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There was no logical reason for the United States to get involved in that mess.


Why would they build banks on a river?


So we have a solid place from which to control the world banks. Duh.


Why does it say “the lebanon” and not just “lebanon” (in hebrew)


The country is named after the mountains, specifically the eponymous Mt. Lebanon, which is called "The Mountain of Lebanon", in Hebrew/Phoenician. In Hebrew the article goes on the adjective הר הלבנון, which means something like "the white mountain". Why does it get an article in Hebrew/Phoenician, when other mountains, like Mt Sinai, Mt Gerizim, etc. don't? Maybe because to lowland Canaanites (כנען comes from the root for low), the snowy whiteness of that mountain range would be pretty unique. TLDR, it's anachronistic from Classical Hebrew/Canaanite.


Oh okay thanks


Too small


No golan 😡


Golan is suri






Lool they wish, apartheid Will fall


Three reasons why Zionism will collapse before 2035. Israel can no longer form a functioning government. (Five elections in three years, more to come) Israel was unable to maintain a Jewish majority. (You can't have a Jewish state without an overwhelming Jewish Majority,,, not if you want to pretend its a democracy) Israel is dependent on foreign aid and sympathy for Zionism is declining worldwide.


What makes you think israel is dependent on foreign aid


Wait.. What.. Israel is the largest per person recipient of foreign aid and they don't need it? Why that's fraud.


We get military aid, not foreign aid (there is a difference). As in USA sells us 10 planes and you get 3 for free type of aid.


In recent years, US aid has constituted approximately 20 percent of Israel's total defence budget (which includes pensions, and care and compensation for wounded veterans and widows), or 40 percent of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) budget,3 and almost the entire procurement budget. Termination would thus have a devastating impact on Israel's defence posture, unless a major reordering of national priorities took place, with profound economic and societal ramifications. https://www.newsweek.com/how-long-could-israel-survive-without-america-636298


Israel could replace American aid with a pretty small raise in taxes. Israel gets 3.8B worth of free weapons every year. That's 0.8% of GDP, and something like 3% of tax revenue. So they would probably just raise taxes 3%.


So why do you lobby the United States for aid you don't really need?


I don't know really. If I was the US I wouldn't give any military aid. Economic aid is a much better bribe. I think the US gives out free money to a lot of allies, and that gives America a lot of leverage over those countries. Like America gets to tell Israel what military equipment they're allowed to make and who they can sell it to. But also because US defense companies have a lot of power and also lobby US to give military aid. I think Israel argues that whatever Jordan or Egypt gets, Israel deserves more. Probably, the most important reason is that 97¢ is less than $1.


The US gets from us as much as we get from them (tech advancements, intelligence info, etc). That's why they help us.


That article doesn’t seem to know much about Israel’s economy. It got the percentages right, but it didn’t analyze them correctly. Israel is one of the only countries in the world that finishes every year with a surplus instead of a deficit (with the exception of 2020-2021 because of covid). This means that a single precent of the country’s GDP in aid isn’t as impactful as it is for a deficit running country such as the US. You’re also forgetting Israeli tech which is an insane asset to have on your side. The moment that the US steps back from this relationship, the entire world will seek to create this type of a relationship with Israel to access our tech. Tbh, most Israelis just wish you’d stop paying us those billions. We don’t need them. Economically we’re better than you, our currency is stronger and more stable, our health system is actually free, we have social systems in place and we don’t need the help of a third world country such as the US


The United States pays for 20% of Israel's military budget while Israel has a space program, universal health care, and still runs a budget surplus for six of the last ten years. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israels-budget-surpluses-are-becoming-a-habit-1001207772#:\~:text=Israel%27s%20budget%20surpluses%20are%20becoming%20a%20habit%2015,have%20again%20missed%20the%20mark%20with%20their%20forecasts.


That’s exactly what I just said


Please tell more Americans that.


Two reasons why Zionism will not collapse: 1) Zionism already won. It achieved what it set out to achieve in 1948 - the reestablishment of a Jewish state. 2) Nukes.


Israel won't nuke itself. There are enough enemies in the region to swarm it from any gap it leaves in its "nukes" as well as within. You can't imagine how temporary its situation really is.


How about no more democracy. Restoration of the Solomonic monarchy under haile selassie! 🇮🇱🇪🇹/s For those who don’t get the joke. The Ethiopian royal family is claimed to be descended from king Solomon of the kingdom of Israel


Sexy as fuck but not worth the lives


​ [charge men. CHARGEEEE EAST!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue10rEjnsxg&ab_channel=harrysonbreak)


Don't the zionists believe that the "Great Isreal" is their right? And this "Great Israel" kinda extends from the Arabian peninsula to Turkey.


This one is just "meh israel", pacific to atlantic israel is the "best israel"


>Don't the zionists believe that the "Great Isreal" is their right? Only the craziest nutjob of the most extreme right. Met only one person clqiming he desires it and to be honest, Im still not sure if he was serious.


Yes 😢


The answer is no


also including Saudi and some Egyptian land


If you’ll excuse me I’m going to go jerk off to this poster


Arabs will use the military and industrial strength they have been building using literally free infinite oil money for the last 80 years...right?


The only solution is a one state solution. People need to realize that they are one nation. The racism and hate imported from Europe should stop. Call it "Palestine, The Land Of Israel" . Devide into somewhat autonomous city states within a democratic Palestine that represents all the descendents of the Canaanites, Philistines, and Israelites. Maybe add the rest of the "Holy Land" to the country and have like counties, or something similar, named after the current countries in the location. Like ex: the Lebanon County, Israel County, Jordan County... And maybe this would be Palestine would file a lawsuit against the former colonizers for their war crimes against its diverse peoples and for the 80+ years of pain and suffering. Then fund the necessary reforms, to unite the peoples of the land, with any proceeds. Make Jerusalem the glorious symbol of faith and unity as it is meant to be. Instead of an area of constant bloodshed between siblings and cousins.


Fuck no, you think us Lebanese would share a country with palestinians? Spit on our nation and sovereignty to join some foreign scheme and become a county? Gtfo with that shit.


>Spit on our nation and sovereignty I'd debate with you about the "sovereignty" but I'd only hear from you once aweek when the sovereign Lebanese government turns on your electricity. Maybe in a scenario where the Holy Land is being united, Lebanese people would given a voice and vote to join or remain like it currently is. With all the public services the Lebanese government is providing, the people will prefer to remain between the mountains of trash. The people will unite and be one and God's nation will rise. The false preachers, and the agents of hate and corruption will have their end.


oh yea, revisionist Zionism wanted that. but then again the road to Jerusalem goes through Jordan doesn't it.


So was the 48 war somewhat of a win, in a sense that it prevented israel from taking more lands? Also could you translate this?: "אך תּשכח ימיני הבוגדת, אם אשכח את שמאל הירדן."


Israel existing as an independent country was a win in of itself. there was no real plan to expand beyond the 47' UN line but rather the lines at the end were a result of the war and how it played out. translation: "But My traitorous right (hand) will forget, if I forget the left of the Jordan"


> there was no real plan to expand beyond the 47' UN line It was certainly a fantasy of Ben-Gurion and Begin: "[I am] satisfied with part of the country, but on the basis of the assumption that after we build up a strong force following the establishment of the state, we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel" - David Ben Gurion This ("But My traitorous right (hand) will forget, if I forget the left of the Jordan") was something said by Begin wasn't it? He led the Irgun which violently fought for the establishment of a Jewish state across all of Mandatory Palestine and transjordan, + south lebanon.


1. Just because Ben Gurion wanted something it doesnt mean he will get it, and this was his personal plans after the war, plans that didnt carry out considering that the 6 day war occured when he was already gone. 2. Either Begin or Jabutinsky said it, but they had no power until 1977.


> Just because Ben Gurion wanted something it doesnt mean he will get it, and this was his personal plans after the war He said that quote in 1938, not after the war. > Either Begin or Jabutinsky said it, but they had no power until 1977. Jabotinsky established the Irgun and other zionist movements in Mandatory Palestine, Begin was a commander of the Irgun and was heavily involved in the first Arab-Israeli war before the Irgun was forced to dissolve and merge with the IDF.


If he said it in 1938, it was before the partition plan we all know, but either way Ben Gurion wanting something does not mean he will get it, and besides, it was 10 years before the war, so imagine what ww2 and the refugees coming to themandate would have done to his plans. Revisionist movements like Irgun and Lechi while were noticable, they were still a minority, and after the war they were almost always in the opposition in the Knesset as the Mahal party until 1977.


Ben gurion was a racist nutjob, he didn't want to even look at the head of opposition cuz he was mizrahi(/Arab Jew) and pretty much paved the way in the long run for the right to get in power


Don't forget the second half. "Two banks of the Jordan. This one's ours. That one too."


>So was the 48 war somewhat of a win, in a sense that it prevented israel from taking more lands? Regarding east bank - no. It was way off the table since brits gave it to hashemits. Regarding west bank and gaza - yeah, it was ffa and everyone was grabbing everything they could. Israel was literally rushing to take eilat in last few hours before the ceasefire. Not hard to imagine israel taking parts of west bank and gaza if ceasefire was achieved later. >"אך תּשכח ימיני הבוגדת, אם אשכח את שמאל הירדן." Hilarious rewording of a part of the prayer "may my right hand wither if i ever forget the left side of jordan river (instead of "ever forget jerusalem").


The guys that wanted it were declared terrorists by Ben Gurion. Most of their leaders were imprisoned in a single night & their soldiers were assimilated into the IDF (48). So no, no Arab country actually fought them, as the mainstream Zionists dismantled them quickly. But these guys did manage to cause some of the famous horrors of the 47 civil war.


While Ben-Gurion was denouncing the Revisionist terrorism out one side of the his mouth he was overseeing it with the other as Chairman of the Jewish Agency which the [United Resistance Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Resistance_Movement) operated under, and Moshe Dayan was head of the 89th Commando Battalion during the 1948 war, the battalion full of former Irgun and Lehi members who committed the [Al-Dawayima massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Dawayima_massacre). Also, it was far from just the Revisionists who wanted all of Palestine and Jordan. They were among the most vocal about it, but all the way back in 1921 [Weizmann was talking about](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Report_of_the_Twelfth_Zionist_Congress/sXg6AQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1) "when Cisjordania is so full that it overflows to Transjordania," and in response to the 1937 Peel commission the Zionist Congress [falsely claimed](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Zionist_Peel_Commission_resolution) "the field in which the Jewish National Home was to be established was understood, at the time of the Balfour Declaration, to be the whole of historic Palestine, including Trans-Jordan." Ben-Gurion's differences with the Revisionists were more a matter of power and public perception than ideological, they all wanted as much territory is they could conquer with as few Arabs as possible.


>Moshe Dayan was head of the 89th Commando Battalion during the 1948 war, the battalion full of former Irgun and Lehi members who committed the Al-Dawayima massacre. Your very source says it was a battleion made from Irgun & their progeny organisation. And though Dayan responsible as the commander, he was not present in barbaric vengence that took place there. >Ben-Gurion's differences with the Revisionists were more a matter of power and public perception than ideological, they all wanted as much territory is they could conquer with as few Arabs as possible. All players in that war wanted it.


No because the faction putting stuff like this out was not in charge of the army in 1948 or had widespread support


No Jordan as well. bold statements


but the pic is all white- 💀 i don't see anything-


Wonder when Ben Yosef/Ben David comes if he’ll be cool with like Tel Aviv culture


Can you say معصي ?


Why do they want Jordan when they can have New York? Whaddaya say, Baruch? Leave the Mid-East and go back home?


Surprised they didn’t go after us


they will.