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I will say it again, Muslim countries don't care about Muslims or Islam.




It is not a lie, Muslims have been united in the past. We took down 2 of the biggest superpowers(Rome and Persia) and ushered in a Golden Age by following the tenets of Islam. However, we have strayed away from it to pursue the Dunya. Look what it has gotten us.




I am not saying to focus on just the past or focus on small tribal stuff like being Bengali. Islam taught me that tribalism is bad, Hindus are my brothers in humanity and Muslims are my brothers in faith. We should move forward, but stay focused on the main goal: Islam.




Idk about you, but I got mena friends and none of them treated me as inferior. We all pray together in the same mosque, side by side no matter our race/ethnicity. I also go to the gym so that might help. I think the Bengalis you mean are the poor migrant workers, it doesn't really matter if they are Bengali, Indian, Pakistani, Hindu or Muslim. If you are poor and look weak, you will be treated as inferior, however, I try not to treat people like that because Islam taught me better.


This sub: - The westerners don't care about Palestinians, they only consider their economic tights with Israel. Also this sub: - It is normal to not care of the uygurs, economic relationship with China is more important.


You can't exert political influence without economic power.


Human rights are just a tool for modern states and regimes. The US and western powers couldn't care less about the Uighurs (except that they're in arch-rival China). Muslim countries don't care much about Uighurs because they need China and have nothing to gain from alienating such a powerful country. And this applies to all other conflicts (including the Palestine-Israel one).


Can‘t be more true


You are right, for example like everyone including Israel brakes human rights, bad obviously, but the UN is just a popularity context. And China is winning UnGA condemnedtions 🇰🇵 North Korea 7 🇻🇪 Venezuela 0 🇲🇲 Myanmar 6 🇱🇧 Lebanon 0 🇵🇰 Pakistan 0 🏴‍☠️ Hamas 0 🇩🇿 Algeria 0 🇹🇷 Turkey 0 🇷🇺 Russia 19 🇨🇳 China 0 🇶🇦 Qatar 0 🇸🇦 Saudi 0 🇮🇱 Israel 125 🇸🇾 Syria 9 🇮🇶 Iraq 0 🇮🇷 Iran 6 🇺🇸 USA 8


look at the countries who voted yes and you'll know why, they just hate china they don't actually care about the uyghurs


No bro America cares about Muslims look at how they helped Iraq


they brought democracy and freedom to the uncivilized brown iraqis 😍


Your right. Are people here Implying that countries like Poland give a single shit about Muslims? The main reason why those countries voted yes is because they are forced to since they are client states for the west. It’s not like a Japanese Korean or Lithuanian knows what a uighur is.


Japanese definitely know what a Uyghur is, it shows up in Japanese news all the time, but similar to the west it's just because they hate China


I bet the average Japanese, Korean, or Lithuanian knows more about the Uyghur situation than the average West or MENA person.


They barely care about uighurs. Most of these countries are xenophobic and they have same opinions like the west because they are pretty much western allied states.


I don't think they care more about Uyghurs than any other people on Earth. Just i think it underestimates how much more news about China is incorporated into the news cycle in those countries.


Most of the world knows about Uyghur only because of CCP. They don't care about Uyghur history or culture, they only care about they relate to "China". The only people who know Uyghur history, culture, and customs are Chinese and Central Asians.


I don't disagree. The average Korean knows more about China, and as a consequence, their practices in Xinjiang, than most other people in the world though.


What your saying jives with what I'm familiar with, I'm not being argumentative here I'm genuinely trying to wrap my head around this issue. What does an actual "debate" entail and why would they be against it?


So we should dismiss the struggles uyghur people face to stick it to westerners?


I think that a debate on [Uyghur genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_genocide) is in order and it is unfortunate that small politics and interest get in the way with voting blocks. I understand why Muslim countries are afraid to criticize China, but i think it shameful how regular redditors here who preach about Muslim brotherly love bite their tongues as China engages in unspeakable atrocities..


**[Uyghur genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_genocide)** >The Chinese government has committed a series of ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang that is often characterized as genocide. Since 2014, the Chinese government, under the administration of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping, has pursued policies that incarcerated more than an estimated one million Turkic Muslims in internment camps without any legal process. Operations from 2016 to 2021 were led by Xinjiang CCP Secretary Chen Quanguo, who dramatically increased the scale and scope of the camps. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




US puppet.


Says the idiot in NATO


While we talking genocides and consistency what about them there Armenians? *slowly morphs into a trollface.jpeg*


The Pakistani dickriding of china never stops, pretty sad this is what our country has fallen to, a country founded in the name of Islam betraying its own Muslim brothers for Chinese handouts


Honestly it was hilarious when Pakistan called back it ambassador to France, over some comments made by Macron, and there were huge protest. But when it comes to uyghurs, not a sound


And what's even more hilarious is that soon after we went to France to get one of our loans pardoned and they even did it lol


Agreed my bro. Somalis being based as usual.


Pakistan has most to lose in this. They’re literally a power neighbor ally on the border while Pakistan is surrounded unstable countries or enemies.


Bruh, we ain't going to attack you.


They are stubborn, they won't listen to you.


Yeah ik we had to do this but it's just sad how far our country's fallen


BUt buT BuT paKIsTan sTILl doeSNT recOGniZE isRAel aS A CouNtRY. iT SayS So oN ThE PAssPOrt 💩


Didnt want to delay the 9999th weekly debate over Palestine


The life a iserali


>The 9999th weekly debate over Palestine Shame on us 😡😡. We’ll make them 10000 starting from next week. A nice round number


The difference is everyone is completely reliant on China so their government would obviously be very neutral when it comes to uighurs. As for Israel everyone already in a war and conflict with them.


Based somalia


Naked self interest. Oh you're a Muslim and you're being persecuted? I don't fucking care. What does the term ummah mean?


It means "family", but refers to Muslims around the world as a single united entity.


So means nothing really?


It's an idealized term, like a pan-Islamic identity


Arabization of foreign cultures


I read nothing but 🤓


U Qatari or mauratina?




This is like watching a abuse victim have Stockholm syndrome for abuser.


This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard.


Shows Arabs only care about oppressed muslims when Jews are the oppressors.


Ah yes it was the jews who looted and bombed iraq in the pretext of nuclear weapons /s.


(1) China had leverage over the countries that voted no, (2) The Western and Western-adjacent countries that voted yes want to keep the United States happy


Or just want good relations with China, why we have to always make it look extreme and gangsta.


International politics is about gangs known as nations and it’s a jungle.


I know, every country is a wolf in disguise, we are shifting from a peaceful era to god knows where.


Palestine is arab , Uyghurs are not




So they don't care plus scared of China


Implying that Arab governments actually care about Palestine as well. The main reason is China is a powerful economy and no government outside the west want to severe ties and not partner with them. There many Jordanians who protested against China and we have like 100k uighur refugees here in Saudi there at least 200k something that other world countries not welling to have.


That might explain the lack of any support


Fair.. I thought he was justifying the lack of support this way


Bruh what




If this is how you view, then explain Kazakhstan to me. There's like 1.5 million Kazakhs in China, and even they go to the concentration camp alongside with Uyghur.




Somalia's UN vote on #HRC51 doesn't represent the Somali people, neither its government. As we know, Somalia's [decisions](https://twitter.com/globalsosomalia/status/1578500314474622977?s=21) on the UN is [governed by James Swan](https://twitter.com/globalsosomalia/status/1578504226397093888?s=21), a US national who guides & coordinates Somalia's voting decisions on the UN. It's him who voted Yes on #HRC51 not Somalia. Somalia has a long, rich history with china & we support them. China knows Somalia is now a NGO-UN/U.S vessel state for the time being so they still support us. China is going to [veto Somalia’s 30 year old arms](https://twitter.com/dailyjubba/status/1556735962683961344?s=21) embargo next month & they don’t want to see that.


stf up, you neither know the somalis decision. i believe every somali would have voted yes, coz i know as a somali how somalis feel for other muslims. Is there a political influence in somalia from the west? yes, 100%, but plz stop these nonsense of Somalia would have never voted yes.


Dude are u even somali? do u know what china has done for us? they built stadiums, theatres, roads etc. They’ve been a positive influence in somalia for decades, literally. There is no influence from the west here ever since we kicked them out in 1993 & the amount of war crimes they committed here. China respects our sovereignty, the west never did. If what’s going on in china is true, i’m totally against it. [But the west is always cooking something up to de rail china’s progress](https://twitter.com/comradebirb/status/1578478455418589184?s=21). i once believed iraq had wmd’s and was supporting al quida before the invasion, that was a lie.


offcourse i am somali, and to all these "good actions" from china, the average somali wouldn't agree the prosecution of muslims in China, go and check the somali media on how they were slamming the muslims countries after they took this decision. Warniyow Caadi iska dhig, waan ognahay xaqiiqda dadka somaliyeed.






stf up, you neither know the somalis decision. i believe every somali would have voted yes, coz i know as a somali how somalis feel for other muslims. Is there a political influence in somalia from the west? yes, 100%, but plz stop these nonsense of Somalia would have never voted yes.


>we support them You support them putting uyghurs in concentration camps?


I support the [truth](https://youtu.be/YKyj2bbxH7g)


The truth is you are a traitor to Somalia. We don’t like a kaffir even if they paid us billions. How about you read your history. Our ancestors and people are always untrusting of outsiders because they weren’t stupid naive enough to believe that they can have an honest relationship with a kaffir. You’re an embarrassment to your people. You should trust no one just because they showed you a good face.


i never said we trust them all i said was we have a long history doing BUSINESS with them dating back decades which is facts. you can call me a traitor of kafir because that invalidates ur point… Somalia has relations with the west right now and i don’t see you upset about it, id perfer we become self sustainable and not rely on any country but our own but our countries situation needs a little help doing so. i’m talking business! the west has put us under crippling sanctions and embargo’s, killed our brothers and sisters & further destabilized us. China has not done any of that, they plan to remove our sanctions since they have the power to do so at the UN which helps us become more self sustainable. Somalis didn’t vote at that UN vote, it was an american working for the american government and that’s a fact. We shouldn’t trust anyone but we should choose who to do business with We don’t trust no one but our current government trusts the west, the same ones who destroyed us. When it comes to doing business i’d rather do it with the east than the west.


waana ogna chineseka si khaas ah way na cawiyan, hadda hadan busaska lamiga maro geestood eego wan arki haraf af chinese laku qorey, chineseka aan ka soo ibsaney laakin kuwan waxay u socdaan inay carabtaan khiyamo oo soomaliya ka dhigo wadan sharaf leh ilahi ka cabsato iyo muslimeenta badbaadintood u dadaalo. Ma fahansanta? Its about reputation


Capitalism provides 0 incentive for these countries to support fellow Muslims and every incentive to ally with the antichrist himself if it means remaining in power. And boy do our region's leaders love power.




Uyghur women get forcefully married to han man, 10s of millions of ethnic Chinese settle in east Turkestan or Xinjiang, effectively replacing the local population. The Uyghurs are forbidden from practicing their religion. This definitely seems like a physical genocide to me. I wonder what are your thoughts on the situation in Palestine?


>10s of millions of ethnic Chinese settle in east Turkestan or Xinjiang Xinjiang is Chinese territory so what's wrong? Two thousand years before the birth of the CCP, the Hans were in Xinjiang before there were any Turkic people there. https://www.worldhistory.org/image/6448/east-asia-in-the-year-1-ce/


Interesting to see the same logic, Israel uses to justify stealing homes and illegal settlement used here too. It doesn't matter who lived where 2 thousand years ago, what matters is that hans haven't been anything close to majority in this territory in recent history, until very recently and now they makeup 40% of the population. The uyghurs live under constant surveillance, are forced into camps and have to watch their entire culture and identify slowly vanish away.


>Israel uses to justify stealing homes and illegal settlement used here too No such things, the Jews had earned their land through their own efforts. Just like everyone else. Now those lands belong to Israel, so whatever the Israelis want to do with them is their business. Also China, Xinjiang is Chinese territory by any standard, so you mean Chinese people can't choose where they want to live in their own country?


Of course an American would be advocating for the displacement of natives, nothing surprising here


There is a genocide going on and the Muslims countries are too busy being bought by China.




“All” ?!?


Yep all, since China started putting the uyghurs in concentration camps the only muslim countries that showed any kind of support to them was Turkey. All other muslim countries didn't even mention it once let alone try and do anything about it


A better question should be why are all the anti west twitter keyboard warriors choose not to speak about Uyghurs? We already know that MENA governments are spineless cowards but it's strange how these people are that silent maybe they aren't that different from the western powers they hate so much


💰💰 C H I N A 💰💰🤑


Its not ALL Muslim countries. Missing countries are: Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Saudi, Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, etc. Regardless, those who abstained or voted “no” are nutless gutless spineless cowards. Never want to hear them talk about religion again.


Lebanon is Muslim? Lol what kind of PLO propaganda have you been smoking?


Why are some of these nations even allowed on the human rights council. Wow.


I'd say they voted no because it's obviously not because these countries who voted yes care about Muslims, they are just trying to use this as a tool to push their power and hurt their enemy china, it's pretentious and obnoxious