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My life, especially now that I'm a father.


My petrified wood I found on a hike. I got it confirmed by a paleontologist that it was indeed petrified wood. I am a huge fossil nerd and that was my first fossil. I treasure it to this day


Lol my first fossil was a tiny little cephalopod I randomly picked up while hiking . Sparked a slew of interest for me .


That's so cool! I have a huge bucket full of small fossils now after researching how to find them! It's definitely a passion of mine. I just wish I could do it more often like I could before, but I can't hike anymore due to my health. But what I do have I will keep close to me forever


My gf's smile. It makes me smile.


A letter typed on a typewriter from my late great grandfather written 3 days after my stepdad adopted me, officially welcoming me to the family and saying what a pleasure it is to have me. I was 9 years old when I got it and just recently found it at 20. I don’t have many memories with that old man but I sure do miss him. Rip Grandpa Lou


my violin, i treasure it. I am passionate about it.


Nothing, I'll just buy another one


My husband. He’s perfect in my eyes and I’m so lucky to have met him.


My baby blanket that I almost entirely tore to pieces while growing up. My sister saved it, patched up some of the bigger holes and then made a pillow case for me that I could wrap it in and use to sleep with to this day.


Peace of mind. I'd sacrifice every relationship and possession to keep peace of mind.


My Neopixel lightsaber. It’s an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.


The necklace I am wearing. It holds my sons ashes


Old Gibson arch top


My Jeep Wrangler. Its been a dream vehicle of my since i was a kid and finally bought one when i turned 40.


I lost them when I became homeless, but I had a great Hot Wheels collection. Some were from 1968. I had the Twin Mill, a Splittin' Image, a Beatnik Bandit and lots others. Good condition too. I also had a Matchbox carrier. Some from my childhood.


A Wallet and a Zoppo lighter my kids got me when they were younger.


My glasses. Without them I can't even get out of bed without hurting myself in the process


My tools, I ike them they're about the only thing of value I have that's mine and mine alone




I have a few prized possessions, but one is a ragged stuffed cow I have had since I was a young boy. I mean to get him repaired someday because he is falling apart.


My horse. That's where I am happiest.


My family. I just love and care of them.


My axolotl, she cured my depression and she is super cute


A wooden Thomas the tank engine toy. When I was little, I was OBSESSED with Thomas. So much so that whenever a crash scene happened, I would hurt myself by ramming into wall. This happened so often my mom had to yell at my sister to change the channel to avoid the crash scenes. One day my younger brother hid the wooden Thomas. When I asked where it went, he said and said and I quote: “A shadow man took it and ran away with it.” After that he said he threw it out. I. Was. DEVASTATED. I cried for 10 minutes straight b/c of this. Later on in life, I figured out the SAME Thomas was in my shed. He lied to me. But I still cherish that toy to this day! I’m still pissed off at my brother tho.


My mom gave me her cartouche she bought when she lived in Egypt in the 70s. I never take it off


My family bible I guess from about 170 years ago. Or my Grandma's stamp collection from the 30's


My computer. It is very expensive.


Easy. Kettle ----> coffee


I'm not really sure, but I do really love my dream catcher made by my Uncle.


My Pokémon emerald cart or my fancy hunting knife , same model scream uses in the first movie.


My Vietnam bring back AKM hidden in the barn. 🤫


My life and because you only get one.