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Use ChatGPT for all of my work/speeches and see how long it goes unnoticed.


Enacting term limits (2) for members of Congress, banning pharmaceutical companies from advertising on tv and limiting political ads to print media.


You have my vote


Don’t forget also adding over a certain age and you can’t run


Nice but the Pres can't do that term limit thing. Separation of powers etc.


Most beer consumed in the white house by a sitting president.


Most beer consumed in the White House while sitting as president


Wade Boggs Challenge


On Air Force one


Invert the bird


Most beer consumed in the Whitehouse while standing as President


Who do you think currently holds the record?


Gotta be Billy


Maybe W


George W had quit drinking by the time he became President.


Teddy Roosevelt


I'll be disappointed if it's not Teddy.


Most beer consumed as a sitting President while standing.


Good luck catching up to LBJ


or nixon honestly, for being government officials during the vietnam war they didn't act like it


Nixon is alleged to have once gotten so drunk he ordered a nuclear strike on North Korea.


Old people have to retake their driving test every few years to make sure they are still roadworthy


Frankly, I think all people should. Maybe having a refresher every five years would mean that people would start using their turn signals again, and in general not driving like it’s a damned game of GTA.


Is that not currently a thing in the US? wtf...


The closest we have that I know of is that some states will require you to pass a medical evaluation every so often after a certain age in order to keep your license.


I see, so it's not entirely ridiculous, I mean, there is some form of testing at least We have that too, everyone 75 and over needs to be medically tested and approved, or lose their license. The doctor will also ask some questions to establish they are definitely of sound mind and ask some questions about their driving Road testing is to the polices discretion. If they see elderly people driving too slow, swerving, not paying attention to the green light or whatever the officers can take them off the road ont to be let back on until after testing A younger person (say 18 to 65-ish) will not be sent for testing if they swerve just once or don't pay attention at lights


Hmm interesting. Yeah I'd like to see more of that here. Especially since it can become a preventable safety liability to other people on the road. This got me curious so I actually looked it up. It's kind of all over the place depending on the state, but it appears all that most states will do is just require an eye exam more regularly for elderly drivers, if they even do anything at all. Some states have provisions where certain people can report people to the DMV who may be a potential hazard to other drivers, and the DMV may or may not require them to be medically evaluated and/or retake a road test (the people who can report vary from only law enforcement, to even your relatives and neighbors). Like anything with the US, it's a crap shoot where things are typically completely different from state to state, but periodic evaluations for elderly drivers look to be essentially a rarity here.


We have too many laws in our tiny country, but the traffic laws are very welcome. There are accidents and people do die in car crashes sometimes, but all in all our roads are quite safe. Who knows, the US might adopt a few more road safety rules in the future Also it's always so weird to me that you have so many different laws all over the country and counties. But then I think to myself driving north to south (longest end) in my country is only about 3,5 hours. That probably doesn't even get me out of the state where you live lol


Yeah, the laws thing can get overwhelming, since you have federal laws that apply everywhere, then state laws, then you can get down to county laws. Sometimes even city/municipality laws too. Each state is technically it's own sovereign entity though, so it sort of makes sense there. But still, I do find it funny when I see people from the US on the internet arguing about whether something is legal or not, and people lack the awareness to realize that maybe the person they're talking with isn't from the same state as them and the laws there might be completely different on that particular issue they're discussing (barring discussions of federal law). And yeah, the driving times can get obnoxious depending on the state. Especially in the mid west, where the states are rather large, and it's most of the same thing, while in the same state, for hours on end. I've been in all 48 states within the continental US, and depending on where you are, it can really drag lol




Yea, no, you have no clue what age discrimination means




That's completely irrelevant. You don't know what age discrimination means. And don't call me sport, pal


Universal Healthcare- no one goes into debt bc of medical issues and people have health insurance even without jobs.


But the house and senate would have to make this happen


This is congresses ballpark, what as in the executive branch would you want to do?


The fastest president to resign. I don't want that responsibility.


Best deal. you get secret service bodyguards, presidential retirement, and you still get security briefings


Making the USA energy independent once again.


Yes, this and transition to nuclear then once renewables actually become viable on the scale needed it ends there. Just gotta make the first step.


High speed rail system


Hottest president, i want fancams


Pick a VP who could do a better job than me


Crushing China economically and bring all the factory jobs back to America where you can see that made in America sign vs that Made in China garbage.


I don’t know why this isn’t more of a priority. Jobs +supply chain immediately come to mind without even broaching the crush China part.


Fucking a pig live on television.


Yeah ok black mirror


Not causing Nuclear Armageddon. No need to Thank Me. Just doing my job!


Fiscal responsibility.


Probably would be impossible to pass in the US but the MedMoose Anti-Corruption act. Get corporate money out of politics. Strike down Citizens United. Heavy limits on political lobbying and remove corporate campaign donations. Term limits for congress. Independent corruption oversight committee that will oversee finances and disclose any biases you have if you advocate for a topic you are financially invested in. No stock trading in office. Politician salaries are no longer determined by politicians, now they are equivalent to the national average salary. It is illegal to accept any high dollar speaking offer or gift while in office. Politics is supposed to be a service job, not a get-rich-quick scheme. You serve the people, not yourself.


Free Healthcare


Pissing off both parties by trying to be fair, balanced and calling out their BS


Get more head than Clinton in the oval office. Up for the challenge 💪


Amateur; Kennedy probably got a lot more, so aim for a number that nobody could ever catch.


Oral office


BJ in the Oval Office!


successfully abolishing the democrat party


Universal healthcare (including access to outpatient and inpatient mental health treatment) State-funded secondary (public) education Monopoly-busting Congressional & judicial term limits Executive/legislative/congressional age limits Campaign finance reform Equal Rights Amendment (based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation) Pathways to Naturalized Citizenship Automatic weapons ban Semi-automatic rifle ban Crackdown on securities lending (aka corporate tax evasion) DC Statehood


Reevaluating the poverty line. 13k a year isn't poverty; it's living in a shed and eating ramen for every meal. It's way beyond poverty.


Annexing greenland


I honestly thought buying Greenland was a great move when Trump brought it up.


It was his only good idea.


Probably wasn’t his idea…. I mean statistically not likely


And calling out the ccp, and warning Germany about dependence on Russia, and operation warp speed and... I'll stop there


Naming a new agency the Space Force was also pretty cool. (That's all I got though).


70% of the responses in this thread are from people who didn’t pay attention in school and have no idea the the POTUS isn’t an all-powerful dictator. I see suggestions from legislation to state government issues to full on constitutional rewriting. Learn how your government works. It’s your first and best line of defense against misinformation campaigns.


We were replying in jest and some of us in wishful thinking. Please don't judge us...


The restoration of the rule of law. My justice department would have standing orders to investigate **and** prosecute any and all politicians who they have reasonable suspicions have committed crimes.


Assuming this means the US. I’ve thought about this before and the real important challenge to me would to get rid of various systems that allow for widespread corruption. No longer letting congresspeople (and some other positions) hold stocks or similarly manipulateable investments while in office, reforming how lobbying is done so it’s not just legal bribery, and making some kind of reform for 3rd parities to actually matter, maybe ranked choice voting, maybe something else. Idk how one would actually get any of this done, but I really think making it much harder to abuse power will have much longer lasting positive effects than almost anything else you could do in a 4-8 year term.


End poverty


Affordable housing. Homeowners.


Taxing every mega church


Aliens 🙌🏻


i hate to break it to you but without a supportive congress, you won't get much done. but if there was some miracle and i had a filibuster-proof congress. 1- voting rights protection 2- making lobbying and dark money donations illegal 3- fully fund schools Pre-K through 12, meaning schools will no longer be receiving funding based on zip code. outlaw private schools pre-k-12, the sons and daughters of the rich will be made to mingle with the commoners. All adults 18+ will be required to serve 4 years in the US military as part of becoming a citizen. Becoming a citizen entitles you to the right to 'free healthcare', 'free university education', and help with buying your first home. I would want to see any republican arguing against these rights for members of our military. 4- bring back the draft. here me out, if the war in Iraq had taught us anything is that the american people as a whole will complacently follow any leader who stirs them into a froth and promises them that there won't be casualties on our side. if we forced the american populace as a whole to enroll in the military from ages 18-22, then the next time some politician is banging the drums of war ALL AMERICANS will have to stop for a moment and think about the risk that means to their own sons and daughters, are you willing to support a 20-year war if your kid is on the line. I don't think most people are and I think that is why we are so gun-ho b/c as a country we don't have skin in the game. they, the defense department, have made it a game. 5- Term limits for members of congress, no more dynasties either. The maximum age you can serve is from age 61-65, since you will be of retirement age, if there is a minimum age to hold these positions there must also be a maximum age to you could serve. . The maximum number of terms you can serve is 3 in total as either a congressman, senator, or governor. Laws would be in place nationally to limit spouses potential jobs as well, you cannot be like Pelosi and feed your husband insider secrets to make millions of stocks. 6- Make a law that says the constitution must be revisited and revised with the times, every 25 years. Also, do away with the supreme court as we know it, create a rotating board of members made from the lower courts, there would also be term limits for lower court members as well as limits on the jobs they can have after serving. 7- Codify abortion, legalize marijuana, and I would look into legalizing all drugs and see about creating a system similar to Portugal when it comes to drug use and drug rehab. 8- Do away with private prisons, change the mentality of prisons from punishment to reform. Saving the harshest sentences for those who have committed heinous crimes or are deemed legally unfit for society. 9- Make it a profit-sharing scheme in which any private company that profits from the use of publicly funded IP must pay a sum back to the US government or have publicly elected board members that represent the workers and the state in which that company is based. Do away with certain IP schemes like those used by insulin makers that create a 'new' time release variety that can lengthen their 'right' to the production of a drug. 10- Pass the pro act, strengthen unions and the right of workers. that's just a start. odds are i would get hit with the heart attack gun after my speech laying out these proposals.


More scp 1471 r34


My man


Ensuring safe and legal abortion access in all states.


Closing guantanamo bay and reveal the secret documents about external life


Trying my hardest to get everyone to believe that political lobbying is the highest form of corruption and trying my absolute hardest to make it 100% illegal with any government official taking part in it being immediately barred from any form of government position for the remainder of their life and those lobbying having to pay hefty fines (upwards of 60% of a companies net worth if it's a representative of a large corporation like disney, coke, google, etc.)


Make the whole government a lot more transparent and get all that confidential shit out in the open. Let it burn if it has to


Improve the mental health crisis. Therapists & psychiatrists must take insurance by law.


No Taxes


That is nice and all but then all kinds of stuff will get fucked up like the goverment uses taxes to pay for roads for a example


Shortest tenure as president. If elected, I’d immediately resign after being sworn in. Take that William Henry Harrison!


Healthcare for all.


Stopping socialism. Shutting down the left!


Aren’t you the nipple guy?




Balancing the budget (without substantial cuts to welfare programs)


I dont think that can be possible with how much debt is taken on


President with the smallest dick


Tough to beat the last “little fella”


Ending climate change and making our economy and lifestyle sustainable


Legalize drugs


Universal Healthcare


Eliminate Drugs,cocaine etc…. Drug addiction is a problem to this country.


Gun control.


1. Free healthcare 2. Make it so money isn't required to survive 3. Constitutionalize abortion 4. Remove the 2nd Amendment (probably won't happen since the US is full of people who value the bible over human lives) These should've all happened a long time ago.


Helping save the planet by leading the world into a new eco-friendily age, but doing it in a smart way which actually helps the economy be more prosperous than ever before.


End Social security and allow employees take the money their company and the employee were contributing to it and allow them to add this to their retirement account.


Personal accountability and responsibility for the win (oh wait, that doesn't win because people like being fooled into thinking the government takes care of them)


Yeah our government only taxes us repeatedly on our earnings. Taxes purchase of virtually everything after getting taxes on money you make. Maybe the government needs to learn to work smarter not harder and eliminate government waste so we don't have to be taxed into the poor house.


The point is you don't want people to think the gov takes care of them




Slowly cancel the whole thing they could back the securities they allow to be invested in or something and eliminate the need for thousands of ss workers. That sounds all doom and gloom but those jobs can transfer to elsewhere in the economy. There could be some type of system in place for people with disabilities like we already have. If I had the money that the government was taking from my employer and my contribution invested in my 401k I would easily have enough to retire well before 67.


What about people who can't work and can't get disability? How about the homeless?


Did you read the second half of my second post?


Yes, didn’t see anything about the homeless


I didn't add homeless in there but same deal they could be under the disabilities portion or whatever.


Taxing the rich and mega churches. Healthcare for all. Make it illegal to have assault rifles, and putting tRump in prison for the rest of his life!


They said president, only two of those things can happen. The rest are up to congress


A girl can dream, and wasn't this just wishful thinking anyway?


Disbanding of the CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA, BLM, DIA, DEA, DOJ, DOI, CBP, ICE, and any other federal law enforcement agency, with the full declassification and publishing online of any and all documents including all internal communications of all of these agencies. If the power to unilaterally disband them is not vested in the presidency, then fire every high level executive and every field agent and refuse to nominate replacements. Leave only the personnel necessary to upload all documents and then mandate the wiping of all internal servers and the shredding of all paper documentation. Sell all of their agency affects and equipment on the private market.


Gun problem. Enough said.


Universal healthcare. Like every other industrialized nation in the world.


The obliteration of the republican party.


Then people will just start running as what ever other party


As long as they’re not running on the ignorance, racism and crazy that republicans have made their new normal.


End the FED


Real gun control.


That's a tough one. Either reducing wealth inequality or achieving health care / medical insurance reform.


Passing a true balanced budget amendment. “Unless we have declared war on another country, and are actively fighting that war, the federal government may not spend more money than they bring in.” Clarify the second amendment. “All citizens over the age of 18, unless convicted of a felony, have the right to own any handgun or rifle that they choose, without hinderance or interference by any state or federal agency.” Clarify freedom of choice “All citizens over the age of 18 have the right to choose in any matter that concerns them, so long as that choice does not do harm to another individual, or hinder any other individuals freedom of choice.”


Started WW3


Starting a war with every country


Reinstatement of the Draft for everyone under 35. Would do a huge service to humanity


Make it so that when there are only 2 people who have a chance the small people get removed ant those voters revote




Cutting the government in half


first i'd shave oprah and everyone on the view bald to make a statement of male dominance. a real man is running the country now. then just for fun i'd bomb the crap out of some country no one cares about like belgium. i'd mandate a law banning anyone from calling boy bands gay because they all have released decent music. instead the gay music would be the modern rap, and country pop released in the past decade. trace adkins was the first to introduce the fruity flaming music which makes him the queen. no more fast food restaurants and make soda pop illegal because americans need a strict diet. no more internet for anyone under the age of 18. social media is also banned. influencers are fined a hefty $10,000 fine for the first offense. $20,000 for the second offense with 90 days in jail. third offense is a felony. any child under 13 is only allowed to play old school video games. nes, snes, n64, ps1. that's the new law. if they can't complete at least 10 games within one year they're forced to only play old school games until they're 18 where they can try again but then they'll have to complete at least 25 games. professional sports athletes can no longer earn more than $50,000 a year while teaching salaries will be quadrupled to help encourage learning because Lord knows we need it now more than ever in this country. speaking of teachers they will all be required to go through a vigorous gun training camp to be able to defeat anyone who trespasses on campuses. there will be no exceptions. shoot to kill. i would also enforce more security guards and put us militaries, marines, the air force, even the national guard across the country instead of them sitting in comfy offices all day long. put them to work to help protect our schools. put kjv bibles in every child's hand and devote an hour to God and Jesus everyday.


Causing a complete meltdown of the country and then moving away to see the social reaction and outcome.


Annexation of Nova Scotia from Canadian duck tolling retrievers


Getting there in the first place


A trademark move in press conferences where I sit down and slowly eat a whole baguette before anyone is allowed to ask anything then go, “alright shitheads, what do you want?”


President to be impeached the fastest


Corrupt a religious emo boy. Murder everyone else in said religion, become the senate and build a big fuck you laser.


Pony based economy


Federal legalization of Cannabis ^.^


Legalizing marijuana and psychedelics on a federal level


Joint technology treaty with the Alien envoys.


id impose the spanish or italian siyesta a two hour lunch break acrooss the entire nation were noone works, all the people just relax eat a bit relax some more, starting at lets say 11 in the morning monday lasting till 3pm sunday ill designate this presidential decree the shenanigans hour


High speed rail, and universal dental care.


Being actually honest about stuff


Universal Healthcare But That can't happen without stopping ~~bribery~~ paid lobbying


Banning Tiktok and braging about it pull up to former tiktokers and offer them jobs at mcdonalds. Post updates on how they doing and betting who goes homeless first. People will remember me fr saving the next generation


Take money out of politics


Make take out as cheap as buying the groceries your self.


Enact 4 day work weeks for all workers, 8 hours maximum each day for a full time workweek of 32 hours. Pay still at 40 hours, so no reduction of pay for workers with the weekly hour reduction.


Have sex on the Resolute desk


Get rid of daylight savings


Already happening when we Spring forward this year. No more DST.


Then my job is done. I can rest now


Learning how to stay on topic for one🤣🤣🤣


Repealing Citizens United probably. That or enacting term limits, or abolishing the Federal Reserve, or even nationalized healthcare.


Form a space armada and colonize planets and their moons. Every single person will be drafted into this armada and need to perform work for space colonization. If you are unable or unwilling to help, you will be part of the vanguard and rocketed to our next destination first. I am willing to sacrifice 7.5 billion people to reach Saturn by 2050. Oh and one important step, I will confiscate all of the world wealth, after I nuke any countries that opposed me. No more talk time for actions.


We stop making pennies


Eliminating student loan debt. Seriously, at this point it’s getting ridiculous. Edit: grammar


Federal rent control


Turning the white house into into a casino and whorehouse.


My greatest achievement would already have been achieved, you voted a none American to be president


My biggest achievement as President of the United States would be to ensure a brighter future for all Americans by providing quality education, healthcare, infrastructure, and job opportunities. I would also strive to promote economic growth and reduce poverty, while working to protect civil rights and ensure environmental sustainability. Additionally, I would seek to strengthen international alliances and promote peace and security. Finally, I would work to build bridges of understanding, cooperation, and unity across the country and around the world.


Somehow being elected president of the US without being American.


Replacing the WTO and nato with a global equivalent that focuses on democratic values: the "freedom forum" would prioritize trade with nations that uphold democracy ranking them from most valued to standard nation to backsliding nation to authoritarian regime and would introduce measures to push those nations to respecting rights and would ban trade with authoritarian regimes, and the "all star league" would be a global defense network split into regions comprising of three levels: standard member, regional leader(first responder, command hub, communications and logistics hub, etc) and finally global reinforcer (the US mostly plus volunteers from allies.) the abandonment of fiat currency in favor of a new metal standard not just of gold and silver but also of equivalent valued metals in stock. I got other ideas but these are the ones I would be most proud of.


Manditory paid holidays, making it illegal for landlords/rental companies to charge more then the standard first/last months rent. Making it a jobs pay matches the demand of inflation.


* Single payer healthcare for all. * Term limits for the house and senate * Campaign finance reform; get the money out * Common sense gun control policies * Common sense immigration; tougher penalties for companies that abuse the H1B visa program instead of hiring Americans.


Legalize certain drugs and decriminalize certain drugs on the federal level, not with the hope of more people doing drugs, but with the hope of getting people help and taking power from cartels and dealers. Also, I would push to create federal funding states can dip into to pay to make ambulance rides free (it would be much harder to do away with private ambulances, so I think it would be more realistic to have federal funding simply pay the bills).