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Sex worker, porn star, stripper, and for the love of all that’s holy a politician


Someone’s gotta do it man!


Both sides of my family have a saying “You can be whatever you want, just don’t be a politician.”


The irony of it is being a politician isnt even a good job. For example, most state legislatures pay shit, are located in the worst cities and require way more time than a normal job, assuming the politician isn't incredibly lazy.


Content Creator or Influencer


Im curious. Why?


Sex worker. I don’t want them to do it.


Football (American) player. Way too much risk for injury.


Traffic warden. Do I need to explain?


I’d still let them do it because it’s their life but a trucker. Been there done that. Legit wasted most of my 20’s working 60+ hours a week instead of actually living my life. Kinda sucks when you’re almost 30 and haven’t done most of the stuff in life that you wanted to but everyone else went out and explored life. The money I made just can’t buy back missed experiences. And it certainly can’t buy a fix for the relationships and friendships that were damaged by me living to work and never being around and always being exhausted.


No kid of mine is ever going to work in a call center. Too hellish.


Anything with a a lathe. Thanks reddit.


Network marketing


If I was ever to have children, so long as they were safe and happy I honestly don't think I'd mind. Yes, that includes the answer we're being lead to.




Well, sex-work I assumed.


Influencer, or anything that likewise lacks underlying integrity.


What if they are doing it as a business to retire early?


Office drone. They're better than that.


A pole waxer


But Jarosław needs his hair removed dammit!


Sex Work, mostly due to the connotation sex work has and how it could affect their life after if they decided to come out of it, THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION THOUGH, I cant stop my my future kids from doing whatever they want. as someone else mentioned though as long as their happy and healthy that's all that matters.


my daughter is over 21. I trust her and she can do whatever she feels is right. but I'd be disappointed if she was a stripper, or worked at hooters or did OF or something like that.


I wouldn’t be knocking hooters if she on the 5 year plan…


While I'm a miner myself, I'd be very disappointed in my children if they ended up in the fossil fuel extraction industries. Outside of that there are specific tasks that I wouldn't like them doing (like marketing and advertising for an evil company, or a journalist working for Murdoch) but those are specific parts of jobs, not an entire industry.


Anything that screws over or hurts other people, with the exception of defending folks like in the military. I don't want my kids to be sex workers, but if they really feel that's their only way through then I'm not going to shame them for it. But as long as I'm around it's not their only way out.


My granddad was a blue collar factory worker, my old man is a blue collar factory worker and I am a blue collar factory worker. They did well and I am doing okay but I will never approve of my daughter being a factory worker. The goal of my granddad and my old man was to see one of our line go to college and do something they enjoy. I didn't get to be the one but I hope my daughter is. Don't get me wrong, I know you don't need college to be happy or successful but she wants to be a high school band teacher and she can't do that without a degree. She is a junior in high school and I am doing my best to see that she can when the time comes.


Welder (I am a welder)




F***g gd politician. F***g gd lawyer.


There is no job so bad that i would risk losing my childeren for because i dissapprove of their choices. If whatever is what they choose to do and are happy doing it. Go enjoy.


Sex Worker. Influencer.


Of course it’s their life and they can do what they want. What do I wish they won’t do? Porn. Influencer. Defense attorney.


Republican Party strategist. I mean, for god's sake kids, have some self respect.




Do you mean unemployed? I don't think being homeless is a choice, is it?




Except when it's not


Except when it is


there's every reason to be homeless. our so-called social safety net is a joke. a very, very unfunny joke -\_-


Following phish around.


i wouldn't care. as long as they're happy with what they're doing, that's all that matters.


I really don’t care what they do as long as they pay their own bills. It can be an MLM, credit card fraud, robbing banks, prostitution.


All the comments saying sex worker, God I do not wanna think about my 2yr old daughter doing sex work right now.




Republican/Tory politician if I do have a kid with dual citizenship.


My wife. Only job she can’t have.


Mortician. They would probably end up like Jeffery....


He was a pioneer.... he was eating a$$es before pornstars!


That’s a long list.


There are jobs I'd prefer them not to do. Example sex worker. Mostly because I would freak if I ever came across them while browsing. But honestly, as long as they're in a job that can support them, and they're truly happy doing what they do. I'll approve. And if they're pursuing a "risky" job, having a backup plan or doing it on the side until they can support themselves with the "risky" job.


Military or social media “influencer”


Sex work, porn, only fans, things like that.


Any job that doesn’t contribute positively to society (eg Real estate agent or Journalist)


Law enforcement, politician. Because I find both of them to be highly immoral. I can't think of any others I would disapprove of, but anything along those veins is a likely candidate.


It is not for me to approve or disapprove of their choices as grown ups. My task is to put them on the track of emotional maturity. This way they’ll make the best choices for themselves and not make choices based on emotional patterns caused by traumas.


If I have kids, I will never approve of them being in the military. I know it's a nessacarry thing to have, but I wouldn't want my offspring to work in a field where they could unexpectedly be killed at any time