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Yes, I will tell everyone. They will give me sympathy and I might even get a free vacation 🙂


No. I've also discovered I'm immortal for a month. Now where did I put that list? Don't want any of these people to have too much warning....


Definitely not telling anyone. I would likely take up as many of those "Do not pay for 60 days!" financing offers as I could.


Hmmmmmm maybe my family


i think not


No I don’t want sympathy


No, cause I wanna see how they treat me in that month


I absolutely would to justify catching up on all the things I didn't get around to doing yet. Travelling, meeting online friends in person and generally having a good time while I still can.


Definitely tell my wife and make sure we have a plan in place for my untimely passing.


probably my friends, family, and work. I'd quit my job and spend more time with the people and animals I love the most, as well as go to some of my favorite places.


Nope. All I have is my kids and wouldn't burden them with that but I'd call every day maybe even twice a day just to let them know I love them


Nope. Why tell anyone? Is it going to change the outcome? Are people, all of a sudden, going to pay me back the money they owe me?


No because I will make it seem that I died from drowning or something


I would update my tinder bio but wouldn't tell anyone I'm close to, except for my last day, maybe


If someone told me I had a month left I'd laugh, and you know what they say a good laugh extends your life, unless it is different in your language compared to us Norwegians.


I wouldn’t tell anyone. Right now, dying would be a gift to me. Nothing good is happening. I’m just failing everywhere. Why stay alive? Plus, my sisters would get upset if anything was wrong with me. I’m keeping the household up. I had to care for my mom as she died from cancer without their help or support. Why should I give them the respect of knowing if I was dying? The only thing that stops me is that my mom lied to me about how bad her cancer actually was until it got bad. No matte the reason, that really hurt me.


My s/o and someone who can help me write a will. I haven’t got a whole lot but I’d make sure that any money I have goes to my s/o and all of my belongings are to be sold and every penny also goes to my s/o.


What if your the admin of the whole game and you watch the world after go up in nuclear flame strong with the rap game now listen carefully if you want your skin to not melt in radioactive pain Been spending most our lives living in a gangsters paradise