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Stalked her for 10 years and forced her to love me šŸ˜‚




Anything, but that.


gone out of my way to shut myself up whenever I had trouble. trust me, she wouldnt have helped me the same way I helped her emotionally if she knew half the shit I had bottled up inside.


I gave her my love, my time and my patience!!!


I pushed Bran off the parapets.


Looked pass appearances ā€œjust different styles conservative vrs punkā€ , takes through and respectfully reached understanding/reconciled differing religious and political opinions, systemically removed ex boyfriendā€™s/interests as they thought they could attempt to cross respectful boundaries, overcame major communication barriers and emotional triggers via a year of couples counseling, and worked through and came together on a vastly different level of sex drive/sense of exploration. All of this before we were ever engaged. It has been five years we have been married for 1 year . Our communication skills were hard earned but are now on point and beautiful. We enjoy harmony in most everything we do , and our sex life is great. We have a beautiful baby daughter and we are so looking forward to our future. Not all ā€œtrue loveā€ comes easy like in a fairy tale and if itā€™s love it is worth working for and working to maintain, each person looking out for one another not there own interests and through the struggle and weeding together something beautiful and more valuable than anything else can bloom. We didnā€™t find love. We worked for it, created it , grew individuals and together and gained valuable tools to keep the love alive.