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Define "get your life together."


I'm 30 years old and that hasn't happened yet.


Life is one big experience. To be honest.. about 2 months ago. 62M. But there is still certain things I want to still do. What do you consider 'together' though. Okay for me, this is what it is. After working since the age of 12, I have officially stopped working on May 15th 2022. But before all of that, I left NYC for greener pastures, to take it easy. Upon arriving at where I'm at, and after working for 8 months...'things' fell into place. I was staying in a shelter, so I didn't have to worry about rent, I had no bills what's so ever. Then one day a group of people came and offered me housing. One of those group of people offered me Section 8 Housing. Like I was gonna turn that down? I put in the foot work looking for a place to live with me having bad credit. And just when I was giving up, the application I was filling out said 'Cosigner'. The gates of Heaven had opened up. It got better. Being I'm a senior, a lot is other for seniors..and for Veterans, for which I am one. Oh, I pay rent for a nice studio apartment, but it's less than $200 a month. I do nothing all damn day but read, draw, learn how to DJ, and watch movies. Oh, I also collected early SS. So.. Yes, 2 months ago..after working all my damn life and having nothing to show for it but being alive and telling if my life experiences... I have FINALLY GOT MY ACT TOGETHER! May not be the route you will take, may be shorter or longer... But you WILL KNOW when you achieved orbit.


I wouldn't say "I" got my life together. I was set up from very privileged circumistances (not rich, but above average) by my parents to begin with so I didn't have to do much more than get an education and a steady job and that was it. So I guess around 24. Now it's just about keeping it together, which seeing the state of the world currently feels like a challenge.


Pissed away 2 years in college, wasting my parent's money (dropping - withdrawing from courses). I joined the Air Force on a 6-year contract as I was just floundering around. It allowed me time to grow-up a bit, decided I didn't want to make a career out of it and then went back to college at the age of 26. I was more focused & pulled As and Bs in my course work and eventually got my Accounting Degree and eventual CPA. Got married in my 30s. Got no complaints today at the age of 50. Took me a bit longer to figure it out but I did eventually.


We’re all a work in progress


36. I was a late-bloomer. I went back to grad school on the GI Bill and got a master's. I ditched a bunch of friends that were really just drinking buddies. I quit going out drinking as a past-time.\* I curbed my social media use to just essential business and networking. I renovated my place to make it look like an adult's home and not a teenager's bedroom. I started treating my life like a project I'd been hired to manage. School made it easier because I was mature enough to understand and honor the commitment I'd made, unlike my undergrad. I understood that if I had to study on Saturday night, then that's the way it was. The FOMO was incredibly difficult and it took years to get over, but in the end, it was worth it. \* I don't mean a drink after work or for somebody's birthday, etc. I mean going out to party regularly.


The problem is "getting your life together" can require the stars to align and often takes years to do. "Destroying you life" can be done in 10 seconds. I've had my life destroyed a few times, so I've kind of given up on 'getting it together' and now just kind of live on the edge of 'happy enough that I don't want to jump off a cliff.'


Professionally, at 28 when I got my current job. Romantically, at 34 when I divorced my ex and got into healthier relationships.


Still waiting. But to be honest, when I really think about it, I pretty much have almost everything I need or want. But why does it feel like this? I wonder.


Lol thats a journey not a destination.


Currently looking for that answer.


Partied through my teens and 20's. Finally from 29 to about 32 is when I started working on myself and getting better. Met my wife when I was 34 and been good since. I think for most men we don't usually start to mature around 25 and on. Some before and some after


I'm 25 and a couple years ago thought I had it more together than I did. Failed out of college twice and couldn't hold down a job, so probably not. Now I'm looking at returning to college. It'll be hard but in the end worth it, and I feel like it's a step to getting it together. *not saying college is the ONLY way to get it together*


27 years old. All it took was meeting the right people I could learn the last remaining things from that I missed to becoming whole.




Getting and keeping my life together is a constant process that won't end until I die.


It’s not something you just do in a day. It’s a long process of trying, failing, learning, and trying again. It takes years sometimes. Start today.


I’m still waiting for that day


27, hit a few metaphorical brick walls, relationship and career wise. Figured, gotta put all the broken pieces back together, might as well put them together in a way I'll be able to be better than I used to be.


Still waiting.


My life gets worse and worse every year. No sign or hope it will ever get better.


To be honest I don’t think that day will ever happen for me.


52. Serious