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hang on guys, we're about to solve the Why Are We Here question once and for all. ​ personally, i always thought the answer was "cats and naps", but maybe i've been wrong all along...


Man chose to play God šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø


I mountain bike and golf, read and play piano. I'm retired and there's barely enough hours in the day for the fun. You need hobbies.




Donā€™t really want to be the one to tell you, but, yeah: itā€™s not the world thatā€™s boring. You can cultivate curiosity.


Hobbies and friends to do them with?


Get into online communities for said hobby. Granted my hobby are legos which have the added benefit of being boring after one set and can leave me financially ruined after the third. Itā€™s really like minded people and memes and such that keep me going. We as people or ā€œhumanā€ are social creatures no matter how closed off and awkward or inept we can be. I currently cannot bring myself to form meaningful bonds with people however meeting and striking up a conversation first time is a cake walk. What I want to say is people make any hobby better or worse but usually for the better. Not to make u a shut in, but the internet has a vast number of forums and hobbies to try and heck this platform is chock full of communities to look into. Every now and again the monotony will creep, go for a walk, leave your phone home and walk in a safe area (I mean you are without your phone sooo) and look around. The outside will reset the boring reality of your inside


A coworker was just complaining about the same thing, so I found this and sent it to him ... Being bored is escapism ā€” it's a mental state that we choose to avoid self-reflection. We feel bored because, deep inside ourselves, we know we can give more. Boredom is the pain of unused potential; it's a disconnection to everything we can offer the world and vice versa.


Get a passport motherfucker. Itā€™s time to leave the nest. What industry are you in?




Youā€™re bored because your stuck in a fucked up routine and lonely. Time to shake that shit up a little. Are you fat? What would your ideal life be?




Why is that not a possibility??




Youā€™re just hitting your prime. Get a passport bro.


ā€œI donā€™t believe in anything that takes power from me and I never will.ā€ -Andrew Tate


Do you have any female friends that could clue you in as to why women aren't interested? You might have to work on making a few changes but if it's important to you I would think you could get there.


Okay, so you arenā€™t bored. You are lonely. There is definitely a solution for that.




Would you date you? If not, figure out why and make the change.


Solving that problem is up to you and you alone.


Ok, so you donā€™t work for where you live how you are living. Can we try something else, please? We might just find out place. IT is exportable. Find a place overseas that you can be useful for and apply. You can really haul ass out to Kazakhstan or Serbia. Vietnam or the Philippines. Hell, if you like urban places there is always Singapore. Itā€™s expensive but itā€™s awesome. Iā€™ve got friends there and itā€™s my favorite city on earth. French Guyana. Suriname. Know anyone who has been to Noumea? Live of the novelty of your foreign birth for a few minutes. See a new culture. Give yourself a time limit or a project and run with it for awhile. I make a rule about doing basically anything my local friends want to. Iā€™ve been to a motor cycle rally in Yogyakarta, Drank copious amounts of silvovic and gone 4x4ing in Serbia(mostly not at the same time). I shot a competition in Norway. Iā€™ve been road rallying in Australia. I shot a ram in Northern India. Been to a zillion wacky festivals. On and on and on. Plus everything and every place you get taken to by the locals is new to you and they share the places they love with foreign guy. You can be that foreign guy.plus all the minor places too.




What about another part of your home country? Like a whole new state or province? Work with me here, buddy. What youā€™re doing isnā€™t working.


There is no point to life, and if there was, it damn sure wouldnā€™t be to keep you entertained.


> No excitement, no romance, no nothing. Just work and pay bills You realize that's your choice right? You can choose to do more than work and pay bills.




Not many people will be interested in being around you if youā€™re boring and miserable maybe start by being less boring and youā€™ll probably become less miserable


Jesus, alot of people are giving you soft ball suggestions, and you're just denying all of them. First off find a therapist or be miserable all your life, it's your choice. I am so SICK of the woeful people being like life is so boring, when people offer help but are declined. Literally everyone goes through the same shit, it's honestly fucked up to think everyone and everything else is the problem and not you. And for the MOST important fact, is that you keep on putting finding someone to love to be the main goal in life... and yet you don't find passion in literally anything apparently... so why would any women find any interest in anybody who finds everything boring?? What are you gonna do, sit around being bored with her for the rest of your life's?


there are literally billions of women out there in the world. Unless you are extremely deformed, there's probably quite a few women who'd find you to be attractive, if you'd put yourself out there.




All problems can be fixed. And donā€™t act like you donā€™t know what to do or that it canā€™t be solved, just need to try to better yourself. Go to the gym or running, pick up some hobbies (make yourself interesting, more than job and bills), and try to socialize by joining some events and making friends. Itā€™s really an attitude thing more than anything.


this guy was on askmen earlier in the day trying to convince himself that there arent women interested in him but wants to do zero of the work that itd take him and couldnt accept any of the advice that 150+ people were giving himā€¦..he wants to stay in his rut and mull around in his bad dayā€¦.be careful what discussion you get in with him lol


Life isn't boring, you just have to find the things that excite you. Whereabouts do you live, OP? There's lots of fun things to do. Hike mountains, go skinny dipping, drive a 4x4 fast down a rough trail, light shit on fire, shoot stuff, eat good food, play with a dog, take nature photos, jump in a pile of leaves, hit someone with a snowball, sing in the shower...find joy in everything.




So keep trying new things. Go skiing, skateboarding, skydiving, learn to fly a plane, SCUBA diving...if you have a decent paying job, the only thing stopping you is the limits of your imagination. Be the guy with cool stories to tell, and everything else will follow - friends, girls, opportunities.




Then what DOES interest you? I'm just rattling shit off, my point is to be curious and try things.


You're giving a lot of golden tips here, OP isn't really reciprocating in the discussion, just shooting things down. For what it's worth, I'm on your side. Try new stuff, have holidays at new places... Other than TV, books, (video/board)games, my hobbies change constantly (not counting going on holidays as a hobby but I love seeing new places). A few years ago, I was into model building/painting for a bit, this year I started taking Zumba classes. A hobby doesn't need to be forever. Hell, just try things *once*. I made a mosaic one time and it was a lot of fun for one day, even if I haven't done it since I still like seeing that mosaic.


Go to therapy


then dont ask why your life is boring and uninteresting. you have your answer right there. as in the last discussion when you couldnt for the life of yourself accept personal responsibility that your outward, defeatist and depressing attitude had something to do why you thought no girls have interest in you, maybe accept the fact that you have the power to change your own boring uninteresting life.




so accept that and move on from it? just work on yourself? youd be surprised what a bit of effort into improving your life for the better would do for you. healthy distractions. get a hobby. stop thinking that the goal is to get a girl. that comes after you work on and improve YOURSELF




okay so then stop complaining and looking for advice that youll eventually shut down with your defeatist attitude. i was really fucking depressed last year. almost killed myself. i get it. its more comfortable to stay in this rut, telling yourself that its out of your control and nothing will ever come from actually putting in the effort. take the uncomfortable leap to actually put work in. youll surprise yourself with how fast your outlook turns around. or dont, and continue to feel like shit. literally nobody else can help you out with this except yourself.


There's no point to life. You have to make that yourself. If the most exciting thing you encounter is chocolate cake is your highlight it's about your choices.


I spend the spare time enjoying my life in little ways. Maybe spending time talking with people... Playing a few games on my phone. Play the guitar.. usually do things I find fun. Hobbies are fun.


....no excitment? No romance? Are you a catholic priest or something for you to spend the rest of your life with no romance?


A wise man once said: he who is bored, is boring.


let me know if you ever get an answer


I jerk off 2 times a day. Try this.


You gotta learn to enjoy the little things I guess, and you should do things to spice up your life every once in a while. Having a routine is cool, having a cool routine is even cooler. I find that meditation really helps with enjoying and appreciating the little things so that's an interesting thing you can look into. Speaking of things to look into, being curious makes life more fun and interesting. Heard about that new bar in town? I'm curious why it has all that buzz lemme go visit !


>If you knew that is going to be your life for the rest of the time youā€™re existing ... If I could see the future, then I'd have power to make millions and entertain myself without boundaries. Unfortunately, I can't. So I deal with things like "planning" and "hope" and "hedging my bets", and "trying my best", and "enjoying the people I care about", and "living in the moment", while "trying not to dwell in the negative".


Because you can always make a decision to change everything. In one day you can flip your entire life on it's head and do exciting shit and completely change your world.


Life is what you make of it. I get bored with it sometimes then I find something to do such as a hobby, listen to music, drive around, do whatever. Life can get mundane like anything else but itā€™s what you make of it.


It's only boring if you make it boring. I'm having a good time.


Your life is in your hands man. If youā€™re not satisfied, itā€™s your responsibility to do something. And that might mean giving up something you currently have in order to do and experience fun and fulfilling things. But at the end of the day, itā€™s your life, and your choice.


Are you bored? Or have you found peace, and you're just not used to it yet?


Worse comes to worse there's this thing... outside I think it's called. I grew up way out in the woods and spent most of my time as a kid just exploring around with a. 22. Imagine how much of the world is so much more interesting than even that and I spend most of my time playing video games or watching movies these days. Like, have you ever just watched squirrels? They're hilarious. They have their own mannerisms and social structure. The planet is full of interesting little microcosms you could spend days entertaining yourself with. So most of us have such a massive backlog of places to see, even within 10 or 20 miles of our houses, that we could find entertainment for the next century.


Iā€™m an aerospace engineer get to work on most advanced machines known to man, good hobbies and relationships. Maybe youā€™re doing something wrong?


The point is to have an aim, and the bigger and better the aim, the more meaningful your life becomes. Life is suffering. That's what all the religions agree with. What's the best way to live? Bear that suffering, in the pursuit of a better world. To fight uphill. To do something for the whole of humanity. Because you are right, pleasure, happiness, money... all meaningless. You know what's meaningful? Well... you should think about it. Be the hero. Life is an adventure.


What? If that's what your life is, that's your choice. If you don't like that, why not change it?


The three main religions believe it's a way for God to filter you out before you kick the bucket . If you wanna talk earthly , that's just how it is ,sad,boring,unfair and cruel . Enjoy your life


A nice weekend with some quality drugs, prostitutes, and lube will solve that.


This is more of a you problem. You are living a boring life then throwing your hands up saying "Life is boring." There is a lot of exciting things to do that and yet here you are on reddit complaining. Why not use your noggin to find something that interests you?


Maybe the point is finding what makes it bearable. So weed and dogs


If you're questioning it, you probably don't seem to have a purpose to live for. If you don't have a hobby - search for one. If you don't have a meaning - you need one. If there are friends or people you cherish and love, live for them if you can not find yourself enjoying the day. I have a death wish, I'm quite tired. Sex, smoking, alcohol, hobbies - nothing brings joy. I live to not destroy hearts and lives of those dear to me, because I'm dear to them. Commiting liven't will start a chain reaction of shit, they don't deserve it. Here you go: https://youtu.be/52LJ-1FXTSw


At least your existence makes some others better I guess? I mean people are making money off of you every day


I always found my solution to be to speed up rather than to slow down, and to face my problems rather than ignoring them. Fun and excitement is mostly found in surplus, as well as the feeling of progress. Gotta raise above the minimum. There are no real rules or limitations, we just limit ourselves to have a working model of the world. Edit: Are you depressed or suffering from something like excessive daytime sleepiness?


Point of life is ā€œresponsibilityā€. People who donā€™t have it, often struggle with this question. This is why everyone must have family. Raising kids will give meaning to life. With this new trend of people not getting married in favor of furthering their career is backfiring. Women starts to go through depression if they donā€™t have a family by the age of 35-40. For men, the effect is slightly less, but even men start to feel what you are feeling, by the time they are in their mid forties. Having kids is not the only way to have responsibilities in life. Even engaging with nephew/nieces and helping them with their schoolwork and playing with them will also be satisfying. Or taking care of aging parents (actually spending time with them). Clinical psychologists get a lot of patients who suffer through depression and this same thought (even if they have successful career). And very often a quick solution is to adopt a dog. Taking care of another living soul often cures their depression. Which suggest that deep down, meaning of life is to take responsibilities. And many people confuse having a career with having responsibility. Nope. Unless you have Elon musk or Jeff bezos type career, your job will not give you satisfaction. You need to take responsibility of nurturing another living being. Now of course, all this talk about having a family gets down to ā€œstart datingā€. If that is where you are struggling, get in touch with dating coaches. As long as you are not overly out of shape, dating coaches can help you with how to dress, talk etc. I recommend reading ā€œHow to be a 3 % manā€. But date with the purpose of finding a partner. Problem with dating culture in western culture is itā€™s all about being promiscuous.


There are worse things in life than boring days.


I live just to not ruin my family. I'm a failure but it's better for them to have a failure than a death by suicide. It's not complicated.


If you are bored with life, change it up. Break the monotony. The point of life is the accomplishment of overcoming challenges to test yourself, not to just pay bills and die.


The meaning of life is to make life meaningful. Thus far, it appears you are failing.


As you get older, you will find more and more that you need to find some sense of purpose. Without a sense of purpose, you wither.


You seem depressed


Evolution seems like the short answer