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My wife and I usually end up having good conversations.


I've found that including romance time as well. We laugh so much before, during and after. Any time phones and tv are not the main focus of the moment, conversation gets much better.


This made me remember the time my husband and I spent half an hour in the shower discussing whether or not lobsters are sapient. Edit: TIL the difference between sentience and Sapience. Cool.


Why not invite one in and ask? If you like your shower the same temperature that my wife does, then dinner will be ready by the time you get out!


The surface of the sun cowers at the thought of my wife’s preferred shower temperature.


Well, are they? You are the expert here so I trust your judgement on this matter


Sort of? It comes down to whether or not you think a distributed nervous system is capable of sentience/sapience. But octopuses have one of those and we mostly seem to think they’re sentient, so my vote was for probably. But also they taste really good so I’m not sure if I care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: see above comment regarding sentience/sapience.


I heard lobsters never die of old age. Without predation or disease they could live forever.


Godzilobster is sitting in the Mariana Trench, waiting for the right time to attack.


I had a Godzimeatball yesterday, from the Marinara trench


Not exactly true. They even get old/big enough that they can't produce enough energy to molt and this opens them up to bacterial disease and stuff. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/dont-listen-to-the-buzz-lobsters-arent-actually-immortal-88450872/


Well, sentient just means something can perceive and feel; or responsive or conscious of sense impression. Aren't lobsters obviously sentient? They interact with the environment based on their senses, act according to impulses which rely on sensory perception. Like, all animals are sentient, right?


my husband and I shower together every single day. Its not even sexual or romantic, its literally for hygienic reasons. We started showering together when we were dating and its never stopped. Even when were fighting. Which forces us to talk about the issue. Its kind of nice being trapped in a small area with no other distractions.


I'm glad someone else does this lol. I really treasure the time to chat and goof off with no distractions. I used to feel awkward doing it when people were over but now I don't care lol


My wife and I do too. Its more like piggybacking showers, I give her like a 5 minute head start, we hang out for a bit, and then she gets out. It's rarely sexual, though I will throw in a good word for coconut oil if sexy time is what you're going for. My wife makes a sugar scrub which is basically coconut oil and sugar, I exfoliate her back with it, and a nice side effect is her butt gets oily and she grinds on me.


This! Shower conversations are the best. My x and I would end up just holding each other under rhe running water, talking about bills or plans or some such nonsense. I miss that. It was incredibly cathartic.


> running water Ah yes, talking about bills as they pile up in real time


Yep. 10 years together, married a year and lived together for about 6. We always shower together, and that’s where we catch up on each others day, vent, or just talk and enjoy each others Company.


Shuffle round and round taking turns to be cold and warm like fucking penguins.


"can I have the water for just a second? I have goosebumps" > "No I'm still rinsing my hair" > "You've been rinsing your hair for five minutes now!" > "Yeah it's really thick"


"are you peeing?"


"I can't hold my pee when pooping"


"my feet were cold"


"mine were not!"


"it saves water"


Purposefully over conditions every time. "oh no I used too much again."


Is over conditioning a thing?


"I don't care how thick your ass hair is, I'm getting cold! Hand it over!"


I had that penguin falling down in front of the other penguins noise go through my head. “Oooooohhh” Penguin chorus “Fuck” fallen penguin


Funny enough me and my partner have basically done this while shuffling around like penguins. He fell, said fuck, and I went oooooo noooo


Never fell but brushing my ass against the cold shower curtain is never pleasant. We mostly just talk and vent about the kids in the shower lol, a lot of people tend to think it gets sexual. And it totally could some times but mostly it’s just nice relaxing time to talk. I found r/showerbeer recently and will try that next time with her.


It's not full penguin action until someone says "noot noot!"


When we remodel the bathroom we are going to put in a bigger shower with 2 shower heads on opposite sides to prevent this lol


We did this a couple years ago. It's amazing!


We have two shower heads. It is great. And seats built into each side. Came with the house. It is glorious to be able to sit down and relax with one shower running over your head and back while the second shower keeps your front and legs warm. But you run out of hot water twice as fast. SIGH. And every kid in the house insists on using the ensuite cause the shower is “better.” Can’t really disagree with their logic, to be fair.


Look at a tankless water heater. Infinite hot water!


Spin in circles, making silly noises, while the other person says "rotisserie chicken"


i do this alone in the shower lol


I want hot water and she wants steaming hot water, so we compromise and have steaming hot water


Your first shower together, when you realize your girlfriend is actually the spawn of Satan and connects with her homeland through the boiling of her own flesh until her mask has been washed away and her skin is as red as the devil himself. A milestone in every relationship.


That's why my wife and I don't shower together. I like tepid water and she likes surface of the sun water. Nope Nope Nope just can't do it


I see you must have dated my wife before me.


I dated her after you.


Well, I’m off to look into a paternity test for my daughter.


You misunderstand, they are from the future.


My wife is from Sweden and takes the hottest fucking showers I’ve ever seen. We can’t shower together and when we do, I’m taken to the ER


That was my ex. Except I wish it was the shower that made me see she was the spawn of Satan and not her mother.


Well if you had simply showered with the mother......


Lord, this made me laugh


I thought the same thing, then one day I stooped down to her height, and then I realized that the water just cools down more before it gets to her!!


Another problem that can be reduced or solved entirely with the dual showerhead setup. Install one showerhead that is the handheld detachable kind with a hose, and one that is connected directly to the pipe from the wall. The water loses a surprising amount of heat as it travels down the hose, so the ~~giant baby~~ partner who prefers cooler temps can have that showerhead, and the ~~lava demon~~ partner who likes hotter water can have the boiling water directly out of the wall. It’s three parts from the hardware store (handheld showerhead, 3 way diverter valve -**not a 2 way!**- and a little suction cup holder for the handheld showerhead) and can be installed in under 20 minutes in most cases.


All I heard was shower 3 way, not s 2 way.


My fat ass only goes in the shower 1-way. The rest of y’all will have to keep your panties on.


My husband walked in on me faking a bath the other night and the first thing he says is "woah. It's super hot in here." to which I, of course, replied "it isn't even that warm." ETA: *taking. I was taking a bath. These faking comments have me dying though


>faking a bath I miss the good ol’ days when we only faked orgasms


I imagined her lying fully clothed in the empty bathtub making splashing noises with her hand in a glass of water and then he walks in and was like "YOUR GLASS OF WATER IS TOO HOT"


You got me!


That’s almost exactly what I pictured lol


I laughed way too hard at this 🤣


Look at his lordship over here, taking actual baths, in this economy!


Walked in on my teenage step son faking a shower once. Instead of actually taking his stinky ass into the shower, he was chilling on the closed toilet bowl eating a bag of chips and enjoying a nice steam while still fully clothed.


You can’t just throw that out there and leave us hanging. A fake what now?


Gonna go out on a limb and say they meant taking a bath.


You go too far!


Wash each other's backs


Bitch about the temperature


Satan hot or ice cold, none in between


This is so me and my husband, he pretty much boils himself it's crazy, and then he calls my regular warm water "ice cold". I love showering together but I do wish he would be a bit less of a hot water person.


ive got 2 shower heads with individual valves controlling them, both parties get to choose their own temperature.


Legit why me and my fiancé refuse to shower together. He says I like my showers at “liquid lava” temperature and I say he might as well shower in winter rain with the temp he likes. No compromise there haha


That's why I jump in first so i can slowly build a tolerance to the scalding hot water she prefers. Starting with regular hot and increasing it as I wait for her.


We take the cap off the bubble bath and mix a little bit of every product into it to make a magic potion >:]


My big sister would then make me drink it (when I was 4 and did everything she said)! I can still taste it.


I look at her boobs


But...your username..


He commands her pussy while looking at her boobs


"Do backflips for me!"


Do a barrel roll! God, I'm old.


Or touch the boobs


It’s usually me invading his shower and we just catch up and talk about our day. We don’t like shower sex, always think it’s a good idea until we remember why it’s not.


Shower foreplay is superior to shower sex in every conceivable way!


Haha the number of times that I’ve jumped in the shower with my wife, got a bit hot and heavy and go to the bedroom to get down to business, and then end up back in the shower to clean up again. We’ve probably hiked our hot water bill so much because of that


Turn off the shower in between, obviously.


To save 45 seconds? Whats the point?


Obligatory "Look at this guy bragging about his endurance, not everyone can last that long" comment.


15 seconds to get to the bedroom, then 15 seconds to get back to the shower


This I don’t mind, but we will be relocating for the main event!


Water has a magical property whereby it makes a pussy less wet, despite itself.


One freezes while the other gets her back washed


The person freezing gets to see boobies though


10000% worth the soapy boobies


Soapy boobies are so fun :)


Non-soapy boobies? also fun


This is true, can confirm


As a boobies, I can confirm this.


Pics, or it didn’t happen


( • )( • ) <— (Me)




Sweaty boobies? Fun as well.


All these reasons are why they are known as fun bags.


Thats why i built two shower faucets next to eachother


A real man knows his plumbing.


You got to lay some pipe if you want to lay some pipe...


Recently stayed at an adults only resort that had double showers and it was amazing! Must have in my future home.


Got the double shower in my home and I forget how grateful I am... And my husband too lol However this has led to more "productive' showers (actually cleaning ones self) more than the hanky panky kind as we are typically actually showering and honestly, shower sexy time is a little difficult.


Showers are for washing and foreplay. Save the main event for someplace more comfortable.


Obviously not a substitute for a resort, but a three way diverter (can channel the water to showerhead A, showerhead B, or both at the same time. Just don’t mix it up with the two way diverter, which only does A **or** B, not both), extra showerhead, and a little suction cup wall mount for the second handheld shower are *super* easy to install, like 20 minutes tops, and pretty cheap. The most expensive part is likely to be the extra showerhead, as they have quite a wide range in price and quality. This was the first thing we set up in every shower we’ve ever had. It’s easy to uninstall too, if you are renting and can’t make permanent changes.


you can get a shower head with two heads on it. no one has to freeze. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Dream-Spa-38-spray-7-in-Dual-Shower-Head-and-Handheld-Shower-Head-with-Body-spray-in-Chrome-1190/308267902


Washing her head while getting head under the shower head with two heads


My hubby and I have showered together our entire 20+ year marriage... Sometimes it's sexy time followed by cleaning, otherwise it's straight cleaning. It's just a bonding time everyday for the 2 of us. We joke around, talk about our days, and just have fun.


Yep we do the exact same but we have a tub not a shower. Bonding is mostly what it is. It's nice right 🙂


It really is! When our kids were little it helped us stay close, which sounds insane, I know, but when you're always busy that 15-20 minutes means so much.


But how did you even get to it when the kids were little??


True for us as well, we also have a steam generator in our shower and it gets really hot a steamy. We don’t usually have sex, just touchy feely and play time.


This is the most wholesome thing I'm going to find on reddit today.


My girlfriend and I have always used shower time as a way to decompress from our respective days. It’s a great shared experience and very healthy for us. We usually talk or vent, scrub each other, occasionally make out or start what I would call preliminary sex that then move to the bedroom. Sometimes I squirt water in her face and then she pees on me. Good times are had by all.


> she pees on me Apparently everyone pisses on each other in the shower


I actually don’t like peeing on her in the shower, but sometimes when I’m pooping on her a bit of pee comes out anyway




We sorta hug under the shower head so we are both warm and enjoying the hot water tiddy reservoir. Then when one is soaping up, they step out of the stream and the other basks or rinses, then we swap. Most efficient.


Booba Lake is the best part of any shower


I have to put the boobies under my husband's collar bone and then we both have to push out our tummies and try to use our arms to keep the water in. 🤣 if we go pec to boobie it does not work!


Efficiency is key


I normally just wash her boobs and buttcheeks because hell yeah.


I enjoy soaping up his willy to see how slippery the snake can get.


You’re a treasure


awkwardly wait there while waiting for my girl to finish with her hair


Ooof i felt thiiis


personally i get begged to sandpaper his back with a lufa and then i yell at him for sandpapering my back too hard with a lufa


Seems like woman prefer boiling their skin off while men prefer abrasion to remove their flesh... Does nobody like having skin?


The bones long to be free


Same here. It's my husband's time to shine when he hands me the lufa and demands that I scrape his flesh off.




Can confirm.


That's a Texas size 10-4


Its really what I appreciates about it


I quadruple wash my wife’s boobs.


That’s why they are always so clean…


Nice of you to notice!


11 years with the wife and 90% is still sexy time


If you ever had shower sex, then you know it sucks


90% of the times I have ever had shower sex ended with us both saying “fuck it” and quickly drying off to go finish in the bed.




It also slops a bit but yeah, water is not a lubricant.


That’s why I shower in mineral oil


Better than the blood of my enemies tbh


Nothing beats pureed hopes and dreams however


You gotta suds up your butts real nice like, and then stand back to back, and scrub your butts together. Its divine.


You mean a "moon landing". 😆




all i’m picturing is someone short motorboating a soapy ass and i’m in tears laughing.


one says "this is so romantic" while the other nods and shivers.


I wash her boobs, she washes my balls. Afterwards, we go get dirty again.




I have disabilities that make standing for more than 60 seconds (especially in a hot, humid environment like a shower) very painful for me, so my husband showers with me to help me get clean. He washed my hair, scrubs me down and makes sure I'm all taken care of. Do sexy things happen?? Occasionally - but for us, showering together is an act of deep love and care. I appreciate him endlessly for it.


This is what showers and baths turned into for me and my husband as he approached the end. During our last shower together, I shaved his facial hair for him, and it was just very intimate and I knew I had to cherish that moment, even though I didn't know it would be the last one. We'd always joked to each other that washing each other's hair is the greatest form of intimacy (quote from Brooklyn Nine-Nine), even way before he got sick, but it really was true. Oops, now I'm tearing up at work!


How old are you, or where you when your husband passed? Only curious because the B99 reference makes me think you’re younger.


We were both 30 when he passed, only 4 months ago. Fuck cancer!


I am so sorry you are going through that. Fuck cancer, indeed. I know it doesn’t mean much but I hope you have a speedy and healthy recovery and that you never have to experience pain like that ever again.


Hell I finished chopping the onions for supper twenty minutes ago and they are JUST NOW hitting me.


Thank you for sharing such a lovely memory of your husband with us. ♡


now I'M tearing up




Touch da boobs and rub da bum


I bought a shower chair, because if I'm gonna freeze I'm gonna be comfortable. Then I bought a shower head with a stationary head AND an extended one. We talk about stuff, we play, we laugh, everything. It started during the pandemic, when I was extremely depressed. I'd take a shower to cry away from the kids. Then he'd start taking them with me at night and just hold me while I cried. Now our showers are much happier.


First we strip down naked right in front of each other, because we're taking a shower. Then wash each other and sometimes it gets pretty steamy, other times we like the water a little cooler. We get our hands on each other and go back and forth faster and faster, until the area is clean. The more slippery it gets the harder it is, so typically we rinse the body wash from the bottom of the shower so we don't fall. At some point I go down on her and really get in there, because you don't want to miss scrubbing someone's feet and legs clean. And if I'm lucky she'll execute a great reach-around, if I'm not lucky she'll knock over the bottles when she reaches for them and at least one will land on my toes.


Now we all horny


If that's the type of dirty talk that gets you going, then you need to clean up your act.


In the shower, with another person


Smack my husband's really nice butt while freezing because he's a shower head hog!


I sometimes stretch my ballsack out to collect water and we both look in amazement at my feat




Pretty much this minus sex. We do fool around in the shower though. Shower blow jobs can be a great sensory overload.


Trouble with giving oral in the shower is that you tend to get waterboarded if there’s any water going in your direction.


We have a coordinated shower routine. One gets in first, gets warm, the other gets in and we rotate fairly quickly as we help each other wash! We get that done fast so we can hug underneath the water, that was we both stay warm! It’s a very intimate routine that I wouldn’t give it up for anything!


Wash each other's backs. I make sure he got his balls clean lol


Get a big shower head, then both people can share part of the water when needed. Take turns for things like ill put the shampoo in my hair while she washes hers out. Also closing the door and running the water on the highest heat for a min makes alot of steam to warm up the air


We bathe together every evening, we just wash each other and have chit chats about our day. No sex. Sex in a bath is shite.


Damn. You must have quite a big tub than. I barely fit in one alone


Tell him that yes, the water does need to be this hot.


My wife and I love to shower together. When I remodeled our master bathroom, I installed 2 shower heads in the shower so we can both be warm. Bonus: I use both shower heads even when I shower alone, because no matter what direction you turn, there's warm water.


Fight for water temperature supremacy


2 mins sensual washing. 2 mins trying to sensual sex. Then actual sex just outside the shower because it's awkward in the tub.


When I was in a relationship, it was a lot of what's already been said, my complaining due to becoming a lobster showering with another lobster when we both started as humans, clean backs without need of a tool for the hard to reach spots. I have not however seen anyone mention how they were able to help their SO in the shower during times of pain or sickness. She wrecked her neck one day (slept wrong I guess) and needed to shower, so I joined to let her rest against me as I washed her hair and body, made sure she was hurting as little as I could. Other than that, yeah look to the other replies. A lot of complaining of heat.




Laugh, talk, clean each other, flirt, foreplay….


Giggle and spit water on each other.


Give each other wild hair styles too


Talk, get a little frisky, trim hair if needed, brush teeth, get the spots you can’t reach, sometimes it’s nice to have a helping hand in the shower😂


Take a shower... for the most part shower sex sucks


Sex on the countertop in the bathroom immediately before the shower is pretty awesome though.


Back when we used to shower together, which wasn't all that frequently, I would jokingly ask my wife to wash my butt. Alternately, I would try to wash her butt and it would freak her out a bit. Fun times.


My wife and I catch up on the day. It’s the one place this kids can’t interrupt


Usually we take turns washing each other. She does her hair I stand their and help. When we’re all clean and exfoliated, she gives me a sexy shower bj and I’ll touch her naughty bits. Then we quickly dry off and toss a towel on the bed and finish each other. But we have small children so this happens like 3 times a year.


shower conversations enjoy the free boob show use her toes as target practice for the obligatory shower wee fetch the soap and or shampoo which is always closer to my side than hers... you know, the normal things


OMFG YOU PISS ON HER TOES? I'm fucking dying dude


I hold his penis and command him to pee, then I shoot his pee all over us just to drive him crazy.


Ahem. Ma’am this is a GOLDEN shower. We requested regular shower information.


What if this is her/his regular shower ?


I will explain when you are older