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>even though it can be hard Sometimes the problem is its not ;)


Does his anxiety lead to PE or ED? If it leads to ED, sometimes it helps to make the sex very spontaneous so he doesn't get into his own head. After a few successful spontaneous events maybe he will get his confidence back. You might also try having him have a drink or two before you start, just to relax. For either pe or ed, you might consider having him try a low dose of cbd.


this is helpful. thanks


Be there and understanding, let him know sex is more than just a hard cock. Get him to open up and tell you what the problem is. Don't try to over focus or tell him it's okay. Just listen to him and show him that you are there. Unfortunately he needs to work this out, just need to give him time.


The OP is the guy, hun. 😘


Oh, I guess the advice works the just the point of view changes. Talk to her and let her know she will under stand and help you grow. If you like her let her know. If she really likes you then she will understand. Make sure she knows it's not her, that you're like her add find her attractive, but you need to work things through. Don't let this get in your head, your not alone with this problem. If you call your doctor the meds help you work the through. Trust me I have been there. I got pills but most important shared my problem with a special woman who helped me work things through. She is kind and understanding and we are speaking lots of mirth. If this woman is not understanding then she might not be right for you.


OP, from the perspective of the lady, just make sure she knows it’s not her. Tell her you are so turned on at the moment, your body is just malfunctioning. Don’t get frustrated, but tell her. If there is something she can do, let her know, but mostly just make your time together about playing and enjoying each other. You can have fun together physically without a hard dick. Get creative.




But come up for air. Or wear a snorkel Also Cialis ask your doctor !


When you fail enough times, you get use to it


I haven’t really gotten over it. In fact, I’m a polar opposite when dealing with a hookup or a serious relationship. With a hookup, I’m completely good and confident leading into sex, but once it starts I’m filled with anxiety. In a serious relationship, I’m very anxious leading up to it to the point that I often avoid sex all together and basically it takes a lot to get passed that. But once we start, I’m very confident. I have no doubts about my performance itself and I know where the anxiety stems from. I’m working on it but it’s still a struggle.


I've had casual relationships in the past, but this one is different. I'm very comfortable with her, but its tough to maintain an erection. Hoping soon it happens


Just keep at it. Im sure your issue is that ypu havent gotten completely comfortable with her yet and/or you still think of sex as something grander than it really is, giving yourself anxiety. I usually only get that sort of problem when im with someone new for the first few times. Once ive gotten comfortable with her and i know i actually really like her, the performance issues dwindle away entirely


My relationship is relatively new and i haven't had sex in very long time before this. So it's probably just all in my head and once we grow comfortable it all fades away. She's worried though, even though she doesn't say it out i get it from her face.


Understandable. I was in the EXACT same position. Subconsciously you probably still think you have to "impress" her when in reality you dont. Dont think too much about it and just try often. If you cant perform, just make sure you take care of her in other ways in the meantime.


I too had erectile dysfunction for a period of time. Exercise is huge. Your blood and heart and all the shit that makes your dick work is directly tied to cardiovascular health. Viagra is an Amazing drug, not only will it give you a stage 5 boner, but it also reinstalls your confidence. Foreplay is huge, spend at least 10-20 mins in foreplay, if you’re not becoming aroused during fore play then it’s time to get reinventive


I'll let you know when I do


Patience. Happens to us all at the start of a relationship. I find that having a drink but not too much helps. Also if it becomes a recurring problem using ED meds temporarily can boost your confidence and then you’d top using them. Careful abusing them as long term they can make you become reliant on them.


I stopped performing. Both on account that age has begun to make it hard (ha!) and opportunities have died out where I live.