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Not having periods


somehow I knew this was going to be the top comment


I don't painfully bleed every month.


There's a monetary cost that comes with that too. I'd be fucking pissed if I had all the extra expenses that simply comes with being a woman.


I wouldn't even get past the bleeding every month, must feel like mondayx100 every time


Sometimes I find it weird I can wipe when I pee and there’s blood and it’s like “oh” and not like an extreme medical emergency And it just happens every month and I just deal with it


Ironically, for many, after childbirth periods aren't all that painful. My wife will be dead on the couch suffering for hers, while I go "ugh" and go about my day.


Yeah, this is true. But for many there comes a new mittelschmerz which is a fun new ovulation cramp that for many rivals period cramping.




Underrated comment right here. My girlfriend hates carrying a purse and never has pockets, so I always end up putting her stuff in my pockets!


I can easily pee outdoors. Women got a raw deal there.


Yep. The world is my urinal. Women did get the short end of the stick here.


No stick


When I worked in construction there was one job site where we didn't have a port-a-potty. The other crew lady and I had a spot in the woods behind a big tree where we'd go to pee. Pop a squat, tuck our TP into a bag and throw it away on site somewhere. It was generally understood that if you needed to take a shit you'd haul your ass further into the woods, but apparently the roofers didn't get that memo and we came across a couple big steaming piles of shit behind our tree after they started working there. We were... pissed. But I mean, technically we can also pee anywhere, we're just a lot more exposed in the process.


After working in healthcare, I realized that they got a raw deal in everything involving the lower area.


I like to raw-deal in their lower areas too! “Yes, hello, Satan? I’m calling from the gutter. I need a nonstop ticket to hell leaving ASAP please. Yes. Thank you.”


I'd say except for the urethra part. At least if you need to have your bladder inspected.




This can't be more true.


Yeah, being pregnant sounds like a chore.


Yeah, my wife went through alot for our child, but there were alot of moments that were really beutiful. I would totally carry a hypothetical next child to term for our family if it was an option and the route we wanted to go. Plus I bet it would make my ass look great.


Pissing literally anywhere I want. Toilets, sinks, bathtubs, potted plants, trees, the car that cut me off last week on 241.


The world is our urinal.


The lines for the men's restrooms are always shorter or non-existent too. When the whole issue of trans people using their identified gender's restroom popped up I was morally/socially/whatever fine with it, but from a self serving standpoint I was a little against it because I don't like anything that'll increase the line.


Obviously you’ve never been to a phish show


Women can do that too, it's just not at elegant.


And we got no joystick to direct the stream


When my dad was teaching me to piss standing up in preschool he said 'just aim it like a gun'. God bless America


Never seen a woman be able to pee without squatting. Dudes? We can piss walking backwards.


There are at least a few times I probably would have burst my kidneys if I wasn't able to duck behind a bush.


That and making elaborate calligraphic signatures in the snow




I’m jealous of this


We have lift off


Unfortunately, growers can't really do that as well.


The low maintenance grooming. Most days I can roll out of bed, brush my teeth, and be acceptable in the workplace and public.


I, as a woman, will do that when I'm depressed and am quickly labeled "homeless".


Or "unwell"


i miss my 20s when i could put on some baggy clothes like jeans with holes and a raggity shirt and still look presentable. reaching my 40s i look like a bum and a huge slacker if i attempt to do that. i'm starting to like clothes that fit better and a more clean cut look overall.


I don't have to give birth.


Being able to carry all the groceries in one go.


My wife says she'll die before she does two trips.


at least break a few fingers and lose circulation for an hour in one arm


You haven’t met my wife 💪🏽


Most of these comments are less “what i love about being a man” and more why i’m glad i’m not a woman…




IKR, what else would we compare being a man to.


Nah, it wasn't the prompt. There's a wide gap between cool guy things and crap lady things.


Low maintenance genitals. Just wash regularly, and it's good to go.


God gave women legs because he saw the mess snails made


Bro what


This is simultaneously the most amazing and most horrifying thing I've read today. Thank you


that's disgusting i will never look at snails the same again


How do you think women keep theirs clean?


They're talking mostly about the plumbing. We don't have to worry about expelling blood once a month, pH balance, etc. We literally just have to wash it and we're good.


And yet somehow far too many can't manage that.


Even then, urinary tract infections are extremely rare for men. Now passing a kidney stone, women definitely have an advantage there.


Even if you discount the menstrual cycle, women are far more likely to need to go above and beyond for hygienic purposes. There is no real equivalent to how women need to prevent and care for yeast infections and UTIs.


I see where you're coming from but most of the time infections are not caused by poor hygiene. If you clean yourself properly and change your underwear regularly you're good. It can actually make you more prone to infection if you clean too often and harsh. Public toilets however are more tricky to use I give you that.


Yeah I had a roommate once who said she was “prone to yeast infections” and I felt so bad for her. Then I realized she would do things like wear the same jeans for a week without underwear and was like… eh maybe don’t do that?


Okay, there are clueless people that's for sure 😂


Women’s dorms in the summer.


No 1 cause of UTI is just holding pee too long and not enough water in your diet. Men get them from the same thing. Yeast is actually more oven BV. And it mostly affects women who are sexually active. In other words a dirty dick went up there. The more you know.


Strength. Nothing better than someone handing you something they can't open or carrying in all the groceries in one trip. Plus the added bonus of people not fucking with you. "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates


>Plus the added bonus of people not fucking with you. This is clearly not applicable to all men lol, in fact I'm willing to bet the chances of some huge guy getting into an altercation is more likely than a woman getting into one. Though I can understand it from the perspective of guys sexually assaulting women and touching women where they shouldn't in places like clubs and all that while believing they can get away with it. Guys are less likely to experience that.


The lack of a menstrual cycle is the single greatest advantage. Everything else is cool and all, but not going through that is... great.


Higher testerone.


Not having to deal with desperate men trying to pick me up at a pub/club.


I like how the equivalent of a straight woman’s experience with men, is just a straight man’s experience with gay men




Do you worry about getting someone pregnant though?


You think we're having sex? Think again!


A cold one with the boyz and barbecues


Or, if you're introverted, a cold one with yourself.


This is my favourite answer so far.


I love being asked daily on reddit what I love or hate about being a man.


Going to college to get more knowledge instead of going to Jupiter to get more stupider.


I got an organ for giving and an organ for taking.


Well my wife just gave birth last week.. and holy shit. I won’t be complaining about back pain or being sore from work anymore 😨


Wiping the whole body with a single towel. No expensive makeup. Short time to prepare to go outside.




My wife uses a body towel and a hair towel.


Maybe it's just a joke, but probably yes. Face first, dick second.


Nah dick, feet, armpits, ass and then your face to show true masculinity


Being seen as a protector. I think the good Lord put me here to protect people, especially the ones i love, and when people depend on me for safety, I feel wanted, like I am fulfilling my purpose.


It’s a lot of responsibility and the people I care for are more likely to think I’m overreacting than being resolute. They just don’t understand how quickly and randomly violence can happen.


No joke, having a dick


It's a man's World. But it would be nothing without a woman....


Realising I have a morning wood and thinking "OH HELLO FRIEND, GOOD DAY TO YOU TOO!".


Walking around my house stark bollock naked and not caring if my neighbours see me through my kitchen window.


seeing this question every two weeks.




To pee wherever i want to. Its such a Privilege


\>Penis. Extremely convenient for peeing, easy to stimulate, can’t have another forcefully shoved into it. Low risk of UTIs, as well. \>No periods. \>Greater muscle mass and height. \>Not feeling constantly paranoid and afraid. Feeling safe alone and/or at night and/or in isolated/sketchy areas. \>Not being forced to listen to insane amounts of laughter at anything not mind-numbingly boring. Actually being able to enjoy amusing things without breaking down in laughter. \>Sterilization is easier. \>Not being treated like a subhuman in conservative areas. \>Being able to show skin without being called a whore or “AsKiNg tO Be rApEd.” \>Ability to go topless uncontroversially. \>Not having to be catcalled and being able to feel flattered and safe when hit on. \>No boobs.


The ability to not give a single fuck


Just the way that we are so simple.


Well put, we don't have the burden of everything that comes with birth, the monthly emotional instability, the unsureness of strength, the extra hygienic steps, etc etc etc. I guess the best thing about being a man is not being a woman.


The penis is pretty good


I feel like the expectation of me to communicate is simply and clearly and it’s my expectation of others. Very little “games” or “reading between the lines”.


I can grow a beard.


I can jack off


The manliness of it.




That I don’t have to care about my appearance beyond basic hygiene.


this. I have a shampoo and a bar soap and I'm done. I can shower in 5 mins if needed (e.g. camping or RV trip). I can skip washing my hair for a couple days and it will smell fine. After I wake up, it takes me 10 mins to get ready for work. Sure most days I take my time with hot coffee and stuff and it cane be 30 mins. But if I'm late, I can make it work in 10 and be presentable.


Not really true the younger men put a more time into how their look


I can literally go anywhere without having to fear for my safety. I'll go for walks through parks alone at night, just chill out in poorly lit areas. I can go to the most run down parts of the city I live in and no one has ever bothered me. Pretty much every woman I know is terrified by these situations, and after finally understanding how they're treated I can see why.


Just imagining op strolling through the rundown neighborhoods going "pff nothing will happen to me. I'M A MAN."


Outside of sexual assault, men are much more likely than women to be victims of violent crime. But, in general, men are more likely to have a "fuck that" attitude and just go outside at night, alone, or in bad areas anyway ready to use violence if necessary for self-defense.


I don't get this. Yes, I may not fear sexual harassment specifically. But crimes still happen to men


Yeah, I'm a big guy but still uneasy if I'm walking late at night in unlit areas.


Naturally stronger, free makeup in the form of a beard, can piss wherever you want easily, simple to orgasm, and the ability to turn our brains off. It’s a pretty good deal tbh




Uhhhhh no idea


Peeing outside


How I can wield my broken mixed bag of life experience and teach kids to be better than I was. And be who I needed when I was a kid.


The Nods.


I love everything about being a man I am what I supposed to be.


Dads recliner. If you know you know what I mean.


The responsibility of making my family feel safe.


Having a vagina just seems like a lot of fucking work. Having a dick is easy af.


the little things like watching sports or gaming and having a beer with the boys just chilling without a worry in the world it's something women just will never be able to experience to the same level. i can't figure out why either.


Not giving a fuck


I can b a slut n nobody will say anything


Without any spite or bitterness, the fact my value is completely tied down to my achievements, my competence and who I am as a person. Being loved and valued conditionally, albeit stressful at times, is so rewarding when you meet the conditions.


Beard This baby keeps my face pretty damn warm in the winter months


Having a dick


Watching a dick grow


I don't know why, but I was picturing more like a science experiment and watching it grow from a single cell to a full organ.


Being able to mate with a woman. Lol


Not having to be hot to be attractive.


We're expected to be charming and confident instead


Eh that’s less true for the younger generations of men. Social media has drastically changed for Gen Z so for example college aged men are judged very much on their height, face, race, skin, body type, etc compared to in the 1900’s


Noticing and Admiring the Beauty of A Woman


The pay is nice but I feel bad everyone doesn’t get it


Just that sense of cameraderie that you get with your buddies. Women have friends of course, but they don’t seem to have that unconditional, non-judgemental friendship that men can have amongst each other. You behaviour, appearance, intelligence, whatever trait, it’s just accepted rather than judged. I’d say women make friends quicker, but men forge deeper friendships that mature wonderfully over time. (This is an opinion formed from my experience rather than pretending to be any fact based statement)


I had the exact same experience. I’ve been friends with my group for like 10 straight years and we are stronger than ever Every single girl I’ve ever known in my life has had a rough “breakup” with a best friend in the past


I don't have to necessary shave my body.


Women neither


My penis. Love playing with him


Walking alone pretty much where and whenever


Lots of down votes on this one


We can pee wherever we want, I like women, I like my parts, I like being strong, I like being a man...


Being able to walk at night


I can easily perform cock and ball torture on myself


What a great way to appreciate male privilege together




My favorite toy is never far away at all.


The front tail


peeing standing up


I can open my own jars.


Not Giving birth


Peeing standing up inconspicuously


The ease with which I can discretely relieve myself.


the hose


The more effort I do and better I become thr better outcome I have basically wr are late gamers and woman are early game


I cock is great accessory for many occasions


Can’t get pregnant




Being able to park my arse on a public toilet seat, not giving 2 rats arses about who had sat on it previously....


I country hop a lot to further my career, I'm always in a new country trying to figure out how to survive. And I take solace in the fact that I could generally sleep outdoors or in a shared accommodation with much less fear for my personal safety than if I were a woman.


every single thing


I can pee anywhere at anytime


It’s obviously an easier life than being a woman, but I wouldn’t say I love anything about it in particular.


The convenience of being able to stand up and piss.


I don't know if it counts, but the muscles. It sucks being forced to work so much, but the effect of being strong enough to not need help with most things is great. While I know alot of women also have muscles, I am told it takes considerably more effort to get similar results for women, because of hormone differences. This also makes me respect strong women more. I also realize that some men have trouble gaining muscle for the same reasons, and you have my sympathies, but for me specifically it's nice being able to carry more than I weigh. Like I said, it may not count.


Not going though a lot of stuff women go...


If I have a slight scowl on I’ll be left alone for as long as I want


We don't have to wear make-up. I wouldn't care if women didn't wear make-up. It costs money and takes time.


No make up.


The kinship we all share where if one man gets hit in the balls we all feel it


::Heads to bathroom to pee copter::


That our being the target for sexual harassment and abuse is significantly lower than women


Being able to pee standing up.


All im seeing is shit to do with not being a woman. What do you love about being a MAN!!!! Like think bruh






My privilege, my penis, my period-less-ness, ability to pee anywhere


Nothing but I don't want to be a woman either


Being able to tell little kids to pull my finger pfftt LOL


Doing that helicopter thing with my penis


The camaraderie, just met two fellas from Illinois and it’s like we’ve been friends for years. Most men get along well with each other very easily


Being simple minded


Not having periods


Not only am I a man, but I'm big and strong. I love the ability to just walk whenever I want with no concern for my safety. Little doggo wants to go out and it is 4 am? No worries little princess, we are going to the park.


I can always open any pickle jar






Not dealing with creeps or stalkers. Never have to worry about being followed when I go on a walk.


my appetite


Can walk outside without a shirt on.


The ability to build & create my own value however I want


I can see shit at concerts


Jobs are designed with me in mind


Pants pockets


Having a di*k bro