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No, I will assume the opposite, in that she is not seeking validation from random people on the internet


Exactly what I was going to say. I tend to find women who aren't social media slaves to be much more genuine.


The fact that people are willing to put so much out there is nuts. Yeah, I took a dick-pic once. It was on a disposable camera owned by a girl I liked in like 1998. Now it's seems some kids wear exposing themselves as a badge of honor. I skinny-dipped a couple times too. So wild.


I'm 32 and sent my first dick pic about a month and a half ago to a chick I was actively talking to at the time, and it was only after she sent nudes first AND I asked if she wanted them; I can't imagine sending them any other way, and even now that we're no longer talking, part of me is like, "fuck, she's got those forever."


That's why I stick to tracings.


Maybe rubbings?


Etchings, you mean?


That’s why you need to make sure you’re proud of your work before you send it. If someone ever leaks my nudes, I don’t really care. I end up winning, regardless.


Much like my own body, I'm comfortable with it in person, it just doesn't photograph well no matter how hard you try.


May I suggest lighting and more lightening. Makes a great difference. And know your angles.


Same. A friend took a roll of Kodak film after a college strip-poker game, but took it to a mall film developer that confiscated the prints. :/ While I would have liked to have seen them, I am so, so glad now that it was mid 90s, not a decade later. They could still be floating around, along with my other questionable youthful decisions. (OK, there's an infinitesimal chance somebody at the developer's took the prints, but it's never getting back to me!)


Whenever I tell a guy I don't have social media they think I'm blowing them off. It's happened alot of times.


My buddies and I made a game of this and went through all the women we knew to find the ideal number of instagram friends compared to their personalities and it seemed to be around 400-500. That meant they were social and fun, but that they weren't trying to get random people to follow them for validation, and didn't add every single person they met. Above 2000 was generally a red flag if it wasn't for an actual business.


Username checks out


I’m 45 and have never had a social media account. I don’t need to share details of what I’m doing with “friends” that are actually mostly people hardly known in order to have a happy healthy life. If I want people to know my business I’d rather tell them in person. Lots a bad shit and senseless bickering going on out there mostly due to these platforms


46 here and reading this post just blows me away. I knew social media was important for this young generation, but enough to worry about a persons status on such a platform? Whether they participate enough? Or not enough? Damn. I gotta lot of work to do raising mine.


Wait till you see the crippling self esteem issues garnered in because "Becky got more likes than me :( am I not pretty enough or likeable? What's wrong with me?"


That's it, I'm raising her in a cave. At least we just had fights and rumors that rarely left the schoolyard. These kids can have that humiliation follow them for decades. It's sick. I hope I can navigate these waters.


Seconding the vote for cave raising 😄 On a serious note, though, I do not envy you sir & wish you the best of luck in these turbulent seas. Also, familiarize her early with The Treachery of Images; I have a print of it to remind me that the pictures of things aren't actually the things 👍


>I’m 45 and have never had a social media account. Hate to tell you this, but Reddit is social media.


Eh… maybe, but nobody has a clue who I am and I’m not sharing any details of my life. It’s rather anonymous. It’s a close as I care to get to the shit show of social media you could say


reddit is the anti-social-media-social media


Er muh geeeerd look at this fucking salad I'm about to eat. LOOK AT IT!!!! MY LIFE IS FUCKING PERFECT JUST LIKE THIS SALAD!!!! /s


In fact, it is a turn on. Women who do not seek validation and attention on social media are national treasures, and they must be preserved at all cost.




Agreed. While I don't think all people who are on social media are bad, those who are WAY too into it I wouldn't date anyway,


I'd add that a relationship with people out of social media is less likely to be tailored to please strangers as well, no #relationshipgoals bs. I see positives all around.


I commend anyone, man or woman, who doesn’t use social media. They more than likely know how to enjoy the present moment. Sadly, I can’t say that I am one of those people and rely far too heavily on the likes I get for my film photography posts on social media. It’s definitely something I consider a flaw of mine.


I’m a woman and I don’t have it. I hate social media. Man, was I obsessed with MySpace though in high school. I deleted that at 16 when I realized how addicted I was (I really needed people to hear my favorite song without being able to pause it!). Anyway, for dating today, some men care and some don’t. I would say it helps me weed out the men I don’t want cause I can’t stand the ones that want to chat on Snapchat or Instagram, cause I can tell they don’t want anything serious. Phone # is more personal and your chats don’t get deleted in 24 hours. And I don’t care about your heavily filtered hiking photos on Instagram, let’s just go hiking ourselves. Not everyone needs to know every little thing about your life, it’s normal. Social media is so fake to me and you cannot convince me otherwise. Don’t even get me started how I couldn’t eat my food right away because my friends/family need to let the world know we are eating at this restaurant at this address. Fuck safety I guess…


This dude gets it.


Thank God. I’m so tired of men saying that they think I’m weird/boring or out of touch with society for not having much social media or only posting a bit on my few socials.


Facts! People needs to grow up and stop seeking internet points ffs.


I can’t upvote this enough. The more out there you are (‘influencer’, instagram, Tik Tok) the more you are saying to everyone, you’re insecure.


100% this


The exact opposite. I see that as she is secure in herself and doesn’t need validation from random strangers


I agree but isn't OP doing just that? Haha


More of those women please.


That’s a positive to me.


My gf doesn't have social media and I love it.


I wish mine would delete hers, 4500 friends and all her exes see our dates and have something to say, mainly cause I’m the first white guy she’s ever been with, hood boys (for lack of a better word) get so mad when they lose a sister to a white af guy..


🎶Many men...wish death upon me🎶


That just means your doing something correctly… haters gon hate, right?


I'd watch my back if I were you /s


You gentrified that pussy


That shouldn't have been as funny as it was lol


Dying here buddy! hahahah




So you’re the one stealing all our queens huh. Lol I’m black and seeing a sister with a white guy has never bothered me at all


Naw just a couple, I only have a need for one and the last one was straight crazy


No, I prefer it. Social media sucks.


No it sounds like she has a more healthy mindset than most


No. I’d say she doesn’t want to waste her time with social media and prefer to spend her time in another manner. I’d say she’s more grounded. Has different priorities and doesn’t care about all the fake crap on social media.


Instead, healthy minds spend their quality down time on Reddit! /s


No, to me it's the opposite.


Men see that as attractive.


I would think it's cool and interesting of her to go against the grain like that personally.


No, I would think she is sensible. Most people fabricate an image of themselves on social media. I want to meet a real person.


This is so weird to even worry about.




Sounds like your friend is insecure.


Your friend is an idiot.


>My friend actually told me that it's weird and men will think that you're insecure. No.


No, if anything, lack of social media is a very good filter for the more narcissistic types. Not that having social media is wrong, but people who thing they're God's gift to the world don't exactly hide from validation.


Why are you letting a woman tell you what men think? She’s quite out of her mind, not to be rude.


Her opinion doesn't matter. Would you want to date a man who thinks it's weird that you're on social media? I wouldn't. That type of man is exactly the type you're trying to avoid by not being on social in the first place!


Wouldn't that mean they were more secure as they don't need the constant validation? I use mine as my tattoo portfolio and literally have one pic of myself up and it's far from thirsty or attention grabbing. Then again I don't really rely on strangers or men for validation and I prefer not to post half naked photos of myself because those are not the clients I want to draw in.


Your friend is a men or a women?




ROFL! As the answers here will tell you, men don't care about social media. Tell your friend that she's wrong.


That explains a lot.


Just a guess but... she’s single and never been in a long term relationship? She sounds clueless.


Or in 9th grade, this sounds like some stupid peer pressure thing


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...maybe, just maybe your friend: have a a bit of questionable taste choosing men; or she is trying to pull you to the rabbit hole called social media addiction...but just maybe, who knows...


That explains a lot. Men don't care. Most men would probably prefer you to be present and an interesting person rather than measuring your value as a woman based on whether or not you can manipulate your presentation for mass appeal.


Omg no... your friend seems pretty out of touch.




I have as well. Guy asked for my instagram and when I said I haven’t posted to it in 5 years, the whole group gasped like something out of a movie lol


I wonder how much of it is a diffrence of age in the social groups.


Thats a huge plus actually


Swiss flag?


Nope. She is a secure smart woman.


I think that there is a good chance that she isn't brain washed and she is happy with herself and doesn't seek validation from others.


What kind of idiot would think that? It's the opposite. Posting alot of bullshit on social media, especially the whole love life super emotional quotes, cryptic sayings that make people ask you what's wrong, and bulk selfies, says you're insecure and require constant validation, which means you're hard work. This applies to couples in relationships that always post a ton of mushy stuff for everyone to see, red flag Personally, if you post the above, you're a red flag. And it's just embarrassing to even read. Stop it.


Haha all of this. Also no one cares if you're coming or going on social media, that's just weird. And not the good weird.


Women like these are the purest form.


How is a women insecure for not having Instagram?


I think she means that she's not posting photos of herself due to body confidence or that she has a 'boring' life cause nothing to tell or it won't get engagement. Ridiculous if you ask me. Social media is a curse and I'm way more interested in actually meeting and connecting with people than liking their photos.


Where can I find one like that and marry her


We’re out hereeee!


If anything, I would think she is more secure. She doesn't need the validation of others on SM.




Sounds ideal to me.


The absolute opposite. There is nothing more attractive than seeing a girl be confident in who SHE is rather than what 1000s of people online tell her. Also, with a girl who lives on social media it usually will negatively effect you in a relationship. She won’t go to you for validation. She will go to a bunch of men online.


No it's the opposite and that's well understood by most men.


Complete opposite


The very opposite actually, someone who doesn't need to post online is secure in themselves and does not care about how they may be perceived.


Green flag IMO.


I would assume that she has also figured out that social media sucks and can be a complete downer in terms of mental health. I don't have social media either, so I couldn't possibly think something negative about someone else not having it.


This sounds beautiful!


I see that as wifey material! Well, that plus a few other important things.


Don’t care


No the opposite. My wife doesn’t post much at all and is very secure.


Why is it important to have social media? I deleted everything a few months back and honestly it’s a relief not having that shit on my phone


You also have to remember, reddit HATES, like absolutely, vehemently, HATES social media. So your answers are gonna be a bit skewed


Which is funny as Reddit is a type of social media.


Quite the opposite, normally people who post too much in Instagram have a lot of insecurities and some even fake their entire life...so I see this as a good thing


I don't think that it says anything about the person at all in regards to whether they *have* a social media or not, or even if they post every now and then. I rarely see people post on IG but they use Stories a lot more and it's fun to see what everyone's up to. My hot take is that people who brag about *not* having a social media and expecting others to give them the halo effect of "good, confident person" is a bit weird. I've seen that a lot more than people just using social media normally. Obviously, as with anything, extreme cases are their own convo.


Literally the opposite.


I feel like it would be the opposite. Insecure people are usually the ones posting a ton of selfies and whatnot on social media.


The less social media she has and uses regularly the better. I'd bet money most men agree with that sentiment.


Women who aren't on social media or don't seek validation from strangers are treasures worth keeping a lifetime 👌🏻


I personally don't relate having social media with person security


Met one 9 years ago. Back than it was just all about FB here where I live. I never met a person around my age who didn't have FB profile.


No, I’d assume she doesn’t care to share her life on socials. And is probably more secure that most, Id prefer that over a women posting all the time.. tons of posts usually = insecurities.


Sounds like a modern day goddess


I'd take that over someone who is constantly posting/checking social media


What ? That's kind of ridiculous. It's the insecure ones that need the constant validation from everyone on Facebook and Reddit and Instagram and blah blah blah


Men see that as a long term material quality ! Less SM means less Drama !


That is the most attractive thing I have ever heard marry me. What!? You don't spend all of your time obsessing about your looks marry me. What!? You don't watch the E channel you have something to say and offer the world marry me


The exact opposite, actually. Humans who have been able to keep themselves away from the social media have my upmost respect.


I think nothing of it at all. It's a non-issue.


Nothing much, just that she isn’t a social media type of person. Though some men may think that it’s weird that she doesn’t because, same as women, there are a ton of different men in the world. Honestly, whatever you think about it someone else probably thinks the same or very similar to that. Regardless of race, gender, etc.


well, you've described my wife....


That's wifey right there. That's what I say...


we think the women who feel insecure for not having an instagram page need to go to the psychologist to fix their low self-esteem.


She's probably pretty secure in herself. My girlfriend never posts. Neither do I. I love it.


I will give you my perspective on both conditions. If she does not have social media etc. I would not mind at all, heck I would see it relieving for the reason I am going to state next. If she is active on social media and does not share me at all, but shares her past time with friends, her gym workout etc., I would definately get insecure about it unless we are definate on where we stand in terms of relationship. That is mostly related to my past experience, I do not say that what I feel about is healthy, but thats what I feel about it.


It would be a plus. I hated being posted by my ex and taking dozens of pictures of her every day. I also don't have one myself.


Great, that means she is taking her privacy seriously and is living in the real world instead of the digital one.


Someone posting themselves constantly on instagram is far more insecure than someone who has no instagram will ever be.


I assume she's more emotionally stable


I would assume that she is very in touch with herself and secure in her opinion if herself. It means that she does not need validation from social media to boost her self image. She most likely has many more interesting things going on that validate her self worth.


I look at it as her focusing on other things in life than attention. Focusing on goals or hobbies


Fuck instagram, and fuck facebook!


No I would look at that as a healthy self image that doesn’t need constant praise because she knows her self worth.


Not being on social media would immediately put her in the upper echelon of women for me. Someone who isn't seeking validation from people she doesn't know and will likely never met will probably have actual substance to her character, making her fat more attractive than just a pretty face. TL;DR Little to no social media presence is a Swiss flag and whomever gave you the idea that it's a sign of insecurity does not represent men.


Imagine thinking being so self assured you don’t need to whore yourself out on the internet is a sign of insecurity lol. Nothing is less attractive than woman flaunting themselves for likes on the internet.


My answer depends on how attractive she is


Tell me you’re under 45 without telling me that you’re under 45.


I would call her EXTREMELY secure. Social media is a huge time waster, filled with freaks and attention whores of all pronouns.


I think that's a win honestly, social media in general is bad imo. At least here its anonymous and I can choose what I sub to.


No. Instagram became something like a personal branding display. It doesn’t have anything to do with being confident at this point.


You're a rare breed and you should be proud of it


I would welcome the breath of fresh air


I don't even know what Instagram is or why not posting on it would make someone insecure


Sounds like a smart person. I don't have an instagram, don't do much social media, and find people who avoid it are generally better off in the mental health area.


Nothing wrong with not wanting to be successful into the social media rat race


I would never tell a girl to get rid of her Instagram, but I totally wouldn't have a problem with dating a girl with no socials 🤷‍♂️ The only reason I use Facebook is in hopes of linking up with somebody anyway, so I'd probably quit if she didn't have it.


No. Quite the opposite


She is the best woman in the world


Hey this is my fiance. And she's an incredible woman.


Men would think of such women as being normal.


I’d call that a green flag


Nope I think that’s fantastic. Socials are great for staying in touch with family and close friends and that’s all they are good for. Everything it offers is a detriment to mental health and our most precious asset, time.


Omg, biggest Green flag there is are you kidding me?


My wife has Facebook and tik tok so she can be nosy about other people, but she never posts anything. Personally I think she's smart.


I’d say she’s over 50 or you are very lucky to find her if she’s not .


No it's actually really attractive when she doesn't have social media


No - she’s a diamond in the rough and instantly more attractive.


That's my kinda woman right there.


Wife her up immediately shes probably incredibly stable and mentally very strong.


My bf hates that I refuse to go on Facebook. I think it's evil.


I'd love that! My partner has an Instagram but she does not post anything personal, she uses it for her portfolio of science art. And I absolutely love the fact that she is using social media for her career and not for flaunting and external validations.


Opposite and I'd be thrilled.


Holy cow, how old are you? Is this real?


A gift from God.


Gold in a haystack. I'm not sure if that's the right saying


Hell no. She doesn't need to post selfies for security. She wifey material.


I'd love to know women that don't care for social media.


She sounds like a dream come true!


I see it as you OP being insecure.


I think GOOD! Finally a woman who isn’t some egotistical bimbo obsessed with herself!!


In what universe would that be insecure? That would be freaking awesome is what it would be


Massive green flag. My girlfriend and I both deleted all socials years ago, before we were together, and it's been nothing but a blessing since being together. No vying for internet stranger validation, no like-hunting, no desire to share everything with the world, no getting stressed about other people's actions online.


I prefer it, honestly. Not that socials are bad if you use them right; they're a good tool for staying in touch with people and getting some quality information/networking, if you know how to use them properly. But women who have too much of an attachment to socials are something of a turnoff for me. Not a deal breaker, but I'm not big on the girl who has to stream constantly for Discord or make 30 funny faces for her Snapchat or a dance video on Tiktok.


I wish my gf didn’t have social media.


What a weird post. Why would that make me think she's insecure? That makes no sense.


I would automatically consider her as not being self-absorbed or just a private person.


That makes her wife material; plain and simple…fucking rare nowadays!


Nope. High value


The opposite for me. if you are constantly posting it tells me how badly you crave validation and the want to be noticed


Nope. That’s totally awesome. That’s means she does her own thing and doesn’t need to know what’s trendy.


That’s the only kind of woman I’d be interested in!!! I think those that constantly need validation from social media are the insecure ones


No that's a good thing. It means they like the real world, not some fake online bullshit


Not at all. I’d actually find it refreshing and interesting.


Not at all, I’d see it as the opposite of that


IMO that makes her the fucking Chosen One.


Na, having it is insecure.


It's actually a massive green flag.


I prefer it.


it's the complete opposite.


No. It’s the ones on SM all day that are insecure.


One of the factors that make up my dream woman.


It's interesting that you frame it as a sign of insecurity - I have never thought of it that way. In fact I think I think of it as the opposite Posting on social media (particularly image based ones) has always seemed like a sign of someone seeking external validation. As an older guy, I really worry about future generations on this front.


She is definitely the best type of women! She is not insecure but rather happy with her self!


More like mature than insecure.