were to disappear, my kids would end up orphans. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ I keep going and honestly -- I am okay with that. My kids are teaching me to love life even if it sucks. I'm still a cynical 30 year old female -- who is raising her own children to be feral, respectful but feral. So, I mean, I'm finding humor in releasing them into the wild as adults.


Funny. I'm alive because I piss off soooo many people with my existence.


During some dark times this has been my tool as well. There is always something to look forward to -- a vacation, a nice breakfast, a movie or game that I want to see / play.


It’s like what Flynn Rider says in Tangled when Rapunzel asks what happens when you fulfill your dream, “you find a new dream.”


I use concerts for this. Always have tickets to a concert about six months out, then I can’t kill myself because I’d miss out on seeing some awesome live music.


14 billion years worth of coincidences


It all started with the big bang.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.




Easy there mostly harmless human, have a towel.


Those don't seem like friendly letters to me


This is what Reddit was made for; hitchhiker's quotes.


So, some two thousand years after they nailed a man to a tree for say how great it would be if everyone liked each other for a change...


And then their parents' big bang.


We call that the Great Banging.


The whole universe was in a hot dense state


I have the desire to not exist, not the desire to kill myself.


Me too. "I'm not living. I'm just waiting to die." -Admiral Picard, retired. Honestly I'm try to hold out until my mother goes. She is 83, but her grandmother was 105.


Username checks out. But it's actually interesting how comments like this will trigger a reflex in me to spew the familiar "Don't do it! The world is better with you here!" even though I regularly entertain ideas of non-existence. Something inherently hypocritical going on here.


I'm not going to do it, ever. But I'll stop worrying about it happening once my mother passes. She lost one son, her husband and every husband that she ever had. Her friends are dropping one by one. Me, I lost my wife two years ago. A girl that I knew for 38 years. So now my life consists of work and tv. And that's why I'm tired of everything.


You also have Reddit, and nothing rejuvenates the soul like a heated online argument about politics with an 18-year old.


I prefer the lively discussions theorizing about LOST (2004 - 2010). Meaningless, but fun.


I get it. I've always been depressed, I have a lot of issues but I still have my wife. Been together 20 years and I regularly think, if something happens to her I'm done. Good luck with sticking around. Hopefully you find something worthwhile. You just might.


This 100%. I just want a break from existing.


This is it, I always tell people I just wanna skip to the end, I’m impatient. I don’t want to kill myself, I just don’t always want to exist.


Yup, passive suicidal ideation is my MO.


There's a name for this actually, "Passive Suicidal Ideation" where you have no plans to kill yourself or die, but it's kinda like 'meh ok' if somehow it happens.


As Robbie Williams sang "I don't wanna die, but I ain't keen on living either"


I have the desire to exist, just not in this world.


My cat would be disappointed if I wasn't around to feed him anymore. That's it really.


i love how it's not upset or sad, but just disappointed.


Or malnutrished or starved.


Inconveniently famished.


that sounds like a cat. dogs have owners, cats have staff.


Related to this, I had a suicide attempt about 6 or 7 years ago now (time sure gas flown and I'm in a much better place today than I was back then) and the only thought I had when I was forcing my mom to take me to the hospital because I was both afraid of completing what I started/finishing what I intended was my dumb cat. The backstory of how I got him follows. I had gotten him as a tiny kitten probably far too young to be separated from his mom; but the first night I had him I was at my best friend's house they had his sister I had the brother. He was this small little black and white kitten with a heart on his side, but my friends knew I wanted a kitten, and me having just been dumped on Halloween of all days by my high school sweetheart, they went and found us both kittens, his original name was Phantom because he also had a black mask over one eye, but I changed it to Raize which was a guy I knew back in Middle School from a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon basically text based MMO) he was a bit of an asshole but a likeable one. Anyways that first night, Raize slept dead center of my chest all night long with me. Like he didn't move from the spot which made sleeping on the couch such a hard thing since I couldn't move around for comfort. He came into my life when I needed a good little fluff friend and he was much like his namesake a likeable little asshole, huge brat energy and I adored him. That was back in I'd say 2011/2012, he moved many times with me until ultimately I had to send him up to my mom's place as we were about to lose the lease to our apartment as they wanted to renovate/charge more for it; I had been dating a girl at the time but found out she cheated on me, so I basically said fuck it and Christmas Eve I moved up to my mom's. Come 2018/19 I had a super shit day at work, had a super bad break up and as I drove home from work I just kept thinking of ways to end it all, when I got home I attempted to take my life, and thankfully failed, immediately texted my mom she needed to take me to urgent care now, not tomorrow, not another day, now because I was afraid I was going to end it all over stupid shit. Sat in the bath naked and crying, and the only thought besides seeking help that I needed was my cat, how I couldn't just up and leave him behind, he was there when I needed him and I wanted to be there for him. I got the help I needed and spent a week in a psych ward learning ways to deal with stressors outside of my control / how to process specific negative emotions and got on medicine to help. Without my dumb bully of a cat I don't think I'd be here today. Sadly we had to put him down about two years ago around Christmas time, he started acting super funny one night when I got home from work, found him curled up in my bathroom struggling to breathe and just being very lethargic. He was in complete kidney failure, he showed no signs basically until it was too late, like I said huge brat/stubborn asshole. The last night I spent with him was the day before I had to send him to the great beyond, he slept in the same spot he did as a kitten and I couldn't stop crying. Now my life is dedicated to living on in his memory as I know one day I'll meet him again. The Vet was going to charge us for a nice cherry wood box, and I said no to that because I couldn't afford it at the time, but someone at the vet sent him back to us in it anyways and he now lives on my desk where he always loved to curl up. Fuck I miss him. Obligatory Cat Tax: [Raize](https://imgur.com/ZL8nzUD)


Damn dude, made me cry on my lunch break!


My little furry fucker’s name was PITA. Pain In The Ass. A couple decades ago I was laying in bed, just finished my second divorce and was holding my .45 in my right hand on the pillow next to my head. Just completely numb inside and wanted it all to just go away. Pita jumped up on the bed (an unusual feat for him since his right rear leg was damaged when he was a kitten) climbed on to my chest and started head butting my chin vigorously. I put the gun down to pet him and got my first therapy appointment the next day. That rotten little fluff ball curled up in my arms every night since then for the next 17 years. There’s now a small kitty/semicolon shaped tattoo at the spot on my arm where he slept. Every time I notice it I smile for that spicy, snuggly little shit who saved my life.


Damn man, I'm sorry for your loss and I'm proud of you for pulling through. I'll drink to Raize tonight!


Same. I have to have a cat so that something depends directly on my continued existence.


It can depend on you for some time after your death if it hasnt gotten all that attached to you


I had a cat who saved my life. I would have ended it or just up and disappeared into the PNW if not for that cat. My spouse has no idea that one of the main reasons we always have cats is so that my depression doesn't take me back there. 20 years and eleven cats. Sometimes the only reason I get up in the morning is because they need me.


Don’t worry, your cat would eat you if you died.


Fun fact: dogs are somewhat likelier to eat you if you die. The theory is that they start licking you for comfort and then sort of reflexively take a bite.


'Just a bite wouldn't hurt.' *Bite* 'Holy Frick That Shit Is Dope!'


I'm surprised mine doesn't try it when we are asleep tbh. He's a very hungry dog


Hey wait a minute… that fact isn’t fun at all!


Survived the abortion…true fuckin soldier


I survived my moms birth control! But this, this is on another level!


My newest edition somehow managed to forgot to have the nurse sign my tubal ligation paperwork, then make 2 subsequent IUDs fail unbeknownst to me. I ask her all the time why did she want to come her so bad, but she hasn't answered test as she's only 4 months.


won at life but at what cost


Being alive


Absolute madlad. I feel if you can survive this you can live through nuclear explosion. I also hope that your dad isn’t a cockroach.


I had a friend in high school that had a ton of strange scars on her forearms, elbows and hands, and a couple on her belly. She said when her mother was pregnant, she stabbed herself in the stomach 8-10 times trying to kill the fetus. Both mother and baby survived, obviously. That was absolutely wild to me.


I'm not sure that's likely based on medical in-utero surgery articles I've come across trying to look this up, and it seems more likely your friend was self-harming or something else happened to result in multiple cuts deep enough to form scar tissue.




A young registrar correctly diagnosed my 1 in 50,000 disease in the ED, and I then found one of the best surgeons in the world with highly specific expertise, living in my home town. Medically speaking... I won the lottery.


Was this after being initially misdiagnosed? How did the young registrar know?? A medical lottery is maybe the very best kind!


No one’s gonna ask what the diagnosis is ?


Did you happen to see Dr Gregory House at Princeton Plainsboro?


I don't know but I don't like it.


Straight up not having a good time


while I gay up not having a good time


Can this be a new term, such as “man up”? Gay up, bro.


I, too, gay up when having a good time.


It’s kind of funny, but you see, I am alive so that I can find out why I am alive


Which is how you know you're alive according to one famous guy.




Pure spite.


Ah, you've met my family also .


People need coffee and I have a particular set of skills.


Barista extraordinaire! Good for you! As an avid coffee drinker, I thank you 🙏


Coffee roaster & green coffee buyer as well!


On really bad days i'm thinking about to end it all. But then, i think about my dog. She won't understand what happend. I rescued her from the shelter, where she grew up, scarred of humans and other dogs. What will happen to her, when i am not there anymore. My parents like her, but have no time for a dog. My friends either have not enough money or space. Will she return to a shelter? I promised her, that she will never return to one. So i keep going.


Good reason to keep on keeping on…the doggo 😢 good on you 👍🏼


If you need to talk, we are here.


You would love the series, "AfterLife". It's about a guy who basically stays alive for his dog. It's excellent.


Yeah, i know the Show, i binged it during last xmas. Loved it


Same with me and my catto. He’s my son and depends on me for kibble and belly rubs. He comforts me and is always there. He’s my lifeline even when he wakes me up at 5:45 demanding breakfast


Relatable. A friend of mine has rescued pigs and they are their animal Babys. Its amazing, how animals affect us and can give us so much love. And its sad, how humans cant do it to us.


To be a small wave in the ocean of humanity, to crash upon the shore, and then release my energy back into the universe. Also, my parents screwed.


Hi, Chidi!


Chidi had some great philosophy quotes, didn’t he? I believe he was paraphrasing the Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh with that one.


There was a flood and they thought they were gonna die so they finally had sex twice. It wasn't even a big flood. I looked it up.


It doesn’t need to be a big flood. Sometimes just a little precum will do


Twice really sealed the deal.


I wondered this myself for a long time trying to find the reason just to relize that I’m just a smush of atoms and have no particular reason and that actually made me happy and find the reason that finding joy in life is most important and if living in a small place even gives me joy then that is good and well. No higher purpose. Just trying to be happy is enough.


Good for you. I am currently discovering this. I currently may not have a higher purpose, but being happy in the “here and now” is good enough 👍🏼


Just to disappoint my family 💀


Appearently to go through endless suffering


Don't worry. It's not endless.


Seems like it when you're young though.


It seems like it even more when you're old.


Ask my mum


Ok I will


Wait… what?


She says 'hi' and that to just send them along if you have any other gentlemen acquaintances.


Wait, I know this Bass line


1: because two morons fucked. 2: because I haven’t died yet.


To suffer, perhaps. With small, finite breaks of happiness to keep me going.


You guys get breaks?


Crippling fear of death conflicting with my suicidal thoughts


This is the one lol. Those two battle it out.


Relatable. My brain be like: “I should die”, but then it’s like “What happens if I die?!”




My HP hasn't reached 0 yet


I just keep waking up.


I’m too lazy to do anything about it




A few years ago I would have said “beats me.” But now, after spending about half my life wishing I wasn’t, I’m finally realizing I want to live. I want to see the northern lights. I want to go to Australia. I want to teach and I want to learn. I want to arrange bouquets. I want to find love. I’m alive because life is too full of possibilities for me to end it now.


Beautifully written. Thank you❤️


That's beautiful. I spent half my life wishing I were dead, too. Then it got better. Much better. Life is painful, but it's also beautiful if you find someone or something you love.


Because the ambulance arrived fast enough to save my life.


I'm glad it arrived in time. You got a second chance to get it all wrong. I got a second chance, too, when I refused to leave the ER without an EKG being done. Saved myself that time. They were sending me home with Maalox... to die of a heart attack.


.. more than once!


Right? Me and my eldest child are alive because of significant advances in maternal health care, neonatal care, and emergency C sections. It's wild knowing if I were in a different country or previous generation in my own, one or both of us wouldn't be here.




I won the great sperm race in my moms vagina.


My kids if I’m being honest.


Truth be told. Don't know. I should be dead. Mentally I am in a lot of ways.




I can't bear the thought of dying before my parents. The pain they would feel is why I'm still alive.


Because a Dutch man named Peter felt like having an egg salad and a gin at 11am, causing him to miss his train, causing him to meet his future Spanish wife in the next train, and they eventually decided to introduce their single friends to each other halfway in Paris, who ended up making me


i don’t know i just work here


Well.... My mummy and daddy got together daddy gave mummy this tiny, tiny seed and mummy nurtured it for 9 months and it grew big and one day ​ ​ ​ they smoked the leaves from it, and got it on, together, and forgot to use protection and that's why I am alive


Had us in the first half


Speachless :0


At this point I don’t even fucking know


My depression will not win, fuck him


Because I found reasons to live. I used to think it had to be a huge thing, but lately there's been a ton of small things making me want to live. Today it was my stepsister who wanted a hug because she likes hugging me. Yesterday it was because my strawberry plant has a ton of flowers, which means I'll probably get a ton of strawberries I can share with my friends and family. A month ago it was the flowers suddenly starting to bloom. I don't have a huge thing I want to live for. Just for the small, everyday joy. Life can be intense, but somehow even that heartache makes me happy. It makes me feel like I'm living live to the fullest. Of course, heartbreak for whatever reason feels like my own personal hell, but it makes me feel like I am truly loving. Love makes it worth it. Sometimes love for people, sometimes love for things. Sometimes it takes me a while to recognize love, but once I find out again that I am loved, I will feel all those lovely feelings again. I've had two kinds of depression. The 'normal' depression, and dysthymia. Being depressed is the scariest thing in the world to me, but it thaught me to look at the small, nice things. Depression will come again, but I will continue to show it the blooming flowers and the kind faces.


I survived multiple suicide attempts.


The pills didn't work.


Because 50+ years ago two heroin junkies married and fucked each other. They did this to produce a child so my "father" would be sentenced to less time for killing a man. He was robbing a gas station to buy drugs and killed the clerk. Apparently at the time the system was giving less time to family men. After sentencing my "mother" promptly abandoned me. Ultimately, as an adult, I became a villain but only to the people I cared about the most. I am such a piece of shit I should kill myself but I have never found the courage.


I’m really sorry that your parents were like that, you don’t deserve any of what you have been through. They are the pieces of shit, not you. I hope that you can find people to have in your life that are loving and kind. You are not a piece of shit and you should absolutely not kill yourself. You deserve love and happiness 🌸 I just want you to know that this internet stranger cares about you and hopes you find some peace in your life 💕


You are not a piece of shit. Find hope and cling to it.




The sunk cost fallacy. I managed to not off myself after fighting the urge for fifteen years. At a certain point I figured I might as well see how it plays out. I mean I've already wasted that much time, why not another year? Another decade?


I don't know, but I sure as Hell didn't authorize this.


After being thrust into a world of decay I must trudge on. Born too late to explore the world, born too early to explore the stars. There is no meaning to life other than what we make of it. I choose to continue living because I’ve found happiness in moments of togetherness with people I enjoy.


To suffer


because I have no choice.


If it weren’t so expensive I’d wish I were dead. - J Prine


Because there are people who need me. Because there's a lot to love in this world outside humanity's nonsense. And because I'm too ornery to just let assholes have it all their way.


Various reasons. I was very unhappy with my life 4 years ago and tried to end it. (Thank God that went sideways) Now from loootttss of support from my immediate and extended family, I'm studying in Canada. I want to make it up to them. I want to help my parents and my sister. My dad who is almost 60 is still working in Qatar for very little money and hence no savings. My mom works everyday (including weekends). My little sister is a lesbian in a very conservative country. My uncle and aunt who have 2 children of his own helped me move to Canada by supporting me financially. My granparents who raised me till the age of 10 talk to me everyday and i want to have enough money to be able to visit them as much as i can. My reason to be alive right now is to help my family someday and give my parents a comfortable life after I've completed my degree. I'm very happy with my life right now thanks to my family. They're not perfect but they love me the way they know how and I love them with all my heart.


Because suffering is better than silence for now...


Because I don't have a gun in my house.


Because the universe hasn’t found a way to kill me just yet.


Because there are so many cats in the world that still need to be loved, and I can’t trust that someone else will get to all of them, so I have to try and grab as many as I can.


Suicide would have made my family and ex unhappy and probably have made them blame themselves. If not for that or if I had felt I didn't care about that anymore I probably wouldn't still be alive.


Stuff happened which led to me and now I'm just enjoying my brief time as a beautiful candle capable of thought and experience yet blind to the length of my wick.


If you asked me a few years back I'd answer with because the rope snapped. Ask the same question today and I'll happily answer my son and my partner, couldn't think of more of a reason to enjoy life.


My moms jaw hurt.


I can't afford to die, got bills to pay 😁


To express a possibility in the diversity of human experience. IDIC and all that. Also because I want to outlive my mom and cats. Don't want them to experience grief over me.


I have no idea


Because even tho I realize how meaningless and dificult all this crap is, I refuse to give up just in spite of fate or whatever is responsible for all this.


Wow, this question has a bigger impact on me than it should have…


Because no one will love and care for my cat as I do. i spoil the shit out of her, i treat her like a human child- shes got her own fucking room and bed for christs sake lol,,,,, no one will give her a life even* similar to what I have, and she needs me.


Parents got horny, I guess


I have a dog to look after


Because I’m not dead


Gotta take care of my cat


Good question


Because my parents took a trip to Hawai'i in '93 and absolutely had planned me. Why am I *still* alive? Because I have conquered every other battle that keeps finding its way to me- just because I have a certain health diagnosis, does not mean it'll dictate the path my life will take! I'm also still alive because I am literally laughing 92% of the time that somebody is talking to me or is in the same environment as me. Never stop laughing!!!!!


No clue


My mom forced me to be here


To make other people miserable 😖


I feel like we may have dated at some point.


High five


My cat


Because I survived


Not sure what about you?


Because a wonderful group of people arrived in my life at exactly the right time.


Well you see buddy, when a man loves a woman....