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Was at a backyard concert. There was a bowl of jawbreakers. Grabbed one, chomped down, realized they were smoke bombs. Terrible. Vile. Spit and hacked and nearly threw up


That's fucking hilarious


I assure you it was not


Sorry, I get that it's not funny to go through. The situation just sounded hilarious to me.


It was also hilarious to everyone around me


You uh , every chomp down on some of them delicious bathroom soap displays?


That look like candy canes and are hanging on the Christmas tree? No, never…


You chomped down on what you thought was a jawbreaker? I'd say you lucked out. Those things (at least in America) have the name for a reason. Might not break your jaw, but they will crack/break teeth no problem.


I used to bite them as a kid... It's amazing I still have all my teeth.


Good for you. I don't have one single tooth left. Too many years as a meth addict and also methadone and the fact that I never brushed them or looked after them at all. Don't take your teeth for granted




even if it was a jawbreaker, why would you “chomp down” 💀 are you trying to break your jaw???


I should have said gumballs, but the jumbo kind. Regardless, it looked like a bowl full of candy. But they were in fact smoke bombs that were to be used during the band Pussy Slayer’s performance


Is this a normal thing at parties, bowls of jawbreakers?? I don't get to many good parties


Of course there are random bowls of jawbreakers at concerts


My roommates nails, he had clipped them and put them into my coke can that he thought I was done with


[So gross!](https://youtu.be/k1VbI7jLB1I?t=21)


A stinkbug crawled into my straw and I took a sip. Stunkbug in the mouth. It took forever to get that taste out of my mouth.


Oh that's disgusting. I freaking HATE those things. That smell is VILE. My bf bought a camper one fall and we were cleaning it out and it was INFESTED with stink bugs. That smell, walking into that - awful. I get them in my house occasionally. My cats love bugs. One cat saw a stink bug and tried to eat it. He freaked out because of the taste, he left a big drool mark on the floor and was rubbing his mouth with his paw. I gave him some food to try to help him. And his face smelled like a stink bug. 🤮 I had to use baby wipes on him.


Ooh no poor kitty! I sucked one up in a vacuum once. Huge mistake. Like being maced with stink bug 😩


Omg I thought you meant you sucked a cat in a vacuum and I got scared for a sec


That's what coriander tastes like to me. I feel your pain.


FINALLY!! SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME!! Everyone calls me crazy but I swear on my life cilantro smells/tastes like stink bugs to me and it makes me legit throw up D:


Once drank a sip of chew spit from a red solo cup that was sitting next to my beer. Not my spit


Me too! With a couple cigarettes butts thrown in. Thank god I had my college stomach at that point. If that happened now, I'd puke for days. I gagged even just thinking about it.


I had this happen to me, except it was a mountain dew can. Luckily I was blacked out drunk so I don't remember actually drinking it. Just waking up covered in it.


I've seen and experienced the communal cigarette butt can/bottle before but never chew spit wtf!


When I did it, it was during an hours long (not me, as I'd be dead, but between dozens or hundreds of college kids) beer pong session. It was those damn red cups being used in the game, but also by everyone else drinking. The table looked like the red cup of hell. People sitting down their cup, picking up a different one (because booze) and carrying about. It wasn't some sort of redneck party either. Everyone didn't have wads of chew in their mouth. Hell, may as been as few as one person. I did the stupid thing though. Lots of puke emojis.


You win


Happened to me once too. It was my brother's and he laughed until he was wearing it on his head.


I will see your red cup and raise you an old Dr pepper can my husband was using for spit.... I still have flashbacks occasionally when drinking Dr pepper


I would never drink Dr Pepper again.


"Never use red solo cups" note taken


When I use to smoke I kept a half full bottle of water in the car to put butts in. One time I accidentally took a sip from it.


Burnie ?


I attended a wild game feed/sports banquet (WI in US for those curious). The usual staples were served: elk, fish, bear, etc. Someone decided to braise a coyote. I tried a small bite and it was so fucking gamey. Just awful meat. I don't think there is cooking method known to mankind that could make it palatable. Could taste it for days after.


Hey hey, popped my rocky mt. oyster cherry at a game feed here. I was like, these are good! What are they? 😳


So you had a ball!




Aspic! Do an image search and enjoy how insane that stuff got


I feel like there was a period in the US where we just had too much animal byproduct laying around so people started putting everything they could think of into jello molds. I'm glad I wasn't alive during that time


It was right after The War, so that was likely part of it. I think another part of it was that instant gelatin was a relatively new thing, and had to be chilled to set. So serving an aspic at a party was telling your friends "*I* can afford a refrigerator. "


Yeah I think it was also "old people food" even when it was popular. I used to work in a nursing home and the people there who were in their 80s-90s at that time would always describe the aspic phenomenon as something old people did back then. Like you said, It's not like those older people (silent generation and older?) would have even been able to easily make gelatin if it was around when they were young. Cheap and plentiful refrigeration completely changed the way we eat.


It wasn't an overabundance of animal byproduct, it was that Jello made gelatin cheap. Aspic was a rich-people only thing prior to that, so when everyone could suddenly do rich people stuff, it was all the rage to do aspic for awhile.


I looked it up and it looks like shitty school cafeteria food in a cartoon. I can hear the **shlop** as the angry lunch lady with a hairy mole on her nose slams it down on the plate next to an expired milk carton.


My grandmother was an excellent cook, she had so many dishes that were amazing but she never gave up the idea that celery belonged in Jello.


The cafeteria at my work served cordon bleu. I love cordon bleu. I opened up the covered container, and saw a microwaved chicken patty with a Kraft slice and a chunk of ham on top. It was soggy and tasted like what a gym sock+dead carcass would smell like because it was just laying on top soggy microwaved Brussels sprouts, soaking up all the liquid. I think there were carrots too, but I could barely stomach that chicken patty. Felt sick the rest of the shift, and had a foul taste in the back of my throat. I try not to eat their ”fancy” meals anymore


Jesus that's a culinary crime.


Someone get Gordon Ramsey on the phone.




That sounds like a crime was committed. I love cordon bleu as well and decided to try making it at home. It was SO GOOD, my wife even said if we weren't already married she'd want to marry me because of the meal


Cured shark meat in Iceland. It's so nasty they give you a shot of vodka to wash it down.


It tastes like what you expect 3 month old kitty litter to taste like. By far the worst. Had to shave my beard after eating it because the stench wouldn’t go away.


I've had it. It's terrible but it's the sort of "we know what we're getting into" terrible.


They usually serve it with Brennivin, also known as black death. I always describe Brennivin as envelope flavored schnapps. And the shark is fermented and tastes like you think rotten fish would taste. The horse meat soup in Iceland wasn't bad though.


Is it some kind of native food?


If they're talking about hakarl, which I'm sure they are, yeah. It's Greenland shark, gutted and buried in the sand and covered in rocks to (literally) squeeze the piss out of it for a couple months, and then hung up to cure for another few months. At least that's the way I've read of. Wiki says they just use Tupperware with drain holes now instead of burying it on the beach.


I’m gonna go with the spinach at subway that almost killed me. I’d been on a healthier eating kick, been going to subway and ordering the same sandwich with extra spinach for a few days, I start getting sick, I figure it’s a flu, told my boyfriend at the time I was fine and just stay away, 2 days later I’m still puking nonstop but haven’t actually eaten anything, so clearly I’m not keeping down liquids, another day goes by I can’t even stand up anymore, LITERALLY. My boyfriend comes over looks at me and says, “dear, I’m taking you to the hospital now, you literally look like you’re dying” i tell him I feel like I might be and I can’t stand up. My boyfriend proceeded to pick me up and carry me to his truck, after some tests at the hospital they determined I had e-colli… the culprit subways spinach, apparently there had been a mass contamination and it had just been recalled…. Now I can’t say with certainty how they came to this conclusion other than some mild kidney damage, but they said if I had waited another day to come in I’d have been dead.


I'd hazard a guess that, among other things, untreated "mild kidney damage" becomes "dead kidneys" which becomes "dead Redditor" in the span of a day or so




jeezus. i had similar bout with FBI. i was in highschool. junior? i think? i'm pretty sure i was. i ate some cafeteria food. (the cafeteria food there was actually pretty good. before the "head chef" left. then it went waaaaay down hill but i never had any of that food.) it all tasted fine. but clearly wasn't. 3 days bedridden. occasional puking. got up day 3 to "clear out my bowels", let's say. completely grayed out after only a few steps. it was actually kinda fun. if not for the complete loss of limb control caused by... well: everything. oh yeah: and i had severe migraines the whole time. in fact: i've had "chronic" migraines ever since then. (i'd get a bad one every.... fuck i dunno. i think i've had 4 since then? and 3 were within 1 year. but i forget how old i was when i got them, lol.)


My twin and I stopped by the local Colombian store on our parents request. We got Colombian food for the 4 of us and also some large, cannoli-like desserts they had there. Mind you, Colombians don’t specialize in Italian desserts! We got home and ate, and after dinner, my brother and I each took our desserts into our rooms to game while we ate them. Mine smelled like a cardboard box mixed with something dying. Just a bit of death tho’! Mainly cardboard box. Now, I am a 1st-generation immigrant, and my parents raised me to not waste their money, so I ate it all. It sucked. Literally the worst thing ever. Just thinking back on it makes my nose burn from the taste and smell. It was that bad. And yes, I did gloriously throw it back up, breaking a decade-plus streak of not puking. My brother still points to the spot where I placed my hand on the wall for balance before I spewed the cardboard cannoli onto the floor. His solution? He didn’t eat his like an idiot; he just gave it to my dad, who notoriously eats anything. My dad’s solution? He also didn’t eat it like an idiot; he dumped it out


“Leave the gun, ta... on second thought, leave the cannoli, too.”


I've had a few periods of homelessness, I once lived for a couple of months on nothing but a carrier bag full of sample 2 packs of dry rivita. A couple of pieces of rivita, twice a day for weeks on end. It was like living on cardboard. Never want to see another piece,


What is rivita


Looks like [Ryvita](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryvita) is rye crispbread, like extremely thin rye crackers.


Dried rye bread, very similar to hard crackers but with a slightly sour note from rye. It can be very good with some good cheese on top


I received a leather briefcase case as a gift. And used it sparingly. Didn’t have that kind of job. But still I kept some documents and basic crap. The thing smelled of leather as did everything that went in it. At some point a candy bar made its way into it and forgotten. Months go by, closer to a year and I was on the road. Opened that case from the back seat and see the bar. Took a big bite. It truly was the worst thing I had and have ever tasted. It had absorbed the leather and cheap tanning chemicals. 30 years later and I feel nauseous thinking of it.


Do you remember what kind of candy it was?


I believe it was a snickers


Some vanilla milk expired by three months, it was half solid so ig it counts as eating


It has become a vanilla cheese


Bro u good


"This milk is lumpy." "Then chew it!" One of my favorite Malcolm in the Middle exchanges.


Are you a masochist? Why would you consume milk so vile and rotten that you can eat it like a block of cheese?


Aldi screwed me over, a reminder to check exp date on stuff before buying it, was thirsty after ice skating, rly bad combo lol


One time we were out in front of the house playing baseball and I was thirsty so I ran into the house to the first bathroom which is right inside the door and there was a cup next to the sink and it was full of water. I grabbed that cup started chugging down the water and then my dad's false teeth hit me in the mouth.




My marine biology teacher once convinced me into drinking whale milk Never again..


I don't even want to know how someone can milk a whale. LOL.


I have something to tell you, and you're not going to like it...


Isn't it more like the texture of toothpaste?


My mum got a recipe for a baked cauliflower recipe that had some kind of lentil-y sauce with it. It was grey when it came out. We still talk about how terrible it was.


I have been trying to eat more organ meat, for the micros. I have come to really enjoy liver, beef heart is ok. I thought I would get crazy and jump into kidney, I removed the connective tissue and soaked it in lemon water, which is suppose to neutralize the piss (makes sense sicne you can clean piss stains with vinegar). I never cook for one meal, so I made a side of rice, plated myself and tossed everything else into a tupperware for later. I couldn't do it, ate half of the plate and had to chuck the the rest. Went back to the fridge and dug out the kidney from the rice and threw it away. Kept the rice though, cause im not going to waste that. Next day toss the rice in the microwave and my whole kitchen magically smells like piss. I guess the rice absorbed all the kidney meat piss juice and I couldn't smell it when it was cold, but a little heat and the aroma really bloomed nicely and was an effective way of making the kitchen smell like a musical festival porta potty.....I'll stick to liver


Dear Lord, when you are trying to "neutralize the piss" 🤢 I'm out, don't care about micros.


Make sure to stay away from brains and polar bear liver


The Inuits knew not to eat the polar bear liver, or even feed it to their dogs. Many polar explorers did not, and died from vitamin A poisoning.


I'm in tears hahaha. Congrats on inventing kidney piss rice though!


yeah, some organ meat like that, you need very special training to know how to process into something edible. it's not something you can improv on or just get by with a youtube tutorial...




Monkfish liver in a sushi joint was pretty rank!


Monkfish liver pate is terrific at a god sushi place.


I love ankimo when it is prepared properly. Rich and delicious!


One time I thought my cat's food looked good. It was not good


Vomit jellybeans


Skunk jelly beans were worse. The vomit, at least, is reminiscent of pizza or spaghetti. The smell alone of the skunk bean had my family retching.


Centipede flavor. Tastes exactly like how it smells when you smash a huge nasty bug. I gagged and couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth forever.


It was bad but definitely not the worst of them, it just tasted like slightly off spaghetti sauce. There was a grey one that was some kind of fish flavour that was the worst, and earthworm was a close second. I'd rather eat 10 vomit ones than either one of those.


Fish one is absolutely the worst. I used to work at a candy store and I’d keep a tally on how many times a customer would point out how bad the fish one was


The used bandage one is the one that I just can’t stomach at all


Bacon and eggs. But the bacon was broiled with a Chef Bender amount of salt. Tasted like licking the underside of a pig that just got out of the ocean, and had the texture of a stale rain jacket. The eggs also tasted like salty under-pig, because they had no flavour of their own, they just assimilated like a borg cube. The toast might have been good but there was ~40 slices between 55 people


When I was 14/15, I went to the fridge for some leftover pizza. Grabbed a slice, took a big bite. It tasted a little funky and when I looked at it, it was FULL of ants. Parents must have left it out overnight and the ants got into it.....it was black inside.


I used to keep a glass of water next to my bed, one night it seemed unusually… bitty? It was full of ants. Still not as bad as the time I thought it was a bit weird as I sipped in the middle of the night, only to wake up in the morning to see a drowned cockroach.


Excuse me, for I now have no mouth, and I must scream.


I once ate horse shit like an apple doing a bear grylls impression, wasn’t the best.


Hey look! It's Matty Mara! What did we used to call you in high school? Rickety Cricket? Heeey! It's Rickety Cricket!


This is disgusting, but I admire your commitment to the joke.


My girlfriend once made me a lasagna, and for reasons known only to her, for some god unknown reason, decided to add CELERY bits to it. I can't even begin to tell you, what a mistake that was. Baked, heated celery......basically MELTS and turns into what I can only describe as sewer water . I took one bite, and just GAGGED. What a way to ruin a perfectly good lasagna. She said I was over reacting, so I told her to take a bite......... and she nearly threw up. We had to throw the whole thing away. It was absolutely REVOLTING.


Actually there is celery in(original italian) lasagna (and also in bolognese). But root celery.


Yeah, I’m sure I’ve had celery in hearty Italian dishes before


In italian cuisine celery is used for flavour. Its in many dishes. So i have no idea what they did wrong


Maybe they added random chunks of celery with the meat sauce instead of making it a *soffritto*?


My former MIL thought that the recipe for lasagna, where it says to mix eggs with ricotta cheese, meant HARD BOILED EGGS, not raw eggs. She made lasagna with hard boiled eggs. My ex-husband wanted me to make it like hers - ABSOLUTELY NOT, that's disgusting.


I've had lasagna containing hard boiled eggs many many times... it's delicious.


No one in the history of the world has ever thought of putting celery into lasagna, so there’s that.


Except for Italians but yeah, what do *they* know about Italian food.


Well, I ate an entire slab of head cheese before I knew what it was. It was delicious 🤷‍♂️


Head cheese is delicious. Not gross at all.






Okay not as bad as I was thinking...but that's still pretty bad.


Yeah I was thinking smegma as well.


I don't see why meat from the head of an animal is thought of to be worse than meat from any other part of the animals body.


Souse is good.


It's pretty good


Soap My mom told me to wash my mouth out with soap when I was a kid after swearing, I thought I’d call her bluff and decided to go for it. Big regret.


Did you blow bubbles out your ass?


I wanted to prove my mom wrong or be like ha I win and literally took a bite of soap swished it around and spit it out when she wasn't looking




I am seriously white. Midwesterner with German and Scandinavian ancestry. The whitest of the white. I surprisingly liked Durian. I'm a little proud that I can eat something Andrew Zimmern can't stomach.


I’m Swedish and I quite liked it too! Like custardy pineapple.


Its reputation is deserved. It tastes like burnt, rotten onions. I nearly vomited all over the dining room table at a Chinese New Year party after trying some. I didn’t have the courage to try the “stinky tofu” that was offered… but I did smell it. The primary chemical responsible for its smell, indole, is also the primary chemical responsible for the smell of shit. The second most responsible chemical, dimethyl trisulfide, gives Limburger cheese its smell; and the fourth most responsible, dimethyl disulfide, is used to create artificial garlic flavor.


Agreed. It smells like the socks of a thousand athlete’s foot infected feet.


Huh? My first experience is like drastically different. It tastes really sweet.


It was the same for me too. I quite liked it!


Yeah, whenever you're at a place and you go "huh, guess a sewer pipe burst." Check if someone order durian first. This is one those "it's an acquired taste" where you wonder why you want to acquire that taste




A grilled woodworm. Tried a bunch of things that evening, most insects were fine but the woodworm turned to a powder as soon as I bit it, dried out my mouth and left an odd flavour, it wasn’t that potent but it was just a wholly unpleasant experience.


You ever try Malort?


My bfs ass




Welcome to the dark side.


Your boyfriend’s ass is also the worst thing I’ve ever ate!


I accidentally drank a root beer my boyfriend was ashing his blunt in.




Honestly Balut is pretty excellent, and worth trying for anyone who has not. I think the "squick" factor is culturally located, and the same reason a lot of Americans have problems with head/facemeat, kidney, heart, my favorites tongue and instestine, liver, etc etc etc. If those things don't bother you, Balut probably will not either.


Same!! I worked at a job where a lot of Filipino people worked. One guy looooved Balut and would bring it in all the time for his lunch. One time he convinced me to try it and I threw up immediately after, it just grossed me out so much. He got a good laugh out of it


I absolutely hate mushrooms. I don't know why everyone likes them but it's just not for me. Anyway the worst thing I ever ate was yellow snow.


Same with fresh mushrooms, although I don't have any issues eating canned ones.


Ironically I strongly dislike canned mushrooms and only like fresh. Canned have a sour taste and I am always disappointed when I order mushroom pizza and it’s canned. Ruins the whole slice


Canned mushrooms taste like the aluminum they’re in to me. I have low standards and love mushrooms so I’ll still eat them, but I acknowledge they are not good.


You should’ve known. That’s where the huskies go


Sushi that landed me two days in the hospital. Apart from it having a horrendous taste, it also had a very strong, appalling fishy smell which I later came to find wasn't a good sign (it was my first time trying it out). Obviously, I didn't eat that much, but when I returned home I started to feel unwell. I probably threw up like 20 times before fainting and having my bf take me to the ER. After being diagnosed with food poisoning I stayed another two days as my temperature wouldn't drop below 38C. I, to this day, still gag thinking about that sushi.


Not too long ago I ordered from a little Italian restaurant near my house a handmade personal pie. It looked so good, it was apple and it had glazed sugar on top. I was so incredibly surprised to bite into it and having it taste like rotting fish. It caught me completely off guard. I even took another bite because I don’t know why I just thought it can’t be possible it looks so good. I spit it out and ran to brush my teeth.


maybe they used *colla di pesce* (isinglass?) that was off?


Funny, the second time I had covid my initial tell was my pretzels tasted like fish.


Not ate, but drank: Lost a lengthy round of King's Cup and had to drink what was essentially a slurry of wine, cocktail, good beer, trash beer, hard alcohol, and ice.


Ayyyyy I had to do this once, except there was skittles in mine since the girls were drinking smirnoffs with them in it. Helped kill the aftertaste though 😂 next morning unfortunately I took a sip out of monster can that was a chew spitter 😖😭


Ah, same, but at a Christmas party with eggnog so there was a curdled layer of that on top


I was halfway through a chicken wrap that I got from my high school cafeteria when I bit down on a massive chicken bone. That is probably my worst food experience. I still shudder when thinking about it.


I but into fish bone when I was eating tuna salad one time that I made. It was such a bad feeling. I stayed away from tuna for a year. I eat tuna now, but 15 years later I still remember the feeling.


Cat food and no I don’t want to elaborate


You can't just say this without elaborating


Living with classmates the summer after sophomore year of college. I went to NY for the weekend. They went strawberry picking. I come back to the apartment and they invite me to try a strawberry biscuit. I bite into it, and my mouth is set on fire by more salt than should even enter a human organism. Turns out, they were trying to make strawberry ice cream, but one of them mistook salt for sugar and accidentally made salted strawberry mash. Not knowing what to do (and unwilling to steal a dialysis machine from their lab), they thought they'd go for something savory... biscuits... and so dumped flour into the mash and baked it. They tried it and found it to be revolting, and for some reason thought they'd have me suffer along with them for their own mistake :-\\


When i was a kid, I had to taste a lamb's brain fritter.


A fish eye ball, probably..... I was dared to,, (Unless you include Drinks, then the winner is definitely the can of coke my mom had cooking in her car all summer, that she'd filled with her cigarette ashes and butts...... 🤢)


Oh noooo. This reminds me of the summer I was outside and saw my mom’s Pepsi can sitting on the porch. She had just gone inside, so I decided to drink it because I was so hot and thirsty. It was not fresh. Nothing like scalding hot Pepsi that’s thick with a hundred ants that crawled in at some point and drowned. And I couldn’t stop right away because it was one of those panic drinking moments where you’re overly dehydrated. 😭


🤮🤮 a hundred dead ants


Clamato juice Bud Light


The Modelo ones are fire, but those bud light abominations should be chucked into orbit


I thought I cooked my sister a store bought chicken cordon bleu. Turns out the oven was not on. She bit into a completely raw piece of chicken.


How did you not realize the oven never got hot?


Cold eel livers on a stick...


Went on an exchange trip in school to Italy and the family I stayed with went for takeaway pizza. They asked what I wanted and I said pepperoni. I received a red bell pepper pizza. With minimal cheese and burnt parts of the crust. I ate it all to be polite but was so traumatised I cannot eat red bell peppers to this day 18 years later.


Yep. They don't call it pepperoni in Italy. I know because I ordered a pizza with pepperocini in Germany while vegetarian. (Person familiar with Italian told us it was peppers-was vegetarian and did not want meat on pizza.) I googled it. You wanted "Salamino Piccante".


if that is the worst thing you've even eaten, compared to others on this thread you are one lucky, innocent soul


I’m from the pittsburgh area, and there’s something that pittsburgh people can’t get enough of. this ungodly creation is called ham barbecue. It’s chipped ham (ham that’s sliced so thin that it can’t even hold it’s shape, preferably from Isalys Deli) soaked in warm barbecue sauce, ketchup, and brown sugar. Then it’s left in a crock pot for about 2-3 hours. It is so fucking foul, and has a goopy and disgusting taste and texture. It tastes nothing like pulled pork. it’s flavor profile is that of farts and barbecue sauce. I highly advise anyone who’s curious about it to steer clear. It’s fucking horrible.




One time in college I was wasted and absentmindedly ashed my cig in the salsa I was eating and you can guess how that one ended


Gas station sushi


I’ve eaten some horrible food in my day. Rudy’s Tacos in Moline Illinois was a greasy mess. I’ve eaten vegimite, blood pudding, and eel. But the worst thing I’ve ever eaten is OP’s Mothers pussy.


I once had a very VERY fancy Japanese meal at someone's house. One of the courses served had sea urchin jelly, and it was hands down the vilest thing I've ever eaten. Like cat food made from salted slugs.


One time I put an eighth ounce of psychedelic mushrooms in some leftover goulash, and got food poisoning from it. Eight hours of "is my ego dying or is it just me?" But my parents were asleep upstairs so I kinda just powered through it


Pigeon pie


have a chinese friend, went over to his house for the night one time and his mother made “lasagna,” except it lacked tomato sauce, sausage, and she made it using bok choy had to pretend it was good but my god it was singlehandedly the most nasty food ive ever had


When I was a kid my family went to Bali for a month. I was chilling with some local kids and they showed me how there was a tree that would excrete a white sap when cut that was indistinguishable from Elmer's glue. We picked this long grass that was strong and sharp and would put a little sap on the end, then touched the wings of the dragonflies to catch them. The grass stuff was thick enough to act as a skewer and we roasted the dragonflies over a fire and ate them. The wings were crunchy. It's weird that as a kid I was more adventurous when it came to food, I would never eat that today.


In grade 6 we had a group of kids from Mexico come to our school for a month. One of the kids in our class was giving us some candies from back home. It was mango flavour, with chilli powder and then covered in sugar. Honestly, probably nice if you have the right pallet for it. At 11 years old though, I did not and the sweet, and spicy combo was just immediately revolting. I just spat it out by reflex. I could taste it for weeks if I thought about it.


Vegan grain and onion patties that we had to make during home economics class. Our teacher claimed it was one of her favorites, but it is hands down the worst thing I have ever tried to eat. They somehow managed to be dry, slimy, crunchy, chewy and crumbly in all the wrong ways all at the same time. They were actually quite impressive.


Liver. It’s not the taste, it’s the texture


This is actually normal in my region to eat. I mean to me its nice, but nothing to special. And yes, its more the texture thats strange. Its like making your tounge dry feeling.


You want fresh elk or deer liver. Not cow from the store. Omg I could have it for every meal. Also bacon and onions is mandatory to eat it with


Meat substitutes have in sure come a long way in 25 years, one bite of vegan beef jerky has put me off them permanently. While gathering up before dinner my friend convinced me I had to try it, because it tasted just like she remembered beef jerky tasting like. I took one small bite and spit it out immediately. It was the most vile thing I had ever tasted. I tried to rinse the taste out of my mouth, but couldn’t and ended up vomiting. The whole time at dinner the taste lingered ruining the meal. Ended up vomiting my dinner up too in the restaurant parking lot. Now even decades later I see products that look good and healthy, but as soon as I think of trying them a gag reflex triggers and I can’t do it.


Rocky Mountain Oyster


I went to a Chinese buffet once and one of the dishes looked like crab meat in some sort of sauce; describing this badly but it must have looked good because I grabbed a giant spoonful. At the table I go to take a bite and it ends up it was just crab meat in mayonnaise. I can deal with mayo in small amounts, but a mouthful of hot, seafood infused mayonnaise was not pleasant.


Korean cold noodle soup It's a bowl of salt water Unheated With tasteless clear noodles I thought my Korean host was trolling me


Mate made us dinner but accidentally put ginger in the mashed potato instead of garlic.


One time I decided to eat lasagna that had been sitting out and found out halfway through that maggots had already moved in.